The Last Ones [Inactive]

Vance reached his hand to Virtues side and grabbed the hem of her shirt.

"We need to get a better look at the wound, I'm just going to pull this above the gash."

He pulled the shirt up to right above her stomach and tried to retain from grimacing as he inspected the wound.

It's pretty bad.

He leaned over to Rowan and whispered to him,

"How good are you at sewing people up? Because she may need stitches."
Virtues flinched slightly as she felt Vance's fingers brush against her bare skin. She squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of Rowan's, the girl beside her, voice. She ran a hand through her pale blonde hair. She didn't want to hear that it looked 'horrible'. She could hear the disgust in the girls voice, and she whimpered softly. Opening her ocean blue eyes once more she looked at the roof of the car. Her vision blurring slightly.

Denahi glanced at Rowan before looking down, watching Vance pull the blonde haired girls shirt up, he took in a quick breath at the sight of the wound, but said nothing, so Virtues wouldn't become uneasy. It probably was already uncomfortable to have two guys she had just met pulling her shirt up, and on top of that the pain she must be in. He looked away and nodded slowly,

"I can sew." he mumbled before pulling out a nettle and thread used to stitch up wounds. What are you saying? You don't know how to sew. He thought, biting his lower lips slightly, he knew that someone had to, so he decided to take charge. He had taken a first aid class, once. He pulled out alcohol wipes, moving his hand towards her wound.

"this is going to hurt." He warned, pressing the cleaning solution to her wound.
Rowan watched in horror as Denahi lifted up Virtues's shirt and began to clean the wound. She couldn't bear to see medical shows on TV, let alone this. After being unable to help herself and making a quiet gagging noise, Rowan turned her head away and covered her mouth once again.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" she squeaked through her hand.
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