The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

Kevin Liu

Eternally a White Mage that uses Black Magic.....
Kevin Liu submitted a new role play:

The Land of Teiarra - Teiarra

The continent, Tierra, has been divided. The two sides of the split are the Redire, the major engineers and strong Aerial forces. The other side is known as the Esterloch, they are users of magic and hand to hand weaponry.
Name: Rein Mythil

Age: 16

Race: Human

Height: 5'11"

Side: Esterloch

Bio: Born of magic blood, he was automatically on the Esterloch's side. At age 10 he was put into the army. he trained for 5 years and then was put onto the front lines. he had many friends but in the...
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(Hello! Tonight is when the Rp starts :D starting at 2:30 PM California time. This might not get to you guys so I will contact all current RPer's, Also I will elect a moderator or two, to report Rpers disobeying the rules and will PM so that I may deal with them. Thank you and let the RP's Begin) 
Rein gripped the reigns of his horse. He was on the outskirts of Foria, a small mining town. He was hunting for food with his staff against his back. His specialty was taken out targets quickly but was weak in group combat. He noticed a small rustle in the brush to his rear, there was deer and he aimed he staff toward it and waited.
Kat held her daggers tightly as she watched the horse rider aim at a deer with a staff. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but that didn't stop her from creeping closer to observe the stranger. What was this newcomer going to do with that staff? Unfortunately, she stepped on a branch.
Rein's staff glowed through the small cracks along the side for a short moment and then the a arrow of pure light shot out at a fast speed. the deer immediately died and was just a corpse. the arrow evaporated and Rein started toward it, slowly making his way there.
Kat's jaw dropped upon seeing the deadly spectacle. She had never seen someone use their magic in such a focused way. Then again, her siblings and parents were lazy with controlling their abilities. Kat continued forward and crouched behind a collection of bushes to watch what he'd do next.
Rein slowly moved his staff upward's the cracks now grew red, and the Deer slowly started to steam and burn as if it was cooking. his other hand opened and his backpack started to open and out popped a tent
"Amazing..." Kat murmured to herself, watching his magic unfold. She felt a little ashamed that she couldn't control her abilities as well as this stranger. She wanted to meet him, but thought it best to remain hidden while his staff was still red.
"I think its time you come out" He said he motion toward the bushes "Otherwise you'll end up like this deer" he turned toward the bush
Kat sighed and stood, stepping out from the bush. She ran a hand through her hair, unintentionally turning a streak blue.

"I know I'm about as discreet as a charging bull, but how exactly did you hear me?"
"The third law of Illusion magic" He said "When casting an illusion spell for a split second a field around the caster alerts and pinpoints everyone in their surroundings"
"Illusion magic? I've never heard of that," She muttered. "Well, then again, I've never exactly been trained. So, what brings you to these woods?"
"food" he said calmly " what are you doing here" he asked his staff was pointing at her but not in offensive way
"Pamina clan" he said his mind searched for his memory of that name, he knew but he couldnt pin point it. "a-ha" he said finally content on what he had thought it was, "Thats a mafia clan right?"
"Basically, yeah," Kat agreed. "So you have heard of us." A bit bitterly, she added, "I'm sure you've heard of me then."
"No" not quite he said "your the daughter? I thought there were only three of them..."
"Well, that explains why you aren't laughing at me. They must be keeping me a secret then," Kat mused. "Anyway, enough about me. You still haven't told me who you are."
In the town nearby, a group of people talked, their conversation was that of normal affairs. A male spoke up. "So how about that crime lord in town? He's name is... Alfred...? Can't really remember." The followed the subject, adding about other city's crime lord names.
"my name is Rein" he said "Rein Mythil, a simple wizard with low abilities"

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