madame moiselle
❁ listening to lullabies ❁
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[/class] [div class=genVar] [div class=mainNavBgVar] [div class=aspectRatio] [div class=root] [div class=mainFlexContainer] [div class=translucentBox] [div class=menuText] [div class=menuFlex] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] oneTAB [/div] The Storyline [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] twoTAB [/div] The World [/div] [div class="menuButton menuCenter" style="padding: 2%; flex: 1 0 10%;"] [div class="tabName"] threeTAB [/div] - [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fourTAB [/div] The Survivor Classes [/div] [div class="menuButton"] [div class="tabName"] fiveTAB [/div] General Info [/div] [/div][/div] [div class=menuDivider]Divide[/div] [div class="scrollBox one"] [div class="mainHeader"] TheLastJudgementpart2 - Streamable [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"][/div] The world ended on a Sunday.
Some saw it coming. Hunters that had always lived in secrecy, trying to protect the world they knew against the one they feared. They’d been fighting and struggling for years against this single eventuality, only to see all their efforts destroyed in front of them.
The Norse called it Ragnarok, the Bible called it Revelations. The realists were waiting for bombs to drop, others for a plague. In the end, the apocalypse came in the form of a cataclysmic event that no one could stop. A gateway to Hell, opening up right in the middle of Time Square in New York City.
This is how it began.
The demons and monsters pouring forth into this world will waste no time in ripping it apart, taking hosts and setting fire to the city around them. New York will only be the first to fall into chaos, soldiers and civilians alike unable to stop the preternatural terrors that have been unleashed on them. The few that knew this was coming, the hunters, the witches, the believers, won’t have the strength alone to stand against the tide.
Death has come to all, and every day that passes will only spread its reach farther.
[div class="imageBorder"][/div] No one is safe, and there is no such thing as innocent anymore. Only survivors. A small group caught in the chaos of this new world are left struggling to stay alive, the only hope offered to them comes from the mouths of prophets, promising something like sanctuary across the country in California.
[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox two"] [div class=mainHeader] The World Before [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"][/div] For years, the war against the preternatural was waged in silence. Hunters, Witches and Prophets lived in secrecy, fighting the good fight the best they could...
Wanting to preserve life and the world as they’d always known it. To everyone else, the world went on around them, oblivious to the peril fought beneath their very noses. In recent years, the war became bloodier, more violent and the death toll of those that would guard us against this growing menace of hellspawn and demonic energy grew astronomically.
Doomsayers had begun to become more prevalent, but the world still continued to refuse the possibility. It was an ordinary day in an ordinary world when the cataclysm erupted beneath our feet.
[div class=mainSubheader] Year One [/div]
Once the hell gate opened, it was the picture of apocalypse. Hellfire gutted buildings, entire blocks, reducing them to ash and rubble, skeleton cities. Tendrils of brimstone curled from the dirt, spreading across the city like a growing infection. Those buildings and structures still intact are abandoned ghost towns, inhabitants either killed or enslaved. Groups of survivors begin to pocket within the city as the infrastructure of electricity, water and government begin to break down.
Outside the city, the destruction began to spread with the flood of demons and monsters spilling through streets. The eastern coast is the first to be affected, and the few survivors that pulled themselves from the wreckage of New York are still discovering just how brutal and widespread the damage is.
[div class=mainSubheader] Year Two [/div]
The world hasn’t gotten better. Small civilizations of survivors have started to crop up, but most no longer follow the rules known to humanity. Roving marauders led by witches and demons add to monster infested landscapes. Whole streets, city blocks or even full towns have been taken over by demonic leaders, each with their own agenda and flavor. The world is truly an unpredictable and terrifying place.
Further from New York, the hope of a rescue has died. Buildings that are still in tact have mostly been swept clean of supplies, making it harder to find the essentials like food, medicine, and clean water. The weather has become unpredictable, the cold more bitter, the heat more scorching. Now any survivors must find their food from the still living animals or canned goods that haven’t rotted or festered.
[/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexContainer three"] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionLeft"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Where must we go; We who wonder this wasteland; In search of our better selves? [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox coverTitle" style="flex: 1 0 50%"] [div class="coverText coverCenter"] The Last Judgement [/div][/div] [div class="coverFlexBox expositionRight"] [div class="coverExpositionText"] Interest Check [/div][/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox four"] [div class=mainHeader] The Survivors [/div] [div class=mainText] [div class="imageBorder"][/div] H U M A N S
Some have found themselves changing with the onset of the apocalypse, gifted with seeming supernatural abilities or cursed with darker ones. Some woke up with nothing at all to protect them against the rising dead, nothing but quick wits and a propensity for survival.
B A S I C:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
- Any skills and abilities are those they’ve managed to learn without aid of supernatural powers or strengths.
- Capable of becoming afflicted, blessed, or prophets.
M I S C:
- No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with the apocalypse.
- Subject to both demonic and angelic possession, a vampire’s thrall, and infection.
Hunters have been here for centuries in one form or another. They’ve always fought against the demons and the monsters. Some have only been fueled by training and knowledge, but others were granted the hunter’s mark, giving them strength and skill beyond that of a normal human.
B A S I C : marked hunters possess the following:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
- Stronger and faster, they are brutes to some extent, having a natural affinity for melee weapons and a keen eye when it comes to guns and ranged weapons.
- Heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell.
- They heal at a much faster rate, possess increased stamina, and are capable of taking substantially more damage than a normal human might survive.
- Mark manifests on the back of their dominant hand.
- No remarkable change to their psychology, other than those expected when faced with the apocalypse.
- Not immune to demonic possession, angelic possession, or infection.
- Resistant to a vampire’s thrall, but not completely immune.
Much like hunters, witches have existed for centuries. They are imbued with magic passed down through their family line, though it takes practice and ritual to fully master it. Some have fought against the supernatural, some have helped it gain a foothold on earth.
B A S I C:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
- All witches are capable of basic telekinesis without any form of ritual.
- They possess the ability to use magic, however it is usually accompanied by ritual of some form. The branches of spellcasting vary, and each witches specialization is usually determined by how they were raised.
- Schools of magic may include: black magic, white magic, blood magic, elemental magic, enchantment, necromancy, alchemy and voodoo.*
M I S C:
- All witches are at risk for possession, and substantially higher than anyone else. It is possible for them to hear the spirits of the dead, and this can have a detrimental effect on their psychological wellbeing.
PLEASE NOTE: magic is a flexible art, and any further schools of magic not listed here may be discussed with me prior to application. Please be aware, witchcraft requires inherent talent as well as training and should not be treated as a mutant ability.
- Not immune to either demonic or angelic possession.
- Not immune to either infection or a vampire’s thrall.
- Capable of casting protective spells or enchantments to help ward themselves or others, but cannot cast spells for immediate healing.
The afflicted are humans who’ve found themselves heavily influenced by the release of demonic energy. Their souls are slowly becoming corrupted, becoming closer to demons themselves every day. While it grants them new capabilities, all power comes at a price.
B A S I C : all afflicted possess the following:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L :
- Faster and stronger than humans, they are capable of taking a lot more damage before being weakened.
- Abilities can manifest as either darkness manipulation, pain inducement and suppression, or telekinesis.
- Manifests itself as what resembles black tattoos underneath the skin, generally starting on the chest and working outwards.
- As affliction progresses, they maybe become subject to some of the same weaknesses as a red-eyed demon.
M I S C :
- Driven more and more by emotion, they are more prone to outbursts of anger or aggression.*
- As their corruption worsens, they are more and more likely to take pleasure in sadistic acts, bloodshed, and violence.*
*PLEASE NOTE: This is not a case of dual-personality syndrome. The person remains the same, they are just more prone to acting based on emotions and baser instincts. Any kind of “voice” would come from a demon, and this must be run by me first.
- Not initially immune to demonic possession, but they become so once their soul has been fully corrupted and they are completely demonic.*
- Immune to angelic possession.
- Immunity against a vampire’s thrall and infection.
- Affliction is permanent, and while it maybe slowed, there is no reversing or curing the soul’s corruption.
Much like the afflicted, the blessed are humans who have instead found themselves heavily influenced by angelic energy. Their souls are becoming more divine, granting them abilities and capabilities granted to the holiest of beings.
B A S I C : all blessed possess the following:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L :
- Possess the ability to exorcise and destroy demons. While prayer can help focus this energy, the act of ritual is more habit than necessity.
- Capable of minor healing, though it may gain in strength and potency as they progress towards divine ascendance.
- Capable of manipulating cleansing fire, capable of destroying the unclean by burning them from the inside out, destroying infection in a similar manner, or cleansing the mind of a vampire’s thrall. Cleansing fire only affects the demonically unclean, and has little effect on humans.
- Manifests itself as what resembles ornate, white tattoos under the skin, including markings that resemble wings on their backs.
M I S C :
- The longer they progress, the more aware they become of other heavenly beings, as well as demonic ones. How this affects each blessed varies as it would with anyone.*
- While this affects people differently, all blessed begin to experience a certain disconnect between themselves and the rest of humanity, growing slowly more detached and emotionless.
*PLEASE NOTE: This is not a case of dual-personality disorder. While the blessed may experience a disconnect to humanity, or connection to other heavenly beings, their souls are still their own.
- Not initially immune to angelic possession, but they become so once their soul has been fully transitioned and they are completely divine.*
- Immune to demonic possession.
- Immunity against a vampire’s thrall and infection.
- Blessings are permanent, and while the effects maybe slowed, the soul’s alteration cannot be stopped or cured.
Prophets have wandered the earth before, but their numbers have always been small. The opening of the gates to Hell has given rise to new prophets, their minds suddenly haunted by terrible visions of the future and the past.
B A S I C:P S Y C H O L O G I C A L:
- All prophets are granted visions of both the future and the past, often without warning. These episodes can manifest as gently as dreams, or as violently as seizures.
- Visions can be played out differently depending on the prophet, either in a trance with a more linear progression of events, quick flashes, or simply impressions of what’s to come.
- While not psychic, prophets have a much higher level of empathy, leaving them much more attuned to the emotions and mannerisms of others.
- Physically they are the same as humans, with the same capabilities as anyone otherwise unafflicted.
M I S C:
- Prophets are much more prone to bouts of psychosis, some reaching a point where they can no longer tell the present from the future.
- They often devolve into episodes of writing or sketching solely to express whatever images have been left in their mind.
*PLEASE NOTE: While gifted with intense foresight, prophets are not infallible, and few things are ever set in stone. Please be respectful of other characters and the general storyline progression when predicting their actions or events to come.
- Not immune to either demonic or angelic possession.
- Not immune to either infection or a vampire’s thrall.
[/div][/div] [div class="scrollBox five"] [div class=mainHeader] Expectations [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] The RP [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] This roleplay is difficult to describe. For the most part, The Last Judgement is an apocalyptic, fantasy, supernatural, horror roleplay. Based on an RP I actually found on Tumblr called “The Wasteland”, but of course with my own unique twist. The bare bones of this RP will be focusing on a group of survivors in the midst of the apocalypse, this is the story of their journey across a country being ripped to shreds by supernatural forces. Even though this RP has 'started' the way that the game is structured allows people to jump in at almost any time throughout the different chapters and story arcs. So please, if you feel like this would be something you'd be interested in don't be intimidated by what we have written so far. I post updates (trying to do it weekly) so that if you have to be gone for a while or are jumping in you won't be completely lost. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] On the GM side, I like to think I'm pretty flexible and have had experience running groups before. I have two very helpful co-GMs who also run and maintain the game, so there is almost always an admin online if there are any questions, comments, or concerns that need to be addressed. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Players and Characters [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I ask that players be respectful, and communicate often. We do have a discord and if you would be interested in joining please feel free to either PM me or the other Admins for the code. So participate in discord occasionally (if you decide to join), and let me know if you’re unable to post. Simple stuff, but easy to forget about. If you want to participate, then I want you to be prepared to make a small commitment to upholding these two things. This RP has some really dark themes as well so if you are interested in this please understand that there will be violence, gore, or any other things that may be triggering. Please abide by RPN rules that should go without saying, just please fade to black if there is a need to. Romance, angst, and character division is encouraged but it won't be the focus of the story. I would also like to encourage using the lore to your advantage. Some things have been left ambiguous because I'd like to give you guys some creative freedoms, but please make it realistic in a way that fits the world and the written lore. If you have a question about something that the lore page doesn't go over please don't be afraid to ask. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] As for characters, I’m allowing an unlimited amount on one condition: You may only select one or two to be main characters, and any others become supporting cast. Why? Because I want you to focus on character arcs, and a smaller main cast is easier for me to cater the rp around. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Quality [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I don’t expect to see you rewrite Shakespeare, but I don’t want to see haphazard writing either. We're all human here (at least uh...I hope) so grammar and spelling mistakes are fine as long as you know the difference between 'there', 'they're', and 'their' we're all good. I hate putting a limit on how much people write, but this isn't the sort of thing to have casual one-liners. As for what I would like to see, I really favor a combination of both style and concision. It takes a lot to consistently put that much effort into a post, and its sets a precedent that posts "should" be that long. So just stick to a length that is easy to maintain. That isn't a single sentence. [/div] [div class=mainSubheader] Commitment [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] I’ll emphasize again that, yes, I know life happens. It’ll inevitably happen for me too. That’s why I’ll keep stressing how important it is to communicate. If that’s something you’re not prepared to do, then this is probably not the place for you. As for the actual commitment, I expect you to follow along with the story and post once or more per week (or let me know if you can't). I am ready to boot you if you’re both inactive and not communicating. I also want to be clear that I will not wait forever for you to post. [/div] [div class="mainText indent"] Also if you cannot continue in the RP for whatever reason, please let me know. [/div] [div class=mainHeader] Links [/div] [div class=mainText] Main Thread
Character Sheets
[div class=mainHeader] Admins & Tags [/div] [div class=mainText] Admins: Hell0NHighWater | @BasiliskVeranda | @Saboona
Tags: @Chise_Robin_ |@Lakyr | @Anise | Lekiel |@Steel_427
[/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][div class=genVar][/div]
This is the kind of RP I have been waiting and craving my entire life for - I'm definitely in.