The Life of Wanderers


Free Spirit


{Name} ~

{Nickname} ~

{Meaning} ~ [Meaning of full name]

{Age} ~

{Gender} ~

{Birthday} ~

{Sexuality} ~

{Hair Color} ~

{Eye color} ~

{Height} ~

{Weight} ~

{Family} ~

{Pets} ~

{Relationship Status} ~

{Crush} ~

{Significant Other} ~

{Personality} ~ [More than just a few sentences and no lists, please and thanks~]

{Favorite Color} ~

{Favorite Season} ~

{Vehicle} ~

{Preferred State of Being} ~




{Name} ~ Zora Nadya Buckland

{Nickname} ~ Zor

{Meaning} ~ Light of Dawn, Hope, Book land

{Age} ~ 19

{Gender} ~ Female

{Birthday} ~ August 7th

{Sexuality} ~ Heterosexual


{Hair Color} ~ Brown with red and gold undertones

{Eye color} ~ Blue

{Height} ~ 5'8"

{Weight} ~ 115 lbs

{Style} ~ Normal dress

{Jewelry} ~ Necklace and earrings


{Family} ~ The entire troupe, though she does not have blood family that she is aware of.

{Pets} ~ Alvar, 6, Stallion, 16 hh, Gypsy Vanner

{Relationship Status} ~ Single

{Crush} ~ Ezra and Peter

{Boyfriend} ~ None


{Personality} ~ Zora is a free spirit, even for a Gypsy. She is often out, roaming on her own, trying to find even more of an adventure than her lifestyle offers. When home or in the market working, she is gentle, kind and very persuasive. Her voice is said to be like a siren's song as she can talk any man into anything. Often when tragedy strikes and the elders are in deep mourning, she will take a lead role. Her personal favorite way of distracting is starting a song and building it up until the whole troupe is singing.

{Favorite Color} ~ Purple

{Favorite Season} ~ Spring


{Vehicle} ~ Caravan

{Preferred State of Being} ~ Celebrating with her family

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Jaelle Florence Clarke


Name ~ Jaelle Florence Clarke

Nickname ~ Elle

Meaning ~ Chamois, Ibex, Mountain goat

Age ~ 19

Gender ~ Female

Birthday ~ September 19th

Sexuality ~ Heterosexual

Hair Color ~ Black

Eye color ~ Pale Blue

Height ~ 5'6"

Weight ~ 115 lbs

Style ~ Simple Dress

Jewelry ~ N/A

Family ~ The entire troupe, whom she feels a special bond with. Her mother, Theadosia, was a member of the troupe before her death when Jaelle was ten.

Pets ~ (Left to Right) Sage and Marco, her two kids

Relationship Status ~ Single

Crush ~ TBD

Boyfriend ~ None

Personality ~ If there is one thing about Jaelle, it is that she is very outspoken and loves to have a good time. The girl always speaks up for herself, depending her values and any member of her troupe against the harsh accusations of others. She is not afraid to step in between two individuals having a disagreement, showing them the idiocy in the situation and proposing a solution to the matter. With her loud nature, Jaelle also likes to have a good time, enjoying singing and dancing with various members of her troupe. She is always open to adventure, taking each day at a time and trying her best to make the most of it. Her adventurous spirit can often get her into trouble, as she is not where she is supposed to be; however, she does not care because her philosophy is that life is about living how you want.

Favorite Color ~ Rustic Red

Favorite Season ~ Summer

Vehicle: N/A

Preferred State of Being ~ Jaelle is happy when in the company of the troupe, dancing in their various camps to music provided by various individuals. This always brings a smile to her face.

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Tshilaba Aishe Vadoma




Seeker of knowledge, Alive, To know.






December 13



{Hair Color}Brunette

{Eye color}





118 lbs

[[ Sorry about the height and weight but I just go with the facts of the FC I use ]]


Usually something like
this or this.


She has lost contact with her father but other than that no one. She doesn't consider the troupe family because of her logical thinking.




{Relationship Status}




{Significant Other}



Tshilaba is a quiet young gypsy who at first glance seems to be a bit distant and some would even say strange. Well there right. She is a strange young girl who asks' too many questions. She's isn't at all confident and claims she isn't shy, she just chooses her words more carefully than others do. Tshilaba doesn't believe there is a line to cross when it comes to questioning, even if it's too personal, if she feels the need to ask then she shall. This makes her somewhat questionable herself though she always hesitates before answering a question about herself when asked which is rather peculiar some would say. But all in all, Tshilaba is just a young sweet girl who questions the world.

{Favorite Color}


{Favorite Season}



Caravan (Open to her sharing it with another troupe member~.)

{Preferred State of Being}

Telling stories to a crowd or reading fortunes and predicting the future. She even enjoys her time making dream catchers as well as playing with her tarot cards.

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Hero Kort


{Nickname} ~ Hero

{Meaning} ~ demi-god, mainly it's from a greek myth

{Age} ~ 20

{Gender} ~ Female

{Birthday} ~ October 31st

{Sexuality} ~ Heterosexual

{Hair Color} ~ Blond

{Eye color} ~ Brown

{Height} ~ 5'10

{Weight} ~ 125

{Family} ~ By herself

{Pets} ~ Nope

{Relationship Status} ~ Single

{Crush} ~ To Be Discovered

{Significant Other} ~ No one

{Personality} ~

Hero is quiet and shy at first, she is humble and speaks quietly. She may get louder when she is angry or deep into a thought.

She reads fortunes when they are requested , she doesn't like to be just out there. She may demand questions to be answered so she can tell the is sure. She can also step in and talk into a random argument. She is quiet and not really talked to, mostly labeled as that weird chick who travels constantly. She doesn't mind taking it too far but if there is a future she doesn't want to say, she won't say it. She won't lie though, if you ask her if you are going to be having a bad future she will say so.

{Favorite Color} ~ Green

{Favorite Season} ~ Fall

{Vehicle} ~ Buggy

{Preferred State of Being} ~ Can be alone, but doesn't mind company.

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Ezra Mircea Hanzi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/7a5d420123687aab83a2e4b360934612.jpg.60314f423be1621115decc30f8011ad0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/7a5d420123687aab83a2e4b360934612.jpg.60314f423be1621115decc30f8011ad0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Meaning- Helper, peace, God is gracious

Age- 20

Gender- Male

Birthday- September 26th

Sexuality- Pansexual

Hair color- A mixture of auburn and brunette

Height- 6'3

Weight- 165lbs.

Eye color - Sludgy, yet captivating dark green eyes

Style- Simple and minimal.

Jewelry- a single gold earring stud in his left ear.

Family- The troupe. His biological parents whereabouts are unknown for he had been left in front of the troupes' tents when he was an infant.

Pets- Nicu, unknown, cat that wandered into camp one day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebb749d1_images(14).jpg.6c404ac35ac180bf8ea4ae66298b4b8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebb749d1_images(14).jpg.6c404ac35ac180bf8ea4ae66298b4b8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status- Single

Crush- TBD

Personality- He's a free spirit, not too serious about anything unless it comes to the people he cares about, which there aren't a lot of those even though he cares about everyone in the troupe he only cares deeply for a handful of people. He's not shy at all, but unintentionally secludes himself by putting up an unapproachable aura but he still participates in songs and such. He's hard working and can be a bit rude towards some people but he always means well with his bluntness. Deep down he has some buried anger and negativity that is towards no in general and it tends to raise its ugly head every now and again.

Favorite Color- Any colors related to the forest, lush green, rich browns , crystal blues

Favorite Season- Spring

Vehicle- N/A

Preferred State of Being- Ezra prefers being alone the majority of the time, but he also enjoys being around others but not socializing, since his voice seems to fail him when brought into a conversation.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/20960fe415181552c1651b46867e7b0c.jpg.18d1099994392f88bb68a04e05f9d356.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/20960fe415181552c1651b46867e7b0c.jpg.18d1099994392f88bb68a04e05f9d356.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Gypsy.jpg.da32ebef3f349eb4de320f12e05355f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Gypsy.jpg.da32ebef3f349eb4de320f12e05355f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kia Luna Deynair

Nickname: N/A

Meaning: Keeper of Keys, one with the


Gender: Male

Birthday: May 18th

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair Color ~ Dark brown, but it grows lighter in the summer.

Eye color ~ Swampy green, flecked with specks of gold

Height ~5'11

Weight ~ 162lbs

Family ~ He finds that his family is everything from the soil beneath his feet to the rain that falls in the spring.

Pets ~ None, he doesn't believe in pets.

Relationship Status ~ N/A, but open.

Crush ~ Zora

Significant Other ~ N/A

Personality ~ Kia was born without a voice to be heard, and a awkward body, skinny and small since the day he was born. Yet, he is full of energy and life, he excels at dancing, moving his body to the rhythms to something other than music. But he also paints and draws, often speaking through his art, or using hand signals. Sense he can neither read, nor write. Like most of his troupe his a strong spiritual

connection with nature, and the elders often say that he can channel the energy from the earth better than most. He often draws pictures of beings that aren't quiet human, and sometimes he thinks he sees things. But, yet he think he is dreaming when this happens.

Favorite Color ~ Dark green like grass.

Favorite Season ~ Spring

Vehicle ~ A small caravan that he painted, so it is covered with flowing rivers and dark rain clouds.

Preferred State of Being ~ He likes to be around people, but there are a few times when he likes to be alone with his drawings.

(If it is okay with you I would like to make an elder.)



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{Name} ~Peter Rumancek

{Nickname} ~ Everyone just calls him Peter.

{Meaning} ~Stone, Warrior Wolf

{Age} ~ 21

{Gender} ~ Male

{Birthday} ~ March 10th

{Sexuality} ~ Bisexual

{Hair Color} ~ Brown

{Eye Color} ~ Green-Blue

{Height} ~ 6 foot

{Weight} ~ 155 lbs.

{Style} ~ Simple and minimal. He is most often seen shirtless; he has a weird thing about clothes and would be naked at all times if possible.

{Jewelry} ~ Necklace

{Family} ~ The troupe along with his mother, Lynda.

{Pets} ~None anymore

{Relationship Status} ~ Single

{Crush} ~ Jaelle, Ion

{Girlfriend} ~ Open

{Personality} ~ Peter is deep down a kind-hearted, compassionate guy. Granted, he is usually quite nice to most people, mostly women, but more often than not he tends to be a rude, sarcastic, ignorant guy. Peter using a lot of sarcasm to hide his own true feelings and throw people off. He rarely lets people get too close to him and often shuts people out. Peter has really bad anger issues and will practically tear someone's head off his they piss him off. Aside from his bad attitude, when in a good mood Peter will socialize a lot and even flirt almost too much.

{Favorite Color} ~ Green

{Favorite Season} ~ Fall

{Vehicle} ~ Caravan

{Preferred State of Being} ~ Alone.

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Ion Nicolae

{Nickname} ~

I or Inic

{Meaning} ~

Ion~Meaning: God Is Gracious

Nicolae~Meaning: Victorious People

{Age} ~


{Gender} ~


{Birthday} ~

December 25th

{Sexuality} ~



{Hair Color}

Ion's hair is a dark brown.

{Eye color} ~

His eyes are a dark chocolate color.

{Height} ~

6 feet 10 inches.

{Weight} ~


{Family} ~

He has a little sister that he loves dearest to his heart and he also

has a mother.

{Pets} ~



{Relationship Status} ~

Ryland is single since he was cheated on last year.

{Crush} ~

None at the moment.

{Significant Other} ~




Iom might seem serious and all about work at first but,he just feels that he should get everything done before any playing or

having fun comes to mind.He is charming and tends to flirt now and then although he just laughs it off and doesn't go to far

with a guy/girl when flirting.He cares for his friends and family although they probably don't as much as he does.He doesn't really

like staying quiet for to long yet,he doesn't mind it a lot.He hates people who are irritating and complain about stuff that isn't even

a big deal.He has a passion for art and usually is painting,drawing,and sketching,.He also has taken an interest

in writing and reading as well.He doesn't see why people hate it so much but,he's ok with that and understands that writing isn't for everyone.

He sometimes sings to himself and isn't the slightest bit of confident when it comes to singing in front of someone let along a huge crowd.When

he gets mad he bites his tongue and holds back whatever he was going to say to stop something bad happening but,there's only so much one guy can

take before he breaks loose of the chains.

{Favorite Color} ~

His favorite color is light grey.

{Favorite Season} ~

Winter of course!

{Vehicle} ~


{Preferred State of Being} ~

On a swing by a calming lake side on a warm spring day with his drawing book and his dog resting down by his feet.




{Name} ~

Nicu Zerious

{Nickname} ~



{Meaning} ~

Nicu~Meaning: Victorious people

Zerious~Meaning: ( I have no idea
O.o )

{Age} ~


{Gender} ~


{Birthday} ~

January 1st

{Sexuality} ~



{Hair Color} ~


{Eye color} ~

His eyes are a ocean blue color.

{Height} ~


{Weight} ~


{Family} ~

No family.He was basically raised by strangers.

{Pets} ~

Wilbert!~ (No I didn't get this from
Charlotte's Web >:C)



{Relationship Status} ~


{Crush} ~


{Significant Other} ~


{Personality} ~

Nathan is a bit curious about things well,a lot of things and will sometimes ask way to many questions.He can get pretty quiet and to himself sometimes

but,he also can be goofy and all out a ball of excitement.He can usually be found sitting down in grass and looking up at the clouds or just asking someone a weird question or just a straight forward one"Do cows their own milk?".He is sometimes way to generous to the point where people start to take advantage of him and him not even noticing they are until later.He is open about his

sexuality but,doesn't go blurting it out everywhere.He has a kind heart even though people have broken it in the past before.

He trust people who he believes he should and doesn't like when people lie to him.He doesn't really tend to stay focus on what's ahead of him and usually ends up doing a lot of things at the

same time.Even though he may get quiet,he doesn't have a problem talking to strangers or talking to anyone really.

{Favorite Color} ~

Lime Green

{Favorite Season} ~

Spring because it's not to hot and not to cold.Not to many rainy days and not to humid days,

{Vehicle} ~


{Preferred State of Being} ~

Up in a tree looking up at the clouds.

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Aurora Nadia Theodosia

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/8579b23f5af30f38be8309d84b66c894.jpg.954a317790ea67b1ae666f2fda4aa958.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/8579b23f5af30f38be8309d84b66c894.jpg.954a317790ea67b1ae666f2fda4aa958.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Nickname} ~ Aura, Nadi,

{Meaning} ~ Dawn, Hope, God's Gift

{Age} ~ 20

{Gender} ~ Female

{Birthday} ~ September 20th

{Sexuality} ~ Bisexual

{Hair Color} ~ A mixture of golden brown with red undertones, her bangs being a natural bleach blonde color

{Eye color} ~ Green/Hazel

{Height} ~ 5'6

{Weight} ~ 125

{Family} ~ Her mother, Claudia; deceased.

{Pets}~ a piglett and a baby lamb ( if that's OK.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd607ba_images(16).jpg.ba243fef37920f631f0c3a8ce5c4d442.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd607ba_images(16).jpg.ba243fef37920f631f0c3a8ce5c4d442.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd64900_images(18).jpg.f67dc88dc2100f4dcd0fb683be3c144a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd64900_images(18).jpg.f67dc88dc2100f4dcd0fb683be3c144a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd64900_images(18).jpg.f67dc88dc2100f4dcd0fb683be3c144a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bebd64900_images(18).jpg.f67dc88dc2100f4dcd0fb683be3c144a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Relationship Status} ~ Single

{Crush} ~ .......,...Not telling

{Significant Other} ~

{Personality} ~ Aurora is very tranquil in an almost intense way. She is open and very honest about what she's feeling and how she views others. She is also very sharp and will not hesitate to call some one out if what they say or do seems off in anyway.. Aurora has a very peaceful aura around her for even though she has the nerve to speak up for herself she very rarely is seen angry or showing any negativity. Though in that aspect she's very mysterious, like a time bomb that everyone thinks is diffused. She harbors some strong feelings and when she gets stressed that's when its most noticeable. She doesn't want to burden anyone so on those stressful days she can often be found alone.

{Favorite Color} ~ Gold, auburn and green

{Favorite Season} ~ Summer

{Vehicle} ~ N/A

{Preferred State of Being} ~ Around people, preferably when its warm and sunny and everyone is in high spirits



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{Name} ~ Katherine Hathor Fairclove

{Nickname} ~ Kat

{Meaning} ~ [Meaning of full name] Katherine - Elegance, Purity. Hathor - Motherhood, love. Fairclove - Origins relate to plants, indicating association with growing.

{Age} ~ 23

{Gender} ~ Female

{Birthday} ~ 7th May

{Sexuality} ~ Bisexual

{Hair Color} ~ Black, with copper undertones

{Eye color} ~ Blue

{Height} ~ 5ft11

{Weight} ~ 168lb

{Style} ~ Simple, mostly handmade.

{Family} ~ She is close to her brother Caileb (anyone can use this character if you want),they have no other blood relations that they know of but everyone is family here anyway.

{Pets} ~ none

{Relationship Status} ~ Single

{Crush} ~ Ion

{Significant Other} ~ none

{Personality} ~ Katherine is a hopeless romantic, she seeks a partner, someone who she can love and care for and one day wed. She is one of the most caring people you'll ever meet, trusting, warm and honest; it's rare to ever see her without a smile on her face. All she desires is to help her family, wether it's through handiwork, babysitting or simply keeping a friend company in a hard time, Katherine will be there. The only problem with being there for everyone else is that she never stops to make sure she's okay, and she refuses to refuse anyone's requests no matter how laborious. Beneath the smiles, Katherine is also extremely lonely, despite the people around her, she lacks the one person who she can confide in and that will get to know her. She needs someone else in her life before she pushes herself too far trying to fill that gap.

{Favorite Color} ~ Dark Green,

{Favorite Season} ~ Spring

{Vehicle} ~ Caravan (open for sharing)

{Preferred State of Being} ~ In company, doing favours for her family.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.29be167167ff49557a3b30930f0a3b0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.29be167167ff49557a3b30930f0a3b0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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