The Legend of Alveron (DRAGON RP SIGN UP)

Name: Artax.

Age: Old dusty bat.

Wingspan: 15 ft.

Length: 22 ft.

Height: 18 ft.

Overall appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc3444ff_TheParasiteDragon.jpg.ab3719504accf71f16db49a21de145b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc3444ff_TheParasiteDragon.jpg.ab3719504accf71f16db49a21de145b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basic personality: Observant, fair and balanced. Extremely wise. Not quite cold, but holds no bonds 'cept for reciprocity and the balance of the realm.

Short Bio: After the corruption of Sorian, Artax left the company of other dragons, disturbed by the hatred in their hearts. He found asylum by a sedated pool of water in a forgotten forest somewhere far from the touch of the great war. Over time, changed by the waters and the surrounding wood, Artax now contemplates the choices he must make to ensure harmony, and awaits the reincarnation of Tempus to set into motion the events surrounding his return to the land of his kin.

Faction: Neutral

Power: Earth? The power to give and take life, each time taking a toll on Artax. This power leeches his own life-force pushing him closer to the astral realm and farther away from the land of the living, equally altering his outward appearance to match. (I see him dying in this somehow) Limited flight. I also thought it would be cool if he could create or kill plant-life wherever he steps, kind of like this: [media][/media] Let me know if this would be too much. Inspiration from the Forest Spirit and the above pic.



  • The Parasite Dragon.jpg
    The Parasite Dragon.jpg
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Name: Crucia

Age: Middle-Aged

Wingspan: 30 feet

Length: 27 feet

Height: 16 feet

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Crucia is very calm, and wants the best for the Realm. When you anger her, she will attack you but stay cool-headed when doing so. When she is alone, Crucia doesn't talk to herself. She likes tto stay to her thoughts.

Short Bio: Crucia was born in the sky itself, and was surprisingly formidable in her training. She grew fast, and went through each level of training quickly as well. Being the one who always did the right thing, when the war started she joined the good side. She once said "Nobody who chooses Evil will ever trulysucceed, no matter if they succeed in their plan." This got her a nick name, well really an Alias. "The Storm Queen"

Faction: Good girl

Power: Crucia is an air dragon, and has powers accordingly. She can create and manipulate storms/lightning, and control air.

(I know, it is from a game.)
The Lore Master: Accepted. Though I am wondering, do you have any plans with this "dark dragon" for later on in the story?

Atreyu: Accepted. Just read over the message I sent you in PM and we'll be all good :big grin:

Naga: Accepted. Nice job.
I'm afraid that my life has suddenly gotten too busy for me to keep up with this roleplay and I'll have to go on a bit of a hiatus here/not partake until a much later date if it's still possible to join in at such a time. My apologies.
That's perfectly fine with me. Just put up a character sheet, Lysander, then you'll be good to go!

Renn, I understand, that's alright. It happens.
Name: Korzan

Age: Young Adult (His frequent positions of leadership have left him with a mentality of a much more mature dragon than his age suggests.)

Wingspan: 166 ft

Length: 139 ft

Height: 64 ft

Overall Appearance:


His scales have a metallic sheen to them, and they crackle with energy, which manifests itself as purple lightning. The inner portions of his body are also lit with a purple glow to represent his manipulation of pure energy. Also, as seen from his proportions, he is an absolutely colossal dragon, with large, muscled limbs, long claws and an extensive tail.

Basic Personality:

Korzan is a very fierce dragon. Due to his size, he does not back down from confrontation. However, his size also lends itself to his tendency to be a vocal leader, and this leadership has also made him intelligent and tactful in dealing with others, cunning and ruthless in battle, caring for those in need, and fiercely loyal to those who have proven trustworthy. For those that betray others, he has no patience for them. Most have learned not to cross him due to his terrible vengeance and his tendency to hold a grudge for a long, long time.

Short Bio:

Korzan’s parents were one of Alvox’s closest allies, carrying out his decrees and missions in his old age. One of their greatest strengths was their enormous size and sheer strength, which was obviously passed on to Korzan. It was their belief that all would be fixed when Tempus returned. However, tragically, when Korzan was yet a young hatchling, Sorian’s dark agents managed to eliminate Korzan’s parents. Thus, he was left in the care of Alvox and his close followers. It was from this upbringing that Korzan learned about leadership and the need for harmony in the world. However, Korzan still thinks about revenge on Sorian and his minions for their part in his parent’s deaths.

Faction: Good guy


Korzan’s power is the manipulation of energy. This power manifests itself in his very body by crackling between his very scales and filling his entire being with a powerful glow. Korzan can manipulate energy such as removing energy from waves (sound waves, water waves, earthquakes, etc.), or he can add energy to make such events more significant. This means that he cannot create such waves, only amplify or attenuate them. This manner of manipulation is effective only in a radius that reaches 10 ft from his outstretched proportions.

Korzan’s primary offensive weapons are his energy bolts, which manifest as purple lightning. Rather than firing from his mouth, these can be fired from anywhere along the purple aura that surrounds his body, although the accuracy diminishes the further the source goes from his head, wingtips, and limbs. These bolts can be fired in a wide ray with weaker effects, or a concentrated dose, with high destructive power. Also, the range is extremely high, although the power begins to decay exponentially starting from 35 ft from the source.

As mentioned in his physical appearance, Korzan’s secondary weapons are his sheer size and ensuing strength, his whip-like tail, ferocious jaws, and massive claws.
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Just jump in now, if you want.

Because of how slow the RP started, I am eliminating the posting order until further notice.
Name: Benzel, King of the Rot.

Age: That's mister old dusty bat to you. (mentally, a hundred years old or more.)

Wingspan: 46 ft.

Length: 35 ft.

Height: 62 ft.

Overall appearance:


Benzel's roar/general voice sounds like an alien wub machine.

His upper cranium possesses two, small, pearly white eyes wielding rather poor vision during the day, and incredibly precise night vision. The front of his snout is covered in pointy spines, jutting out forward, made out of cartilage. Weak at the top, hard at the base.

His mouth appears to be hidden under a hard skull, and looks loose and can move independently from the jaw. So if his mouth is generally open, his jaw can stay open but the inner mouth, small teeth and all, can close with a sharp contraction of the internal muscles. Like a Xenomorph.

The area around the corners of his mouth is filled with balloon-like growths, hideous and oozing. These are home to over a thousand maggots.

Two long horns jut out on either side of his head, and at their bases, are what appear to be two enormous, mountainous growths, home a colony of bees (not kidding.)

At the join joining his back and neck, are two large flaps of skin, sharp spines adorn their edges.

The King of the Rot is enormously girthy. His neck is much longer and larger than his limbs, and seems to make up a great portion of his total weight.

His entire body, and the area around it, stinks or rotting things and dead bodies.

Especially his breath.

Benzel's arms and legs are very stubby, his feet retain overgrown, black, ridiculously pointy talons that curl in on themselves. Benzel's wings barely resemble wings- they're thick bone structures, with skin draping over them in large folds. Benzel is still, very surprisingly, able to fly. If you look closely, a thick sheet of locust cover the leathery membranes of skin. Benzel's tail is slightly less stubby then his limbs. It has no spikes, spines, or otherwise notable features.

Benzel is covered in ants, busily racing around his enormous form. Beetles hide under the thick folds of his skin, maggots pulse under the sheen of his membranes in large, hideous bulges. Other kinds of strange bugs and spiders wriggle and crawl over and under teeth and eyes and flaps and talons.

He is truly hideous.

Basic personality: Benzel will most likely kill you and leave your body to rot, then he'll eat you. He likes rotten things.

The King of the Rot will likely trick you, or deceive you in many ways. Just when you think you are safe, he will return to slay you. When you think he is nice, he will become mean. When you think he is mean, he will become nice.

Benzel likes to sit on the sidelines, and watch things happen. Sometimes, you will see him do nothing more than sit, for days, or until mold begins to grow on him, just to think and witness the world rot around him.

Benzel is not alive, therefore he does not fear death. He tends to attack other dragons by using his girth to suffocate them, or pin them down long enough to allow his insects to burrow into any soft patches on their bodies, not occupied by scales.

But, deep inside, Benzel truly longs for acceptance. The zombie dragon longs for love.

Short Bio: Benzel was originally a living, breathing dragon. He had been a thing of peace, only wishing to watch the world around him, and survive on nothing but good will.

But his genes would not allow his life to continue in such a manner.

In fact, they would not allow him to continue at all.

His heritage consisted of a special mix of elements: Time->Darkness->Water->Earth. Thus being an Earth dragon himself, upon the death of Tempus, a special alteration was created in the time-space continuum, and Benzel's doomed bloodline became reborn in his blood as the element of Rot.

He did not stop living right away. Slowly, his body degenerated and deformed, bugs became attached to his energy, the world around him seemed to grow only older and moldier.

When he had died, the King of the Rot did not even notice. One day his lungs had grown so old and decomposed, they could no longer function, his heart followed suit.

And yet he lived on, witnessing the struggles of the world around him for ages.

Faction: Neutral bad.

Power: Beetles hide under the flaps of his skin, and can be sent out to aid in aerial assault. Maggots hide under the scales of his hands and feet, so whenever he cuts his enemies with his black, overgrown talons, the maggots are able to enter the host and poison them. Bees can be sent out of the two large sacs on either side of his head.

Ants live all over his body, and he can use them to carry things for him, or collect food. Sometimes, he can send out locusts (that sit on the thick, leathery hide of this wings) to attack village crops.

He is able to spew a poisonous liquid from his tear ducts, into his enemies eyes, that can result in temporary blindness. If this liquid is swallowed, or injected into the blood, it may kill the victim.

Thus, his tears are also poisonous.

These abilities are not very effective on other dragons, because their scales help protect them from insects.

If Benzel stays in one place for too long, the place rots. Trees fall and crumble into worm-food, grass grows yellow and boggy. A fog smelling of rot, death, and carcasses blankets the area.

Things that he touches tend to die, cuts dealt by his teeth, claws, or other sharp appendages are almost instantly infected by flesh-eating bacteria. These wounds appear to rot.

When fighting other dragons, Benzel usually attempts to wrestle them down, and crush them with his weight. Once they are down, he allows the insects inside/outside of him to infect/eat the victim, by holding the other dragon down long enough for the insects to find a soft patch of flesh, like the eyes, to burrow into.

Often, he tries to stab the dragon and inject poison into its blood when it is crushed under his enormous girth.

Theme Song!:


His voice sounds like the roaring wub thing that I can't explain.
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Hello, Doctor Disharmony , I would like to get creative and make an evil dragon with the power of darkness... (Or some other very creepy power) and she would be chained to the ground deep in an underground mountain and then I'm basically awakened...

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