• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic The Last City

[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Everyone's either busy or on vacation as of this week, hehe.

I simply do not know what to write.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]If he doesn't post by tomorrow, we'll just make his character cease to exist.

yup...I have no idea how to write...can someone else post pls?
@ObiSemKenobi (Vacation)



@Amelia White


@Vladimir Amikov



Where are you guys? I need some activity please..

Am I allowed to post 1 paragraph just this once? There’s not quite to write as a response unless I include some sort of autobiography for my character...e.e
ArcticViolin said:
Am I allowed to post 1 paragraph just this once? There’s not quite to write as a response unless I include some sort of autobiography for my character...e.e
Yes it'd be perfectly fine for this instance :3
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Cool, so when is your C.S gonna be posted?

It is posted. It's in the third page of your character sign up.
[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]I swear I didn't forget about this place after I made my character lol life hit me kinda hard

Aw, I hope you feel better man. Life's been hitting me hard as of late too.

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