The Life of an Experiment

"Good. Come along then." Talya said, smiling softly at Alliana. Not only was the creature quite adorable, -besides the claws and fangs of course- but she was obedient as well. The scientist soon turned around and led the way down a series of hallways and eventually knocked on a door and opened it for Alliana, waiting for her to go in first. Inside it was a testing room and an older, male scientist sitting at a chair. He nodded at Talya, waiting for the subject to enter.
The little cat-like creature entered and nodded at both scientists. When it came to the testing room, she always wonders about what will happen. Will she grow larger? Will she have a bigger head? Will she lose her voice? Will she have an extra arm? It's quite the experience to be in a room like this.
Once the creature was in the room Talya turned and left, shutting the door behind her. With a pencil she crossed a name off her clipboard then went to the next line...It was L-1312-00. Lizzy. Oh no! Talya moaned to herself, eyes widening slightly as she began to near the harsh subject's cage. with a shaky breath she slowly opened it and warned in a stern voice, "No funny business. Dr. Cal is waiting for you."

"Funny business? Me? Nah, nothing is funny about possibly tripping you and sticking you in a cage while I steal your lab coat and go mess around... Well maybe a little funny..." Lizzy sneered, quickly stepping out of her cage and brushing herself off.

"If you do that... I'll.. I'll tell Mr.Donner and you'll be sent to The Woods." She threatened, using the name of the person who controlled the Woods.

"Pfft. The Woods don't scare me. You all love me so very much that you would never even think about killing me in there." Lizzy said, batting her eyelashes.

"Ugh. I would think about it...Might even consider doing it in the next minute." Talya growled, suddenly grabbing Lizzy's wrist and quickly tugging her down the halls. The bratty girl would walk occasionally, though other times she would whine and moan and stop walking, causing Talya to tug harder and growl curses under her breath. She really hated this subject.
It was her and the male scientist now. Every test, she has to take off her shirt/nightgown so the scientists can access her full body. Who knows what they'll add to her next. Stitches and knives, needles and pliers. Maybe one day she won't be considered a failure. Time will tell as they say. Alliana got onto the "torture chair", as the other prisoners would call it, and relaxed herself, thinking about the good sides of being tested on.
Kanna was restless. She rolled around on the floor of her cage, waiting for the female scientist to come back and take her to get tested... Again... She grumbled something about science, toilets, and the effects of long time exposure to radiation before sighing. "Sometimes the time flies, sometimes it's like a melting stick of butter going down a hill..." She said, remembering one of the stranger tests. As punishment for something, Kanna had been forced to watch a stick of melting butter slowly, very slowly, melt down a slanted piece of concrete. She hadn't been allowed to move or leave, just watch. It had been agonizing. Kanna almost preferred the pain or isolation punishments. Almost.

And so she waited, tapping her feet against the bars of her cage.
While the others waited to get tested on there was a sharp scream from one end of the corridors, a small sealed of section that held one of their most successful experiment but biggest failure. Lucy, the person who just happened to decide whether someone exploded or not was curled up on the ground, her head just about killing her, she felt sharp pain in her head, it impaired her to make any sensible response but a scream.

The scream seemed to make the walls and floors shake, the whole laboratory felt like it was going to collapse, but no matter how many times she tried, the building was just to huge for her to break down. The two guards that had been outside her cage were now just helmets blood and clothes, their guns and bodies spontaneously combusted and no remnants of them except the blood on their clothes.

She clutched the straight blonde hair on both sides of her head, her eyes squeezed shut and her legs curled up to her chest. The ball she had been bouncing against the wall let out a soft puff as it became nothing but a pile of fluff on the ground.
There was a large scream outside while Alliana was being tested. She didn't know what it was. The male scientist began to put a liquid into her body despite having been surprised by the scream. So far, Allie has been knocked out for operation, given various movement tests, and given a long tail. Who knows what will be added to her next? Just a couple more hours.
Mad laughter bounced off the wall from down one of darkest halls in the building. At the end of the hall came the laughter had had mixed into the screaming. Hadden just couldn't help it whenever he heard it nowadays. It completely thrilled him as he jerked about in his chains. He was probably one of the very few experiments that was always chained up, even in his own cell. Should he even call it a cell? It was more like home now. Many of the doctors feared even to come near him, or the door to his room, and that was only because of his laughter.
She pulled on her restraints as she curled into a tighter ball. She screamed louder and louder until it was ringing in the other experiments ears. The cuffs around her wrists and ankles burst and so did the lock on the door.
Kanna flinched at the first scream, then curled into a ball again, her hands over her ears.

Then the laughter started.

Kanna remembered when the laughing began, it happened quite often now. It still equally scared her though, every time.

She especially hated it when they both were up and going, screaming and yelling. The sound dug into her ears, into her head, making her stop being able to think.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she stayed still and waited, hoping the horrible sounds would stop.

Then there was a pop. The strange sound of metal cracking and shattering. Kanna's eyes flew open, knowing exactly what it was.

The screamer was free, if only briefly.

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Hadden stopped laughing for a moment as he registered the fact that his chains were no longer on his body. With a grin, he stood to his feet. Why not cause a little havoc? He walked out of his cell, peering out into the hall. Hm, no one there. All the stuffy white coats must be busy conducting "experiments." As he walked down the hall, he looked into each of the rooms, curious as to who else was free.
THe only other expiriment in his area was the only other 'insane' expiriment, the screaming girl. The one who was clutching her head and the area around her made you feel like you were about to explode, because if you got to close, you woulld.
Hadden turned to the cell of the screaming girl. So this was hear? He made his cells speed up so he could pass through the door, much like how you'd expect a ghost to. He looked down at her, unaffected by the girl's body piercing power. "Oh, look at what I found~ Hello there." He greeted her, a smile underneath his mask.

Her blonde hair whipped behind her as she looked up to meet his eyes. Her eyes were a piercing red color and as soon after she looked up she outstretched her arms and screamed at him. His mask shattered into a million pieces and everything around the two, including walls began shattering into a million molecules unseen by eyes anymore.

The building began to shake as she fell to the ground, her eyes shutting and her voice cutting off as she fellunconscious

Hadden blinked before laughing, that mask was a hindrance anyway. He bent over and picked her up. Might as well, right? She'd be a nice little ally. Carrying her in a bridal style, he stepped out into the hall. Huh, no guards.
The two guards that had been there were now only a pile of blood on a pile of clothes. She was light and thin and her hair swayed around the arm that was beneath her neck.
Hadden was thankful that she didn't weigh much, and soon he began his descent down the hall. He heard the cries of some other experiments. Maybe he should set them free as well. Well, right now there weren't any alarms, and he didn't know the blast radius of the girl's screams. He really didn't need any alarms going off right now. Should he chance it? Ugh, stupid brain....
It has been a while now. Alliana cringed when there were screams and laughter coming through. Careful with the large ears, okay?! They're delicate! How long has it been? Hours? Minutes? Who knows? The scientist experimenting on her. She didn't know, but she couldn't speak right now. Now what the heck was going on out there?
Screw it. He hated this place, and the scientists. He retreated to the experimental hall, where they were currently preforming tests. Unfortunately, a pair of guards spotted him. As they were about to set the alarm, Hadden activated his power, using it on the two guards. White smoke began to come from their eyes, and they cried out in pain as their skin began to split apart and dissolve.
Talya had heard the screaming and laughter, but by then she was in a room with another scientist and Lizzy. She dropped the girl's wrist and Lizzy grudgingly stepped closer to the scientist -which was a middle-aged man- and said with a lop-sided grin, "What's going on today, doc?"

"You'll see." The man replied in his flat, boring, tone. Talya yawned, though didn't leave because she was actually a bit frighted of the screaming and such. She wasn't a guard, so she didn't need to help with the situation.

The doctor gestured to a table and had Lizzy lay down on it, then connected a few cords and wires to various parts of her body.

"We're just going to take a few more tests, you're still a mystery it seems."

"You're never going to figure it out.." Lizzy replied, mostly to herself with a smirk. The scientist glared at her faintly. No one really seemed to like this annoying, bratty, girl that hid everything and made it impossible to do tests. Suddenly a strong shock was sent to her body from the cords and Lizzy flinched and moments later blacked out. The scientists went and sat at the computer after pulling the lever that put the girl to sleep. Hopefully soon he would have a clue of who this girl was. It was rather clear not all Lizzy's powers were form the Lab.
After the guards were, ehem, disposed of, Hadden set the girl down next to the door. He changed his body to the gas form, before slipping inside of the room. He half growled and half hummed in excitement when he saw a few scientists and an experiment through a one sided window showing the computer room and the experimentation room. Since he had just picked off the guards, no one knew that he was the only one left in the room behind the glass. Walking up to the glass, he began to slowly tap on it. "Doctor~" He sang through the glass, grinning when he slammed his fist against it, causing it to crack.
She stayed there, perfectly asleep, perfectly limp and just as they all began to have fun, the allarm was pulled by a young scientist who saw her body just laying there. The red lights and loud alarm began wailing through the halls.
Hadden looked towards, growling a bit as he opened the door and pulled the girl in, before locking it once more. Damn scientists and guards. Hadden slipped through the cracks on the window, going into the room with the other experiment. He had actually encountered this one before, but it wasn't for long, since it was a separate containment breach.
Ah crud, not the alarm! Allie frowned in annoyance. Other experiments these days, trying to escape. Do they know that even if they escape, they have a large fence ahead of them? Yeah, Allie knows about it. She's had outdoor recreational sessions. A cat's gotta run around! She tried to block off any noise from the alarm. but with her big ears, it's hard to.

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