• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Pilot Registration



world's okayest lobotomite (they/them)
TLS CS.jpg

Before creating a character, review the lore page of THE LAST SHIELD to ensure your character concept falls in line with the world's canon. Any further questions not covered in the lore page should be directed to me. Please join us on Discord, where we will be working on characters together. For the time being, please limit yourself to one character, though this may be subject to change.

A block of code will be provided so everyone has a basic character sheet to use. TOGGLE BBCODE ON FOR BEST RESULTS. Please note that you may elect not to use the provided code for your CS. If this is the case, ensure to include at least all of the required information listed in the sample code.

-The ARES Program Induction Form-

<Prospective Applicant>, you have been provided the opportunity to be considered for a once in a lifetime opportunity to serve the United Nation and all of humankind in an experiment that may once again turn the tide again against the Starfallen. The ARES Program seeks to integrate man and machine, melding pilot and ETA, to create a new breed of warrior that will change the face of warfare forever.

Your application to the program will be reviewed by a panel of scientists, analysis, medical personnel, and military officers to determine your qualification to the program. Once accepted, you will undergo a series of intensive surgeries that will allow you to directly interface with ETAs in a way that will provide unparalleled control and response time. Your ETA will be your second body.

Once the procedure is successful, you will be granted a one week recovery period before participating in the most comprehensive three month training program for ETA pilots ever assembled. You will be instructed by real combat veterans from elite units hailing from every frontline against the Starfallen, preparing your body and mind for the total war that they have declared.

Successful graduation from this program will earn you an officer position within the United Nations Strategic Intervention Group, a direct action arm of the United Nations unaffiliated with any of the military blocs. Please note that washing out of this program will not reflect negatively on your previous military or professional careers. Compensation will be awarded fairly for your time and efforts.

Please submit your application below.

[font=Armata][center][PRIMARY IMAGE GOES HERE][/center]
[centerblock=80][size=4][center][CHARACTER NAME][/center][/size]

[size=3][tabs][tab=Basic Record]
Full Name: <Please provide your full legal name>
Nickname: <If you prefer to be called something other than your legal name, provide it here>
Callsign: <For security reasons, please provide a short, easy to say, low syllable callsign for other pilots to refer to you as during operations>
Age: <Please provide your age>
Gender: <Please provide your gender identity>
Country of Origin: <Please provide the country of your primary residence> 
Previous Military Affiliation: <Please provide the military bloc or PMC you served prior to induction to this program, if any>

<In at least a paragraph, describe your pilot's physical appearance>

<In at least a paragraph, describe your pilot's personality>

[tab=Advanced Record]
<In at least a couple paragraphs, describe your pilot's upbringing, defining experiences, and relationships>

[u]Pilot Strengths and Weaknesses[/u]
<In at least a couple paragraphs, describe your pilot's strengths and weaknesses with piloting ETAs and their combat-relevant experience. Bear in mind, most candidates are Wonder 9s, having survived at least 9 sorties against the Starfallen, one way or another>

[u]On-Foot Equipment[/u]
<List, and optionally describe useful or sentimental things your pilot possesses. ARES pilots are authorized to carry a custom sidearm from their previous service or personal collection>

[tab=Generation 3 ETA Preferences]
[u]Base Frame[/u]
<What base frame is your ETA based on?>

[u]Armament & Equipment[/u]
<You are given 13 Supply Points to spend on equipment to be mounted onto your ETA found [url=https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-last-shield-field-manual-lore-pages.542847/#post-11928449]here[/url]>

<Please provide a custom name to be printed on your ETA as its designation>
<Please provide a short description and optionally, an image file of your ETA>


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Class 2037F Roster​

NameCallsignPrimary RolePlayer
Anti-Swarm Support​
Multirole Assault​
Long-Range Fire Support​
Anti-Armor Support​
Anti-Swarm Support​
Long-Range Fire Support​
Red Herring​
Anti-Swarm Support​
Multirole Assault​
Multirole Assault​
Multirole Assault​
Anti-Swarm Support​
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  • Essentials
    Full Name: <Please provide your full legal name>
    Nickname: <If you prefer to be called something other than your legal name, provide it here>
    Callsign: <For security reasons, please provide a short, easy to say, low syllable callsign for other pilots to refer to you as during operations>
    Age: <Please provide your age>
    Gender: <Please provide your gender identity>
    Country of Origin: <Please provide the country of your primary residence>
    Previous Military Affiliation: <Please provide the military bloc or PMC you served prior to induction to this program, if any>

    <In at least a paragraph, describe your pilot's physical appearance>

    <In at least a paragraph, describe your pilot's personality>

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  • Essentials
    Full Name: Alfie Quiller
    Nickname: Percival
    Callsign: Percival
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: Birmingham, UK
    Previous Military Affiliation: European Union-North Atlantic Treaty Organization Combined Alliance (EUNATOCA)

    Percival stands at around 173 cm, and weighs about 73 kg. Percival has short, black hair and dark eyes on a sharp, almost gaunt face. His body is slim, but also quite dense with lithe muscles. He tends to always wear standard issue articles of clothing from the jumpsuit and protective harness all ETA Pilots are expected to wear while on duty even in situations he could've changed out of them, and when not in his jumpsuit ready to go he wears dark grey camo pants and a white t-shirt. His entire style is function over form, and one could call it completely lame and uninspired. No one has seen him in really casual clothes since he became a Wonder 9. Due to his intensity and the visible amount of stress he has, he comes across as some almost a decade older than they actually are. Wild eyes, messy hair, and intense stares or subtle twitches also makes Percival, and as such those around him, seem quite on edge.

    Percival is a gruff, dour, haunted man who drastically changed after the Second Blitz. Percival hardly ever refers to himself by his real name, instead aligning more and more with his Callsign and status as a Pilot. Self-isolating and extremely serious, Percival comes across as someone extremely intense at all times, trembling like a wound up spring. He is extremely diligent and focused, with little interests beyond performing or improving his performance as an ETA Pilot. However, this can change when Percival enters certain levels of combat. Due to PTSD and other Trauma's (or other unidentified reasonings) Percival has been known to slip into fits of delirium, hallucinating where he is and who he is speaking to, often confusing himself with being in the City of London and calling his co-pilots by different names. This effort extends to Starfallen, whom he refers to as 'Black Knight' in these fits. So far this has not greatly impacted his performance in the field, in fact it seemingly heightens it by making Percival far more aggressive and decisive. Percival comes across as either hard and focused or... not all there.

    (NOTE: Due to his evident and extreme psychological issues, many of Alfie Quiller's medical handlers have requested Percival be removed from active duty, citing fears of an eventual psychotic break. These issues have been duly noted and are pending review by United Nation military officials.)

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Image by sunshinedays2 (unable to find artist link but here is a gallery)​
AX-8 | 'Eight' | Arcade​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: AX-8
    Nickname: Eight
    Callsign: Arcade
    Age: 19
    Gender: Non-binary
    Country of Origin: Russian Federation
    Previous Military Affiliation: Revised Collective Security Treaty Organization, Active Defense Force, 89th Group Army

    Outside of personal occasions, Eight can almost always be seen in their body sheath. Alongside the sheath are eyecaps; photocallgen corneal overlays that amplify available light to a visual optimum. The circumorbital edges of the sheath are treated to bind to the eyecap. This means, of course, that Eight cannot close their eyes. Since the blinking reflex has long since been trained out of them, this is a minor inconvenience but does often unsettle others.

    Slim, almost to the point of appearing sickly, Eight stands at a clean 160cm (5'3") and weighs in at about 45kg (100lb). Their body would be a marvel to showcase to any scientific commune. With biological functions reduced to the barest of minimums, it is not uncommon to see the clear outlines of their ribcage even with their sheath on.

    Eight has never experienced what many call 'emotion'. To them, it is an abstract concept, felt by humans when specific chemicals react inside the confines of their brains. Eight is a human being in all respects except that they're a lot more intelligent than most human beings, a lot more ethical, a lot kinder and more decent; a lot more human.

    Unlike conventional robots and androids fitted with a version of the R2 chip, Eight does not simply keel over when it learns of a human death it could not prevent. As part of its extensive modifications, a potential calculator determines the severity of the conflict, and memory buffers attempt to prevent onset collapse. They were built to determine which action is more harmful, and even choosing at random if the alternatives are equally bad. As such, Eight is capable of taking an action which can be interpreted as following the First Law, avoiding collapse.

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Open Dossier

  • Australian Special Forces
    Personnel Dossier
    [Burn after reading]

Art by Kōta Hirano

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Alex Skye

  • Full Name: Alex Skye
    Nickname(s): Al, Lex, Lexie
    Callsign: Jailbird
    Age: 35
    Gender: Female
    Country of Origin: Russia
    Previous Military Affiliation: Revised Collective Security Treaty Organization (RCSTO), Conscripted Convict for the 102nd Offensive Tank Division.

    A constantly depressed woman who just wants her name to be cleared. She doesn't wanna talk about her past before the war, and will do everything she can to stay alive, without killing any other people.

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Hannes Krieger Haber​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Hannes Haber
    Nickname: Krieger
    Callsign: Krieger
    Age: 47 years.
    Gender: Male.
    Country of Origin: Germany
    Previous Military Affiliation: 12th Armored Battalion of the German Military.

    Hannes has a very… Unique look to him. Lanky, mechanical limbs, glowing eyes, and exposed servos make it abundantly clear this is not what a human body should be. But beneath the metal, wires, and frame, sit what was once a man. Somehow clinging to life either out of necessity or spite. Depending on where you sit with a god will decide where you lean on that..

    Despite the obvious knee-jerk expectation of this individual to be a cold, heartless individual, he does his absolute best to be as helpful, endearing, and positive to all those around him.

    Except for the Starfallen. They get what they deserve.

    Hannes will prioritize other pilots and civilians over his own well-being without hesitation every chance he can, thinking nothing of cost so long as one extra life is saved.

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  • Essentials
    Full Name: James Harland
    Nickname: Jim
    Callsign: Zero
    Age: 31
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: Singapore
    Previous Military Affiliation: Republic of Singapore Air Force

    179 cm, 75 kg. Lean build. Black, curly hair, dark brown eyes. Sports a stubble on his chin.

    2nd Lt. James Harland is a kind man, whose nature is disguised by his straitlaced, no-nonsense, and direct attitude. His manner of speech is cold, clinical, and laconic. What messages he intends to relay are delivered short and succinctly. Both in the skies and on land, he maintains the image of a professional ace pilot, one who flies and kills without complaint and emotion. Prior to Operation Thunderburst, 2nd Lt. James Harland was described as friendly, outgoing, and good humored. He is credited with rallying his peers during the first year of his National Service to push through their intense training, despite being laden with his own heavy equipment and being visibly exhausted. He continued to exhibit this behaviour during his training as a pilot of the RSAF. He regularly participates in group activities, and takes his failures in stride. His participation in the interdivision sports games earned him his callsign after he had done nothing for an entire game of soccer. While the resulting namecalling may have gotten any other man down, he sports the name with pride, and his willingness to do so reportedly upped the morale of his squadron to the point where they started giving each other less demeaning callsigns.

    Repeated losses of members of the Alchemist Squadron has effected him greatly, eventually leading to him becoming the quiet and withdrawn man that he is today. He has, in his own words, attributed this change as being 'unable to express himself properly'. 'Can't cry. That'd make everyone that's still alive sad. Can't laugh. That'd piss on the memory of the dead,' he further added during a session with a therapist. He now pursues his duty with an unwavering dedication, in hopes of being able to redeem himself and to take vengeance on the Starfallen for his deceased comrades.

    His devotion to the cause makes him a prime candidate for the ARES programme. However, suggest heightened alert status on mental state, and is to be monitored for any further deterioration. Advised to have weekly therapist sessions and medicine to assist with sleeping.

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Moraes U. Coaling​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Moraes Uduike Coaling
    Nickname: Mace
    Callsign: Hammerfall
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: South Africa
    Previous Military Affiliation: African Union Preservation Commission

    Moraes has a muscular build and stands with his arms crossed, projecting an aura of authority and readiness. His skin is dark, eyes are honey-brown, has a patch of stubble on his chin, and he sports a distinctive hairstyle with spiky dreadlocks. Moraes wears casual clothing consisting of a loose, open light jacket over a white v-neck shirt, accessorized with a chain necklace. He also wears a watch, indicating a concern for precision and time.

    Moraes exudes confidence and calm under pressure, traits vital for someone who has thrived in a conflict-heavy environment. He is stern and is not one to be easily swayed or intimidated, pointing to a strong will and a steadfast nature. Moraes has a pragmatic approach to problem-solving, focusing on practical outcomes and efficiency. His watch hints at a disciplined and punctual man, someone who values time and understands the importance of strategic planning and execution. Despite his tough exterior, he values personal expression and has a sense of identity rooted in his past experiences.

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Kyo Yu-Ni​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Kyo Yu-Ni
    Nickname: Variations of 'Yu' or 'Kyo'
    Callsign: Yongsan
    Age: 33
    Gender: Female
    Country of Origin: South Korea
    Previous Military Affiliation:
    Pan-Asian Security and Economic League (PASEL), 707th Special Mission Group (Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command)

    Standing at an unassuming 5'7", there isn't anything overly unique about Yu-Ni. Under her gear and clothes, she sports a slim yet conditioned build, with enough strength to go around when needed. Her jet black hair reaches down towards the middle of her back when it's let down, but she usually has it tied up most of the time. Born with asteroid hyalosis, her brown eyes sometimes has a gold sparkle to them. Small scars and scratches decorate her skin, with more of them on her arms and legs. She has a tattoo sleeve on her right forearm

    Good soldiers follow orders. Generations of military involvement have conditioned Yu-Ni from the get-go to be obedient, loyal, and above all else - ruthless. The only saving grace from turning her into a cold killing machine was, ironically, her line of work. She can maintain a conversation and operate well in a social environment, appearing friendly and inviting. And while she does care for the wellbeing of those around her, ultimately it's the mission thats her priority.



Selfie Nikan​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Selfie Nikan
    Nickname: Self
    Callsign: Cowlick
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Country of Origin: USA
    Previous Military Affiliation: USA

    5'7" swamp green hair frowny woman, i'll draw her eventually

    Selfie's foul temperament is matched only by her sense of self preservation. A firebrand as stark and scorching as the midsummer sun, Selfie is a woman defined by her fierce individualism. In any other lifetime, military conscription would have been out of the question for her, a short career path rife with calls of insubordination, and ended with dishonorable discharge. Amongst the wreckage of the world, however, she may well have found her calling. Years of pent-up frustration blaze within the turbines of the JǪFURR's turbines, turning what would have been scorn for a world that had spurned his pilot into white hot fuel to defend it.

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Courtney L. Jones​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Courtney Lynn Jones
    Nickname: Court, Dork
    Callsign: Canary
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Country of Origin: USA
    Previous Military Affiliation: United States Air Force

    Courtney looks like exactly the kind of young woman you'd expect to see on Instagram, sipping pumpkin spice lattes, wearing Uggs, and posting with 3-7 other blondes in sorority group photos.

    Her most prominent feature is her round baby-face that has old people assuming she's still in high school. Sometimes, she can be seen wearing red-rimmed reading glasses while leafing through a spicy manga poorly hidden in a training manual.

    Court isn't the most energetic person in the room, but she's usually in the top ten. Like a lot of fellow airmen, she's exceedingly fond of nerdy pop culture, especially tabletop gaming and comics, and will take any opportunity to launch into long-winded essays about yaoi.

    Understandably, this can get very annoying, very fast. Courtney's reputation is that she's friendly and upbeat, but you can't afford to talk to her more than a passing greeting unless you want to be trapped in a conversation about the origins of slashfic for three hours. Please. No more, Courtney, no more. Just... shut up...

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Michael 'Asa' Staunton​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Michael Anton Staunton
    Nickname: Mike
    Callsign: Asa
    Age: 44
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: United States of America
    Previous Military Affiliation: Pan-Asian Security and Economic League

    A man who kept himself in top shape out of concern of getting a beer belly as his years advanced, Michael is fit for one his age, if a little gaunt. Remnants of starvation from the initial impact of the Starfallen still line his face, and scars from the earliest battles of the war mark his features. Described as intense.

    Behind the seemingly permanent frown is a relatively inoffensive man. If anything, Michael is a little bumbling in interpersonal affairs - something that would help him unknowingly steer clear of the Staunton’s messy tangle of illicit relationships and bastardry. But he has a good heart, and only wishes to protect the people behind him as best as he can.


Source Credit: Malkhai on DeviantArt

Cyrus "Red Herring" Abadie​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Cyrus Abadie
    Nickname: Cy
    Callsign: Red Herring
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: Algeria
    Previous Military Affiliation: Algerian Land Forces Artillery Division, AUPC, RCSTO

    A bulky, well built soldier weighing in a 120 kg (265 lbs) and has a height of 200 cm (6'7"). His skin is lighter than most Algerians due to his French heritage. His body is purpose bred and built and he takes great care towards maintaining his form. He has little care for his fashion appearance and dresses for practicality and efficiency, wasting no cloth or weight on accessory. He has a few scars scattered across his body, but nothing more major than scrapes that only needed a few stitches when they were fresh.

    Cy is a very deliberate individual. He values effective and clean work. Whether there's an easy way or a hard way, so long there is a way that can be done, he puts his best foot forward to make sure the job gets done and gets done right. He always finishes what he starts and never leaves anything half-baked. He refuses to let his past haunt him and instead uses his experiences as fuel to motivate him to better himself and become stronger. He also pays little mind to negative public opinion about himself, as he sees it as a distraction from his real goals.

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[Clancy Clark]​

["There's never going to be another pilot like me."]​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Clancy James Clark
    Nickname: Rookie
    Callsign: Beef
    Age: Eighteen
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: America
    Previous Military Affiliation: EUNATOCA

    He stands at 5'8" tall and weighs around 162 lbs. He has short, straight, jet black hair. The only distinguishing marks are the faded scars he received during the various surgeries in the ARES program. More often than not, he can be seen wearing a red jacket with an image of a pill on the back.

    Clancy is a complicated young man who has a hard time communicating without some degree of arrogance. He prefers to hide behind a wall of superiority instead of directly dealing with his problems, which often leads to him making impulsive decisions that usually do more harm than good. He's confident in his abilities as a pilot, yet doesn't seem to care about his incompetence in any other situation outside of that. He's proud to an unhealthy degree, and stubborn to a fault. Constructive criticism doesn't work well with him unless the one giving said criticism is someone he happens to see as an "equal." His overbearing personality commonly leads into him arguing with his peers, and his unwillingness to express his true emotions makes it incredibly difficult to form close bonds with anyone. And yet when he's on the field, his ability to cooperate and be a team-player skyrockets, even if he still has the habit of wanting to prove he's the best. If you were to look past his rough shell, you'd find an intelligent, brave, and misunderstood young man.



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[Antonio "Lucky" Serejlvik]

["There is always time for jokes."]​

  • Essentials
    Full Name: Antonio Serejlvik
    Nicknames: Anton/Clown/Florida Man
    Callsign: "Lucky"
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Country of Origin: USA, Florida
    Previous Military Affiliation: EUNATOCA

    Anton is tall and decently well built. He has a moustache and a stubble as well as brown hair to his shoulders. His appearance rarely fits military standards and he mostly wears engineer garb, even in the field.


    A hopeless optimist who almost always wears a smile on his face. Anton refuses to take anything seriously and will make jokes even in the most inappropriate situations, especially in battle. He is quite easygoing and likes to assist his battlebrethren. Anton has no use for honor or glory and has refused awards to him in the past. He has made it his lives mission to spread as much joy around as he can, much to the chagrin to those around him. As his jokes aren't known for being the best and nobody has managed to shut him up for long. While Anton isn't a slacker, he also doesn't work more than necessary. But he is still reliable and will not hesitate to dive into danger, as long as he can save one more life.

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  • Name: Aiguo Lee Agresto

    Nickname: Gecko, Lucky Charm, Ai, Aggretsuko

    Callsign: Caishen

    Age: 26

    Gender: M

    Origin: USA

    Prev. Military Division: Marines

    Appearance: The only notable long lasting scar he has is the shallow line that goes slightly above his left brow, but even that does nothing to his appearance but add a touch of ruggedness.

    Aiguo looks more like someone who belongs in Kpop Idol group instead of squaring up on on hostile fields and slinging slugs at the Starfallen. With hair that falls somewhere between black and brown and an above average height of 5’11, Aiguo's mixed Asian-European heritage gives him a slightly darker tone to his mother but lighter in complexion to his half Italian father and brother’s light olive complexion. His eyes are a bright burning greenish hue taken from his grandmother that shifts to blue in the right light and his ears possess numerous piercings.

    Athletically built for speed more so than raw strength, Aiguo possesses a toned build with more muscle defined in his back and legs, giving him a slightly broad shouldered appearance that isn't always noticeable due to his constant use of clothes that seem a size too large. No slacker in the field of martial arts for a guy who spent a majority of his adolescence as a hard gamer, Aiguo possesses various tattoos on him attributed to different media branches, his most obvious one a Kingdom Hearts symbol that rests on his left shoulder, and a DBZ shenron dragon tattoo trails up his right arm to his shoulder.

    Personality: As a person Aiguo is studiously diligent, soft spoken, and occasionally loud when the mood strikes him. He's engaging and energetic when he wants to be, as his online persona demonstrates, but that aspect of him belies the fact he's actually quite tame compared to how he behaves outside his more goofy and energetic personality. This distinguishes him greatly from how he acts on the field, even further. Caishen is a large risk taker at almost volatile situations. This is a feature he has been noted for having throughout his years active on the field as a frontliner, with exceptional situational awareness, a trait that has earned him some minor praise if only because every risk he has ever taken, when allowed, has worked out in his favor.

    Particularly known for being quite surgically effective in his field work, Caishen is known for a certain degree of cruelty if the moment allows for him. It hasn't been something of immediate concern due to how infrequent it shows up and the fact he has never lost his situational focus to become a detriment on missions. His loyalty to minimizing damages to the team still outweighs the greater rage he holsters within and uses as fuel. Yet still, his occasional savagery has been noted as something to watch out for. Even if he uses the enemy as an outlet.
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  • art: yoruno
    Alana Rie Nakamoto
    Ari, Rie, Ricchi
    Twenty-Two (22)
    Female (she/her)
    Country of origin
    previous military affiliation
    Rie's short, unassuming form has often lead to misconceptions that she performs clerical duties. Her pink hair is her biggest pride and also the most frequent cause of disciplinary action. Before moving to ARES, she lead the hours in involuntary training amongst the Pacific Islands recruits.
    Rie maintains a facade of optimism and enthusiasm, a product of having worn the cheerful mask since she first entered the social media game years ago. Whether she truly believes it is up in the air, but it doesn't change the fact her default response to most things is a cheeky smile.
    While her antics peg her as a troublemaker, she's fueled by praise and validation from her peers. She's no individualist — her playfulness is meant to distract and cheer rather than express her own opinions. Without clear goals and benchmarks, Rie falters with uncertainty and lack of conviction.
    advanced record

    Before the Starfallen, Rie was an average teenager living in Hawai'i whose main claim to fame was her social media presence. Though far from being a household name, 'Ricchi' had enough of a following that they were recognized once or twice a month. She had intentions to attend university out of state, though these plans were cut short when Tartarus' sub-objects destroyed the northern hemisphere.

    In the relative safety of the islands, Rie, alongside the rest of the population, feigned normalcy. Maybe in these dark times, they could use a cute girl to distract them a bit. Unsurprisingly, some were critical of Rie and her seeming lack of care for the state of the world. In her haste to defend herself, she promised that she would do more when she came of age.

    She was forced to eat those words when the USA enabled drafts. Her last post for a while was a good-bye as she would soon be undergoing training. Her followers wished her well, joking that she better pilot a pink ETA.

    Truthfully, she had no plans to put herself in the frontlines as a pilot; she wanted to live, not throw away her life to the Starfallen. Her vivacity wound up backfiring on her as the recruits voluntold the star of their squad to become a symbol of hope for them all. Unable to refuse, she gave in to the peer pressure and underwent training to pilot one.

    While Rie's skills initially seemed above average at best, she had a knack for selecting the right teammates for a sortie and keeping morale up when things seemed grim. She followed orders, did her job, and most of all, survived.

    Even if survival meant living with the phantom stickiness of one hot summer day and a pocketful of melted candy. Oops.

    advanced record
    strengths & weaknesses

    Much of Rie's strength lies in her ability to take in details. While she's no master strategist or ace pilot, she's able to estimate damage and numbers at a glance, relaying it to someone who'd be better able to make use of it. As a result, she's a teamplayer suited to the frontlines where she can feed live data. There's never any danger of worrying if she would break formation or protocol, as she has standard maneuvers and Plans A to F memorized like the back of her hand.

    Unfortunately, in the event where the chain of command is broken, Rie's lack of self-confidence rears its ugly head and she's frozen by indecision. In the battlefield, each second wasted on hesitating meant another step closer to death. Whether in comedy or combat, imrov has never been her strong suit.

    advanced record
    on-foot equipment

    Standard Issue M18
    Bag of Candy
    Rappelling Equipment
    Common Over-the-Counter Medicines

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  • Essentials
    Full Name:〈 Paris Cappetta d'Alarie 〉
    Callsign:〈 POLARIS 〉
    Age:〈 19 〉
    Gender:〈 Female 〉
    Country of Origin:〈 France 〉
    Previous Military Affiliation: 〈 United Gunrunner's Network 〉

    The United Gunrunners Network, known just as the Gunrunners, are a PMC based in the RCSTO. Active internationally in both front-lines defense and internal black-ops work, they are well known for producing high-quality ETA Pilots by simply accepting anybody who requests a go in the cockpit. Almost anybody can become a novice Gunrunner...but only the few diamonds in the rough will live long enough to become one of the truly professional Gunrunners. To the UGN, this is a fair trade. They really mean it when they say that they'll accept anybody—from kids too young to enlist to convicts with nowhere else to go—because for every 100 of their dead pilots? At least one will go on to become something truly exceptional. Novice Gunrunners are given Generation 2 ETAs made from the scrap of other destroyed Generation 2's. Veteran Gunrunners, on the other hand, are given custom Generation 1 ETAs.

    Paris d'Alarie stands at approximately 5ft 5in / 168cm tall, and weighs approximately 126lbs. Her hair is naturally a warm autumn-brown, but she's dyed it a soft white with UGN's iconic blue at the roots. Generally seen with a smile, or some other kind of vibrant expression. Though Paris seems relatively lithe for an ETA Pilot, in reality Paris is actually deceptively in-shape—enough so that she can pass any military test with flying colors. Paris spends 2.5 hours a day training her body; alternating between aerobic exercises, swim exercises, and weight-lifting exercises. Paris has fantastic heart and lungs training, good grip strength, and high stamina.

    If one was to ask Paris why she so thoroughly regulates her muscle mass despite the rigorous exercise, she would simply say that astronauts aren't meant to be beefcakes.

    Paris is, without a doubt, the most unrelentingly cheerful person you'll ever meet on the battlefield.

    Thanks to her inability to feel fear—the result of exclusive and complete bilateral amygdala destruction—Paris is a complete stranger to feelings like stress or anxiety. Even in life-threatening situations...Paris is outright incapable of responding in desperation or anger. But not only does Paris experience less negative emotions than your average ETA Pilot, but she outright has higher dopamine hits than anybody else! Which leaves you with the infamous the Paris d'Alarie of the Gunrunners; a highly outgoing, super-friendly individual who takes no foul to anything that's said to her. She's been likened to being the human equivalent to a golden labdrador.

    Of course...behind that incessantly bubbly exterior, however, is still a person with her own worries and concerns. Paris is, admittedly, HORRIBLE at recognizing negative social cues. She can't really recognize fear (much less connect to it). She doesn't understand things like how people don't want to be talked to when they have headphones on, or that you shouldn't stand nose-to-nose against someone while maintaining direct eye-contact. Because she won't do those things—but only because she knows she shouldn't, not because she understands why. Even when someone she knows dies...Paris struggles to feel the same grief others do. And there are times where Paris knows that someone may hate her for reacting differently. And Paris knows that she can't do anything to change it. But through all of that,

    Paris is just a 19 year-old-girl with brain damage, trying to see her one dream through before she runs out of time. Paris understands better than anybody else to enjoy your life while it lasts—and even if every day may bring a new battle to her, she'll unabashedly live each one like its her last.



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