The Last 30 Days [Inactive]

"You don't have to, you know." Isabelle was smiling anyways. She brushed her hand through his hair, pulling at sand when she found it. A dunk in the ocean would help, but, neither of them were ever eager to get up or leave each other's side.

"Swing it is though." She declared. "It sounds like fun."
Blake rolled over so he was leaning over Isabelle, one hand on either side of her. "But I do. It's kinda like my way of showing you how I love you. That's stupid, but I feel like if I don't pay for stuff and do things it's like I don't care. But I really do. I care a lot." He leaned down and kiss her, smiling while he did so.
"You don't have to do that." Isabelle grinned as he kissed her, and she could feel him smiling in return. "I know you care, even if you don't pay for my every whim."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, waving sand in her eyes. While it stung she started laughing anyways. wiping at her face, her eyes leaking to get the sand free. "Damn, Blake, the things I do for you." Still laughing. "I got sand in my eyes."
"Hey now, you could have decided not to lift your arms. No need to blame me for the sand in your eyes." He smiled and kissed her forehead in between her eye wiping. He sat up and faced her, holding back a yawn.

"We should get changed into shorts or something and we can go do those manly thing. Climbing and stuff."
"Sure, sure." Isabelle chuckled.

As fast as she could, she changed into some shorts, still embarrassed about being seen between outfits. Now donned in short white shorts and strapped blue shirt, she bounced out from around the truck to meet Blake.

"Come on, manly man. Let's go." She held out her arm, waiting for him to come with, to where, she was partially unsure.
Blake looked both ways down the beach and took a moment to decide which way to go. To the left there were trees, the beginning of a big forest. To the right there were rocks formed into a makeshift cliff. "Rocks first," he decided and started walking. His feet sank in the sand and it seemed like he needed extra effort to take a step.

"Have you ever rockclimbed?" Most people would have answered yes but Blake could never be sure with Isabelle.
"Do you really need to ask?" Isabelle smirked and followed him towards the cliff. She looked it over, not able to guess if it would be difficult or not. In theory it should be simple, climb up, done. Still, she looked to Blake for assistance, her eyes filled with curiosity. "We just go up? Just start climbing?"
"Ever gone on those play grounds, the one with the tiny climbing wall? Well it's just like that, but harder." He smiled, and guided her to the rock wall. Luckily it wasn't straight up, there was a fairly good slope to it though. "Put you hands here and your feet here," he said, pointing to different places. "You can start and I'll follow. If you slip I'll help you, if you fall, you'll land on me."
"I'd rather not fall." Isabelle said with worry. Still, she put her hands and feet where Blake directed, and nervously shifted to new spots as she moved up. After a moment, she looked down to discover she was only a good two feet off the ground, not being able to hold back how silly she felt.

Having shorts on definitely helped, but she still scratched her bare skin against the rocks when she shifted a limb into a new spot. Oh well, she reminded her self it was all in the sake of good fun.
Blake starting climbing a bit to Isabelle's left, looking over at Isabelle's new hand and feet placements. The last thing he wanted was for her to hurt herself. "Make sure not to set your hand on an unstable rock," he told her. The best he could do other than guiding her up the cliff side was give her tips and tricks.
"I'll be fine." She returned, pulling herself up further. Now that she was higher, it didn't feel as easy as it did. Even if higher only meant a few more feet, her arms weren't used to the exercise. Still, she clambered up until she was near the top, cheering when it was only a few feet away.

"See? I'm great at this." Isabelle called to Blake, beaming with the sun at her back.
Blake followed close behind, always checking on her foot positions. She seemed to be doing just fine but he was still worried about her slipping. "Just don't fall," he mumbled, pulling himself up further. I really don't wanna need to tell your parents that you nearly died while rock climbing, he grumbled to himself.
Isabelle hoisted herself over the ledge as her feet lost their spots. She was perfectly fine, if not a little startled, as she pulled herself to the top of the cliff and sat, legs dangling over the side. It wasn't as difficult as she'd thought overall.

"Come on slow poke!" She cheered down at Blake, panting a little from the adrenaline that hit her. Isabelle nearly fell, but, was in the right spot to save herself. It only startled her somewhat. She hoped Blake would make it up, not having to slip either.
Blake gripped the ledge but stopped a second to stick out his tongue. "I was going slow to make sure you weren't gonna slip." He pulled himself up and sat next to Isabelle. "I could have just left you behind." They both knew he wouldn't do that, even if she was an experienced rock climber.
"I'm only teasing." She whined, still swinging her legs over the cliff.

Isabelle held out an arm, offering some support to pull him up. She was nervous about him falling back down after having climbed all the way up. Later she would worry about getting back down. From up top, the view was even greater. The forest which lined the sea went on for miles, deep green contrasted with the glittering blue of the ocean. Light clouds hovered in the sky, a tell tale sign for another sunny day.

"Get on up here." She sighed in amazement. "It's gorgeous."
Blake grinned and took Isabelle's hand and pulled himself up. When he was up on the ledge, feet swinging he didn't look out at the view like Isabelle wanted him to. Instead he looked to the side at her and with a goofy grin he said, "Yeah, it is pretty gorbeous, isn't it?"
"Yeah." She sighed, taking it in. Blake wasn't looking out though, he was looking at her. Isabelle blushed and tucked her head down, a little embarrassed.

"Blake, the ocean, you're supposed to be looking at the view." She was grinning ear to ear, wanting him to look out over the cliff instead of embarrassing her.
Blake's eyes widened in pretend shock and he said, "Oh! Really? Oh, sorry, I didn't even notice the ocean." He returned his facial expression and smile to normal and turned his head towards the forest. It was a lot bigger than he had thought and the ocean was even bigger than that. It sparkled and the surf splashed on the rocks with a satisfying swooshing sound.
"Sure." Isabelle teased, tucking her hair behind her ears.

From up top, she could see the little beach they'd been staying at, only then did she realize how private it was. The forest blocked off a good half, while the cliff hid the other. Only if someone happened to drive by would they see Blake's truck, even then the road was pretty far from the shore. Truly, their secret cove.

"Now, how do we get down?" Isabelle stuck her head over the cliff. Climbing up was hard, so maybe gong down would be easier.
Blake also peered over the edge and then he sat back, shrugging his shoulders. "We climb down. That, of we jump, and I doubt you wanna do that." He shot her his boyish grin and stood up. He offered a hand to help her to her feet as well.

To their right there was an expanse of rocks jutting down straight into the water so if they wanted to they could jump. The water looked deep enough.
Isabelle peered over the edge, gauging the odds they'd be alright. The deep blue water reassured her that it would be deep enough for their plunge, but she was more afraid of the height than she was jumping in. From up there, it was impossible to see if there were rocks beneath the waves.

"I don't know..." She mumbled, still perched near the cliff's edge.
Blake laughed a bit and then crouched down near the edge. "Isabelle, I was joking. It would be difficult to swim with all these clothes on anyways," he added, gesturing to both of their sweatshirts. "We can just climb down. It's basically the same thing as going up, but this time you really need to be careful and pay attention." With that he started climbing down.
"Why didn't you say so?" Isabelle jumped back from the ledge and punched him playfully in the arm.

She followed him down and found it was a little easier this time. It was harder to see where she was putting her feet, but gravity helped her go down this time, instead of hindering her pulls up. So when she touched the ground, she was proud for having made it both ways. Isabelle clapped her hands together, only small scrapes on her hands from the more jagged rocks.
Blake had made it down a few seconds before and was kicking at the sand. He stopped and faced Isabelle, a smile on his face. "Congratulations, you rock climbed for the first time!" There were a lot of things Isabelle had done for the first time with Blake and it made him proud that he could share so many moments and memories with this girl.
"Thanks." She smiled sheepishly. Opportunities seemed to pile up around Blake. There were so many open doors, so many places she could see.

Now, though, she was tired and wanted to stick her feet in the ocean. It was their last day here.

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