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Fantasy The Light Lotus Vacation Room

Watching poor Kannah turn red as a beet was absolutely delightful, not that a passionate party with Ocarina and Kannah wasn't already a fun idea, but Kannah in particular always had the best reactions. Well... maybe not as good as Aria's, and Janet has yet to try her charms on any of the boys. The young elf girl couldn't gather her words, or her thoughts, or her bearing for that matter. She fumbled n stumbled for a moment trying to recover from the shock of Janet's flirting. 'Perhaps I shouldn't be so lewd with her, poor child can't tell a joke when she hears it.

"I d... I don't" Kannah muttered under her quickened breath.

She gathered herself once Janet was already halfway up the steps to the deck, swiftly following suit. Upon opening the door, Janet was met with a refreshing gust of cool salty air. It had grown a little stuffy in the living quarters, especially after her argument with Ramirov. A few sailors were tending to their duties, maintaining the sails, scrubbing the decks, peeling off barnacles. When she felt comfortable knowing that nobody important was in earshot, Janet felt more at ease to speak her mind. Kannah had arrived on deck, her hair glimmering like silver thread in the sunlight. Janet let out a long nervous sigh, tapping her finger on the wooden beams preventing the people from falling into the sea. Turning towards Kannah with anxious eyes, Janet asked only one question.

"Kannah, tell me, what do the Voralians do when someone they love has betrayed them?"

Location: The top deck.
Tagged: AshenLily AshenLily - Kannah
Temperature: Warm, with a cool breeze.
Janet's Status: A little nervous.
Ramirov's Status: I dunno hes not here.
*Sneezes a post*

After contemplating for a bit whether that would be a good idea or not, Kyros shrugged his shoulders and decided to go along with it as he really had nothing better to do. He closed his knife and pocketed it as he grabbed a seat that was out of arm's reach, with him still wanting to first understand the nature of the others before getting comfortable around them. If he was going to start making moves towards anybody, now would be time to pick. As far as he could tell, he had little to no competition from the other male crew members. Only the female ones. He began to narrow down his selection before deciding that it would ultimately be for the best if he went for the captain herself first. Was probably the easiest option as the others could likely not be interested in screwing around so to speak. Plus, with how his life was in constant danger from the very nature of this job, he pretty much had to sleep with her a few times before he could die in peace.

He began to give a fuck about his surroundings after the man ran into his room and brought 2 bottles of what looked like rum to him. He hadn't been listening at all so he really didn't know what exactly was happening. But he was perceptive enough to have an idea or two. Dante's next sentences provided enough explanation for him to get the gist of the situation. Though Kyros had no issues with any drink, rum was among his least favourite to consume. Not to mention how he was no fan of such games for "fun". "Friendly games aren't very interesting though..." He said as he leaned back. "Half the fun in gambling is the thrill that comes from the looming risk of losing something." There were no attempts to hide his disinterest on his end. "But I guess humiliation is a decent start."

@ common room people
Interacting with Literary Revenant Literary Revenant
Voralian customs, in a nutshell.

"Kannah, tell me, what do the Voralians do when someone they love has betrayed them?"

Kannah blinked. Once, twice, and then a third time. It hadn't been the question she was expecting, but then what had she been expecting? Certainly not this, but that was about as close as she could come to an answer to the question. That aside, the answer to Janet's question was a... complicated one.

She turned her gaze to the sea, marveling at the solid expanse of water seen even up to the horizon. A few moments were spent in thought before she began her reply. "Well, Miss Ravena, I suppose it's a difficult question to answer. Betrayal isn't a common thing among my people. It varies from tribe to tribe, but the crime always fits the punishment, more or less, however things are much different from what I've seen of humans... we're more of a free people, and very community-based so imprisonment isn't really something we do. I suppose I can try to give some context... If you're talking on a personal level, it depends on whether or not the offender is truly repentant. Say, if it's a quarrel between siblings, maybe one stole something from the other, it wouldn't be uncommon for the offended to simply cut off contact with the offender, until reparations have been made by the offender to their satisfaction. Maybe a gift of similar, or usually slightly higher value, an added attempt to show they're truly apologetic.

"A quarrel between lovers is a bit more difficult to place. Relationships simply aren't the same for us as they are for humans. While marriage does happen, it's rather uncommon among us. Maybe one in a thousand Voral will undergo the betrothal ceremony. Living longer lives, most consider it a bit strange to devote themselves to a single lover, seeing it a waste of the beauty Kala has blessed our people with. That being the case, it's practically unheard of for most who do go through with betrothal ceremonies to be anything other than completely devoted to their Other. They're as close to being two halves of the same whole as is physically possible. I suppose if they do occur, it's likely a similar result. The offended would simply cut the relationship off, unless they can be convinced otherwise. Though I don’t imagine such a situation would honestly ever arise.

"I suppose for additional insight, it may be worth knowing that betrayals that are seen as being against the community as a whole are again rather similar, though in certain circumstances, if the offense is egregious enough the Kalasiin can be asked to weigh in. Though it's only happened a single time in my life, the offender can be completely expelled from Voral, and cursed with a compulsion that prevents them from re-entering any of our forests again. It's said all memory of loved ones, of the forests, and any gifts Kala has bestowed upon them are purged during the process and is thought to be a punishment worse than death among us."
A slight shudder ran through the elf's slight frame at the thought, and she turned her gaze back to Janet.

"In short, I think the main difference between our people is that if the Voral aren't prepared to risk losing someone forever, we simply don't," she shrugged, as if unsure as to how anyone could behave otherwise.

"I don't know if that directly answers your question, but as I said, humans are quite a bit different from us. I'm not sure I'm the right one to ask, unless it's strictly curiosity. Though if I might be so bold, I'd guess you've probably got a reason for such a question." She hesitated, unsure as to exactly where the boundaries between their business and personal relationships stood, before deciding to press further. "Is, uh... is everything alright, Janet?"

Edit: Added a line.
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Kannah certainly had no shortness of words, her many examples made sense but didn't fully relate. Like even if Ramirov offended Janet, which he did, being repentant and offering gifts could never replace four lives. Plus Janet and Ramirov weren't brother and sister. Hell they aren't romantically involved or even close friends. In a way it made sense for them to have their differences but Janet has been fostering unrequited feelings for Ramirov since she first met him, which made her current pains that much worse.

The Voralian view on marriage was exotic, alien. Love among humans was always quick and passionate. Especially in recent years as people died earlier due to the Grey. To spend years, maybe even decades courting one person before marriage must have made for a special event. It seemed outlandish that someone could betray such a commitment and the
punishment was ... fitting. The thought of purging someone of everything they have, magic and all was extreme at best, disastrous at worst. To be stripped of everything they had, based on what Ramirov had already told her such a mark was already in his ledger. To take Vivian away from him for the sake of revenge would crush him, whether it was Janet's doing or otherwise.

"In short, I think the main difference between our people is that if the Voral aren't prepared to risk losing someone forever, we simply don't,"

"Simply don't huh? I wish it were that simple..." Janet groaned, glancing at the ground.

"...I'd guess you've probably got a reason for such a question." Kannah said. 'We all have our reasons.' Janet partially ignored Kannah, leaning against the railing to look out at sea. "Is, uh... is everything alright, Janet?" She really wished Kannah hadn't asked that question.

"Well Kannah... You may have already guessed that I've been having the worst time of my life. I had really hoped to make a good impression on the whole team by leading us to a glorious victory against the Templars. Instead as you know, we got our asses handed to us, we lost 4 of our recruits. And the person behind all of it has been allowed to live, that woman, has a history with the only man I have ever fully trusted. What hurts most of all is that I dont know who else to trust anymore. Me and Ramirov have had a... falling out of sorts. While I can rely on him to atleast not leave me, I have doubts that I can trust him to not keep anymore secrets as much as I want to believe he won't.

"It could be that I've seen you naked, that I've confided some of my secrets to you, that you are born of Vian as well, or that..." Janet's voice softened, as her own face turned red. "Well... I've grown a little fond of you Kannah. It sounds ridiculous I know, especially when you think us both being girls." By this point Janet turned about as red as Kannah did earlier. "You may be wondering why I bring this up so suddenly. Its not like I've had a crush on you, but I have a longing in my heart to understand how I feel. I'll be frank, I dont expect you to reciprocate any feelings I may hold for you, especially since I'm a lewd shrew as well as your captain, but I feel that being honest is better than lying to you with a brave face." Janet didnt want to look at Kannah, for fear of the oncoming judgement to come. Still she felt much better than before, dare she say it revived. Still sad, but acceptable. "Anyways... That's the bulk of what I wanted to say. I think it goes without saying that we dont share our conversation with the others, 'Kay?" Janet said with a smile.


Location: Top Deck
Tagged: AshenLily AshenLily - Confessed to Kannah rather abruptly.
Temperature: Warm with a cool breeze, but it feels a bit warmer.
Janet's Status: Embarrassed but not as sad.
Ramirov's Status: I dunno, prolly mad cause his medicine is missing.
Being confessed to by: Literary Revenant Literary Revenant

Well... that just happened.

"...Instead as you know, we got our asses handed to us, we lost 4 of our recruits..."
Truthfully, Kannah hadn't the slightest idea of how to even begin to comfort Janet. The other woman always had such an aura of confidence and surety about herself that seeing her in such a state was so... humanizing, for lack of a better word. Sure, they'd lost members of their company in awfully gruesome manners, at the hands of someone who was now their traveling companion. But it wasn't like that had been Janet's doing. She couldn't have known things were going to go the way they did. Besides, everyone knew what they were signing up for. Even Kannah had second thoughts when she'd been signing up for the Lotus Company, and it had been her only ticket back to Vian. Surely the others had the sense to know what they were getting themselves into. Kannah wanted to say all this and more, to try to relieve some of the burden Janet was feeling, but couldn't quite find the right words. Instead, she settled for a soft hum of acknowledgment accompanied by a brief nod.

A brief lull in the conversation seemed to amplify the sense of closeness between the two. The whispers of the water licking at the hull of the ship, the light tinge of salt on the air, the way the fading sunlight seemed to shimmer as it caught the crests and troughs of the waves; it all culminated into a feeling of contentment the elf hadn't felt since her days as a youth in the temple of Lunasuun, and Kannah found herself wearing a wistful smile even as Janet continued speaking.

"...I dont expect you to reciprocate any feelings I may hold for you..."

Throughout the confession, Kannah regarded Janet coolly, studying the other woman's face from the side, even as she seemed determined to avoid catching Kannah's eye. She listened carefully, contemplating Janet's words until she at last made her point clear. This was a side of her captain she hadn't seen just yet. Janet without all the bravado. Without anything to prove. Without all the... sexy, for lack of a better word. She was real. And she was beautiful.

As Janet finished speaking, Kannah nodded, a slight warmth felt in the tip of her ears and her cheeks as she turned her gaze back to the sea. She wasn't sure how this whole romance thing was supposed to work. Still fairly young for an elf, she'd only recently come of age a few years ago. Being away from her own kind for so long, and even then only living with her master for the remainder of her years until just recently, Kannah didn't know of her own interests, or what was really expected of lovers. Much less so when it came to humans. But then, everyone had to start somewhere, didn't they? "Of course. I won't tell a soul." With that, she timidly raised her arm, and looped it through the other's, her hand coming to rest softly in the crook of her elbow.
Wait... what just happened?

(Whoo boy, lots of circular thinking, emotional junk, and redundancy here. Kannah's inexperienced and confused. Read on at your own peril.)

​The two stood in comfortable silence for just a few minutes, before Kannah excused herself. "Well, I guess I'd best get back. We start spending too much time together and people are going to get wise. It's a rather small ship, though. Suppose I'll see you around, yeah?" She smiled whimsically and turned without another word, making her way back below deck. It made sense to limit the time they'd be spending together, lest others realize what was going on. It could understandably cause problems for the Company, possibly undermining Janet's authority if others found out they were-- well, what exactly were they? Kannah frowned, realizing that she wasn't exactly sure of the answer to that question. With as much as she'd meant to say, she'd somehow managed to say nearly nothing at all, relying on her simple gesture to answer the question Janet hadn't ever really posed. Kannah sighed and fell against the wall of the ship, sliding down to sit on the floor. Her hands tangled tightly in frustration in her azure locks as she replayed the events that had just taken place.

Were they "together' now? What did "together" even mean? Especially in the context that it was supposed to be a secrets of sorts? How did anyone have a secret relationship on a ship crammed full of other people they were trying to keep the secret from? Gods, was it even a relationship? If so, what did that even mean? Kannah mentally kicked herself for not clarifying things with Janet earlier. Turning around and heading back up to talk to her now seemed like the most terribly awkward situation to put the two of them in, especially after Janet had seemed so vulnerable. Kannah didn't want to risk ruining whatever they'd silently agreed upon. Was it love, lust, or something else entirely? Was Janet just wanting another notch on her belt of sexual conquests? A million questions swam through Kannah's head, each one she answered only serving to raise several more.

Logically, Kannah realized she needed to figure out what she was hoping for from Janet, and bring up the subject later on. But that brought with it the realization that she hadn't the slightest as to what she was hoping for. Marriage, eventually? No, definitely not. It was far too early to consider such a possibility. Besides, was marriage between an elf and human even considered acceptable? With how rare it was even between the Voral, had it even been considered before? Never mind, that wasn't important right now. Marriage was definitely a no. Did she want a relationship? Well, now she was back to the question of what did that even mean in this context? And that aside, even if they both did, would they be exclusive, or how exactly did it all work? And then if not a relationship, what was the point of the conversation they'd had earlier? Come to think of it, Janet hadn't even said she'd wanted anything other than to understand how she felt, and that she'd grown fond of the elf. Kannah had sort of just filled in the rest based off of the context of the conversation, and Janet's demeanor.

Finally, she relented, deciding it was a problem for another day. The two had a heart to heart, and she definitely felt something between them, even if she wasn't entirely sure what it was. That would suffice for now.

Kannah quietly rejoined the others, taking her place in a chair nearby. She didn't understand any of the games they were playing, but she didn't mind. She was content to simply watch, lost in her own thoughts.

Edit: Added another thing, second accordion slide.
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Tanya Aurum | The Common Room | Tagging: TheLoyalAcorn TheLoyalAcorn , The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect , MJ ._. MJ ._. , Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy

Tanya Inserts Herself into Things

It was hard to make oneself useful or do something interesting in a room with nothing but people in it, so Tanya wasn't very much trying. However, when she heard drifting through the air talk of a dice game, she found herself sidling just a bit closer to that table. In her hands was a large splinter of wood she was fiddling at with a pocketknife without looking. And yes, it is true, it came from the ship, but it was already half splintered off, so tearing it down the rest of the way would make no real difference, right? Nothing to compromise the ship's structural integrity. She just, she didn't have any metal to work with, so she'll just whittle this into a...staff or something. Oh fludgenuggets, she really needed something to do.

"Hey, got room for one more?" she asked searchingly, head turning to catch her teammate's (Dante, she thinks?) eye. She hadn't played this game before, but she did like herself a good dice game as much as the next guy. "I'm good stakes or no stakes," she added with a wink at the group. She liked to consider herself smart enough not to throw everything away into betting, but a little excitement never hurt, either. Whatever it was, she could handle it. She didn't know these people, but it'd be fun to see if they were any good. Still, in efforts to be nonchalant about it, she ended her request with a shrug. "That, or I'll just watch or whatever."

The Game of Dice

"Why should I be afraid when I'm not going to bet on anything." Bita answered Dante before listening to his game instructions and not finding it amusing at all. "That sounds boring." She expressed her idea. Kyros suggested including gambling but even that couldn't make a challenge out of a guessing game. "Simply guessing numbers isn't entertaining at all. A table game must be more... strategic. It must require some thinking." She suggested.

"Not too strategic though... There is a fine balance between strategy and luck that must be maintained so that players care about winning but not too much to the point where they start actually trying." He then revealed the deck of cards that he brought with himself. It would be considered dishonest to bait the others into playing card games as his victory would be high assured due to him being good at them. But, he wasn't one for being honorable.

Dante grinned at Bita's suggestion. Then heard the... Rogue? Speak. "Not too strategic though... There is a fine balance between strategy and luck that must be reached so that players care about winning but not too much to the point where they start actually trying." Dante saw the man draw a deck of cards, and his eyes narrowed. Dante never played cards as they were too easily.... manipulated. Dante just spoke up instead looking at Bita baiting her to play.

"It's an old game for prisoners of war. It used to be for food rations and..... well it doesn't matter." Dante did a quick explanation of prisoner's torment for the new players. He danced around what the Sons of the Serpent forced players to gamble. He had no intention of voicing his war crimes to Bita of all people.... maybe she had a point about them. "Every player has 3 truths or 3 dares, or a combination of both. They fail they drink a cup for everyone at the table still in play. Every loser gets to make a rule up like every time someone stands up to relieve themselves. They must drink." Dante casually placed two die in a nearby cup and covered the top and casually started to shake it. "It'll be fun and educational. What do you knights say? Teamwork makes the dream work? You can't be a team if you don't drink and laugh together.”

"What's wrong with trying? A player tries as much as the game is important for him." Bita answered Kyros as watched him revealing his favorite toy; his card deck. She wondered if he knew an exciting game of cards but that was unlikely. Dante had his dramatic reasons for guessing dice which weren't promising at all. "I hope we don't end up prisoners. This background makes the game look miserable." She commented as glared at the dice as if they were signs of defeat. She laughed when Dante explained about dare and truth. "The truth is I don't believe anything that is said to be truth. And I dare say that I've never been crazy enough to play a daring game, but I agree with the laughing part; I can sit aside and laugh at you guys struggling." She said and with that excused herself from playing.

With a shrug, Dante remained seating and rolled his dice lid flat against the table and looked at the others remaining. "Well who wants to play" he gestured to the surrounding seats. Worst comes to worst, Dante could go play dragon's hoard with the sailors again. His ribs would pay for it later.

Bura had been quietly watching this little group with a calm expression across her darkened features. Her bandaged arms crossed as she leaned forward and watched each person as they spoke, the way they carried themselves and little details on their dialects. Raising a brow at the deck of cards she knew all too well how those were tricky business.

Her attention settled on Dante. "3 truths and 3 dares? Gotta explain a bit more. But if it doesn't got nothin' to do with money I'll play." Bura looked over at Bita as she resigned from playing, "Here I was starting to think you were interesting." A sly grin tugged at the orcs lips before she shrugged and returned her gaze to Dante."Well my good friend!" Dante's full attention went to the Orc. "3 dares, 3 truths or 1 truth and 2 dares take your pick. It's simple enough. You lose you chug and pick a truth or dare. You can lie. If we call you out, and we're right you chug. If we are wrong the person who calls you out chugs"

It wouldn't be a lie to say Dante was making up this game as he went along. Usually, you gambled punishments and high die wins with the low die losing with the losers who desired to quit the game being killed. He was surprised it was coming together as a decently coherent game."My friend we of course won't gamble. I don't think our present company would appreciate it." He motioned towards Bita getting one last dig in for the sake of pissing her off. "What do you say? Enjoy a game with a friend while we're stuck on this ship?" Dante looked at Bura a sly smile tugging at his lips. He dearly hoped she would survive the next mission. He missed having a good drinking pal.

Kyros placed his cards back once he saw that the others were not as enthusiastic about them as he was. "Well...a game's a game. 3 truths from me."

"I am interesting, just if we go up on the deck and play tug-o-war. The loser has to drink sea water." Bita answered Bura, throwing back a naughty smirk.

In response to Dante, she sighed and thought how she was going to refuse politely. "See, it's not personal; I really can't enjoy the stuff in those mugs or daring games. Please go ahead. I may learn something from watching you." She answered. If she wasn't curious about Bura and Kyros, she'd returned up to the deck with Aria and the dark elf. Ocarina watched silently as the others discussed about the game. The game sounded decent enough so she didn't say much. It also was quite similar to one of the games that she used to play in her workplace with her two friends Regina and Leroy.

The group continued to quiz Dante on the game. The more questions asked the more incoherent it became with Dante frequently breaking his own rules as he answered. Eventually, it was decided that anyone could pick 3 truths or 3 dares. The winner didn’t have to drink and got to ask the lowest roller a question. Everyone else had to take at least a 3 second pull from their cup. An old kids game everyone knew with only a few extra rules being aimed at drinking to make it more adult like.

"3 truths for me then. Should we start?" Ocarina took another pair of dices and rattled them under a cup. She raised the cup slightly so she could see her number. "Uh oh, I have a pair of good numbers. It seems." Ocarina tried the bluffing technique that Regina frequently used, though she could feel that her face was half smiling and half wincing at the same time.

The quiet one seemed to have rolled well. Dante inwardly cursed great beginners luck already. He casually looked back at his dice and wore his usual shit eating grin. "I hope you have more of that potion. You'll have to use it by the end of this roll. Master potioneer."

Dante won his fair share of drinking games by bluffing and having the two hardest working livers on this planet. Unfortunately, his livers had already done a marathon the night before, and he wasn't too sure if his general attitude would work to his advantage. He was tired from the night before and wasn't sure if he could keep up the energy required to deal with people.

What he had in spades was being able to lie and make rules up on the go. His grin widened. "How about you my green skinned friend? Or yourself comrade cards?" He had no clue what anyone's name was instead using the most distinct action or physical feature.

Kyros was tempted to duck out of the game as Bita did, and go up for some fresh air but refrained from doing so. Too late to back out anyways as they began to play their little game already. It seemed as though he wasn't the only one who went for 3 truths due to him being too lazy to fulfill any dare. It was Ocarina's turn at first and her face afterwards was what Kyros could only describe as a really good poker face attempt by someone who has never made a poker face. It was a bit harder to read Dante though. He seemed to be more experienced with the ancient art of bullshittery. But he sorta gave it away as he reacted straight away as he saw his dice. Doing anything to reveal your own dice number is counter-intuitive with how this game worked. Attempting to make your roll or hand seem better than it actually is by acting with more confidence is not an uncommon tactic.

While rattling his cup with the dice his gaze shifted to Dante. "Please do not call me that ever again." Though he wasn't speaking with any seriousness in his tone, annoyance could still be picked up. He kept a pretty consistent and a relaxed poker face, even as he saw his roll. Bura took her own cup with a couple dice and shook it before turning it over on the table. Keeping them covered she was silent as she watched Kyros, Ocarina and Dante do the same. "Two truths one dare." Her lisp struggled a bit with the word truth but she didn't stumble. She knew of something very similar to this game. But never actually played it. Only ever saw or heard it played on slaves who had misbehaved. She has also seen little kids play a version of it on the streets. This version seemed to be neither so Bura was curious.

At Dante's words 'green skinned friend' her gaze became intense as she glared at the human. "I'm not even green, you are either color blind or trying to insult me." She leaned back and shook her head before looking at the dice in her cup.

First Round Ocarina (Dante)

With a roll of the dice and many displeased faces, Dante won the first roll and watched the table as faces looked at the liquor as if it wasn't just strong piss being passed off as liquor. The loser was the one and only hero that had saved Dante and Kannah from disastrous hangovers... or sea sickness same thing when you have to deal with sailors. Dante casually tossed the dice from one hand to another thinking about a good question.

It wouldn't be fair to pry deeply as she did do him a favor. At the same time, a silly question like relationships and loves would be a waste of time and give the wrong idea of what Dante wanted to accomplish. His old squad the questions weren't as much questions as much as they were insults. As quick as lightning, Dante asked his question as Ocarina drank from her mug. The whole mug as per the rules while everyone else had to only drink a good pull.

"Why did you join this mercenary company? Why didn't you join a more established company where you would be treated as a specialist and not a grunt?"

A simple question. One that she wouldn't have a reason to lie about and would give some context why a talented mage would fall into a dying mercenary group as opposed to more stable options.Ocarina let out a half-hearted laugh when Dante announced her as the loser of the round. She didn't mind being asked around, but she smell a weird smell coming from the drink. Pouring herself a mug full of the liquor, she held her breath before gulping the drink quickly. The taste wasn't that bad actually. Still far from good though.

"Taste like rotten wood." She remarked as she put down the empty mug. She wonder if the drink was stored for too long that the taste was mixed with the barrel where it was usually stored. Not only that, a small burning sensation lingers inside her throat as if something ignited those rotten wood flavor and started a campfire inside her throat.

Back to the game, Ocarina listened while Dante as the winner of the round gave her a question. It's a good question to begin with. She tried to clear her throat from the burning sensation before answering by eating a biscuit, no use.

"Ah, yes. I suppose it's a fair question since a mage usually has lots of job offered for them." She stopped briefly to think of where she should start her answer.

"I never really dabbling too deep in the arcane art. Unlike most mages that has mentor, my parents were too busy to care about that. I only learned some spells myself when one of my friend lent me a heavy tome. Family heirloom he said. I remember trying to copy the content of the tome in three days because I don't want to get him into trouble." Ocarina smiled for a brief moment as she recalled those restless three days when she forced her swollen fingers to copy the spells she didn't even understand yet.

"A-anyway. I've never known for being a mage and my previous work has nothing to do with that. I decided to join this company because I want to look at a world that is free of Ardanor and the grey." Ocarina closed her answer by putting the cup on the top of her dice, preparing herself for the next round. "I hope that answer the question?" She looked at Dante for verification. Dante grimaced when she mentioned her magical education. He had always thought all mages were wizened old men like Ramirov. He saw now that wasn't the case, but at least she was better than what he had.

She seemed to also be dedicated. If what she said was true. All and all she was worth her weight in gold, and he forced a smile to his face. "I guess it does"

Second Round Kyros (Ocarina)

The next roll ended with Kyros losing to Ocarina much to Dante's amusement at the irony. Ocarina smiled brightly at her dices roll, double six! Nobody could beat her. Being spared from drinking was a nice bonus. Although she could stomach even the shittiest drink, she could only drink so much before she puked them out and become the next Dante.

She looked at the victim of this round. Kyros looks like a rough and tough man, she was wondering what he had been doing up to this point. Should she ask about his experience? She put her right hand under her chin and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Kyros, what is your ultimate goal in life?"

Kyros did not like being forced to drink that shit. He'd much rather drink what he brought with himself. But rules were rules. He poured himself a full cup and took a small sip at first, with him wincing slightly as soon as the foul liquid touched his tongue. After forcing it down, he looked back at the drink and just gulped it all down with a few drops trickling down from the sides of his mouth. Slamming the glass back on the table, Kyros wiped his mouth as he coughed a little bit.

Ocarina had won the round so it would be her to ask the question. He had no expectations and would probably answer any question with honesty. He had no dark, hidden past that scarred him forever, no crimes he committed that haunted him and no secrets that would change everybody's perception of him as they revealed him to be some kind of monster or something.

What is my ultimate goal in life? he thought. He sort of just went wherever the wind took him, working odd jobs and being a mercenary for gold with no real direction. An endless cycle that would eventually stop once he got too old for it. Kyros didn't think he was anybody special. Just another regular person without some epic, grand destiny where he is supposed to save the entire world. "No real "ultimate" goal. Just got a few minor goals like kill everyone that wrongs me, get rich, travel the entire world, explore towns and cities with different cultures and see the wonders of the world."

One such goal was to sleep with a female of every single race that he found attractive. Previously, he had thoughts of whether it would be good to add "finding his soulmate" to that list but he always came to the same conclusion of it being unwise. He hated being tied down so it would mean he'd need someone who could keep up with him. Not to mention how he does not really believe in true love, with him thinking that people were little more than fleshy sacks of bones and meat with some magic sprinkled in for some people.

"I-I see." Ocarina took a brief moment think about Kyros' answer. It's true that most people don't really have any fixed ultimate goal with their life. She felt a bit silly because she basically use this question to try reassuring herself that she's not the only one with this 'ultimate goal' thingie. "Shall we continue?" She placed her hand on the cup and rattled the dices for the next round.

The caramel colored orc downed half a glass each round, not winning or losing. She watched her companions answer questions with a blanked expression. She didn't seem at all bothered by the taste in fact her pointed ears twitched when she rolled for the third round and realized she had won. Looking around to see who lost she rested on Dante and raised a brow.

Leaning back on her stool she looked over the gruff stranger. "Hmm." He had called her green earlier and she wondered if she should ask along those lines. "Got any scars or tattoos you are fond of?" She asked as she fiddled with the dice with her thumb against her palm.

Dante downed his mug the moment he saw his dice roll snake eyes. Everyone knew when you got snake eyes you were done for. The Orc spoke up noticing his most impressive roll. "Got any scars or tattoos you are fond of?" The Orc started to fiddle with a die in her hand waiting for a response.

Dante rolled up his sleeve smiling fondly at the tattoo. It was a Serpent eating its tail forming a circle with a sword and two chevrons on top the sword and inside the circle.

"I got this after my first real battle. Everyone in my Company is required to get one." Looking up from the tattoo he looked around the table. Reality hit and his smile drifted off. "I mean my old company. The sword shows my trade." Dante didn't bother stating the rest of the meanings behind the tattoo to any of the outsiders. Dante refilled his mug and rolled his dice to avoid any additional questions while making it look casual and continue the game.

"That's a cool tattoo." Ocarina commented at Dante's tattoo after she drank her fill of the liquor. Though she felt like she saw that symbol somewhere, but eh, maybe she just misremember things.

A Difference in Ideology (Bita and Dante)

Listening to Ocarina and Kyros talking about themselves was interesting. Bita was glad that she could sit and listen without taking part in their game since she could throw up even by looking at the supposed to be rum. She listened silently as if wasn't there but when Bura asked about Dante's tattoo, she couldn't hold back and smirked. She considered how wrapped up his answer was and thought of ignoring unmentioned parts, yet Ocarina's comment changed her mind. "Cool? Yes, as cold as cold blood killers." She told her then looked at Dante who had began the next round to avoid more explanation. "Why are you so shy about it all of a sudden? You can't crown that snake with a lotus; once a serpent always a serpent." She reminded him on purpose to call attention of other players to the matter. Dante looked at Bita as he drank from his mug before slamming it down on the table. "Yes my good friend. It's cool being the best at my job. If Ocarina thinks the tattoo is cool, I don't see why I shouldn't encourage her to earn her own mark. After all, Once a Serpent always a Serpent." Dante looked around the table to see if anyone else had anything to say about his old company. He might be away from the old company, but he was still loyal. "In other words, you wish to take our only healer to your previous company. That's what makes having a snake in our company dangerous." Bita remarked coldly. "As long as you put serpents above the lotus I can't trust you." She emphasized. It didn't matter if no one was going to back her up in this since her main intention was making the danger clear for other members especially those who had never been or met mercenaries before. Dante rolled his eyes. "I don't see the problem in that. I bet most people here would put their family first. I'm simply putting my family first. If Ocarina wants to make some extra cash, she's more than welcome to join us. If anything, she can decide like anyone else does in the Company." Dante took another pull from his mug. Bita was starting to cause a headache. Rubbing his temple Dante fired back. "I don't see why you hate us so much. It's not our fault we're so damn successful."Sarcasm dropped off his voice like snake venom. Bita's cheeks started burning red. "You are so damn DAMNED!" She spat it back at Dante. "Which US are you inviting her to, Dante? Obviously it's not US as the Lotus Company. You clearly declare that you are not one of US." She replied with the same cold voice as before. "And let me make it clear for you; being the most infamous isn't considered success unless your goal in life is becoming the best shit eater of the world." She added double sarcasm to her tone then looked at Ocarina and Bura. "Do you want to hear some examples of their good work? A guy from their company used to talk a lot before losing his head." She asked them.

Bura took one look at the tattoo and nodded. Watching the two bicker a bit as she rolled. Snake eyes. Just her luck. Her stool slammed down as she straightened herself and nodded to Bita. "People need to make a living. Making enemies this early on won't be productive. I've heard of the group myself. If he is good at his job that's better for us in the long haul." The orc said as she poured herself a full mug and downed it before slamming down the cup and letting out an almost happy sigh.

Dante threw up his hands in thanks before grabbing his mug and saluting Bura before taking a quick swig before directing his attention to Bita. "Thank you comrade. We do our job we do it well. Sure we are so called shit eaters, but what do you want. Ineffective mercenaries on the moral high ground, or the shit shovelers that get the shit out of the stables so everyone else can enjoy their high and mighty ideas. I've killed dictators, cannibals and other war criminals. I've crossed mountains and swamps to end brutal regimes all the while being a shit eater." Taking another long pull from his drink, Dante couldn't feel his head ache anymore much less his face. "I have no idea who you're referring to Lady Bita, but I'm sure he was silenced for good reason. I don't think anyone enjoys people dragging their family's name in the mud.”

"People need to make a living. Making enemies this early on won't be productive. I've heard of the group myself. If he is good at his job that's better for us in the long haul." Bura said and amazed Bita with the fact that she hadn't realized that this wasn't a new enmity she was giving birth to. She wondered if she had to give the big girl her reasons for being wary of a snake but with a second thought she decided that Bura didn't want to know about it. She probably counted on her strength or judgment, thus preferred to leave her back to someone from a rival company. "It was my duty to let you know." She told her simply as watched her getting the worst in her gamble.

She heard Dante defending himself with lame excuses which made her burst to laughter just when she was about to drop the topic. "Come on... Don't talk as if you've been defending the weak all your life. You work only for money and it's usually the stronger party who has more to pay. Besides, you don't seem old enough to have the experience of fighting for those sort of causes. The current king of Balthora has been sitting on his throne since before your birth, and he has put to sword all other rulers of the lands we had left." She corrected him then looked at other players to see who was going to question Bura.

Taking a long pull from his drink, Dante couldn't feel his head ache anymore much less his face. "I have no idea who you're referring to Lady Bita, but I'm sure he was silenced for good reason. I don't think anyone enjoys people dragging their family's name in the mud.” Dante grabbed on of the jugs from underneath the table to fill his drink before gesturing to Bura if she wanted a refill. Dante drowned the contents in his drink angry that his reference to the Serpents Creed wasn't recognized. He personally never fought great dictators like his ancestors. His line of work was mostly petty disputes between nobles. More often than not, both nobles were as bad as the other. His sieges usually were never larger then only a few hundred men participating in a siege around a nobles personal keep.

"You're right the Sons of the Serpent aren't Salieri's gift to the world. As of the late, no one needs a thousand swords for a battle. Our greatest battles are long past us, but we would be hunted down like we just were if the kingdom didn't need us. I've been on the march since I was born. I fought my first battle at 17 and I've fought for 4 years. I've learned all there is to be learned about the march." Another pull of drink to drown out the embers of anger before Dante spoke again. "Bura is right. I'm good at my job. If you're so high and mighty Princess. Why did you join a mercenary company. Why out of all the 'honorable' professions did you join this? Name one good deed that is inherent in our work. Last time I checked, we kill levies who are raised by some cuck of a noble. We burn down villages to deny our foes resources. Those villages holding years worth of hard labor. Mercenaries work for pay. Not honor, loyalty, love, and other noble deeds. A mercenary has one job to perform. If you want to pretend to be an honorable knight explain why you joined the one job that's about trading lives for profit." Dante's hands started to tremble as he looked at Bita. “There was no moral high ground to stand on as a merc. You join armies to protect loved ones.” Dante ended on one last note. "Bura would you rather have a trusty sword next to you focused on the battle, or one in the clouds?"


Bura just raised her brows for a moment in acknowledgment of Dante's thanks. She knew his company was nothing to scoff at but she knew better than to make enemies of good fighters. Humans were wavering folk they were prone to get real emotional and it was almost always better to stay out of the line of fire. She was starting to feel the buzz kick in and couldn't help but reach out her mug to Dante for another fill.

She watched the two argue, Dante was getting buzzed and quite talkative. She made mental note of the various points the two made. Finding it ironic that Bita was talking a lot for someone working for pay all the same. Why'd it matter the reason one worked as long as the job got done? At Bita's statement that it was her duty, Bura grinned just for a moment. Was it her duty to start unnecessary drama?

"I would rather both watching out for each other and fighting real enemies and not each other." She scratched her cheek absentmindedly. Staring at Dante until he returned her gaze she nodded. "I don't care where your loyalties lie as long as in the moment you do your job."She turned to look at Bita, "Let's calm down alright. Maybe go get some fresh air? You aren't playing anyways so go cool off." The orc offered a smile, her tusks making her lisp and crooked smile prominent.

Bita watched Dante lashing out, with unexpected joy. She could clap for his honest speech if Bura hadn't suggested her to leave. That sort of hit her badly. "Oh, don't let me bother you, Bura. I'd prefer settle this now rather than in a pinch." She spoke softly to the orc before smiling at the half drunken guy. "Now, isn't it good to be honest?" She asked him calmly. "I never said that I expect anyone to be a holy warrior, I just want us to be only and only part of this company. As my reasons, I can say l... " She hesitated before smirking. "I'd like to explain to you but I hate to interrupt your game more than this, so as I've been instructed, I'm going up to have some fresh air. You can ask me what you need to know when you are sober." She said and stood up to leave the party.

Dante looked around the table at the others. His anger decreasing as Bita walked away. He spat on the floor thinking about how he truly thought they bonded over the battle. Maybe he should demand she cut ties with her own family as fair exchange. The thought of killing her passed his mind before he quashed it. It would only prove her right. Plus, his old company would find that dishonorable to kill someone over something so petty.

He stood up perfectly fine and reached for one of the jugs headed to his room. He paid no attention to the others. He plopped down on his bed taking another deep pull. He rolled his sleeve up to stare at his tattoo. He fought and bled for his old company. After what was suppose to be a fun game to learn more about his new comrades. Dante felt even more alienated. What was worse was he only had himself to blame. He drowned that thought with another pull.

Looking at the wall, Dante whispered out names of fallen comrades one at a time. He whispered the campaign, day and wounds they suffered and their last words if he remembered them. Loyalty can only be bought in a payment of blood not clever words or avoiding questions. Dante steeled his heart towards returning home. Even if it took him the lives of his new company to do so.

Kyros sorta phased out as the others played their turns, with him coming back when the "argument" began. Although he had little to no clue as to what it was over, he would be lying if he said he wasn't entertained. Deciding to just stay back and watch the show, he simply stood quiet and allowed the two to go at each other. It didn't really mean all that much to him who won the argument, as in situations like these people went in with their minds already made up, meaning that even if you do manage to out reason them and provide a better argument, it wouldn't defuse the situation and would likely lead to a fight. He had learnt that the hard way. He actually thought that Dante would fucking choke her or something.

After those two left, Kyros looked at those remaining in the party for a brief moment before clapping his hands together once. "Well...that happened..I'll be overboard if anybody needs me." He stumbled a little as he stood up, getting used to the crap he just drank. It didn't take long for him to adjust though, with him walking out as well. He did not really know what else he needed to do, with him secretly wishing that they'd get attacked so that there'd be some action.

He always hated sea water. The taste of it, how it burnt your eyes when you swam in it and how it is undrinkable. Perhaps a sea voyage wasn't the best idea for him. The ship had already sailed through, both in the literal and the figurative sense. It would be wise to go along with this adventure before actively planning on escaping. Kyros absentmindedly played with his balisong as he looked out to the sea, trying to get used to the sheer boredom that he'd have to deal with from now on. Maybe he could go talk to Ramirov or something.

Bura's mug lowered as it wasn't filled again. Watching Dante walk off after Bita did she looked at the two left at the table. Ocarina and Kyros. Putting her mug down on the table she took a deep breath and grabbed the jug of alcohol to pour herself another full mug. It reminded her of the tension filled alleys where she could win herself enough nasty tasting ale that it would turn sweet.

She watched another one of her new comrades walk off and chugged the drink down, two small streams down the side of her chin and onto her lap. Finishing the mug in a matter of seconds she slammed it down and grinned a toothy grin at the little muffin of a human left. "Welp, what ya think of our teammates Ocarina? They certainly seem high strung." If one thought her lisp was bad before it was almost embarrassing now. She put her mug down and rested her chin on the heel of her callused hand as she looked around the room. She had had 4 mugs by now in such a short span of time. Even with how massive she was it was clear by the rosiness of her cheeks and ears she was tipsy if not drunk.

Ocarina kept silent during the exchange between Bita and Dante. Although she did understand where they both come from, she decided to not interrupt and let them poured what they were thinking. Which she regretted a moment later, but even if she did intervene she doubt she could make much difference. Collecting the mugs and dices they were using, Ocarina placed them on their original place. She looked at the only remaining person there, Bura. Bura asked about her opinion on them.

"W-when it's my turn to ask Kyros. I thought of asking him about his past, but then I decided to ask him about his future, I know we all have dirts somewhere. I too have something that I'm reluctant to tell you. I... just want us to start anew with no burden of our past. But it seems I'm the only one who thinks like that Dante is clearly still taking pride of his old company while I don't personally think it is a bad things I do understood why Bita doubt him, I still can't understand why Bita so bitter about his old company maybe I should ask her about it later." Ocarina let out a small hiccup and it dawned to her that she might be more drunk than she initially thought.

"I-I think I need some rest, nice playing with you Bura. I will be in my room." She grabbed her satchel and walked away to her room to rest. Bura listened to the young woman with a gentle expression. "I would happily join you in such a burdenless path. Even I know pasts are tricky things as are the marks they leave on us." Bura paused and sighed, letting out a low burp into the side of her fist. "Don't let their issues discourage you." Watching the girl hiccup Bura grinned.

"Sleep tight Ocarina." She saluted the girl as she too rushed off. The orc was left to herself at the table. A smile across her features slowly fading as she looked down at her folded bandaged arms. The corrosive thoughts of her own past dug at the scars beneath her bandages. She lowered her head into her arms until she was a mound of alcohol smelling muscle and dreadlocks. The sway of the ship singing a tune of friendship with the poisonous ale in her stone stomach. What a lovely beginning to a new life this was.

“Huh, where’d everybody go?”


Interacting with: Ocarina ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread ) | Mentioned: Bita ( MJ ._. MJ ._. ) | Located: Her room

Aria’s (Vacation) Antics!
After she’d finally decided enough maintenance was enough Aria took her leave from the deck of the ship. Seemingly there was a lot of commotion going on inside that she’d missed. Peeking her head into the common room, it seemed quieter than it normally was, somehow the stench of alcohol was as strong as ever despite the lack of people inside.

“Huh, where’d everybody go? Were we supposed to get off? Surely not.” She said to herself trying to think where she saw people last. She was pretty sure she saw Bita while Aria was down from the deck, she didn’t say anything mostly because Bita looked like she had something on her mind. That and also because Aria didn’t know what to say. Aria didn’t really feel like going up to the deck of the ship again, so she decided she’d just retire back to her room, if hours passed and no one showed up there to sleep then she’d know something was going on. Yeah let’s have some juice she thought knowing full well there was no juice left in her bottles but hoping she was somehow wrong.

Assuming she’d be alone, Aria slammed the door open and walked in nonchalantly, heavy steps in metal boots clanking across the room as she walked over to where she’d left her satchel. Loud rummaging commenced, ending with a frustrated grumble of profanities under Aria’s breath as the lack of juice she hoped wasn’t true became her reality. With a tired sigh, Aria put her sword and shield on top of her bed and sat at the foot of it. She began taking a gauntlet off and it was at that moment she noticed something. She wasn’t alone.

In the same room was Ocarina, another girl in the Light Lotus Company. Though they’d been sharing a room for a while now, Aria still didn’t know hat much about her, mostly because Aria isn’t a good listener. Ocarina looked busy, she too was rummaging through her things. Aria’s face lit up at the realisation that maybe everyone hadn’t gotten off the ship without her!

“Ocarina! Hi! I didn’t even see you over there.” She said replacing her gauntlet and getting up and rushing over to the girl. “Whatcha looking for?” She continued in an energetic tone, “You, uh, have anything you wanna trade? I have...too much whetstone.”

(Bita)After making her point clear to four other members of the Light Lotus, Bit decided to figure the matter out in the most peaceful way that she knew; she went to ask Ramirov for more details. She sorts of hated herself for worrying so much for the strange mage after letting him go back alone with his fatal wound. While reviewing her questions in her mind, she walked to his solo cabin and knocked. "Hello? Shall we have a brief conversation?" She called out but not too loud since she wasn't sure if she wanted to have more than one specific pair of ears to hear her.

(Ramirov)It was a frustrating half hour Ramirov and Vivian spent trying to find a small bottle of medicine, all to no avail. When his entire room was searched and accordingly turned over, Ramirov knew he had to live with insomnia for a while until he made more. Hopefully whoever's found it doesnt drink it lest they want to sleep for a whole week.

"I'm sorry Naven, we looked everywhere... Forgive me I am not worthy of..."

"You don't need to finish that sentence." Ramirov said, interrupting Vivian. Soon the brief silence was ended by a knocking on the door.

"Hello? Shall we have a brief conversation?" It sounded like Bita, Curious. She hadn't bothered to say hi for a while, maybe she needed something. Ramirov gestured for Vivian to leave to give them some time alone. Vivian nodded and left the room, leaving the door open. With an eyebrow raised, Ramirov asked:

"What do you want to talk about?"

(Bita)The door was opened and despite of her expectations, a girl opened appeared in front of her. She stepped back from the doorway, letting Vivian pass and leave then entered Ramirov's room and closed the door. Looking at him, she found her older than the day they had met for the first time. He raised a brow and asked: "What do you want to talk about?" "Is it that odd for me to have a chat with you?" She reflected. "You probably remember that I tend to ask many questions." She said and looked around the room expecting him to offer her a seat. "There is a lot on my mind… I wanted to talk about my several doubts since we departed our ways, but you were badly wounded and I thought I can talk to you and Janet on the ship, but then you were almost killed and Janet we lost the ship. I'm sure you know better than me that Janet isn't in the mood to talk with, so I have to wait for you to get better." She paused and observed him silently for a moment. "How is your condition?" She asked softly. She had thought about this conversation for days and had tried to soften it as much as possible, else he might avoid giving her proper answers.

(Ramirov)"Is it that odd for me to have a chat with you?" She reflected. "You probably remember that I tend to ask many questions."

Her smart remark put an annoyed scowl on his face. As if he wasnt annoyed enough, Bita had in two seconds made his day worse.

"Yes... I remember." Ramirov groaned. He would've offered a drink or a chair but all he had was cold tea and a messy room, no free chairs.

"There is a lot on my mind…" Bita started.

'Stop the fucking presses, someone with a lot on their mind.' By this point Ramirov could feel his mind ready to explode followed by a series of rude sentences. Luckily Bita continued before that could happen.

"I wanted to talk about my several doubts since we departed our ways, but you were badly wounded and I thought I can talk to you and Janet on the ship, but then you were almost killed and Janet we lost the ship. I'm sure you know better than me that Janet isn't in the mood to talk with, so I have to wait for you to get better."

"Janet... has always been a little stubborn in her ways." Ramirov said with a long sigh. "Lately it's been worse because if Vivian's return, her killing our recruits has been eating away at her, and no amount of comforting has helped." Bita stood silent for a moment, so Ramirov saw a chance to put a kettle over a small gas stove for tea. He grabbed some old clean cups from the pile of junk on his bed along with the last of his green tea. After this he was stuck with crappy sailors tea, stored in old barrels.

"How is your condition?" Bita asked, abruptly but gently. Ramirov half expected this question but still felt touched that Bita cared. His demeanor changed, more precise and gentle with his actions. In regards to his condition, Ramirov knew he had escaped his youth so healing would take longer than normal. The wounds had started healing over but any strenuous action would reopen them. After Estelle's treatment for the poison Ramirov has felt better for the most part, but he still worried as his research into Soul's Abyss proved to be more than a little frightening. But how to sum this all up in one sentence?

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

(Bita)As expected, the old man wasn't going to be true with her about his health. He had no reason for that, for all she knew. "I hope so." She replied and scanned the messed up cabin. "Regarding our captain of company, rumors have already started being spread. On my way from the common room, I hear a young boy of the crew gossiping to his friend about hearing yells from her room. He's assumed that you two has a wild relationship. Heh… that has nothing to do with me but if it sounded like a quarrel and someone assumes that a fallout is happening between the captain and her right hand man… what remains of the light lotus company?" She pointed out before picking a fallen chair and putting it straight back in its place. "If you don't mind, we can talk about you and Janet while I help you bring order back to your cabin. But that can wait, since I might be tiring you out and so it's better if I start with my main question." She sat on the chair. "We saw a lot on that sinking ship, Ramirov. And that includes your final below against Praetor. I'm curious about that icy fist you shown and the power behind it. How could you muster up that power after getting half butchered by his large sword? Why didn't use it before he could pierce a hole in you? Why didn't you use it when we went to steal back Janet's badge and let yourself be cut easily?" She asked her main question straightly forward despite of her plan to move smoothly, since she felt that he wasn't eager to tolerate her in his cabin for long.

(Ramirov)Bita responded with a cold sounding "I hope so." The whistling of the kettle took Ramirov away from the conversation, briefly of course. He cut the gas to the stove, filling the kettle with dried green tea leaves. "Regarding our captain of company," Bita continued "rumors have already started being spread. On my way from the common room, I hear a young boy of the crew gossiping to his friend about hearing yells from her room. He's assumed that you two has a wild relationship."

"Hah, the only thing wild about our relationship is that we don't kill eachother every five seconds. She's actually tried to kill me atleast four times now." Ramirov groaned, tasting a spoonful of tea to test if it was up to par. 'Not yet, its weak'

"Heh… that has nothing to do with me but if it sounded like a quarrel and someone assumes that a fallout is happening between the captain and her right hand man… what remains of the light lotus company?"

'She's sharp' he noted. Or perhaps it was the crew who was sharp. Regardless this was not going to be an easy to answer question.

"If you don't mind, we can talk about you and Janet while I help you bring order back to your cabin. But that can wait, since I might be tiring you out and so it's better if I start with my main question." She sat on the chair that she had fixed. "We saw a lot on that sinking ship, Ramirov. And that includes your final below against Praetor. I'm curious about that icy fist you shown and the power behind it. How could you muster up that power after getting half butchered by his large sword? Why didn't use it before he could pierce a hole in you? Why didn't you use it when we went to steal back Janet's badge and let yourself be cut easily?"

"What are you, Vasyilinov?!" Ramirov accused, energies pulsing in his hands. He calmed himself immediately, even if the Collectors had found him, it was more likely he would be dead than still talking. "Look you have a dozen questions that I don't want to answer, Bita. Not because I don't trust you, but in Vian knowing too many secrets can get you killed. Just imagine that magic was my last resort and try not to ask any more questions. "

(Bita)Bita stared at the frustrating guy for a moment then nodded. "It's hard, but I'll try my best to accept this condition and don't consider that we have lost four important members almost because of it. I feel kind of guilty about letting Praetor live that long although I'm sure I couldn't even leave a scratch on him." She said, then paused wondering if she had to completely let go of that matter. She concluded that he had taken to secret risk only for Janet's sake and not anyone else. In other words, if all of them were going to perish he would just fall and die with them but if Jant's or Vivian's life was as at risk, he would easily break his rules. Rather quickly, she decided to let it lie for the time being. "Well, it's not a question… I just see it fit to tell you that before coming here I tried to corner Dante to see how much I can trust him and he just clawed back; I failed to find a reason to trust him. So, you're the second man who put me down, today!" She shook her head and laughed. Dante had his former ties and Ramirov his secrets. Both of them could just disappear as soon as they reach the land. "Now that I think about it, our spirits are low and Janet didn't seem to care. Although I have a plan to steam things up… but there is a better way to assure us about our next step. Wouldn't it be nice if you teach us a little about Vian? I feel more confident if I hear what I'm going to face from someone who's lived in Vian most of his life." She suggested in a friendly way that could be used to clear the bitterness of her previous question. "Technically, that was a suggestion. If I put your past and secrets aside, there's still a lot to ask about. But first let's check it out; is Vivian part of those secrets?" She tested the danger of pushing Ramirov about Vivian.

(Ramirov)Put her down? Ramirov had rapidly lost his previously earned patience. Being caring and courteous is one thing but Bita was now straight attacking Ramirov, prying for information well above her earned trust. What little there was of it. Whatever happened between Dante and her was none of his business, is he was an ass then why share that with Ramirov? If its retribution she wanted then she would get it 10 fold.

This entire exchange was unwelcome. Especially since Janet had just thrown a dagger at his head just an hour prior, and Bita's attitude was as sour as old milk in the sun. She ranted on about how morale was low, that Janet doesn't care and Ramirov should have addressed Vian in some fashion. All these things that the leaders 'should' be doing but haven't. Ramirov somewhat agreed with the last statement but still felt that it could wait as long as they have 3 more weeks on this ship.

"Technically, that was a suggestion. If I put your past and secrets aside, there's still a lot to ask about. But first let's check it out; is Vivian part of those secrets?"

Now she is going too far, Bita has done little more than ask questions and question the authority and test Ramirov's reasoning. He subconsciously conjured fire in his right hand, extinguished it, only for it to reignite against his will. He felt threatened, Bita was picking at doors best left closed. But rather than succumbing to his strong desire to incinerate the pesky woman, Ramirov remained cool, dowsing his hand in a bucket to extinguish the flame. Ramirov did not want to face Bita, he turned away to hide from her gaze.

"Bita..." he groaned "I promise you this. Vivian is not tied to my past in Vian, but she is close to me. I am not lying to you. I half expected her to be dead, but she is not and I refuse to abandon her again. I will say this, it was because of my past that I had to leave her. In regards to my past I will only say this, I was not always that as I am now, and there was a very good reason for me to leave my home.

"I don't expect you to much care for what I have to say, nor do I want to make an excuse for my behavior before. We are part of a team, a rather dysfunctional team but a team still. No matter what we face in Vian, I don't intend on leaving again. Even if my life is at risk. Now..." Ramirov poured two cups of tea, turned around offering a cup to Bita. " Is there any non-past related questions you want to ask?"

(Bita)It wasn't hard to sense murderous vibes from Ramirov. Bita stood up to leave when he had his back at her to shove his right hand in a bucket of water. She had no idea he could be so sentimental and easy to push around emotionally, and that was something she wasn't ready to engage with. But before she would step away from that chair, he turned back with a pair of tea cups which offered her a hospitality that opposed her assumption of the situation, so she sat again. "Thanks..." She said as picked a cup and watched shallow steam dancing up from surface of greenish yellow liquid inside it. "I wasn't prying into your relationship with Vivian… well, I saw how you two look like a family when found you hugging on the sinking ship… but thanks for telling me. Actually, I was just going to ask if she is coming with us as a fighter or only as your family, since I wish to test my defense against her powers but I won't ask her about that if she's not a comrade." She spoke softly and sipped from the tea. "It's the best drink I've had since getting on board." She complemented, then thought about the other less thrilling questions she had but the intense moment of his rage had messed her line of thoughts and she had forgotten why she wanted to ask them. She looked around the cabin again. "Rest of my questions aren't important enough to be asked right now. Partially, I came here to meet someone who knows what he is doing because I don't know what I'm expected to do. We don't have a base in Vian, do we? I assume we need to do more than just fighting. Settling in Vian sounds like an expedition to me which I have no experiences about." She didn't know why she was telling him her concerns. She hadn't come to simply chat with him, but it seemed odd for her to drink in silence and get out with no results. She had lost the rein of their conversation and that felt awkward.

(Ramirov)Bita's tone changed dramatically, showing fear rather than her previous confidence. She nervously took a cup, and in slow movements Ramirov poured the tea.

"Thanks..." Bita said, accepting the cup. It didnt take long for her to talk again. "I wasn't prying into your relationship with Vivian… well, I saw how you two look like a family when found you hugging on the sinking ship… but thanks for telling me. Actually, I was just going to ask if she is coming with us as a fighter or only as your family, since I wish to test my defense against her powers but I won't ask her about that if she's not a comrade."

"I am unsure about her role, but I don't plan on having her in any dangerous missions." Ramirov answered. Bita took a sip of her tea, and with an audible 'Mmm' he got all the compliments he needed.

"It's the best drink I've had since getting on board." Ramirov smiled, sipping his own cup of tea. It was a bit too hot to drink comfortably but it's bright flavor made everything better.

"It's a Wuldite Tea, the last I had. I usually save it for when I need to relax." Bita half acknowledged his statement, it was clear there was more on her mind.

"Rest of my questions aren't important enough to be asked right now. Partially, I came here to meet someone who knows what he is doing because I don't know what I'm expected to do. We don't have a base in Vian, do we? I assume we need to do more than just fighting. Settling in Vian sounds like an expedition to me which I have no experiences about."

"There is a settlement that Janet wants to ... well settle at. A small Balthoran town called Daranel. I have an old friend there, atleast I think they are still there. Being in Vian is not going to be much different from being in Balthora, aside from the clean air, green landscapes, roaring rivers..." Ramirov's eyes disappeared to the memories of his homeland. "And in my homeland... Fraizyurne, there are mountains forever painted by the snows of Lathna. Pine forests stretching as far as the eyes can see. The city of Gahanafraiz is the grand jewel of the frozen north." Ramirov's tone shifted, growing mournful. "It's beautiful. And the locals are friendly, mostly. Rest assured we'll be fine when we arrive."

(Bita)Bita smiled at Ramirov's dreamy face, wondering if she had found his soft spot. "That sounds very promising." She agreed with his view but asked herself such a nice place doesn't have need for mercenaries. "It's assuring to know that captain has already a place to settle among migrant Balthorans. I confess that I was worried about being forced to fight against common people of Vian to find our place since people of Balthora are quite infamous due to the grey death. I don't blame other nations if they wish to keep those involved with that awful poison out of their precious lands." She said and had rest of her cup as listened to his reply.
It was enough for Bita to have a glimpse of the other side of Ramirov's façade. She decided to not to push her luck more than that and leave him alone as he probably preferred. "Thank you, Ramirov. Now I have something to look forward while waiting in this stinking cradle." She put her cup down and stood up. "The day is almost over. I hope to meet you tomorrow with the company." She was about to say goodbye when regarded the room one last time. "Are you sure you don't need a hand to put this back in order? Also, I might be able to help you about some special girl…" She offered and winked with a naughty smile. "If not, I'm going to excuse myself."

(Ramirov)"Are you sure you don't need a hand to put this back in order? Also, I might be able to help you about some special girl…" She offered and winked with a naughty smile. "If not, I'm going to excuse myself."

"Haha! I believe you are a bit young for me, and I don't want Janet to be creeping into my bed." Ramirov said, holding back laughter. His face felt warm, But not in a bad way thankfully. "Still thanks for the offer. And don't worry about my room, I'm a grown adult more than capable of cleaning up after my tantrums. I do sincerely hope that the Light Lotus Company goes onward to future glory."

Ramirov turned around, putting stuff back in the right places. Random vials placed in an order that only he could make sense of. One of his old magic tomes was on the floor, a particular one he hadn't seen in a great many years. It was written in Fraizyurni, but he figured that wouldn't be an obstacle. A simple thing, made of heavy parchment treated with wax all bound in a colored leather.

"You know... I fully understand you do not handle magic, but if you want to learn about my culture and magic then feel free to stop on by and I will be more than happy to give you lessons in my language as well as the magic I use." Ramirov offered, handing the book to Bita. "You can keep that and bring it with you if you are interested, Bita. Take that as my condolences for my ... unsavory behavior."

Tagged: MJ ._. MJ ._.
Temperature: Warm and Stuffy
Janet's Status: Don't ask me she's not in this post
Ramirov's Status: A little flustered, but is feeling better.

Ocarina Flareweck
The End of a Trip

Ocarina rummaged through her medicine box. Among the many medicine that her mother prepared for her journey, she was sure there's one or two potions that could ease the aftereffect of a bad drink. Though after checking every single one she didn't find it, maybe she forgot to put it inside her box.

While she was rummaging through her things, another girl entered the room. Ocarina always thought of Aria as an impressive knight in shining armor figure, like, literally. Never before she met anyone who paid so much attention to the shininess of their sword and armor. The said knight seemed to acknowledged her presence and approached her.

"I-it's nothing, Aria. It just I forgot to bring one of my potion, but I think the problem can be solved by enough rest." As she put her med box under her bed. She shifted back her attention to the armored girl. "Well, I don't think I have much use of whetstone for now, I only have a short sword and dagger that I rarely use." Ocarina politely rejected Aria's offer, it's a funny offer so it might be just an attempt to start a small talk. Which, she suddenly had an idea.

"But... say, Aria. If you don't mind, can you help me buy some armor when we arrive at Vian? I mean, you seem to be the most knowledgeable about armor here. After that day in the dock, sometimes I still imagine what will happen if I were the one who's doing the fighting" Ocarina sighed as her mind coursing with dozens of bad scenarios.

"I think I might be dead. So, I want to increase my survivability with some protection."

Critical.Over Critical.Over

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