• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ โ˜… ๐ฟ๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“‰ โ˜… ๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ (Character Sheets)



Two Thousand Club
Before starting your character, please be sure to read the rules closely and ask any questions that you may have prior to making your sheets. When creating your character sheet, feel free to use any code you would like to make it as pretty as you want it to..or simply write it out, it does not HAVE to have a code.
The link to the discord server is located here [--> x <--]

  • Appearance: (Your civilian form and Magical Girl/Boy and/or Witch/Warlock form. Magical Girls/Boys cannot have any form of animalistic traits in their Magical Girl/Boy form.)
    Name: (Civilian name and your Magical Girl/Boy and/or Witch/Warlock name.)
    Age: 13 - 17
    Grade: (Follow the age-to-grade list that was made in 'announcements' on the server to determine what grade you are in for school.)
    Alignment: (Magical Girl/Boy or Witch/Warlock)
    Gem Color: (What color is your gem?)
    Wish: (What was your wish when becoming a Magical Girl/Boy or Witch/Warlock?)
    Weapon: (Only one max.)
    Power(s): (Only one max. It does not have to be matching your wish but remember that your power came from the wish you made.)
    Purification/Corruption Spell: (As a Magical Girl/Boy when you are purifying a Nightmare what is your specific process for your character to do so? For Witches/Warlocks, how do you use your power to corrupt a person into becoming a Nightmare, what is your specific process to do so?)
    Extra: (Optional. Theme song, transformation song, battle song, anything else extra you want to add.)
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Usagi Arima

Magical Girl Name:




Magical Girl

Gem Color:

"I wish for Ken to over come his struggles with depression. I really miss his bright smile."

Rose Manipulation - She can create, shape and manipulate roses, she can cause roses and parts of the roses, including petals, stems and pollen, to grow and bloom, and move/attack. Attacks having to deal with fire and ice can pose an issue, and the petals can be delicate and fragile unless the she increase their durability which uses up energy.

Purification Spell: (a spell that purifies nightmares)
"Rose Renewal Escalation!" - She uses her bow to shoot at the heart of the nightmare to purify it. The rose on her bow opens up and lights up in a pink flam as she takes her aim and says the spell.

Usagi has a very crazy, hyper. cheerful, outgoing, passionate and energetic personality. She is friendly, extravagant, messy, and while quite mature, she can also be childish, easily angered, and clumsy at times. Though she has her heart in the right place, she can be quite oblivious sometimes. Usagi holds her own set of values and can be quite earnest when it comes to it, despite her cheery and carefree attitude. She constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She has a habit of picking up strays, and has many times brought animals home. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed. She is willing to make sacrifices when it comes to those dear to her. In spite of her naรฏve and carefree nature, Usagi isn't thoughtless of others, she is very particular about not hurting anyone around her.

Usagi greatly dislikes overly-critical people that judge others for their interests. While possessing a mature side, she can be something of a scatterbrain on occasion. She is weak in academics and also a procrastinator at times, though this usually only pertains to her school work and studying. But if it's something she enjoys and has an interest in doing, she gets proactive and won't waste any time. Usagi has a habit of being embarrassed by seemingly insignificant things, while being woefully unaware or uncaring of clearly more humiliating factors. Usagi loves to go out when it's nice and sunny, has a large appetite, and loves to eat chocolate but still manages to maintain her slender figure. Despite her love for food, she is not a very good cook. Usagi has a large collection of stuffed animals and loves to shop, although she tends to squander her money and usually doesn't have any when she really needs it.

Usagi was born into a wealthy family in Tokyo. Her father was a big business man while her mother was a society woman. Despite their wealth and her father's busy schedule they always made sure to spend time together as a family. Her parents tried not to spoil her to much growing up. Growing up Usagi had three friends two girls and one boy. The boy was named Ken. Ken and Usagi were the closest in the friend group. Usagi even grew to have a crush on him. Though as they got older Ken started to change quite a bit he barely smiled anymore and he seemed like a different person. Ken was struggling with depression and Usagi more then anything wanted to help him. One night a beautiful woman came to Usagi's dreams. Her name was Aurora and she was a goddess. The goddess offered Usagi wish in exchange for her becoming a magical girl. Usagi being a big fan of anime and loving the magical girl genre did not hesitate to accept but she was unsure about her wish for she had nothing she really wanted but then after thinking for a moment she asked the goddess if should wish for someone else. The goddess smiled at her kindly and said of course she could. So Usagi wished for her friend Ken to over come his struggle with depression so she could see his bright smile again. As time went by Usagi quickly took to being a magical girl it wasn't easy but she seem to have a knack for it. And she noticed Ken was approving soon enough he was back to his old self again. Usagi couldn't be happier.

Usagi's feelings for Ken only seem to get stronger so she decided to confess her feeling for him but every time she tried to she lost her nerve. She noticed there was girl that had been hanging around Ken recently. She was very beautiful girl with pale skin and thick black hair. They seemed to have been growing closer. Usagi started to grow a bit jealous and decided no matter what she had to confess to him now but before she could the girl had done it first. Usagi happen to witness it happen when she went looking for Ken. Seeing Ken accept the girls feelings was a big blow. That same day just when she was leaving school Ken caught up with her and told Usagi about what happen and she pretended not to know about it and smiled for him telling him it that was great. "......As long as your happy that's all that really matters." As she said goodbye to him and started to leave Ken grabbed her wrist she turned and looked back at him. He seemed like he wanted to say something but instead he let go of her and said never mind it was nothing. From that day on they continued to be friends but it was clear something was different for they closeness they once had wasn't there anymore.

After Usagi's second year of middle school her parents sent her to live in Mitakihara City to go to Mitakihara Academy. Going to the school is a Arima family tradition the reason is because her family was one of the founders of the Academy. Usagi has been there for almost a year now and has made some friends and she has even met other magical girls and boys. Which was happy about. Usagi is currently living by herself in a apartment that her parents are paying the rent for currently.

Civilian Appearance:

Theme Song:

Transformation Music:

Battle Music:
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    Phoebe Brooks

    Magical Girl Name:





    Magical Girl

    Gem Color:

    "I wish to meet my true love very soon, my own hero or heroine to make me feel like a princess in a fairy tale!"

    Golden staff with an amber colored sphere on top of it

    Phoebe has the power to wield sunlight, using it as a shield or as a magical beam to attack enemies, though she needs her staff in order to cast such magic.

    Purification Spell:
    When purifying a Nightmare, Phoebe will use her staff to envelop the creature in warm rays of sunlight. It is not blinding nor does it burn - it's a warm comfortable feeling, as if being out on an open field on a perfect Sunny day, with no clouds in sight. It invokes the feeling of nostalgia, of good times in the past, when the world was still new to one's bewildered eyes.

    Phoebe is a bundle of positive energy, always looking on the bright side even when things seem bleak. She is always willing to help others when they are down, wanting to pick them back up again and encourage them to keep moving forward, to never give up hope. While she appreciates her twin brother Lincoln being protective of her, it can feel a bit suffocating at times and she feels the need to do things on her own, believing she can handle herself well even in a tough spot. She yearns to prove herself as someone that everyone can rely on, someone that people can turn to when they need the strength to keep going against all odds.

    The youngest by a whole six minutes, Phoebe was born alongside her older brother Lincoln as fraternal twins. While originally from America, their parents had moved to Japan before the twins were born, and the two were raised in Mitakihara City their whole lives. Even as a young child, Phoebe was always a bright and happy child, carefree and getting into all sorts of mischief. Her brother did his best to keep her out of danger, and it's thanks to him that Phoebe hasn't gotten seriously hurt or worse with how overly curious she got.

    In her academic life, Phoebe has quite a few friends and takes part in a few after school clubs, namely the chorus association and the drama club. She felt bad for Lincoln, however, because he had no interest in making friends. She tried to get him to be more outgoing, but of course he refused to take part in it. The twins really were the sun and moon when it came to their personalities, yet despite this Phoebe respected her brother and saw a lot of good in him through all of the cold exterior. That was just her way - Phoebe always tried to look for the good in people, to give them the benefit of the doubt. A noble trait, but dangerous in the wrong situations.

    One night, shortly after the twins celebrated their sixteenth birthday, the two shared a dream together - a phenomenon neither of them experienced before or since. In their shared dream, the Goddess Aurora came to them and offered to give them wonderful and magical powers in order to protect people who were getting hurt by creatures called Nightmares. And there were Witches and Warlocks that had to be defeated as well! Phoebe didn't hesitate, she accepted her calling as a magical girl, wishing for true love to finally enter her life.

    She was overjoyed when Lincoln agreed to become a Magical Boy, and together the twins were granted their wishes and their powers. Phoebe became Hemera, using the power of sunlight in order to defeat the bad guys and protect the innocent. Lincoln in turn became Nereus, using the power of water to do the same. For just over a year, Phoebe along with her brother fought many Nightmares and have grown stronger together as a team, though these days Phoebe is starting to feel coddled by the overprotective Lincoln and wants to do things on her own for once as a magical girl. She believes in herself, she knows she's capable and Lincoln knows it too, so why can't he just let her go solo for once?

    Theme song

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    Hansuke Kaito


    Grade: 11th



    Magical boy

    Gem Color:

    To cure his blindness and to finally see the world.

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Erinaโ€™s Character Sheet
  • BasicsIMG_3403.jpeg
    • Full Name (Civilian): Hayashida Erina
    • Magical Girl Name: Sylph
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: Seventeen (17)
    • Grade: 11th
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Alignment: Magical Girl
    • Appearance
      • Magical Girl

    • Height: 5'5โ€œ| 165cm
    • Weight: 114lbs | 52kg
    • Hair color: Chocolate brown โ˜† White (in magical girl form)
    • Eye color: Amber โ˜† Ice blue with a tinge of purple (in magical girl form)
    • Skin color: Fair
    • Body type: Mesomorph
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    Ethan Atae

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Grade: 11th

    Alignment: Magical Boy

    Apathetic. That's how most would describe Ethan at a first glance. Or a second. Or even a third. Everything from the cold and stoic expression that constantly paints his face to his monotone, almost bored tone of voice gives the impression that he is an uncaring, unkind, unassuming individual, but that assumption isn't quite true. His appearance beiles a deeper compassion held on the inside, shown through actions rather than emotions.

    In his school life, Ethan has managed to coast by without making waves. He gets his work done, rarely speaks, and then leaves. In fact, he's more likely to be recognized as 'Emi's big brother' than anything else, and without her begging or dragging him along to things its likely that he would have zero social life (which, to be honest, he would be perfectly content with). As a magical boy, he's more proactive, taking up the role of a front-line defender and harasser to draw attention and ensure innocents and allies stay safe, going so far as to take unnecessary blows to prevent others from getting trivial injuries.

    Born to a chronically ill mother and a former magical boy father, one might think Ethan's upbringing was one full of boring hospital visits and constant moral lessonsโ€”and it wasโ€”but in those rare moments where his mind wanders and he finds himself reminiscing on his early childhood, all he remembers is the carefree happiness and warmth that surrounded him.

    Surrounded. Past tense.

    It was foreseeable, predictable even, when the fateful missive made it's way to the Atae household. A few months too late, and a few words too formal. It was nothing more than confirmation for what was already known in Ethan's little heart when the handwritten heart-sticker covered letters stopped arriving every week and visitations had been denied for months. Mom wasn't coming home this time. Not even in a casket.

    Ethan took it bad. His father took it worse. His two little siblings, barely old enough to comprehend death, only understood that their mother had gone somewhere else, and wouldn't be there to sing lullabies or give them kisses goodnight anymore.

    Without his guiding light, Ethan's father, 'The Amazing Empyrean!' as the headlines used to call him, had a slow and dragged-out descent for such a proud and loving father. First, it was simple and innocuous; suits were no longer pressed, children's laces no longer tied, trash and laundry began piling up. Then months passed, and the smile and happy faรงade fell, the once strong man no longer able to keep the act up even for his children. By the time a year had gone by, work had become a second thought to rotting on the couch or leaving for days at a time. Meals were no longer cooked, cuts and bruises no longer bandaged and kissed, and bills began piling up. Ethan did all he could to help, but little hands make naught but little dents in so big a problem.

    It was foreseeable, predictable even, when the magical dad magically disappeared. Had he died? Become corrupted? Decided to just walk out on his children? Ethan didn't know, nor did he have the time to care. With two little siblings, no food, and soon to be no house, his concerns were a bit more immediate.

    'The Amazing Empyrean!' left an amazingly small amount of money behind in his final dissapearing act, barely enough to pay for a month of rent, but he had accumulated an impressive collection of trinkets and memorabilia from his magical life stashed away in the basement. With all the tact, grace, and business acumen of an eleven-and-a-half year old shouldering too much responsibility, Ethan sold every last scrap for whatever he could. In the end it wasn't as much as he would have liked, but it was more than he had ever seen before. And all of it, down to the very last yen, would go towards making sure his siblings were as happy and comfortable as possible.

    Straight from school to pick up his little siblings, then straight home to take care of them, and after they were in bed straight to preparing to repeat it all the next day. That's how things went for many months, and although it was a big change for everyone involved, it wasn't as drastic as Ethan had imagined. In fact, being a guardian seemed to come to him naturally. What didn't come naturally, however, was the money. As the last dregs of cash left his pockets, the future came into question. Living on the streets wasn't an option, and his only known relatives wanted nothing to do with the hฤfu children. Would it be the orphanage, then? Squatting in abandoned houses? Begging for a place to stay every night? With those stressful questions lingering in his mind, how Ethan even got to sleep that night is a mystery even to himself, but what he saw in his dreams changed his life forever.

    The radiant Goddess stood before him, her light and warmth reminding him of his own mother. She spoke of magic powers, of protecting the innocent and keeping the world safe. It was all things he'd heard before from his father, of course, but still he listened politely and silently. There seemed to be no downsides to the offer, and he would get a wish on top of it all. A brief thought flitted across his mind, a curiosity of what his father had wished for when he had received the same offer, but he shook it away. He already knew what his own wish would be before she even began speaking.

    "I want my siblings to be happy."

    Perhaps he could haveโ€”and should haveโ€”gone for something more materialistic and selfish, or maybe even just worded the rather open-ended request better, but he was content enough to speak the wish as it was. When he awoke in the morning, it was still in the same house, with the same schedule and the same lack of money. He had expected some massive change, perhaps his parents being back or his siblings having a new family, but everything was the same, all the way down to the lack of money. It had just been a dream after all, then.

    But as he returned home after school that day with his little brother and sister in tow, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar letter in the mailbox.

    "iisan, iisan! Look!" His sister called out, grabbing the letter and handing it over. It was from someone who he'd never even heard of before, a distant relative of a distant relative, but they offered monetary help, and the proof was a check for just the amount of money they needed. It took Ethan a moment to realize why this was happening, but finally it struck him: his siblings were perfectly content with the life their big brother provided for them already, the only thing that would make them happier was for him to be a little less stressed.

    As the years passed, Ethan slid into his role as a magical boy like a glove. Now, it's going to school, taking care of his brother and sister, and occasionally transforming to stomp some wraiths and Nightmares into the dirt. His naturally protective nature that he developed as a big brother and guardian translates perfectly into his magical life, and he finds himself prioritizing the safety of his friends and innocents over everything else.

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Mayumi Rose Bell
Age: 15

Grade: 10th Grade

Gender: Demi-girl

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alignment: Magical Girl

Height: 5โ€™ 4โ€

Connections: Hikari (The soul of her dead girlfriend)

Gem Color: Pastel Pink

Wish: To bring her loved one back from the dead.

Nationality: Half Japanese, Half British.


Mayumi is often seen by others as creepy and intimidating, often talking to herself but in fact she is just very shy. She struggles with trauma from her early days of being a magical girl and often stays silent when people are talking. She doesnโ€™t have a lot of friends and stays pretty much on her own. She wants to be more social able but she just canโ€™t find it in her to go out and make friends.

She likes planning, fine art, and music (due to her rich upbringing)and she hates loud people, bad music, and people who eerily remind her of her friend.


Angel Symphony

Weapon: Scythe

Power(s): She can call the spirits from dead people to help aid her in battle, Purification Spell


Mayumi Rose Bell was born in London on January 7th! She was the oldest of three children by five years old. Lana Bell, her mother died when Mayumi was just seven in a fatal car accident. Lana tried raising her to become a โ€œproper ladyโ€ so that she could find a husband. Mayumi learned ballet, sewing, piano, and painting throughout her late childhood. When she was just ten years old, her mother died in a hospital fire. With three children all alone with no parents, their Aunt took them in but they had to move to Japan. After moving to Japan, they enrolled in school and thatโ€™s when Mayumi met Hikari Sato. Hikari was Mayumiโ€™s first actual friend and she also had a crush on her. When Mayumi and Hikari got to middle school, Mayumi confessed her love to Hikari. Hikari accepted and they dated for a little while until one day, Hikari kidnapped. The police eventually found her body but she was long gone by that point. Police figured out she was used for human trafficking and had her organs removed from her. Mayumi was utterly devastated. she wouldnโ€™t leave her room for days. Until one day. She was crying in her room when suddenly she saw the Goddess of Light Aurora! She offered her a position as a magical girl. Seeing no other choice, she accepted and wished to bring Hikari back from the dead. Now unfortunately she canโ€™t completely complete this wish but she will allow for Mayumi to hear Hikari and see her in her dreams. Mayumi understood and accepted. Her soul was sealed in a rosy pink gem and is worn around her waist. Mayumi โ€˜s early magical girl days were rough. She has seen more people die during that time than most people. Over hundred magical girl were killed then, some of them were her best friends. She now tries to not get attached to people too much, worried that sheโ€™s going to loose them. Sheโ€™s now 15 and is in high school. She worries about Hikari as she wonders once she turns 17, will Hikari be gone?




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Name: Sibylla (last name unknown); witch alias Omen

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: ??? (More attracted to women, however.)

Alignment: Witch

Gem Color: Purple

Wish: "Please don't take her away from me. Let her stay with me."

Weapon: Senescence, a scythe that can morph from the length of a short sickle to one head taller than Sibylla. It can flex like a whip when swung, but always becomes rigid again when not moving.

Sibylla has the ability to visualize and summon "portents", beings or objects representing each one of the twenty-one Major Arcana, and can take them in hand to replace Senescence if she wishes.

While theoretically a potent ability, currently she can only consistently call on three, of which only one can be deployed at a time in either weapon or summon form.
  • The Tower: A tall, comically broad knight wielding a mace and shield. The shield and armor look sturdy, but any fairly strong blow shatters them like glass, which The Tower can proceed to control and reshape freely.
  • Wheel of Fortune: A shrouded assassin wielding a chakram with a diameter of her arm. When thrown, it can steal a single property of an inanimate object and imbue it on the next target struck, like the transparency of glass, rust off a piece of metal, or heat from a fire.
  • The Moon: A dark mirror that hovers by the user. While deployed, she can cast illusions and destructive projections that always have a shadowy, cold property to them.
As a minor additional boon, when Sibylla swore herself to Nix, she received a pair of sunglasses that transform into an eye-covering mask when she transforms into Omen. When wearing either form of this "gift", Sibylla is entirely blinded, but is able to discern fine details of people and beings she touches, and can sense movement in her surroundings well enough to defend herself against a magical assailant. Currently, she spends every waking moment wearing them.

Corruption spell:
By approaching them with a means of fortune-telling such as tarot reading, palmistry, I-Ching, or crystal gazing, Omen interprets the signs in the most negative way possible, stoking the negative emotions of a target and making a Nightmare likely to arise in the near future. She believes in the portents she reads, but her ability to discern details of a person she touches aids in this endeavor.

Among the courageous magical heroes, there are few who fear their family and friends being harmed more than their own selves as they engage in mortal combat against Wraiths, Nightmares, and Nix's followers. Certainly, the magical girl known as Oracle was not one to fear such things. Her real name being Eleonore, she had served Aurora's cause for several years, being a valiant and kind defender of the light in people's hearts while also doing her best to raise her younger sister Sibylla with the best life she could possibly give her considering the circumstances. A little quirk Eleonore allowed herself was the practice of fortune telling for herself, a habit that informed the traits of her transformation. Perhaps she wanted to feel more in control of her own life, by way of simple foreknowledge.

All this came to ruin one fateful day when she drew three cards that seemed to portend ill fate.

The Tower, symbolizing impending ruination and great loss.

The Wheel of Fortune, portraying an inevitable cycle driving fated events.

The Moon, which spoke of deception and uncertainty.

She hid this information from Sibylla, not wanting her sister to worry. But inevitably, their lives turned to ruin when she was the only one on the scene to face a monstrous Nightmare that had appeared in the heart of the city from a grieving heart. Oracle battled valiantly against it, singlehandedly fending it off while defending people in the area. She seemed like she might win, having struck many blows to the Nightmare. Until-

-she witnessed Sibylla cowering in fear, trapped within reach of the Nightmare. She diverted course to push her out of the way, only to be struck by the Nightmare, a final fatal blow that destroyed her soul gem, soon leaving her body to dissipate in Sibylla's arms. As the two embraced for the last time, they heard Aurora's voice, exhorting Sibylla to make a wish. With Oracle struck down, everyone in the vicinity was in extreme danger. Someone had to take up the mantle, NOW.

In her desperation, Sibylla spoke up, saying the first thing that came to mind, not wanting to lose her sister. That wish could not be granted to the letter, for Aurora could not keep Eleonore's soul in the mortal plane. But as her power, she was granted three small gifts from her sister that could aid her in the battles that were to come.

Sibylla was able to strike down the Nightmare that had killed her sister, and delivered its host to safety. But she had no heart for battle, and the prospect of facing further Wraiths and Nightmares gripped her with mortal terror, preventing her from fighting.

She spent her days alone in grief, not exercising the power of a magical girl again until one of Nix's servants found her. Speaking on Nix's behalf, they gave her the idea that her sister died because she refused to accept the prophecy the Arcana put forth before her that day; if people were reminded of fear, doubt, sadness, even hatred they wouldn't let themselves get hurt like this. Perhaps that sounded very sensible to her in that moment, and she accepted the offer to serve Nix. She swore that she would refuse to look at the world that distracted Eleonore from her predicted fate, and see only the fated paths that lay before every being.

From that day onwards, Omen came into being. She would spend her days wandering the city, posing as a fortune teller, giving the vulnerable and the gullible prophecies that stoke their fears.

"He's going to leave you for her, you should punish him for that."

"You'll lose everything, cut your losses. Hide what you have from everyone, even your family."

"Don't bother trying, they'll never be your friends."

She has come to believe that it is necessary to release the Nightmares of people so that they can be confronted and understand what it is they truly fear. Perhaps there is a kernel of truth in that idea, but not in the way that serves Nix's ends.

Will she be able to return to a bright path? Or will she blindly walk to her doom at Nix's hands?

  • Lives alone in a run-down flat.
  • Nominally allied with an (entirely mundane) "new religious movement", the Family of Light. She often directs people who have received her "fortunes" to them, where they are isolated and driven further into despair.



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Theme song:
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  • Basics
    Yuusuke Miura (ไธ‰ๆตฆ็ฅไป‹)
    Sixteen (16)
    February 27
    5'7" (170cm)
    132lbs (60kg)


    Black hair, black clothes, black shoes, black everything. Were it not for the unintentional passive-aggressive face he wears all the time, Yuusuke could hardly be called remarkable in the midst of countless other goth kids; yet, in a bid to preserve a sense of uniqueness, he adorns himself with copious amounts of accessories, fishnets, sometimes makeup and streaks of teal in his hair and clothes โ€” the same deep blue-green reminiscent of an aurora, ironically enough โ€” though it just so happens to be the color of his eyes.
    Yuusuke harbors a profoundly pessimistic outlook on life, and that fully reflects in the way he treats and looks at others. Believing humans to be inherently selfish, Yuusuke included, he chose to distance himself from everyone, becoming rather reclusive. What was once a very ordinary youth, bouncing back despite all that life kept throwing at him, now looked to have finally been swallowed.

    He finds it difficult to form new relationships, nor is he interested in doing so. In fact, he actively avoids unnecessary interactions with others. His experiences led to a certain degree of cynicism and a tendency to expect the worst from people, so he much prefers to mingle with those who he considers to have seen the true nature of this world and are unapologetically themselves, no matter how vile or vulgar that might be.

    What is Yuusuke really like? Quiet, withdrawn, reserved, not one to fall for blatant provocations, doesn't care โ€” those are all descriptions anyone would use to describe him if asked.

    Yet, were Yuusuke to be on actual speaking terms with someone, they would surely come to know of his sharp tongue and surprisingly thin skin. He does have a tendency to be affected by those who manage to break through his defenses, making it extremely easy to press his buttons. It's not unheard of for confrontations with his close associations to become a screaming contest, though it never goes beyond that, interestingly enough. Considering this, one would think he hates absolutely everyone, friend or foe. But that's not exactly true; there are differences in the way he treats someone he dislikes, and the way he treats someone he... likes โ€” sometimes he acts as if admitting this would kill him โ€” and all it takes is a simple trick: approach him and tell him how much he sucks. Did he allocate some of his energy to actually bark back, fuming? Then congratulations are in order, that most likely actually injured his feelings, proceed to the 'ok' list. Because were it someone else, a glance and maybe a fist in the face was all they would get.

    He's not as quick to anger once he's out and about doing his job. He prefers to keep quiet and get things done, as his power requires him to keep his eyes on his opponent at all times, indulging in even the smallest of details, to decide what's his best course of action at a moment's notice. He might just retribute any hostility in more petty, small ways, that's all.
    Art, games, plants, running.
    Optimism, naive people, small talk, hot weather.
Code by Nano
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Civilian Appearance:

Warlock Appearance (This is just a small recolor of the Honkai Star Rail boss Aventurine, so this isn't original by any means!):


Name: Arian Hasumi

Warlock Name: Mercury

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Alignment: Warlock

School Grade: 11th

Height (Human): 5โ€™8/172cm

Height (Warlock): 7'1/215cm (Including fox ears under his hatto.)

Appearance (Human): Light blue eyes, Dark brown hair with silver tips, Mesomorph body type, grey and blue jacket with black fur around the hood, Dark blue v-neck shirt, Black jeans held up with a brown leather belt with a silver buckle, Dark brown loafers

Appearance (Warlock): A mask colored black, silver, and grey that covers his entire face, A stylish black hat with silver diamond patterns on it, Silver eyes with a slight mix of light blue, Mesomorph body type, A black coat with random patches of imperial blue patterns on it, two long coattails reach down from the coat with each having a spade glowing with blue and silver energy, A pair of black gloves with silver claw rings on his thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger, A black body suit with a mix of imperial blue and silver designs on it, a giant spade sitting in the middle of his chest glowing with silver and blue energy, A pair of heeled boots that reach up to his thighs, one being blue while the other grey

Soul Gem Color (Former): Sky Blue

Cursed Gem Color: Royal Blue & Silver

Wish: To win at ANY game he plays. Be it something mundane as a game of cards, or something much more sinister.

A deck of black playing cards with a blue and silver design on them. The black leather box holding these cards is attached to the side of Mercuryโ€™s coat. Each card is drawn at random, each one having a different effect in battle.

The Ace: increases Mercuryโ€™s speed for a short amount of time. This effect will end when a new card is drawn.

2-3-4: 2 is able to summon a spear, 3 is able to summon a rapier, and 4 can summon a bow and arrows. Each weapon will disappear whenever a new card is drawn.

5-6: 5 is able to decrease the speed of an opponent for a short amount of time, or until a new card is drawn. 6 is able to decreases the physical strength of an opponent for a short amount of time, or until a new card is drawn.

7-8: 7 locks an opponents weapons with silver chains for a short amount of time, or until a new card is drawn. 8 allows for Mercury to use a copy of an opponentโ€™s weapon. Though, this doesnโ€™t mean he knows how to use it effectively.

9-10: 9 is able to create a protective barrier around Mercury for a short amount of, or until a new card is drawn. 10 summons a blue see-through energy cube that entraps an opponent for a short amount of time, this barrier can be shattered after a fair amount of damage.

Queen: If a Queen is drawn, Mercury gains influence over a certain enemy, being able to suggest actions to them. This effect will vary depending on the opponentโ€™s willpower.

King: If a king is drawn, Mercury is able to change his appearance into any human shaped figure, while also being able to change his voice to match the person he is mimicking.

Joker: If drawn, the joker card can make one selected opponent begin to laugh uncontrollably for a short amount of time.

Jack-Pot!: The rarest card in the deck, only one being available in all of the 52 cards. If the Jack-Pot! is drawn, Mercury is able to gain the power of an opponent for a small amount of time. This is a big risk though, since if he doesnโ€™t know how to use the power he could risk hurting himself.

(Small note: I will be rolling a dice to see what card Arian/Mercury draws, only to keep it fair for everyone else. Iโ€™ll a roll a d-20, and the only way to get Jack-Pot! Is to roll a NAT 20.)

Mercury is able to produce Blue and Silver flames. These flames are slightly hotter than normal fire, the downside to this power is that Mercury is not at the skill level to create objects out of his flames. Mainly using them as a distraction in combat as he prefers to fight hand-to-hand.

Mercury is also able to use Warlock magic to corrupt others into Nightmares. To do this he will usually place one of his playing cards against the victims forehead, the Warlock magic pouring from the card into the victimโ€™s being.


Arian was born to a Japanese father and a British mother. His father was on a business trip in England, where he had met Arianโ€™s mother who was an accountant at the British branch of the company his father was working for. After a few drinks together and bonding over similar tragedies in life, the two decided to travel back to Japan to start a life with each other.

After a few years of the two getting married, Arian was born. At a young age the boy had a love for games. Be it game shows, video games, or board games. But most importantly, his interest always seemed to be in card games. This interest would proceed into his teens, as he became obsessed with anything that could be considered a game.

Arian took pride in winning games against his classmates or people at local game clubs, it gave him a kind of high that he wasnโ€™t able to explain to any normal person. Though he would feel a bit sour when he did loose every now and again. He would use his upset feelings to fuel him to get better at the game he lost at, up until he was able to beat the people who had beaten him.

Tragically, Arianโ€™s father had lost his life during a hostage situation at his work. This would leave his wife and child devastated at the lost, causing Arianโ€™s mother to fall into a spot of depression. The bright side was that his mother had her high paying job at the company still, but money was nothing compared to the loss of a loved one.

At the age of 14, Arian was reached out to in his dreams by the Goddess of Light to become a magical boy, along with the granting of a wish. "I wish to be good at any game I play!" with that, Arian was granted a Soul Gem and became a magical boy. He was pretty good at it the first year he was active, making friends with some other magical girls and boys. Though, his role as a magical boy wasnโ€™t meant to last.

Arian's mother would begin to slowly but surely fall more and more into her depression. Along with his mothers mental health getting worse, Adrian's desire for winning anything he considered a 'game' became more of an obsession then a fun hobby of his. This would eventually lead to his Soul Gem beginning to become corrupt. On the verge of becoming a Nightmare, Nix reached out to Arian. She would ask for what his true wish was. After awhile of contemplating, he would finally answer. "...I want to win ANY game I play. No matter what kind of game it may be, I will ALWAYS be the winner at the end." with this new twisted wish, he was spared the fate of becoming a Nightmare.

None of the other magical girls and boys knew how he came back, but were glad nonetheless. The only downside seemed to be Arian had forgot his time as a magical boy entirely. Though, this was just a ploy by Arian. A certain level of deception was necessary for his new role as a Warlock. With this deception, he used his knowledge of his old friendโ€™s identities to begin to corrupt them. Eventually, Arian managed to pit his old friends against each other, turning each into a nightmare one by one. It was enjoyable watching the pain as they had to defeat their fallen comrades one by one. At the end of the day, Arian had won this little game of trickery and deceit. Now, Mercury continues to do the bidding of Nix. As long as it feels like a game, Adrian is more than happy to play.


Battle Theme

Transformation Theme

Normal Theme (First minute)

โ€ข Arianโ€™s Warlock name is derived from the roman god Mercury (Aka Hermes). Sharing a name with the god of financial gain, luck, and trickery is very suitable for Arian. Donโ€™t you think?

โ€ขA usual ploy Arian uses to spread despair is to sneak into underground gambling rings and play against unsuspecting adults. Though this only causes a tiny bit of despair and displeasure, itโ€™s still a way to create it in Arianโ€™s mind.

โ€ขArian is a part of the games club at his school. He is currently undefeated in every game he is challenged to (All because of his wish granted by Nix).



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Civilian Appearance:


Magical Girl Appearance:


Civilian Name: Amanda Kawamura
Magical Girl Name: LiveWire
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Alignment: Magical Girl
Gem Color: Neon Yellow
Wish: To be able to run again
Weapon: Staff
Power: Lightning- Amanda has several lightning based attacks at her disposal, as well as the ability to become living electricity for what is essentially a short-ranged teleport.
History: Amanda was bog-standard ordinary her entire life. Mediocre grades, not too many friends. The one thing that set her apart was an obsession with all things magical girl. The outfits, the anime, the tell-all books. She even had her friend help her build a fansite, Magical Miss. Then, came the accident.

A drunk driver hit the car she was in head-on, and Amanda was left in a wheelchair. She managed to keep positive, and the website gave her a reason to wake up in the morning, but things have been harder. Little does she know, her wildest dreams are about to come true...

Other: Her mother is an American who works at the embassy in Tokyo, hence the Western name.
Extra: (Optional. Theme song, transformation song, battle song, anything else extra you want to add.)
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Yuzuki Takeru
  • Strength
    As long as I draw breath. I will never fail again.
    Yuzuki Takeru
    Magical Boy
    Gem Color
    Crimson Red
    "I cant die here...! I won't die here..! I wish to live!"
    Standing a full height of about 6'0'' and weighing in about 188lbs, Yuzuki was not always born with the white hair that everyone knows him for nowadays. The truth is that he was born with black hair, it wasn't until the day he made his wish that he woke up finding his hair had turned completely snow white. While he is no professional athlete, Yuzuki is still fit, fitting closer in between mesomorphic and ectomorphic.

    In his magical boy form, his once-white hair turns emerald green while his blue eyes turn golden in color. His clothing becomes much more elegant and resembles that of a suit of sorts, with a mixture of green, white, black, and gold trimmings. Aside from his Soul Gem, his exterior gem is located near the center of his chest and appears similar to a pendant. Alongside his clothing change, he obtains a large that is about 8 feet when standing it vertically. [Ref. Picture Here] [Ref. Picture Of Magical Boy FaceClaim]
    Easily considered to be an overthinker, Yuzuki tends to overthink negative situations whether it be the cause of them or how the situation could've been avoided. Because of this trait of his, when he has locked himself into a bad situation it is common for him to be unable to notice others around him even when someone stands in front of him and speaking directly to him. This side of him is a creation due to his traumatic history of nearly dying if it weren't for his wish that has caused him to become the Magical Boy he is today.

    Though, aside from his tendency to overthink, Yuzuki is quite smart for his age. Being top of his class in several different subjects, he is open to tutoring any of his fellow students within his same grade or even others below his grade. Yuzuki is the type of person who puts others before him in nearly any situation, preferring to make sure others are safe before his own wellbeing.
code by Nano
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    NAME - Auber Alberich
    AGE - 17
    GENDER - Male
    SEXUALITY - Undecided

    HISTORY - However he may hide it, Auber is the second son of Charles "Cap" Alberich, the current CEO of the Family and Entertainment Corporation (F.E.C.), a major organization that makes toys, games, and all other sorts of playthings in all manner of the word. Cap is a powerful man worthy of his name, but also very strict on his work and sadly, his family. Auber's mother is Izumi Alberich, a well-to-do woman who knows her way around most socialites and takes delight in the wealth she and her husband have. Auber's elder and only brother is Binmei "Bin" Alberich.

    Family trouble was something Auber had been familiar with most of his life, even before he knew it. Cap had three wives in his lifetime, two of whom left him as he ascended to CEO, and the last of which died from illness. When Aiya came along with her son, Cap was smitten once more, and Auber came into being two years after the impromptu marriage. While Auber had what many would consider a fine childhood from youth to teenager, it was clear how much more capable his brother was in the eyes of their father. Binmei is confident and collected, studies when needed and enjoys time with his girlfriend and friends at appropriate pre-curfew hours and is said to be majoring in business or law.

    Meanwhile, Auber is what he would consider version 1.0 of whatever Bin could muster, as he didn't have the confidence or him nor their father. Auber isn't an introvert, but still conceivably meeker. While his movements may seem precise, and the tick of adjusting his glasses predictable, Auber doesn't have the biggest social circles due to being still relatively new in town. In his normal day-to-day, he wouldn't take many risks unless he knew for sure he could beat the odds, but that was rare. He barely believed in himself at times, from life-or-death scenarios to romantic intentions.

    Yet it was a single night, only a year after the Alberich's had settled into life in Japan, when his dreams of morning stars shaped themselves into the bright visage of a woman. She offered him an opportunity that a rare few might ever get, as well as the chance for something he could have never conceived of: a Wish. While he was hesitant at first, the physical proof sold him on it soon after. He whispered his wish, and with a grand flourish of the soul, his life was changed forever. Not only did he become more ambitious than before, but he became more everything, at least to himself. He spoke a little more in class, but not too much. He joined two new extracurriculars, a Games and a Chess club. He even started ordering a routine for himself, which included his incredible time as a secret Magician, where his confidence shone as bright as the colors from his fingertips.
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  • Name:
    Akihiko "Aki" Tatsumi




    "Is it gay if she looks like a guy?"
    ???, he's still trying to figure out if liking tomboys is gay give him a minute.


    "I want to always look good. No more bruises, I need to always be able to charm my audience."
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  • 5xJmCD4.jpeg
    Name: Kairi Majiko
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Grade: 9th Grade
    Height: 5'3
    Alignment: Magical Girl
    Kairi is a relatively soft spoken though kindhearted girl. She has a tendency to view people in the best possible light, even in spite of bad things they might do. She can be quite inquisitive, having a deep fascination with books and a natural curiosity about the world. She enjoys writing often being caught jotting things down, taking notes, or doing the occasional little doodle. Mostly it's her desire to 'follow the rules' as well as being afraid of taking risks that tends to keep her more in line from doing something dangerous. While has grown to be a bit better dealing with social situations, she does tend to still retain a bit of her shy nature when it comes to talking to people she isn't familiar with more so worried to pester them.

    She is often viewed by others as being a bit of an airhead due to her tendency to seem to drift off into thought or slip to writing in her notepad. In reality, Kairi is quite aware and astute of the world around her often being rather reserved not wishing to speak up forcefully injecting herself into a conversation or discussion in worry it might upset someone. She possesses a great deal of cunning often more so limited by her own morality afraid she might 'take away' others free will. Most often if she suggests something she will do so in a rather meek and uncertain manner. She holds her sister in very high regard, even if she might be a bit uneasy about her 'approach' to problems.

    As a Magical Girl, Kairi's personality tends to shift becoming much more outgoing and willing to take risks. She holds a bit more confidence in the way she speaks though she still leans to avoid causing offense to someone more so preferring more positive encouragement. As much as she might appear skittish normally, Kairi can become astoundingly brave in the face of danger particularly if it is for the sake of protecting the innocent.

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  • Name:
    Hikaru Nakamura






    "A wish, huh? To always have the money to get what I want."
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  • Name: Zevra Majiko
    Height: 5'0
    Weight: 98 Lbs
    Grade: 10th
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Personality: Zevra unlike her sister isn't as soft spoken, she is blunt, hostile and sarcastic to the core she views people in the worst possible light and has a pessimistic view on others. She is highly skilled when it comes to mathematics being able to solve most math problems quickly in her head. Zevra isn't someone who respects the rules all too much but does take note of the consequences and is typically cautious when it does come to breaking rules wanting to keep any sort of risk to a minimum . While Zevra has no problem speaking her mind she is typically not very friendly when it comes down to it and thinks everyone has some sort of ulterior motive and places little trust into others. Zevra is quite observant, even when she doesn't seem to be paying attention she typically is quite aware of her surroundings though there are moments where she does let her guard down allowing her to be startled quite easily if taken by surprise.

    Though Zevra may be mean, rude and blunt with others, she has a major soft spot for her sister and takes her role as a older sister very seriously, fully willing to start a fight with anyone who dares to bother her. When it comes to her sister Zevras hostile personality goes up and she is prone to being more violent and will quickly tell someone to back off, being almost overly protective of her, with only Kairi being able to calm her down when she is on her tangent. Though if Zevra is around her sister and she isn't on a tangent or set off by someone bothering her she will typically be more docile though still sarcastic and blunt but will be very warm and affectionate when it comes to Kairi

    In her Witch persona Zevra is blunt but more willing to lie to others and is also very antagonistic, she is quicker to resort to action rather than do a exchange of words but is also way more cautious than usual and isn't for fighting fair. She is more detached and reserved only wanting to do things on her own terms and she can be way more stubborn and spiteful than she usually is.

    History: Zervra was born the oldest child of a lower middle class also known as the Majiko family, where she only held few memories of their mother after having lost her at the age of five. After the loss of their mother, their father had taken on extra work in order to maintain the household, at the expense of barely being able to see them anymore. Thus Zevra soon took up the mantal of taking care of her younger sister often spending time with her in the place of their parents, making it her mission to keep her safe and to be a good older sister to her. When Zevra had started schooling it didn't take her long to despise most people, seeing the absolute worst in them, causing her to develop a distrust for majority of people especially those she considers strangers. Despite that though she did play along with the school social politics at first keeping together with a small clique of friends but she eventually stopped after people started messing with her sister. She became more assertive, spiteful and prone to starting conflicts, she gained a reputation as someone with a bad attitude, unforgiving and unrelenting.

    She was the type of person to always come to the defense of her sister if someone bothered her and someone who quite frankly didn't like it when people even went near her in general, though she learned to tolerate certain people that her sister was fond of. Still she had always kept a close eye on her sister when she could and was keen to make sure no one would bother or try to take advantage of her, some might even call her overly protective but she simply never cared much for what other people thought unless it was Kairi, as she was the only person that truly mattered to her.

    Though when it came to class life, Zevra was noted to be a average student albeit a bit of troublemaker due to her constant clashes with other students, though she was noted to be exceptionally good when it came to math, with her being top of her class when it came to mathematics along with being noted as one of the best in their school. Though she didn't really reveal in that achievement, it did help her get into the good graces of some of her math teachers.

    Even as she got older her attitude worsened along with her disdain for most people, with her younger sister being her only soft spot, and even though her sister had gone on to outgrow her later on, she still opts to call her little sister considering she stills sees herself as the older sibling and the one who is supposed to look out after her. Though with those goals set in her, along with her dark, distrusting personality, after she had delt with someone who tried to mess with her sister, she was soon approached by a Witch who pushed her even further resulting in her soon getting a offer by Nix to turn into a witch herself. It only took her a few minutes of pondering before she opted to accepted the proposal soon becoming a witch, and after being a witch for a few months she met up with a warlock who invited her to a afterschool club where other witches and warlocks hung out, a offer that she later took up after being a witch for what she considered to be long enough.

    Normal Theme:

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Akabane Kazuko

Azazel, Traitor of Elysium

The winged warlock of black is covered under very long and thick dark garments hiding their whole body, plus wearing a horned helmet that completely covers their entire head. The image above is how everyone else sees them under the influence of his dreamscape magic, abstracting him into looking like a fallen angel of nightmares.

Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Warlock

Gem Color: Crimson

Wish: "The power to change the world, while I still retain my sense of self be able to bring their fantasized paradise to reality."


Power: Dreamscape
We are beings of memory, first and foremost. We built thought upon our experiences, and upon thought we act and live in the waking world.
Could we take control over the world if we seize the thoughts of everyone?
Perhaps, but you'd have to be God to do that.
Can we be God?
Only in our dreams where we are alone, where the world is entirely comprised of our own memories and thoughts.
Where Eden is within reach.
Yet so far.
For dreams aren't more real than the most absurd specs of our imagination.
But what if they were? If dreams could suddenly turn real.
Then everyone would be God.
The nobody would be God.
And nobody will be subjected to the whims of tragic fates.
And everybody will be free to choose their own fate.
In a paradise of imagination.
In a paradise real.
No dream will be left unaccounted.
No reality will be denied.

And everyone will be free to live/die however they want.
The desire to shape the world as God is one even so far from the reaches of the Goddesses themselves to realize, what only he could get was an approximation within the realm of mortals blessed by the divine.
Their dreams, the only heaven in which they could seek solace and attain their forever sought peace.
This magic brings them to reality, with reciting at least 3 lines of a simple poem it perverts the laws of physics to make the impossible happen, a pocket realm where dreams and nightmares alike of those present come alive into the tangible and real according to the will of Azazel - The Dreammaster.
For a Magical boy, such is a shelter to provide.
For a Warlock, such is a chamber to torture.
Azazel chooses whether to make this realm an oneiric land of dreams or a hell of nightmares where those targeted are either made to relieve an abstraction of their most pleasant experiences and fulfill desires lost, or be assailed by their most traumatic experiences and deepest fears for the future to both mental and physical degree.

The nightmares will keep accompanying those who had not defeated them even upon exiting the realm, turning to an illusory form that'll continue the torment psychologically, until they learn to make amends and find peace with themselves, no longer being their nightmares able to be used against them.
Those with a resolute will, not easily swayed by ghost of the past will skirmish through whatever this magic manifests against them, but only does who have truly let go will no longer be victims to this magic.

Whatever manifests as result of the dreams or nightmares of the targets is unintelligible by anyone other than the affected and The Dreammaster, the latter only understanding its nature but not any specific information in regards to the private life of the affected.
From the outside the pocket dimension can be seen as a misty-black dome of 15ft(min) to 25ft(max) which upon entering will seem incomparably larger than that.

Corruption Spell:

Extra: +++
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"Let's play a game~ Nya."
Sally Kaname

Witch Name:







Gem Color:

(Has yet to happen)
"Please heal Luna and don't let her die!"

Blade Claws that come out of her paws.

She can trap people in a domain, physically, and forces her victims to play a game. If they win she sets them free no strings attach if they lose the domain drains them of energy and transfer it to Eris and makes her stronger and then domain disappears.
Weakness: Her Domain can damaged from the outside. The more damage it takes the more likely it is to break.

Corruption Spell:
"Come out and Play~ Nya!" - She stalks her prey then bites them.

Sally is an extremely kind-hearted, gentle, compassionate, shy, and optimistic girl who sees the good in everyone she meets and is willing to help them no matter what. She does not hold any grudges toward those who have wronged her. Though at the same time she tends to hold all her negative emotions in and doesn't like to show anger at other people. She always seems to have a smile on her face, even if she is sad she holds it in and doesn't show it around other people not wanting to be a bother to them. She tends remain sweet, hardworking and positive. She is selfless, incredibly patient, polite and is considerate of other people's feelings. Problem is she never seems to consider her own. She is a very nurturing girl with unconditional love and immense empathy. Behind her smile she has serious self-esteem issues and a tendency to hide her true feelings of worry, fear, and loneliness and instead project her cheerful exterior. She has great difficulty with standing up for herself and never says a word of complaint, even when others bully and treat her badly. Sally loves to cook and is really good at it. She's at her happiest when she's cooking.

Sally is half Japanese and half black American growing up she lived in Tokyo until the age of 5 which was when her mother died so her father brought her to live with her grandmother in Osaka. Her father was a business man and worked in a company but because he was always busy he thought it was best she live with her grandmother. But he always visited in the summer and winter and spent time with her. Life was pretty good as time went on her father ended up remarrying but it was a business marriage and it would end after two years but before the two years were up her father died and her step mother inherited everything. A few years later her grandmother died and Sally ended up living with her stepmother and her stepsisters. Sally was 13 when she moved in with her step family.

Her stepfamily were not very kind to her they basically treated her like a servant almost like a cinderella deal. She always being put down and verbally abused by her stepfamily. Her and her stepfamily ended up moving to Mitakihara City. Sally and unfortunately her new school was not as kind as her last. Sally got bullied a lot physically and verbally at school and she often just stays by herself and tries to stay in the background. But she did end up making one friend. She found a lost black kitten one day on her way home from school and ended up adopting it and named her Luna. Her and Luna became very close and Luna became very protected over to Sally she was practically like a guard dog and would hiss and almost attack her step family at times. Sally is now 15 and though she does continue deal with bullies and doesn't have any friends she still tends to look on the bright side of things, some thing her grandmother taught her.

Sally Theme Songs:
Parts of the first song is about her parents, her grandmother, past friends and whatever future friends she makes.

Eris Theme Song:

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Side character I'm adding to make her easier to reference, please don't add her to the official count I won't be using her much, she's just here so i have a place to reference for if aki talks about her and maybe to try seducing ethan with.

  • Name:
    Akiko Tatsumi




    Bisexual and she's going to make it everyone's problem. Male pref.


    "Make them feel the same way they've treated us!"
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Jumpei Kikuri
> Warlock Name: Black Out


Jumpei ็ด” - pure, genuine, unmixed
Kiku ่Š - chrysanthemum
Ri ้‡Œ - Village





Honestly, Jumpei doesn't really care. You can slap any sexuality on him and Jumpei would be like "okay ๐Ÿ‘"

Gem Color:

"I- ... please help me... help me become our dream idol..."


Illusion Manipulation
These illusions take form in anyone or anything that he currently or formerly idolized. The illusions heavily depend on Jumpei's memory and morph when Jumpei's memories of them change. Most of the illusions have warped to faceless blobs of many different things at once(ie. example). The ones that still hold some sort of humanoid figure will not show their faces at all (ie. example). They will disappear by themselves or when they are near being touched.

The more he relates/pities his foe, the less time for his foe to corrupt. He mass produces illusions which crowd around his foe, mumbling discouragement and/or place extreme expectations on them as a magical boy/girl which he hopes can overwhelm them. For his spell, he corrupts an arrow and shoots to his foeโ€™s heart or brain. Whether he shoots his heart or brain depends on how much he relates, pities or likes his foe.

> Childhood
Jumpei wouldnโ€™t describe his childhood as pleasant. Along with his siblings, he was born in an extremely impoverished family in an unruly part of the city. He was the second youngest out of five, just 2 years younger than Kentaro and 5 years older than Junโ€™ichi.

His parents left town when Junโ€™ichi was born, selfishly finding cash for them and neglecting their children to fend for themselves. They were neglectful from the start, in fact. Kichiro and Kiku would tell Jumpei and the rest of the unfortunate disasters they had when with them. Jumpei didnโ€™t hear anything about their parents from Kentaro. He tries to ask him about them every time he has the chance but Kentaro would constantly shrug it off and switch to another topic. Eventually, Jumpei gave up on asking about their parents.

Jumpei hated living out on the streets. Everyday, he would watch people living normal lives. He felt too guilty about stealing from stores and was often picked on by gangs. Jumpei developed social anxiety and often stays close to his siblings and often allows his siblings to do the talking.

Kichiro and Kiku were the head honchos of the siblings, as their the oldest. They were the first to suggest and get jobs to earn money for themselves. That leaves Kentaro as the main caretaker of Jumpei and Junโ€™ichi. As they grew up, Kentaro was the first line of support for them when they ended up in any trouble.

This was their happy, precious family dynamic and he wouldnโ€™t trade it for anything else. However, the family started falling apart when Kentaro left the country in hopes of becoming someone they could look up to. Kichiro started disappearing periodically. Whenever he did return he would come with bruises and scars. Kiku would disappear too, but only during the day. She would pick up Jumpei and Junโ€™ichi from Jumpeiโ€™s part-time job every day at 6:00pm straight. Jumpei worried for his siblings, his older ones especially. He wonders if Kentaro saw this coming when he left and wanted to fix it as soon as he left.

> Wish
Jumpei had the wish of becoming a role model for his siblings for a while. More gangs have been targeting him and his siblings ever since Kentaro left. He would receive multiple hits from them when his older brothers are gone. At his lowest, he was approached by Aurora in a dream. She made a tempting offer of becoming a magical boy in exchange for a wish. Jumpei didnโ€™t believe it at first thinking that this was all a dream. It was all too convenient in his mind. He told her that he would think about it, shrugging it off as some random dream he has. Aurora gave him a soul gem in this dream and instructions once Jumpei had his wish and he woke up in a cold sweat. Fully expecting nothing to be there, he turned his head to the sides of his sleeping place and found the same soul gem that Aurora gave him in his dream. Jumpeiโ€™s mind went numb as he stared at it. When he heard gang members around, his flight or fight scenes activated and at the last moment, he grabbed the soul gem and whispered his wish.

> Corruption
It has been five months since he became a magical boy. However, even his new modeling career didnโ€™t help at all. Even after he quit becoming an idol the year before and dragged his siblings away from poverty, the insane pressure from the public, staff and self-pity dragged him into corruption in the five month duration of becoming a magical boy. Just about when his gem was about to corrupt, another goddess visited him. This time, she offered a new chance and life for him if he was to serve her as a warlock. Well, that didnโ€™t matter anymore, all he wanted was to become the dream idol. Heโ€™ll do whatever it takes. So, he quickly accepted her offer and lived as a warlock for the next years to come.

A clueless, delusional and airheaded piece of shit(derogatory).

Jumpeiโ€™s thoughts are often separated from reality. He still believes that his family and world is the same as the one he imagines in his head and is often left shocked when it doesnโ€™t get anything from what he plays in his mind. When others do bring it up, he often switches topics, refusing to talk about it.

Jumpei lacks most common sense and doesnโ€™t know how to work out basic things, often needing someone to do all the work and explain to him. He often approaches random ass strangers and talks to them as if they were the bestest of friends. Nine times out of ten Jumpei would often get ignored or waved off and he has no idea why. In addition, Jumpei does not remember anything from lessons or meetings. He brings his manager to meetings to take notes for him but he is dead meat in school. However, Jumpei isnโ€™t the type to tell anything about his past to his peers, even though some may already have heard some parts of it.

As an idol/model/public persona, Jumpei doesn't hide anything other than most of his airheaded nature. He doesnโ€™t hide his clueless part of his personality as much because heโ€™d figured that it was more or less alright to behave that way when filming shows or interviews.

Jumpeiโ€™s delusions become stronger whenever he transforms into a warlock. Though the changes in his personality might be slow, Jumpei becomes less airheaded and clueless and becomes more bitter towards Magical Girls/Boys. Jumpei would act like he's a Magical Boy until the actual Magical Boys/Girls realize that he's a Warlock. He treats Magical Boys/Girls as little pests and he finds it entertaining whenever they encounter any of his illusions.

Both as a civilian and a warlock, he can be very violent when he is stressed. He once threw multiple forks at his manager when he was overwhelmed with his fame. His manager is fine btw, theyโ€™re just a bit paranoid because of this.


  • 4c59a25175d4d4b01d0127d799e7482b.jpg
    Kichiro, Kiku, Kentaro and Jun'ichi - His dear siblings.

Likes: Cute things, pink, sweets, sunrises, new clothing
Dislikes: Gangs, rice(especially when itโ€™s poorly made), the dark, carrots, maths(very much so)
Aroma: Incense, wet dirt, rain, roses(perfume)

Theme Song:

Transformation Song:

Battle Song:
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This is a work in progress & a test.

  • Yuuto (Yuto) ๆ‚  ๆตท ็ฟ”

    Name Natsumi Yuuto
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: White
    Nickname Ex. Yuukun, Tocchan
    Grade: 10th
    Sexuality: Undecided
    Height: 5'11" / 181cm
    Weight: n/a

    "My wish? Is this Disney, I don't remember buying tickets? You want me to wish on a star and pour my heart out like in those cheesy romantic novels!?"

I want to do all, I want to be good enough to help


  • Appearance:
    images (7).jpg
    Name: Shion Kuroi
    Nickname: Shi, Shi-roi
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Unknown
    Grade: (Follow the age-to-grade list that was made in 'announcements' on the server to determine what grade you are in for school.)
    Alignment: Magical Girl
    Gem Color: Blue
    Height: 5'6"
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
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