The Last Of Humanity In A Forgotton World [Inactive]


Apocalyptic Mad Hatter of Zombie Wonderland
The diease spread so quickly, the world was brought down in less then a few weeks...... The apocolapyse, that's what this is, in less then a week, the world was brought to it's knees.
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Day 2 Of Infection... 9:19 Am... March 15th, 2031...

Avery walked slowly through the abandoned house, her steps silent as she avoided anything that could make noise, she could hear the breathing of a infected in the house. As she turned the corner, it leaped at her; screeching and screaming. Instantly, she swung her fist and, thanks to her father, the thing fell backwards, still screaming. Finally she stabbed her katana through it's head before flicking off the blood on the sword and her bladed knucklebrace; her vison was shaking and she stumbled against the marble counter of the kitchen. It was cold on her tattoooed skin but finally she forced herself to regain herself before shaking her head quickly, it gave her a small headache but she forced the noise out. "Okay, please be goood..." She begged, opening the cupboard, over her back was a huge hiking backpack with a sleeping bag hanging from the bottom, a waterbottle in the pouch and a flashlight attached for quick use. The blonde beauty slipped the katana back into place before whistling. "Eragon!" A pitbull slunk in a coupe seconds later, hair raised before it started sniffing around. The cupboard was fairly filled up but not enough to last too long. The girl heaved her heavy backpack off and started throwing in all of the cans. Finally, as she got them all, she swung it back over and it clunk loudly, she swayed slightly, surprised by the weight before checking other cupboards. "Hey boy, dog treats!" She picked the box up and shook it lightly, "Only a few in" The girl opened it up and dumped the bacon shaped treats into her hand. "Here you go" She dumped it onto the floor in front of her while Eragon gulped it down quickly before looking for more. "Sorry boy, all that was there" She said sadly before checking the last cupboard, "A lunch box, good." She said, pulling it down along with a box of Oreos. "Hey boy, Oreos!" She cheered.

Ashton lead his best friend, Blake, down the road, keeping the long leash tight around his hand. It lead to a large, wired, gray dog. A scottish deerhound named Smoke, while a smilar looking dog, except larger, walked freely, it's name was Wolf. Ashton was a tall, wellbuilt, young man with a few tattoos littering his body while his best, and childhood friend followed. He was tall but a few inches shorter then his best friend, wellbuilt but, again, less then his friend but unlike his best friend, he had many more tatoos littering his body. His bloodhound sniffed wildly at the ground, it's long ears trailing, causing the dirt to stir up while it's nose just kept sniffing.

Nichole kicked her horse's side to speed it up, her dog, Coffee followed, it's tongue hanging wildly from his mouth. She grinned, her curly, white-blonde hair waved in her face. There was a shotgun and sniper on her, shotgun over her chest and sniper over her back. Her blue eyes sparkled as she clicked her tongue to warn her dog that they were turning before she actually turned. The morning sun shone brightly as she finally slowed to down to a slow trot, her dog was panting but wagging his tail happily.

Preston rode Oreo, the large, white carribou with black spots, with pride, Oreo walked with grace but could easily speed it up when needed, it's grace is one reason why Preston's family rode carribou instead of horses, they may be wilder but their instincts are better, they are as easily spooked either, always keeping a firm head. Over his small shoulder was the backpack that he had been using for college, there were a few cans of food in their with a water purifier, two bottles of water, a flashlight, a change of clothes and a photo of his beautiful, younger sister, his tall, handsome older brother and his older, frail mother that still held her beauty from her youth.

Adam dozed softly on his beautiful horse's back, White Chocolate, the horse that he's had since he was eight. He always hated growing up on a farm, but riding horses was a perk; his blue hair was wild and tangled as his head leaned against the horse's neck as a pillow. His legs were resting lazily on the side of the horse while his backpack barely stayed on his shoulders; the horse trotted slowly, not really focusing on anywhere, the road was long since gone because of Adam passing out.

Walter's eyes watched the road, behind him lay a torn up kitchen but a huge pile of cans full of food lay there, he had killed three, wellstocked groups in one day! He was quite proud as he now had a portable, solar grill and a tent, sleepingbags, everything he would need.
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Alex ran hard and fast through the streets, making the occasional stop to take cover to a nearby car or wall to check the path ahead. Eventually, to her relief, she found herself an opened to door to an abandoned building, she rushed in running from the hallway to what used to be a living room. She found herself a dark corner with the view out a window and sat down. She then waited:

"..5...4...3...2...1."She mattered before raising her hands to her ears. She hesitated for a moment, she was breathing heavily, before removing the pair of ear plugs from her ears. Not being able to hear any infected, she finally relaxed taking a deep breath. How long was she running she didn't know but as she began to relax she realized it was too long. Most of her body ached, if it was not her shins flaring up from her long run or her shoulders from the load she was carrying.

She remembered she was thirsty, she removed her backpack and took out a bottle 0f water, her last one and only a quarter full. For once she did nor care, and downed the water in one long gulp and replaced the bottle back to her backpack. She sat back against the wall, almost falling a sleep when series of noised suddenly could be heard. She could not place it but instinct told her it was better to be safe then sorry and got to her feet. She made her way out through the back door of the kitchen to the garden ahead, climbing over the back fence to the road ahead.
"come on get a move on it we have to get this place barricaded before more come..and don't give me that look" Dreidel said in a bossy voice as he looked at the window of the warehouse with fear. While he was in a panic Steve had no fear and moved the rubble of the ware house in front of the door this was the main reason besides Dreidel's love for the elephant to keep him along during this time. He was strong smart protective and loyal he was basically his own person more than a pet. As the rubble clashed and banged into each other more zombies came but luckily the skilled gunmen could take a small horde out with ease. taking accurate shots to the head with no room for mistakes even with the loss of a single bullet could mean his death or someone else's "I'm done you can stop crying" Steve said. "well took you long enough and I don't need your attitude you over grown bull" an angered Dreidel said in which the elephant raises it trunk and walks away.
Nichole glanced up at the sound, there was a huge racket coming from up ahead, she nudged Shadow's side and the horse started trotting again, more hesitantly but still fast. Coffee followed it's ears back and tail stiff. Finally, as they heard gunshots and a voice, they turned the corner. She pulled out her shotgun, hesistantly but in awe at the elephant. Coffee barked loudly, whining too while Shadow shifted uncomfortingly, watching the huge animal. "Calm down you two." She muttered before waving at the boy, Dreidal, "Hello there" She shouted, waving her hand so he coulld see her without getting too close. The horse jumped away from the rocks but nothing arrived, with a quick scolding at the horse, she smiled at him. (@KingWholeGrain )
Fae crouched down in an old, abandoned building. She'd seen some cans of food, what looked like knives, and a bag up ahead. But there were two zombies in the same room as the items. Lamin and Halo were sitting by her side, the fur on their backs standing on edge. Their teeth were bared in a silent snarl. Fae stood with a grunt and shot both the zombies. They both fell and twitched a few times while Fae was already running into the room. For safe measure, she took hold of one of the four knives in the room and cut off the zombies' heads. She sighed, then clicked her tongue twice. Lamin and Halo came running in, sniffed the zombies, growled, then looked up at Fae and wagged their tails. She smiled softly, then turned to the bag. She got lucky. She shoved her pistol into the waist of her shorts, then put the food and knives into the bag. She pulled the bag onto her shoulders, feeling for her cases of throwing knives in her back pocket, before whistling quietly and running out of the building, her dogs following.

Ash walked quietly, trying his best to avoid stepping on anything that would bring attention to his position. His gun was resting easily in his hands, ready to fire at any zombies. He ducked into a crumbling shack when he heard a zombie scream up ahead. He shook his head with a grunt of exasperation. He hated those sounds. He hid in a dark corner and listened as the zombie passed him by. He waited a while longer, listening for any other zombies, before ducking his head out the entrance and scanning the street. Empty. He left the shack and continued his progress forward, except, now, he was jogging.
The bloodhound snorted before turning and staring down the street, it's ears perked. "Ashton slow down!" He called as he turned to glance at the dog, "What?" He groaned as he stopped, "It's probably just a-" Suddenly Hunter started down the street, "Hunter!" Blake ran after him while Ashton groaned then followed. Pulling Smoke along while Wolf ran a couple feet ahead of him; as the bloodhound rounded the corner, it leaped onto Xayvier (@Glitch ), it's tail wagging as he licked the boy's face. Finally, Blake rounded the corner, huffing and puffing, "Hunter!" He snapped, but froze, not nearing the new boy but pulled out his gun. Ashton finally rounded the corner, cursing, "F*cking hell. Get your dog a f*cking leash, Bla-" He stopped in midstep as he noticed the new boy, his breathing heavy. He scrambled for a moment before yanking out his Desert Eagle pistol, flicking the safety off. Smoke was panting, wagging it's tail while Wolf's fur was sticking up, it's teeth pulled back, showing it's canines off.
Ash put his hands up. "Whoa! Hey!" He said, looking around for zombies. Gently, he nudged the dog off of him.

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Blake crouched down, dropping the gun onto his feet, "Come here, Hunter" He called but the dog ignored him, hopping back up on the boy, it barked once, and Blake grabbed his gun. But tucked away, "Watch behind you, Ashton" He muttered before stepping forward, slowly, so the other doesn't attack. "Sorry" He muttered so Xayvier could hear only before grabbing his dog. "Ashton don't" He warned and the other boy growled as he was aiming for the stranger's head. "Fine" He snapped before spinning around. "Blaaake... They heard him" Ashton warned, a hunting scream echoing around, before glancing at Blake, "We need to get out of the god damn city limits" He reminded as he grabbed his machete out in one hand, his gun now facing away. "God damn it" He groaned as he was crouched over to hold onto Hunter's collar as he started whining, trying to get back towards the boy. "I can't pull Hunter along like this. He's too heavy to pick up." Blake groaned as the screech went up, they had found their prey. "We need to go now!" Ashton growled in demanding way, "Leave him behind if you must. We are not dying for a damn dog" The taller boy hissed, now crouching. Ashton was yanking off the leash around Smoke and threw it behind him. "If he starts slowing us down, he's gone. Even if he's a good hunter" He hissed before shooting a zombie, "Now!" He snapped as Blake struggled to get the leash on. "Hunter stop" He warned with a desperate note in his voice.
Ash watched, not really sure if he should go with them or stick to his own path. He jumped when he heard a second screech behind him, then a third. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Fae stopped short when she heard three screeches, and two males arguing. Did she hear something about a dog? Fae clicked her tongue once, then pointed into a building. Lamin and Halo hurried into the building and hid. She pulled out her gun and a case of throwing knives and started towards the sounds of zombies and the arguing guys.
Running. Running is good. Willow thought. She was currently failing completely at escaping the infected, and was on the verge of collapse. Gotta keep going. Can't stop now.

The infected were gaining on her. Willow was exhausted, she hadn't slept in days. And she was hungry. And was being chased by at least 7 infected. I can't fight all of them, not in this state. She thought.

Her eyes caught on a tree. Relatively low branches. It would take a bit of a running jump, but she was already running so it didn't matter. I hope this works... Willow ran towards the tree and launched herself up to the tallest branch she could reach.

Scrambling up it, she broke off some of the brittle lower branches and climbed as high as she could without the branches breaking underneath her.

"Well. Now I'm stuck."
Ashton spun around, jabbing Blake in the chest, hard, "You wanted to rescue him!" He shouted, "We have two, great hunting dogs that can bring down deer and you wanted so dog that could maybe catch a rabbit!" He roared and Blake stood up, jabbing him back, "You wanted him too, he is a better tracker then your mutts!" Blake hissed and Ashton got his face really close to the other boy's, "Your lucky your my best friend" He snapped before sighing, "Let's just get out of here" He growled, teeth clenched before pointing his gun behind Blake, shooting three infected behind the stranger before spinning around. "Release him if he gets too much work. He can survive on his on." He snapped before he started running back the direction they had been before. Blake blinked before sprinting after him, pulling the struggling down with, he looked back to shoot two infected, missing one but got a different one in the head. "Run stranger!" He called before he started running
Ash ran in the same direction as the two strangers. He wasn't sure what to think, but he turned around and shot a zombie in the head.

Fae turned the corner and shot a zombie in the back of the head. She took out a knife and threw it at another zombie. The knife lodges itself deep in the infected's skull, and she shot one more. There were more behind the three strangers she saw running, and she sighed. She didn't really have to help them, but why wouldn't she? She contemplated this for a moment before aiming at a zombie behind the group.

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Finally, the bloodhound started running with Blake, it's fur raised in fear. It was tugging Blake along while Ashton ran ahead, following his dogs, which were running ahead of the boys, their tongues hanging out. "Ashton!" He called, "The hideout is here!" He called and Ashton nodded, "Just like in the old days, huh?" He asked with a grin behind him, before whistling the dogs back and turning sharply into the woods, running past two large rocks. Blake barely ducked past a zombie, his asthma hitting him hard, he fumbled for his inhaler and it fell from his hand, "" He huffed, spinning around for it. The boy shoved a zombie back before kicking another one, he couldn't reach it so he cursed before turning back towards the woods, running past the rocks; heaving for air.
Ash followed the two unknowingly. He ran straight into the zombies, shooting them both dead. He picked up the inhaler as soon as he saw it, and continued. He'd only give the inhaler to the owner and then he'd leave; he knew how all of this worked.

Fae shot another zombie, then jumped onto the building beside her and climbed onto the crumbling roof. She shot the zombies from up here, killing them. She huffed and looked around for the guys that had been there only a few moments before. She scowled when she saw they weren't there. There were plenty of places they could've hid, but Fae wasn't about to go look for them. She climbed down from the building and landed gracefully. She glared up at the top of the building. She didn't remember where she got the strength or flexibility to climb that high that fast. She didn't even remember what they would call it. She stopped trying to remember and started back to Lamin and Halo, shoving her knives back into her pocket.

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Blake's breathing was growing more into a cough, "Ashton!" He shouted over the screechs, he shook his head but they were echoing, he stumbled but caught himself, his vison going into double. He used his hands to cover his ears but they echoed so loud, he could hardly breathe, there was the shack they converted back when they were seventeen. Ashton was covering Blake but Blake stumbled again, this time falling, he didn't want to move. Hunter escaped from his grasp running wildly towards Ashton while Blake covered his ears so tightly that his ears hurt from the hold.

Ashton cursed but shut the door, trying to reach his best friend, there were so many zombies trying to grap him, he just kept swing and shooting, the zombies were running right past Blake, but one stopped, sniffing and screeching; It echoed in his ears but he shook it off and kicked one away from him.

( ;D Some sexy losing sanity <3 xD )
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Alex ran through the street, stopping at t juction for a moments rest. She began to hear more noises rustling, banging and.... Barking? She thought, she hadn't those in a while or hadn't it...She lost track time since the outbreak.

However with the barking came another sound, a ear splitting screech followed by others making Alex instinctively covering her ears. She cursed, feeling her eardrums were about to burst. Once the screech stopped she finally reached for her rifle. Growl behind her and ruble being moved made her turn around, gun ready to fire. A zombie was coming it her, she quickly took aim and fired. She missed but by then the zombie was to close to fire again. She swung the butt of her rifle meeting the charging zombie. She made hit to the zombie skull throwing it to the side, before finishing it off with another butt strike.

Screeching indicated other zombies about attracted by the rifle shot. The zombies appeared out the woodwork, knowing the time of silence was passed Alex fired her rifle at them several time. The shots were hit and miss, judging her energy was better spend escaping she took off, desperately thinking of away to escape the situation.

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Willow took a shaky breath. She was safe, for the moment.

The zombies beneath her were frantic, scrabbling at the bark on the tree, jumping at the branches. Willow pulled a pistol out of her backpack. I wish i knew how to use this... She thought, trying to remember all the books and movies she'd seen.

I have to pull this back first, right? She pulled the slide back and released. Then this thing...? She flicked the safety off, then pointed the gun at the zombies below. "I hope this works..." She said, aiming at the head of a zombie and pulling the trigger.

The following sound made Willow jump and almost fall out of the tree, but she managed to steady herself. Fortunately, she had hit the zombie, square in the head too, but there was still 6 infected left.

But only 4 bullets.
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Ash stopped and shot a group of zombies. He saw one of the guys fall, and a feeling of fear for him tightened his chest. He shot furiously at them, aiming decently.

Fae tried to ignore the sounds of shooting and screeching in the woods. But, as soon suas she got Lamin and Halo, she sprinted for the woods, unable to take the sounds any longer.

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Ashton cursed loudly, as he struggled with a few zombies, fighting and struggling to avoid the grips of the struggling, screeching things. "BLAKE DROONS, GET YOUR ASS UP!" He roared before stabbing his machete into a skull and shooting the zombie in the head that Blake was fighting off weakly. He sprinted over, grabbed the slightly smaller boy by the waist, threw him over his shoulder before slashing at two zombies, one stumbled, alive but stunned while he killed the other. "Stay alive, Blake. No f*cking way is your stupid @ss dying now!" He mumbled, as he opened the door, barely balencing the other boy as he did. Ashton dropped Blake on the floor, not trying to cushion him before trying to shoot any zombie that came through the door. He finally ran forward, slashed one and snapped to the boy outside, "Get your @ss in here before I leave you outside!"
Ash didn't waste any time running into the shelter. He immediately jumped into one of the corners, panting quietly. He held up the inhaler. "I don't believe... One of you dropped this?" He asked a bit breathlessly. He held it out, waiting for one of them to take it from him. Once all the zombies left, he'd leave, too. There was no reason to stay here with these two.

Fae stopped behind a tree, hiding behind it. She pointed at the ground twice, and both dogs sat obediantly. She climbed up the tree quickly, all without making a sound. She found a tree branch big enough to hold her for a long length of time and crouched down on it. She gazed over the scene; there looked to be at least ten zombies, all crowded around one shack. She sighed. She had five bullets right now, but she had more ammo in her bag. She held out her gun, still hidden, and shot five zombies in the head. If she didn't kill them, she stunned them. She reloaded, then aimed and started shooting again.

Ash stood straight at attention when he heard the gunshots. Was there someone else out there? The gunshots were close, too close. Who was that? He tried to find the position of the person just by listening, and only found that the shooter was up high, and in front of the shack. The zombies' attention were on the shooter, wherever they were.
Ashton grabbed the inhaler, "Oh god, f*cking thank you" He groaned before hopping over to Blake, "Here, idiot" Blake, who was holding his head but accepted it, he chuckled as Hunter sniffed at him, "Alright, off off. I'm fine" He pushed the mutt off, holding his head, "Wow, when I can't breathe the screams get worst" Blake said with a small laugh before taking a breath from it and tucking it into his pants. "Shouldn't you take more?" Ashton asked with a small urgent notice and he shook his head, "Running low" He explained before standing up and marched up to the other boy, stuck out his hand. "Thanks for grabbing this and protecting us" He said with a small smile while Ashton growled, "It's his fault" And Blake nudged him, "Blame Hunter. He'll listen to you more" He said jokingly and Ashton grinned well, "Thanks then, stranger" He said, rather stiffly but was still grinning at Blake. "That... Was... BADASS" He cheereed, holding up his hand for a high five from his best friend, it smacked it hard. They held hands in a victory way. (You know when they grip hands like this)
Ash shook his head. "I... Uh. I had a cousin with asthma, so I know how important those inhalers are." He did feel a bit guilty, since the dog had jumped on him and not wanted to follow its owner, but at the same time, he felt relieved he got the inhaler back to Blake in time. He shook his head at their thanks again.

Fae killed the last of the zombies with a grunt of exhaustion. What the hell am I doing! Protecting people I don't know! She scolded herself mentally. She tucked her gun into the waist of her shorts again and stood on the branch. She took a deep breath and let it out, then fell to the ground. She grunted at the impact, but managed to land in a crouch. She whistled softly, and Lamin and Halo came to her side. She looked at the zombies around her, making sure each of them were dead. One was still moving. She scowled and walked over to it. She pulled a kitchen knife out of her bag and cut off its head in one smooth move, standing up before the foul smell of decayed flesh could reach her nose. "They're gone." She said, just loud enough for her voice to carry into the shed. She grunted and shoved the knife back into her bag after cleaning it off, then turned and patted her dogs' heads.
"What to do? What to do?"She mattered frantically, cursing the situation she was in as she ran. She was keeping a good distance but only just, had more then a few near misses with a few swipes at her from the zombies tearing he clothing slightly before she could bat them of. She turned a corner, she could she more zombies climbing from the distance and others approaching from behind. She thought quickly, sliding under the ruined hep of a van as a large ditch attempt to hide in its shadow. She took a deep breath, hearing the zombies approach she reached in her pocket taking out a picture with her trembling hand and looked at it. All she could do was wait.
Day 2 of Infection... 9:38 Am... March 15th, 2031...

Ashton blinked at the girl's voice before punching Blake's shoulder, "That's a babe" He said with a grin before hopping to the door and openning it, "F*ck" He cursed before he kicked a zombie's body out of the way, "Hello out there" He said, putting his charm on while Blake rolled his eyes; "Thanks for helping us" He said, now finding the girl, he carefully put his pistol away, and strapped his machete back into place. "Thank you ever so much" He said with a small bow. (@Glitch )

Adam awoke and cursed before leading the horse back towards where he believed the city was. As they emerged from the woods, Adam's eye was searching around but he slowed his handsome horse, White Chocolate, down as he watched a beautiful, dark-skinned woman slid underneath a van and he aimed carefully with his silenced machine gun, he shot one infected, which was following the woman, in the head, he shot again but only hit a different one in the shoulder, it turned around and screeched, Adam blocked it out and pulled one of his swords out, his silver, smooth but sharp one. He nudged his horse, who neighed loudly before rushing at the infected, he kept the sword about head level for them, slashing away at their heads with expert skill, he turned his horse around to make another slash at them but they were too close so he started leading them away, calling and whistling to keep their attention. (@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki )

Avery glanced up as she heard a single gunshot from not far from where she was, she hurridly stuffed the Oreos into her bag, along with a Chips Ahoy before running out the back door, Eragon following with his tongue slightly hanging out of his mouth. Her katana in hand as she approuched the trees, she hit the ground as a bunch of infected were gathered around a tree. She whistled and they almost all looked at her, they rushed at her, only two staying and she quickly started slashing. The first infected had half it's head cut off, instantly killing it; the next took a the sword into it's eyesocket, she yanked the blade out and slashed at the next one, cutting off it's head from it's neck. The head lay, gapping but harmless at the moment; the third, she had a bit of fun with, she slashed it's arms off, then danced around it and removed it from it's legs, it sat there, wiggling and screeching until she stabbed it. Eragon watched, slunk against the ground, ears back; she bounced over to the two infected by the tree and got both of them with one thrust of her sword, the sword went straight through one of their heads and into the other one's. "Whew, there we go. Come on, Eragon, we gotta go find the poor soul that got these things on them" She called, and Eragon ran towards her, panting happily with his stubby tail waggng. (@KaiaWolf )

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