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Realistic or Modern The Last Battalion (WWII, Alternate History)

Verse Zero

Senior Member
Ranks of Unterfeldwebel and Up will not be accepted at this time. Please choose lower rank.

Character Sheet. If you have a better format that is more than this as base standard feel free to substitute yours for mine. Delete anything in parenthesis, anything in parenthesis is simply informative to help you fill out the CS.

Name: Leopold von Hohengrinn

Age: 21

Image/Physical Description: (Images can be modern photos, just need to know what your person looks like)

Leopold has short cropped reddish-blonde hair, piercing green eyes with a hint of blue, and stands roughly 5ft 11 in height. He is rather lean and while not particularly large has managed to survive more than one occasion of close-quarters-combat. He does possess a horizontal scar roughly three inches long across his lower-right stomach from a bayonet wound he received during the invasion of France in 1940.


(Use above link to help if need be)

Rank: Feldwebel

Position: Platoon/Squad leader

Speciality: (Do you have a specialty) Assault experience.

Bio: Leopold was born in Sigmaringen, South-Western Germany, to the Uradel von Hohengrinn family on October 31st, 1919. Leopold's father Reinhard von Hohengrinn had been an officer in the Imperial German Army during World War I, fighting with distinction on the Eastern, Italian, and finally Western Fronts until the end of the war in November, 1918. Reinhard was not retained when the German military was confined to a 100,000 Reichswehr and lived on the family estate training horses.

Leopold's mother, Viktoria von Hohengrinn (nee Kazarin), lived the life of a noblewoman and raised the young Leopold with his other siblings while their father was away on business. Leopold possessing a younger sister named Erika who was born May 5th, 1924.

After Adolf Hitler and the Nationalesozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) gained power in 1933 Leopold was forced to join the Hitler Youth in the next couple years. However, he enjoyed his time in the HJ, going camping and fishing while learning survival skills. Joining the Wehrmacht in 1938 at the behest of his father, and to follow in his footsteps, Leopold enlisted in the Heer (Army). When war broke out on September 1st, 1939; Leopold fought during the campaign and became acquainted with the Battailon Ebbinghaus, the precursor battalion to what would become the Brandenburger Regiment. Successfully achieving a transfer in February of 1940 for his skills in knowing English as well as Norwegian and French. Assigned to V. Kompanie ZbV during March of that year. Leopold would stay with the company during the course of the Western campaign that achieved the Fall of France and the subjugation of Denmark and Norway. Rising in rank to be a squad/platoon leader by the time 1941 rolled around. Participating in April with the invasions of Yugoslavia and Greece the V. Kompanie sustained heavy casualties during Operation Marita to invade Crete. Bringing in new replacements before, and during the course of Operation Barbarossa which got underway on July 22nd, 1941.
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Name: Amelia Beltz

Age: 19

Image/Physical Description:

Stands at 5'5" and has dark brown eyes.

Rank: Soldat

Speciality: Medic

Bio: Born in southern Germany, Amelia was an only child to a veteran of the great war who lost both his legs. Her mother died when she was only 12. Taking care of her father all her life, Amelia was unable to do anything as she slowly watched him succumb to his wounds and the nightmares that followed him home, until he finally passed away late 39. Having seen first hand what war can do to the survivors, Amelia felt helpless. So when the second great war began, Amelia volunteered and underwent training to become a medic. where she then reported to the V. Kompanie, her first unit, only weeks before the start of Operation Barbarossa.
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Name: Hanns Gerstmann

Age: 25

Image/Physical Description


Stands at 5'9", with broad shoulders, and a thick neck and a well built muscular form, he has the classic Aryan look, bright blonde hair with bright blue eyes. The most identifiable thing about his face is a small scar above his right eyebrow, he earned as a small boy.


Rank: Unterfeldwebel

Position: Machine Gunner

Speciality: Seasoned Soldier, time in Poland, Austria, and France

Bio: Hanns was born in Munich to a fatherless home. His father had died as a soldier just after Hanns' birth in 1916. His mother did the best she could, raising the boy alone, working as a clothes washer in the city. Growing up, Hanns had issues with the other kids, constantly getting into fights in the schoolyard. When he reached 14, he dropped out altogether to work at a local smith.

As Adolf began his rise to power, and ignited German Nationalism once again, Hanns was quick to enlist into the Wehrmacht, joining in 1936, much to his mother's dismay. Due to his size, he was quickly assigned to the MG34. He has a natural ease with the Machine Gun. During the Invasion of Poland in 1939, Hanns earned the Infantry Assault Badge, Wound Badge (Black Class), and The Anschluss Medal. He's just been reassigned to v. Kompanie.
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Name: Jan Bader

Age: 19


Rank: Obersoldat

Position: Rifleman

Speciality: Linguist (Knows Polish and Russian)

Bio: Jan was born to a German father and half Polish mother just outside Konigsberg in East Germany. Like many other soldiers in the Regiment, Jan’s father also served in the first Great War on the eastern front. During the first Great War, Jan’s father picked up Russian during his time on the front, and thus from a young age Jan was taught German, Russian, and Polish.

In 1936, at the age of 14, Jan joined the Hitler’s Youth organization with aspirations to be a soldier like his father before him. Jan did well for himself as a part of Hitler’s Youth, learning many valuable skills while he was there. Just after he turned 18, Jan enlisted in the Wehrmacht. Jan was involved in Operation Weserubung, and on the field of battle showed exemplary conduct. He was, however, ultimately assigned to the garrison of Narvik. His fortunes turned when in preparation for Operation Barbarossa, Jan was selected to join the BrandenburgerRegiment for his talent with language and positive track record.
I have a quick question before I sign up for this...can I be part of a tank crew, or is it strictly infantry?
@TeaMMatE11 you can have tank driving skills and we will no doubt be in operations involving tanks, you can also be a former tank crew man, but you will not be always driving a tank as tanks are not exactly...good at masking their purposes from the enemy.

Also please keep an OOC question to the Out of Character chat. This is strictly for CS submitting.

Thanks for interest!
Name: Fritz Bergsteiger

Age: 24

Image/Physical Description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Gebirgsjager-02.jpg.dec42b05437b5a6b46bdf41f39dc5f73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Gebirgsjager-02.jpg.dec42b05437b5a6b46bdf41f39dc5f73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• Brown Hair/ Eyes

• Has a scar running up his left cheek from an accident that left him separated from his unit for nearly a month.

• Wears a wool hat instead of his issued cap.

• Seems to always have the beginnings of a beard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2009326192424888.jpg.4d1f6f50dabaaed86b4be4327791d0bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2009326192424888.jpg.4d1f6f50dabaaed86b4be4327791d0bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Oberjäger

Position: Demolitions, Anti-armour

Speciality: Climbing, stealth, explosives.

Bio: Born in the Harz Mountain range to a Miner, and a house wife Fritz had not much else to do other than learn to climb, ski, and survive in the mountains. His family was a pour one the mountain's resources had dried up, and his father could barely afford to feed them. On his sixteenth birthday Fritz decided to join the military in order to help his family.

When he joined the military he was shuffled around, unit to unit in an attempt to find a place where his unique skills would be most valuable. Finally he was assigned to a unit within the Gebirgsjäger. In the Gebirgsjäger his mountain survival skills, and affinity for climbing were utilized well. After serving in the Gebirgsjäger for two years he was transfered to V. Kompanie ZbV.



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Name: Rudolph Jaeger

Age: 48

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/165191.jpg.eabd4798ec2da1725b4a65550ba479b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/165191.jpg.eabd4798ec2da1725b4a65550ba479b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank: Obergefreiter (Refuses higher ranks in fear from being pulled from the front)

Position: Sub-machine Gunner

Specialty: Interrogation by any means

Bio: Rudolph's family has a long history in Germanic military so it was only natural that Rudolph himself would enlist as soon as he could in 1912. Just two years after enlisting, World War I broke out and Rudolph found himself shipped out to the front line fighting the French. After just a few weeks a French soldier was captured and was believed to know about the enemies numbers, information that would greatly help in this small portion of the war. The German officers interrogated the Frenchman for hours to no avail. Rudolph, who had been stationed to guard the prisoner, asked if he could attempt to get the information out of the man to which the German officers, tired of the Frenchman's resistance, agreed. It took Rudolph a total of five minutes, and the removal of one Frenchman's hand, to get the information. Over the course of the war, Rudolph found himself in more and more interrogation situations, experimenting with what got who to talk. His method's covered everything from torture to bargaining. He felt that Interrogation wasn't just beating answers out of people, it was an art. Each interrogation needed a different method that would ensure the most accurate and quickest results. Even after WWI ended he continued his work in the smaller conflicts.



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Name: Derkan Ulfered

Age: 31

Image/Physical Description:

(Use above link to help if need be)

Rank: gefreiter

Position: Sub machine gunner/radio operator

Speciality: (Do you have a specialty) Experiance in fighting urban and forested areas, pretty goddamn good at reading maps or getting coordinates through his radio and watching the enemy get pounded. He can cook if yah need a meal.


Derkan was born in Freiburg, a small town located in the Black Forest areas. His father had fought in ww2 and came back to be disappointed. However he was alive and with a few minor wounds, he went back to support Derkan and his mother as a hunter. They were well off in food thanks to Derkans father, but money was an issue so buying was hard and selling meat products was even harder. But they were able to get by, and Derkan came to love travelling in the Black Forest and pretending to be a soldier. However by the time he was 17 his father had become sick and couldn't go out hunting anymore in his state. So Derkan decided to take his fathers place and even went to work at the towns bar. He seemed to be a natural when it came to direction and he always found his way back to town with enough meat for a family of two. He was also generous to give out meat to his neighbors and others.

When he was 20 he was offered a education by one of his neighbors named Kertan, who happened to be a radio operator in ww1. When Derkan heard about the device of being able to talk from one location to another in such a distance, he was quite intrigued. After several years he managed to grasp the concept on science, math, reading, and most of all, how to operate a radio and reading different types of maps.As the years pass by and the number of people joining the military rise, Derkan watched as members of his town start to dwindle down to only a couple hundred. So he decided to go off and join the military, telling that he was given some knowledge of electronics and having been living in a heavily densed forest. They enlisted him and Derkan went off to fight in france, greece, and then finally the eastern front.Witnessing that having accurate intel can lead to a decisive victory when coordinating with flying colors.
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Name: Jacob Winter


Rank: Gefreiter

Position: Sniper

Speciality: Stealth (grew up stalking animals, and further training from Sniper School)

Bio: Jacob comes from rural family in western Germany where he learned to hunt and stalk small game. His father fought in the Great War and was very displeased at the outcome. When the second war started Jacob's father was too old to join so the burden fell to Jacob. In boot camp, his natural talent with a rifle was discovered and he was quickly sent to learn how to hunt more dangerous prey. That was just a short year ago. Now after serving in France, Jacob is ready to prove German superiority to the hated Russians. With his trusty Kar 98k at his side, he is eager to hunt again.
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Here is a pre-CS for my Russian characters. If you allow them then I will finish them up then make a German CS-

Names: Valentin Russanov & Mikhail Zabolotyn

Appearances:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.21a75778f6bae194aa9f1a289815ef58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.21a75778f6bae194aa9f1a289815ef58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Russanov=right & Zabolotyn=left)

Ranks: Russanov- Divizii Komandir or Comdiv (Division/Divisional commander)

Zabolotyn- Praporshchik (Warrant Officer)

Positions: Officers/Sub-machinegunner(Russanov)/Rifleman(Zabolotyn)

Equipment:(Russanov)- Russanov is equiped with a PPSH-41 that comes with standard magazines with 34 shots each, a machete (Found it on a dead Spetsnaz soldier while serving in Finland,)an 1895 nagant revolver, 6x30 binoculars, a family heir loom with the picture of his wife and son, an orthodox cross, 6 PPSH-41 magazines and bag carrying extra ammo, a bag containing a cloth blanket, and finally 2 Stielhandgranate

Equipment:(Zabolotyn)- Zabolotyn is equppied with an SVT-40, A bayonet knife, an 1895 Nagant revolver, an ammo bag containing 8 magazines for the SVT-40 and with an extra pouch containing a valued item of his, a journal and a writing utencil, a bag with a cloth blanket and some tools, and finally 2 Stielhandgranate.

Specialty: Russanov is a strategist as well as a determined man of war, and Zabalotyn is a tactician, engineer, and morale booster.

Bio: Russanov was born in St.Petersburg, Russia on January 7,1906. His family was middle class but they still lived mainly as out-doors people as his father had worked in lumbering. However, this changed in 1914 when his father had left to join the Russian Army in 1915, later retuning and joining the Revolution. He had spent the money to send his family to Volgograd where is son attended a private school in which Russanov managed to excel. In 1924 after the Revolution, Russanov became an apprentice to his father in the Lumbering buisiness. In that time Russanov's father had spoke everyday about the communist party and how it would save Russia. In 1931 Russanov had met his wife and had settled down and with him being in control of his father's company he was more than happy. However, in 1939 Russanov read papers about how Germany mercilessly brought Poland to it's knees, this upset his father for it meant Germany was going to be coming for Russia so his father had told his son to go fight for he would be one of the many Protectors of great Mother Russia. His wife begged him to stay, however seeing as men were being dragged out of thier homes to fight anyway, he really had no choice. He told his wife to pray for him and their on the way child. He had went off to join the army in late 1939, and he has been serving as a field officer since his sons birth. His motivation was to see the end of the war so he may atleast see his son in person before he dies, either it being him coming home from a destroyed Berlin or him watching his son and telling him everything will be okay as Russanov is tied to a pole and being executed. And if he does die on the field of battle then he atleast wants to make a breach in the German offensive so they may have a chance and turning the war around.

Zabolotyn is a very strong, determined, and somewhat kind man. However he refuses to share his life story with anyone that he is not personal friends with.



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