The Last Ones [Inactive]


The Apple Queen
AngelSariel submitted a new role play:

The Last Ones - Can you withstand this destruction?

Destruction. The earth was torn in two. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, any thing and everything happened. Many species went extinct and most of the human population was wiped out. There wasn't, isn't one human who didn't loose their family and friends. Everyone is scared and in hiding, building structures so maybe they could be safe the next time the earth shakes. The survivors are what these groups are called now.
But then there is another group, the Chassies, coming from the...
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Virtues smiled gentle as she ran her hair through her sisters pales blonde hair her fingers intertwined with the small girls hand. They were happy. Being together it all seemed so real- but no, it couldn't be. Her sister had died. This must be a dream, no, a nightmare. If she was dreaming she would have to be asleep. Where had she fallen asleep? Her ocean blue eyes snapped open bringing her to reality. She lay on the ground ash and debris falling like snow around her. She exhaled quickly her gaze flicking around nervously as she slowly sat up wincing. She was bruised all over and had a gash down her thigh that had torn through her jeans blood oozing over staining the jean material around it. She raised herself to her feet swaying unsteadily, grimacing at the pain that spread through her body. Surely there were other survivors... Right? She began to panic.

"I don't want to be alone. Please don't leave me alone!" she cried out of fear her voice echoing through the empty stretch of land and ripped up terrain. As if on cue the ground trembled beneath her feet violently enough to knock her onto her stomach. She let out a cry of agony from landing on a sharp stone that had struck itself into her side. Adrenaline kicked in and she jumped to her feet and began racing away,

"help! Help!" she screamed desperately her cries fading away getting swallowed up by the sound of the roar and crackle of breaking earth beneath her feet. She forced herself up a hill and took off as fast as she could go, but her energy only lasted for so long. Her foot snagged on a branch and she tripped landing on the ground. She moaned in pain unable to get up.


Denahi leaned up against a tree, dirt smudged against his skin that was laced with small wounds, nothing to major though, he knew that he had been though a lot alone, but now he felt he needed to join other survivors, he had heard of groups called Chassies, people with weird abilities, when the disasters first started taking place, he thought that it was a lie, but now he himself had this... power almost, and to be honest, he was scared of himself.

The ground beneath his feet began to shake and he ducked down, laying on the ground with his hands over the back of his head. Something he had learned to do in school incase their ever was an earthquake, but he never thought he would be able to put it to use.
"Please don't leave me alone!" was the first thing that Drake had heard for about a two days now, well, the only human thing. He was walking through the desolated land when he had heard the voice. He was exhausted, but didn't want to risk sleeping, he didn't need sleep at the moment, there was too much going on, too many dangers.

Once he had heard the voice, he attempted to locate it's direction, which was difficult, as it echoed through the emptiness, but he decided that it was coming from somewhere up ahead of him, possibly to the left. He started to run, but before he had time to take a step, he was thrown to the ground by an earthquake, and almost knocked unconscious, but luckily, he managed to support himself upon his staff, which had saved him more times than he could count.

He lifted his head from the ground, and saw a girl running past his vision, about fifty meters ahead of him or so. He attempted to shout at her, but his voice was immediately lost in the chaos surrounding him. The girl was blond, and that was all that he could tell. He had to go and talk to her, he needed allies, even though he may not particularly like them, he needed them to survive.

He planted his feet firmly on the ground, and then propelled himself forward with his staff, using the extra momentum to cover 20 meters in a couple of seconds, and then trying to keep up with her, all the while shouting.

"Hey! Over here!" and he could only wish that he would get her attention.
Blindly pushing and clawing her way through fallen rubble, Rowan desperately tried to make her way out of the abandoned shop she took refuge in when the last quake hit. She coughed as dust flew all around, then finally pushed through into the sunlight. Well, so much for that plan. The shop was almost entirely destroyed, along with everything she had brought with her. This was turning into a nightmare. After gathering her thoughts, she shook the dust out of her hair and rubbed it off her face, then began walking down the cracked street of the deserted neighborhood. There wasn't a soul in sight, and it was almost completely silent except for the sound of her light breathing and crooked footsteps. It was only a few moments before she realized her knee was throbbing and she was limping. She didn't see how anything could get worse, but she hoped it was just a bruise.

It really did seem like just a bad dream, or like a really terrible action movie that her family would watch. She tried to put the events together in her head. The terrible weather happened, she got separated from her family, and suddenly she had strange abilities. What did it all mean? This didn't happen in real life; it couldn't. She decided she would just try to find someone and maybe they could figure out what was going on together. Maybe someone else got powers like she did. That would be a relief.
Alfredo was driving in a old and destroyed place that gave a feeling of sadness, he was driving in a van that was really damage and barely survive in all the chaos but it was the best you could get at moments like this plus when he founded it had full tank and he just went to other cars and graved some gasoline from other cars that he kept in some small gasoline tanks.

He had not sleep in about 2 days and the only thing that was on Alfredo’s mind was how his town was now nowhere to be seeing and some survivors went crazy and killed each other, it was something devastating that left a mark on him. There was a lot of food in his van so he didn’t have to stop for anything he just wanted to get to a safe place.

An earthquake came from nowhere and shook everything, it made it difficult to drive but Alfredo managed to drive a bit steady as it was almost impossible because of the floor moving a lot. At the moment he seemed okay but after it a big shake from the ground got him off guard and drifted to a almost desert zone

As the earthquake passed a noise came from aside of him, he wasn’t sure at the moment if it was someone or something in… fact he didn’t knew if people survived so he waited just to clarify what the sound was. It was the sound of a girl screaming for help, Alfredo took a glance of what was happening and witness a girl running as fast as she could and it look she was almost far away from where he was driving, as he took a second look at the place he could see a guy running behind here. At his point of view it looked like the man was trying to hurt the girl so he just took a turn and started driving to them, it would have been a lot harder for him to get there but there were no buildings or houses in the way all of them where just house parts resting in the floor, it was something sad but right now it was not the time for worrying about that.

As he drove as close as he could he stopped the car that he was in and walked out of there closing the door and putting the lock on the car, in a place like these you’re always overprotective. He took out his bow and arrow and as he aim to the guy running behind her.

¨Don’t move or ill shoot you! ¨

Alfredo didn’t look away from the man and he didn’t knew if he could survive a fight against him but it was his instincts that where acting at the moment.
Virtues lay on the ground, her breath coming out in gasps turning her head slightly at the sound of someone shouting, not far away. She couldn't make him out though, because her glasses had fallen off of her face when she tripped.

"Help." Was all she could manage to get out, wincing as a pain gripped her side reminding her she had landed on a sharp rock when she fell and it had punctured her skin.

She heard another rumbling noise, but it wasn't the sound of an earthquake but a... car. She tried to reach her hand out, her fingers brushed the familiar shape of her glasses, pulling them over her wide blue eyes, looking up at Drake,

"Who are you?" She mumbled nervously, grimacing, her hand gripping her side as she scrambled into a seated position then looked over at Alfredo, her eyes widening at the weapon he pulled out.
As the girl fell Drake scrambled towards her, hearing her quietly mumble something under her breath. Drake thought he heard a male voice behind him, but was too preoccupied with the girl to take notice. The rumbling seemed to have died down, it was much calmer now.

"Who are you?" The girl managed to speak as she gripped her side, attempting to sit more upright. He crouched down to be more level with her, as he didn't want to appear intimidating. He placed his staff next to him, delicately so that it would not roll away down the hill. He looked past the girl, curious as to whether she was running anywhere specific.

"I'm Drake, and you?" He looked directly at her face as he replied, attempting to remember it. She had a certain look on her face, horror, and noticed her looking over his shoulder to something behind him.

He turned around, and saw the man with the bow stretched out towards him. Drake leaped up, reached for his staff, but decided it would be best if he were to go a more peaceful approach. He raised his hands above his head and put a smile on his face.

"Ah! Didn't see you there! Would you mind putting that arrow down? It is quite unnerving."
Alfredo saw the boy getting closer to her so he was preparing to shoot but as the tall man talked to him in a nice way, it was obviously Alfredo had the advantage due to the distance between both of them and the weapons they had so that might be the reason the man tried to calm him down but to make the man more scared he didn’t stop aiming and started walking to him and the girl, Alfredo was shaking he didn’t want to get into a fight but the only way to scare the other man by aiming at him.

¨ Why were you chasing that girl! ¨

Alfredo stopped walking we he was standing aside of the girl and he took a small glance to her, it looked like she was in a bad shape and it made him fell bad, Without moving his bow and arrow that where pointing at the man in front him he took a step to the front of the girl as if he was protecting her.

¨What did you do to her! ¨
Vance had been walking for what felt like forever since the earthquake had stopped. He heard shouting a few meters away from him to his right.

I'm not the only one alive?

He thought to himself as he started on his way toward the sound. The uneven ground made it hard for him to walk and his ankles kept bending awkwardly, but after some time he finally managed to make it to his destination.

Upon his arrival he saw a sight that he thought of as peculiar. Two men were standing, one with a bow pointed at the other and a girl was lying face down on the ground. Nearby was a van that looked beyond worse for wear, but could probably still run. He slowly walked up to the three people and simply said as calmly and inquisitively as possible, "What's going on here?"
As Rowan continued to walk, she spotted a beaten up van in the distance. She squinted, trying to see better, then decided to move closer. As she hobbled through the dirt, she could hear talking close by. It seemed like there was shouting, too. Someone seemed upset about something, and Rowan was almost afraid to check it out. What if the people weren't good? She didn't want any trouble.

It occurred to her then that even if they were bad, at least there were people. She had been looking for someone--anyone--for a while now. It was nice to hear a voice again, even if it did sound angry. She limped all the way up to the group, but stayed hidden behind the large van. Peeking out from behind it, she watched them. They didn't look all bad. In fact, they almost looked like they needed help. She decided to take a chance. Sneaking out from behind the van, she cleared her throat and began to speak before another guy walked out and asked what was going on. Rowan hopped out from the van and chirped, "Yeah, what he said."
Denahi spotted the girl known as Rowan stumbling along and he make his way towards her, his own face smudged with dirt and a cut slightly dripping with blood on his forehead.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounding hoarse from lack of use, and he coughed slightly, he make his way over the torn up terrain towards her, his hand out stretched to, steady her.

"Is your knee okay?" He questioned, his gray, blue eyes searching hers before he offered her a small smile,

"I'm Denahi, by the way."


Virtues, looked him over, where did both of these guys come from all of a sudden, she thought her head beginning to spin, but she shook it off, her hand gripping her side where blood was beginning to seep through her clothes.

"I'm Virtues." She mumbled and turned to look at Alfredo as he moved closer, feeling her breath get caught in her throat as she aimed the bow towards Drake,

"It's okay, he wasn't hurting me," She spoke up in her usually quiet tone, looking up at the guy with the bow and arrow. Turning her head quickly she eyed the third person to approach, running a hand through her blonde hair, pressing her lips into a tight line,

"Nothing, just a bit of a misunderstanding, that's all." She assured him, trying to stand before a pang in her side reminded her of her wound.
Seeing Virtues collapse again after trying to stand, Vance made his way over to her and offered his hand as aid.

"My name is Vance. You're injured and shouldn't stand on your own allow me to help you."

With his hand outstretched toward Virtues, he took a quick look around to survey the area. There were three guys including himself and two girls. One he could barely make out the edge of peeking from the other side of the van.

More of us survived than I originally believed. He thought to himself.
Rowan looked up at the boy approaching her, her heart speeding up. She couldn't believe how happy she was to be spoken to by someone after so much time of being alone. She blinked a few times and looked up at him blankly before nodding quickly. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Uh, sorry, I just...I'm still kind of surprised to find people here. My knee's okay, probably just bruised." She grabbed onto his wrist without thinking, letting him help her step over a tree root.

"What about you?" she asked as they made their way over to the others. "Your forehead's bleeding." She quickly added, "Oh! I'm Rowan."
"Thank you, virtues." He looked at the man holding the bow towards him. He lowered his hands, and then went to pick up his staff, rebalancing it in his hands. He looked around, these people could be very good allies, I wonder if any of them are like me? He pondered to ask them, but then decided that they may be offended if they weren't and possibly even try to kill him. People had done that before, tried to kill him because of his powers.

"To all of you who didn't hear, I'm Drake. Pleasure to meet you Denahi and Vance. I didn't quite catch your name." He gestured to the archer, who he hoped would not want to kill him again. He turned around to find people back at the van. They were a very long distance from the rest of the group.

"Hey! You two! Why don't you come over here!"
Virtues slowly reached up and took his hand, grimacing as she pulled herself to her feet, swaying unsteadily, before she regained her balance. She exhaled slowly and her blue eyes shifted from each person around her,

"Thanks," She mumbled softly, looking up at Vance, meeting his gaze briefly before she looked away. It had been a long time since she came in contact with people, or at least it felt that way, and now their were at least five people, right around her. It was a little over whelming.


Denahi offered her a handsome crooked grin as she began to speak, reaching his hand up to run his fingers gently over the cut on his forehead, rolling his broad shoulders back in a shrug,

"Eh, It'll heal." He mused, blinking his eyes he looked towards the group of people,

"Stay behind me, Rowan," He mumbled, his gaze wavering a bit as he watched the other survivors from afar, an untrusting look, clouding his cheerful expression, you could never be too careful.

Making his way towards the few people casting a glance over his shoulder at Rowan.
Alfredo was really surprised of how many people where crowding in this place and heard from the back that this girl wasn’t being chase by this man, then a lot of people started coming and some where even hiding in the back of the van and some other guy was behind him and taking care of the girl. Alfredo moved to the side and started aiming to the people that where coming from behind the van, the man in front of him introduced himself. Everyone was at the moment and Alfredo was the only one that didn’t introduce, it might have been better to keep it like that but being a lone wolf in this world is not the best idea now a days.

¨My name is Alfredo and I suggest you to stop screaming around, you’re going to get unnecessary attention¨

Alfredo stopped aiming at the two people coming to them even if he didn’t like the idea of being nice in a place like this but every one of them looked injured and skinny as if they were starving, Alfredo knew it was a stupid idea and it will make him get killed but his nice side took over him.

¨You people seem in a pretty bad shape, I could help you I got a first aid kit inside my van¨

Alfredo pointed at the van and started walking to it, he wanted them to follow it was a pretty dumb idea but now he had to take care of them, he didn’t knew why but he felt like it was his duty as he was the most healthy of all and had more experience in this chaos.

¨If you guys want I have some extra food inside the van so if you hungry just say so...¨

((Sorry if I hadn’t post in a while, my work doesn’t give me that much time to RP))
As they walked closer to the group, Rowan a bit warily introduced herself. "I'm Rowan," she said, glancing around at all the others. They all looked pretty intimidating; much more so than she did at least. She then turned to watch Alfredo as he spoke, grateful for his generosity.

"I'm okay, but I don't know about everyone else. Th-Thank you, though." She trailed off a bit as she spoke. The man looked pretty scary, honestly. She knew not to get on his bad side. As she looked at all the others, she studied them. They looked like they were different ages, but none of them looked too much older or younger than she was. She supposed that was good.
"Hi Rowan. Nice to meet you!" Drake flashed a smile, trying to remove her suspicion that he would harm her, or anyone. He couldn't account for the rest of the group though. He looked around, most could be trusted, but there were some that he had to be careful of. At Alfredo's offer of aid, Drake inspected his own body, and saw no major injuries.

"Looks all fine here, but i think Virtues definitely needs some medical assistance." He spied where she was clutching her side, and noticed the blood seeping through the fabric.

"We should solve any injuries and head out, as Alfredo said, we have caused quite a bit of noise. But I'm not sure we'd all fit in the van."
Vance had been listening to the others but his eyes were glued to where the blood was sleeping through Virtues fingers.

She's badly injured.

As Drake was mentioning her need of medical assistance, Vance removed his eyes from her hand to her face and then towards the van standing nearby.

"You really should get medical aid." He said to Virtues as his gaze shifted to Drake. "We should help her to the van. I don't think she can walk very well."

At the end of his sentence he again offered his hand, looking at her sympathetically and shifting his gaze back to the van and the short stretch of land before them to it.
Virtues peaked up at the people around her, her eyebrows furrowed slightly before turning her gaze to Alfredo, She was too embarrassed to say that she needed to be patched up, and gave Vance and Drake a grateful glance when they said it for her. Her gaze cascaded down to Vance's hand and she lifted her own to place it into his, steadying herself.

"Thanks," She mumbled, her cheeks flushing slightly.


Denahi still stood slightly in front of Rowan, his blue/ gray eyes meeting everyone elses before dipping his head in greeting. He took notice on how quick Rowan was to offer a friendly greeting, and he couldn't help but smile a bit.

"I'm Denahi." He stated, folding his well muscled arms across his chest, lips curved up into a smirk. His gaze turned up towards the dimming sky,

"Look we don't have much time to sit around, night is the most dangerous time to be wandering about, especially in a group, we'll attract more attention." He informed them, knowing their were dangerous groups around here, some with powers like him, that use it for evil. With a sigh he looked towards the van and then swooped down to pick Rowan up into his strong arms, cradling her easily against his chest.

"You need to get that knee looked at." He mumbled, casting a glance down towards her that said, he didn't care if she felt like she didn't need assistance. Turning he walked towards the van and opened the trunk, gently setting her down inside.

"Alfredo, where are the suppiles?" He called over his shoulder.
As Rowan listened to everyone speak, the sight of the blood seeping through Virtues' fingers made her queasy. She shifted her gaze to the ground, thankful that Denahi stood in front of her to block her view even the slightest bit. Her knee throbbed as she stood, but she knew Virtues was far worse off than she was. Although if she didn't get the weight off of her leg soon, it would probably worsen. Almost as if reading her thoughts, she felt herself being lifted off the ground.

"Ah, hey!" she cried, eyes widening. "I-I'm fine, I promise--" Just who did this guy think he was? At first she tried to resist, but she knew it was probably futile. So she deflated against his chest and let him carry her. She had to admit, the human contact felt nice, and it was a huge relief to get the weight off of her knee. She crossed her arms as she was set down in the trunk. "That wasn't necessary."
Vance led Virtues to the van while helping her keep steady and chuckled as Rowan was carried and dumped onto the back of the van, protesting.

"Think she's actually mad or afraid to show gratitude?"

He quietly asked Virtues as they walked to the van.
Denahi smiled kindly at her, and reached his hand over to gently pat her head, in a soothing manner.

"I know." He stated simply, with a handsome crooked grin, blinking his gray blue eyes, meeting hers eyes evenly, before he began to rummage through the stuff in the corner of the van. Finding a metal tin, he opened it, and pulled out splint and advil. Then picked up a bottle of water.

He knew the supply of fresh water was limited, and his throat was sore and almost completely dry, but he ignored his own complaints and passed Rowan the water bottle, and the advil.

"Take it." He coaxed with a small nod of his head, before turning towards Virtues and Vance.

"Virtues is it? Come and lie down here," he made room for her in the trunk.

Virtues chuckled softly, accepting Vances help. She move towards Denahi and slowly sat down beside Rowan, taking a breath in before she laid onto her back, wincing slightly. Blood soaking through her shirt around her waist, watching the dark haired boy look through the first aid bag.
Rowan could feel her heart speed up when Denahi smiled at her. He really was handsome, and there was just something about him that gave her butterflies. Maybe it was his smile, or the way his eyes sparkled when he looked at her. She could feel her cheeks heating up at the thought and she averted her eyes as she took the bottle and advil. "Thanks."

She gulped it down quickly, then watched as Virtues made her way to the truck beside her. The rusty odor of the blood slowly filled the air and Rowan had to cover her nose to keep herself from gagging. "Oh, god, it looks horrible," she squeaked.

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