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Fandom The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined bonds


a determined artist

Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight. The sacred blade is forever tied to the soul of the Hero.
"Dear don't you think its time to put the books down" the darkened bedroom was illuminated as the chandelier lights came to life.
" Impa I know the answers we need are somewhere here I'm sure of it!" An elderly hand closed gently shut the book the young woman had been studying intently.
" You need to rest, tomorrow is a big day. You wouldn't want to sleep through your own coronation now would you."
" I can't rest with this lingering feeling that something disastrous is on its way. "
" Princess, if you truly believe in those old legends then you should have faith that one will always rise to prevent such calamity. All this stress isn't good for you dear please think about getting some rest soon" the elderly woman exited the room leaving the princess alone once again.
" I know I'm right about this, you'll see."

Tomorrow is the long-awaited coronation of the princess. Many inhabitants of the kingdom of Hyrule will be rushing to see the new queen of Hyrule.
Over the years the land of Hyrule has grown immensely with the rise of sheikah technology being embraced.
In summary, this Hyrule is more advance than previous generations while maintaining its old traditions. Transportation via trains, lights powered by lighting, Smaller less powerful sheikah slates have become common for the more wealthy citizens (Although lacking in many of the more dangerous runes only really serving as a camera and note pad with limited communication to other slates. Rumor has it the more advance runes can still be accessed with special permissions granted)
Many stories of old have faded into mere legend, some being written off as fairytales no less, still some hold on to these stories as a form of comfort in the future.

The kingdom remains in control of two-thirds of the Triforce, Wisdom being passed down to the ruler, Power locked away safely where none with mal intent may lay their hands on it. However, the last piece has been lost to history, where it resides is unknown at this time.

Pretty much any race from the Zelda series you can think of is available as I won't be letting a timeline hold the story back.
There are only three characters considered main characters that I will control as they are Plot crucial but everything else can be up to grabs

As I have a second RP running at this time my attention will have to be split on both but I promise to at least update once or twice a week at least, (hopefully more than that)
Also the first one to claim Link gets him. (But that doesn't mean that he will be the only one going on an adventure.)
I think I am also planning on joining this rp, got a good character idea I can use for this
what uh, stats should i put down for him?
Well if you want to go with the standard video game style 3 hearts is typical and 1 stamina bar with either lv 1 magic or no magic to start (this is because Link is expected to grow as the game goes on.) But this is not a video game so while heart pieces and containers do still exist this isn't gonna solely work like the games so you can make Link's stats pretty much however you think he should start depending on the backstory you want to give him. Also in skyward sword Link actually starts with 6 hearts instead of 3.
Well since most of the characters are Hylian (the other being human), might as well make my second which is gonna be my last one a Goron to include more races in the character pool.
Well since most of the characters are Hylian (the other being human), might as well make my second which is gonna be my last one a Goron to include more races in the character pool.
wow, funny thing is I told vagabond that I believed Gorons would be one of the least likely to be played. thanks for the surprise. Go for it.
I don't want to keep everyone waiting for one person so I'll make a post letting everyone set themselves up while we wait for the last character. Since I don't know when oliiebee oliiebee will be able to get around to it.
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