The lair...Erm...Lounge

@shadowz1995 Mmm, I have an idea. Can you give me a brief overview of his daughter please? (Age,

appearance and basic personality will do.)


14 years old

5'3 110 lbs

Long jet black hair reaching the center of her back, just at the shoulder blades. Sapphire blue eyes. Soft facial lines, almond shaped eyes, long lashes, athletic body type

If Salim was a young girl, that would Alyx. She's straight forward, honest, stubborn, a flirt (unfortunately for her father) and a born fighter. A will like iron and a sense of loyalty and kindess that she inherited from both of her parents. She has a strong sense of justice and is willing to fight for what she believes in at the drop of hat. For better or for worse.

14 years old

5'3 110 lbs

Long jet black hair reaching the center of her back, just at the shoulder blades. Sapphire blue eyes. Soft facial lines, almond shaped eyes, long lashes, athletic body type

If Salim was a young girl, that would Alyx. She's straight forward, honest, stubborn, a flirt (unfortunately for her father) and a born fighter. A will like iron and a sense of loyalty and kindess that she inherited from both of her parents. She has a strong sense of justice and is willing to fight for what she believes in at the drop of hat. For better or for worse.


@StoneWolf18 I could totes have Mei overhearing stuff because thats what happens. y'mean the chat between you and @Archdemon about curing the scientists experiments? 

i knew u loved angst, babe. i knew it. this is why you are feeding me

@Archdemon, btw sorry i havent responded!! i spent all day today baking with a friend for his party tomorrow. <3  ill get a post out as soon as i can
Also, my grandma is ok. Her blood pressure just dropped like hell tho. So im keeping an eye on her but I should be good for here.


@StoneWolf18 I could totes have Mei overhearing stuff because thats what happens. y'mean the chat between you and @Archdemon about curing the scientists experiments? 

i knew u loved angst, babe. i knew it. this is why you are feeding me

@Archdemon, btw sorry i havent responded!! i spent all day today baking with a friend for his party tomorrow. <3  ill get a post out as soon as i can

Nope, look a bit further after Salim hits on Kiraan. ;3   
@Cheryl @TheHappyPikachu


So, am I interacting with/noticing Charlotte and Ru in my next post?

Possibly, but I may have Ru run away actually. As much as I think it'd be fine to have her interact with humans at a later point in the RP I don't think it'd end well in this kind of stressful situation. The reason being Jerboa's instinctively run as soon as they get startled, she's already on edge from the bat and only barely managed to stay with the little bit of sanity she had left, now that the bats gone and attacked someone only a few meters from them she's prob gonna be outta' there before you could say her name. XD Feel free to bump into Charlotte and that strange member of the order though! I would just be careful sine the pack and the uncertain are very close together right now. 

Mmmm... I'm gonna make a thread for theme music...

It need to happen.

XD YUSH! I've been using two songs for Eluscia this whole time. XD (One if the 'Child of light' soundtrack and the other is the piano version of 'once upon a december')
Possibly, but I may have Ru run away actually. As much as I think it'd be fine to have her interact with humans at a later point in the RP I don't think it'd end well in this kind of stressful situation. The reason being Jerboa's instinctively run as soon as they get startled, she's already on edge from the bat and only barely managed to stay with the little bit of sanity she had left, now that the bats gone and attacked someone only a few meters from them she's prob gonna be outta' there before you could say her name. XD Feel free to bump into Charlotte and that strange member of the order though! I would just be careful sine the pack and the uncertain are very close together right now. 

XD YUSH! I've been using two songs for Eluscia this whole time. XD (One if the 'Child of light' soundtrack and the other is the piano version of 'once upon a december')

Understandable! :3 And you're right, Jess is like right there nearby. XD She would probably eat my bb if Tati got within range. </3
Understandable! :3 And you're right, Jess is like right there nearby. XD She would probably eat my bb if Tati got within range. </3

QwQ Nu!~ Tati! She just want to take dem' pretty pics~

YUSH~ (All the shipping music~ :3)

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