The Lewis Academy for the Gifted (characters) [Inactive]

DelilahRoseTheFair submitted a new role play:

The Lewis Academy for the Gifted - There are too many secrets in this academy.

The Lewis Academy for the Gifted is just that: for the gifted. These students, though, are not the normal type of gifted. Lies lurk over the truth in their eyes and secrets are whispered behind closed doors. Paranormal activities are anything but abnormal in this academy and those with no control struggle to remain accepted by the high class standards of Lewis.
(Maximum of 2 characters per person.)

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Nickname (if applicable):


What makes her/him "gifted":

Physical appearance: (preferably a photo, but...
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Name: Delilah Rose Elsdon

Nickname: Lilah, Lilly, or Rosie

Age: 16

What makes her "gifted": Lilah has a natural aptitude for hydrokinesis (water bending) and aerokinesis (air bending).

Physical appearance:


Lilah is 5'4" and 112 pounds. Her hair, dark brown in color, reaches her mid back. She has light blue eyes and a rather girly style of dressing.

Personality: Lilah is usually quiet unless she has something to say, which makes her seem shy or stuck-up to other people. Her thoughts are usually in the clouds and tend to distract her very often. While not a quarrelsome person, she will back up anybody being put down for their beliefs as she is a strong supporter of the first amendment. She enjoys books a lot, and is also very musical. Lilah can play the flute and piano, and she writes instrumental songs. Though not the best, she likes to spend some of her time drawing.

Social standing in the Academy: She tries her hardest to be friendly but is often left to sit alone at lunch and work on projects by herself. No matter what she has tried at her previous schools, she can't seem to find any friends.

Siblings in the Academy: Lilah has no siblings attending Lewis, but she does have two younger, twin, adopted brothers at home.

Back story: Lilah was born in a small town on the Texas coast and has hated Texas stereotypes ever since. In elementary she was very outgoing and had lots of friends. Her parents were very accepting of her when she began her reading habit in fourth grade. During fifth grade she had to change to other schools in the area three times due to her "gifts" starting to show themselves. By sixth grade (her first year of learning the flute), she had only half of her friends left and had grown quiet. When her grandfather died while she was in seventh grade, she was devastated. She found her boyfriend in the summer between seventh and eighth grade, and they have been together since then. Starting in her freshman year of high school, her friends stopped talking to her as she recessed further in to music, books and art. She received her letter for Lewis Academy a week before her sophomore year (and the role play) was supposed to start.


Lilah has been with her boyfriend, Chandler Pennant, since eighth grade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-29_20-39-46.jpeg.8d72869830f82692d22f39b5a04d67d0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-29_20-39-46.jpeg.8d72869830f82692d22f39b5a04d67d0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><<<<--- That's Chandler . (Someone can make him if they want him to be at the Academy.)

She can't remember much from before her seventh grade year other than her teachers and a faint recollection of a few school field trips.



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