Lost Martian
Back from the Dead
In the world of Avideanne humanity has begun to cast away their supernatural beliefs, the age of magic finally beginning to pass on. However that is not to say that all things supernatural don’t still exist, however they’ve had to hide from the wider world. Existing in small communities within the rest of the human society, these last magical beings are just trying to exist in a world where the myths and legends are fading away.
One group of magic beings who are holding on against this changing world are the shape-shifters. Humans who had ancestors that mated with animal spirits of the Umbra, the spiritual realm just beyond the natural world, the shape-shifters have the ability to transform into an animal form, or even a mixed human and animal form. The shape-shifters were once a great power in Avideanne, commanding respect from both fellow magical beings and regular human alike. Now they are a shadow of their former power, existing only in the few remaining dark corners.
There is a concerted effort in Avideanne to eliminate the last bits of magic. Known as the Inquisition, it’s a secret society that shields the wider public from the knowledge that magic still exists. While on one hand denying the existence of magic, they also do everything they can to stomp it out. No one is quite sure who exactly leads the Inquisition, though there are theories like Kings, merchant lords, or even the Church. But regardless of who is in command, the Inquisition is a powerful force that is attempting to change all of Avideanne.
Our story begins on the west coast of Durmain, a prosperous kingdom that is more technologically advanced than their neighbors. Despite the facade of progress, there is still a sizable population of magic beings existing just below the surface of society. This includes a clan of shape-shifters, one who just popped up on the radar of the Inquisition. Will these shape-shifters be able to survive in a world that is increasingly becoming not meant for them?
So in this roleplay you are playing as shape-shifters, an off-shoot of humanity who came about due to mating with the ancient animal spirits of the Umbra, the spirit realm just outside our own. Each shape-shifter is of a single animal bloodline, awakening to their powers at puberty. These powers include the ability to transform into the animal of which they are descended and eventually being able to take a mixed form, half human and half animal. All shape-shifters are also innate magic users, receiving one particular type of magic alongside their shifting at puberty. This could be anything from a particular element, to healing, to teleporting, etc. However shape-shifter magic is much weaker than that of an actual mage.
Each of these shape-shifters will be a part of a newly formed clan, one hiding in the advanced western kingdom of Durmain. Each character will be on the run from the Inquisition in one way or another, and will be forced to work together to survive. I’m currently allowing two characters per player, and I’m pretty open on what you can shape-shift into. However if you plan to shift into a magical creature, just be aware that since they no longer exist naturally that you’ll stick out greatly, even in animal form.
Another thing of note is that this roleplay is currently closed due to a whole lot of people already expressing interest. If this ever changes and we are open to new players, I’ll remove the [CLOSED] bit from the title of this thread.
Anyways that’s all for now. I’m starting work on a lore thread for my various ideas for this roleplay, which I’ll make sure to share with you guys when it’s ready. But in the meantime if you have any questions about the setting or character concepts, please feel free to ask. I really like shaping a roleplay world with the help of the players, so I’m really open on defining Avideanne.
One group of magic beings who are holding on against this changing world are the shape-shifters. Humans who had ancestors that mated with animal spirits of the Umbra, the spiritual realm just beyond the natural world, the shape-shifters have the ability to transform into an animal form, or even a mixed human and animal form. The shape-shifters were once a great power in Avideanne, commanding respect from both fellow magical beings and regular human alike. Now they are a shadow of their former power, existing only in the few remaining dark corners.
There is a concerted effort in Avideanne to eliminate the last bits of magic. Known as the Inquisition, it’s a secret society that shields the wider public from the knowledge that magic still exists. While on one hand denying the existence of magic, they also do everything they can to stomp it out. No one is quite sure who exactly leads the Inquisition, though there are theories like Kings, merchant lords, or even the Church. But regardless of who is in command, the Inquisition is a powerful force that is attempting to change all of Avideanne.
Our story begins on the west coast of Durmain, a prosperous kingdom that is more technologically advanced than their neighbors. Despite the facade of progress, there is still a sizable population of magic beings existing just below the surface of society. This includes a clan of shape-shifters, one who just popped up on the radar of the Inquisition. Will these shape-shifters be able to survive in a world that is increasingly becoming not meant for them?
So in this roleplay you are playing as shape-shifters, an off-shoot of humanity who came about due to mating with the ancient animal spirits of the Umbra, the spirit realm just outside our own. Each shape-shifter is of a single animal bloodline, awakening to their powers at puberty. These powers include the ability to transform into the animal of which they are descended and eventually being able to take a mixed form, half human and half animal. All shape-shifters are also innate magic users, receiving one particular type of magic alongside their shifting at puberty. This could be anything from a particular element, to healing, to teleporting, etc. However shape-shifter magic is much weaker than that of an actual mage.
Each of these shape-shifters will be a part of a newly formed clan, one hiding in the advanced western kingdom of Durmain. Each character will be on the run from the Inquisition in one way or another, and will be forced to work together to survive. I’m currently allowing two characters per player, and I’m pretty open on what you can shape-shift into. However if you plan to shift into a magical creature, just be aware that since they no longer exist naturally that you’ll stick out greatly, even in animal form.
Another thing of note is that this roleplay is currently closed due to a whole lot of people already expressing interest. If this ever changes and we are open to new players, I’ll remove the [CLOSED] bit from the title of this thread.
Anyways that’s all for now. I’m starting work on a lore thread for my various ideas for this roleplay, which I’ll make sure to share with you guys when it’s ready. But in the meantime if you have any questions about the setting or character concepts, please feel free to ask. I really like shaping a roleplay world with the help of the players, so I’m really open on defining Avideanne.