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Fantasy The Lab and the World Outside


Daydream Queen
As stated in the overview:

I will be accepting Mutants and Normals. We will need some regular peoples help in order to survive in the outside world.



~Age:(these will be aproximate, not every knows how old they are or how long they have been imprisoned)


~Mutation:(along with any inhancements i.e. hearing, site, ect.)

~Weaknesses:(have a ballance to the enhancements)

~Description:(be detailed, get close to your character. Also a picture, anime or real I don't care)

~Personality:(add if they are mentally broken or not. If they are, how why and what will set them off to be mad depressed ect.)

~Fears:(you have been living you life scared, this should be as detailed as the personality and description)

~History:(any majior events that have happened in the lab or if you were taken into the lab instead of being born there)

Normals- You could have been a guard, a person about to be mutated, or a person on the outside who knows nothing about the Lab and that the characters will meet soon.




~Skills:(do they have any special skills, i.e. archery, guns, knives ect.)

~Description:(in depth, also include a picture)

~Personality:(in depth, get close to your character and make them become real)


~History:(In depth please since you have lived a normal life among regular people)

I don't have a set limit on people at the moment. I will place everyone who I have accepted. PM me if you want to be a villian or part of the group chasing after the mutants.

You may alter the skelly, this is simply just a guideline. I will also accept scientists and (mutated) hunters who track the lab creatures on the run
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Nickname: I don't know. I don't have one. X? Ry?

"18... I think... I don't know..." Due to the carvings on the wall, Ryder assumes she is around 18...ish.

Birthdate: Halloween [October 31st] "The only time I, or my family, wont get stared at. It'll be like we have boss costumes, or something."

Ability: Experiment X was the combined effort of the two corporations. Via the DNA changes and implants she gains the best of both world. 10 percent increase in all physical areas as well as the ability to fly. In order to cope with the heightened abilities the neuro interface has to speed up the brain function and procession power. The mutations in her body have gone along well with the implants, not replusing them as we expected them too. Her vocal cords have developed an odd ability to prouce ultra high frquency burst, able to shatter glass and the ear drums of other people. Her voice also seems to be able to produce a high level burst, creating a physical blast in a short range. Extended use of either causes stretching of the vocal cords to the point of breaking. The implants inside of her have allowed us to place micro generators in her body very much like her brother, they convert the energy into a cytoplasmic state though which can be released via the hands. Release tube is on the base of the palm and release results in a blast of super heated plasma. All handlers are to have caution when dealing with subject. Use of the release system can cause burning to the palm of the hands, it is currently unknown what a full and extended burst will do to the system.

Alright, all that bullshit means I have wings, can shatter glass and ear drums with my voice. PLUS I can shoot heated plasma out of my hands. Pretty spiffy, huh?


Description: Standing a total of five foot seven, Ryder is fit. She has hazel eyes, and dark brown hair. She has wings that start a dark brown then fade to white near the tips, they stretch to a total of 6 feet both ways. She has long hair, and she enjoys keeping it down for the most part so she can almost use her hair as a shield from the world. Her arms are scratched and scarred from all the needles they've dug into her skin, and she has a lot more scars across her body, and rope burns from when they would try to hold her down during one of her fits of rage.


Experiment X shows signs of high intelligence, and strength. She becomes more animal-like, and tends to curl up when exposed to bright lights. She has often hissed as well. With that said, she seems to be observing us, scientists, and she has a set-in-stone expression, so we cannot tell what she is thinking.

She is quick on her feet though, and would be useful in combat situations, if needed. She has not uttered, or try to say, a word to any of us. She does not scream, she does not cry.

"Yeah, I pulled that out of my files... Eh..."

Ryder is highly intelligent, and not only that she is a strong willed girl. She is quick on her feet, and although she can speak in many fluent languages, she chooses not to speak most of the time. She is an introvert, and keeps to herself for the most part. She strays from having emotional connections with the others around her and she likes to stay by herself a lot of the time, or go exploring.

, she is curious about the Outside, for she had only seen it in pictures in the White Coat's office, and she is extremely jumpy about anything. She has fallen in love with animals of all sorts because they are loving and expect nothing but love in return, she especially has taken a liking to birds because they can fly like she can. She can be extremely child like, but the Lab also taught her to grow up fast and take the hit when it comes swinging at you. In the Lab she had no where to run so she would just crawl in a corner and hope no one would find her if she was hurt, but now she's Outside there's more of a chance she will run off if she's at her breaking point.

She does, however, have a darker side that only comes out when someone threatens her loved ones, she will suddenly become furious and step up. It's almost as if a different side of her that has been hidden forever surfaces, she has a sharp tongue, and a nasty bite. Her rage melts her fears and she can become extremely dangerous, this is the side effects of the mutations and chemicals put into her body. She will fight whoever is threatening and won’t stop, even if she is extremely hurt.

Likes: Being alone, flying, daydreaming about a better life.

Dislikes: Needles, guns, White Coats, being told what to do, when her family is in trouble. Being or even feeling helpless.

Fears: Over many, many years, Ryder has developed Agoraphobia, which is a fear of open spaces. She also fears the sight of long white coats, needles, and guns. She also fears loud noises and bright lights.


"Didn't your mother teach you any manners?"

"Uh, hello, Mother Test tube? This is your daughter speaking."

Experiment X was a test tube baby, when she was born, she had a calm and collected demeanor. She kept to herself, and would just stare down the White Coats who walked by. When she turned around 2, she would sit in the corner of her room, crouched up on the balls of her feet, just scratching her nails against the concrete floors. She was an observer, and never complained until she turned six, and they begun to test her.

She has scars on her arms from the needles that she legitimately ripped out, one she stuck in a White Coat's throat, another she stuck in one's eye. A fit of rage had overcome her, the certain drug they gave her was an unauthorized Chemical called Chemical "X", which was how she got her nickname. At first she was simply an Avian prototype, but they wanted to try something new, by combining the techie prototype and hers. The drugs were sensational in aspects, and detrimental in others.

Experiment X soon nearly became a split personality, the one side going by "X" the other, more normal side going by Ryder.

Every day Ryder struggles with her split personality disorder, but she has learned to cover it up for the most part. Just, don't make her angry.​
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Kelli Tonomoru/Zach Tonomoru

"Um... Around 13, I think... It's been so long since I saw the outside.. I don't always remember..."

"Maybe you don't want to know... I guess you could call me whatever. I'm both, but at the same time, neither. Confusing, eh?.."

"I was tested on for ages... Until they turned me into the monster I am today. I was modified to be completely genderfluid. Basically means I can change from a girl into a boy, vice/versa. To some people, sounds cool. It's really not. It's extremely painful."

Due to the genderfluid modifications performed on their body, their hormone levels are always bouncing around like crazy. Due to this, they didn't really experience puberty very normally. It usually just depends on which gender they're currently in.

Along with genderfluid-ness, they have the ability to perform psychokinesis, which is basically the ability to make objects float without coming in physical contact with them. They use their mind to move the objects.

-As of now, they cannot move people with psychokinesis, and the larger the object being moved, the higher the risk of passing out becomes. The largest thing they can move as of now is a nightstand.

-They cannot engage in sexual activity, due to the raging, unbalanced opposing hormones flooding their system. If they tried, the result would be disastrous.

-They cannot eat certain foods, because of medications used on them back in the very beginning to neautralize their natural hormones. The foods they cannot eat include: Most fruits, vegetables, and anything that came from a pig.





They have a very calm personality, but they can be very distrusting upon first meeting someone. They are indeed mentally broken, due to the various things they were forced to do (such as being forced to have intercourse so as to see the results). Things that may set them off is being touched, and having to remove their clothes in front of others. They will become extremely fragile, and will cower away from everyone. Occasionally, they will try to hurt themselves. Never seems to work.

They can be considered 'weak', and mostly huge pushovers, but they have many fiery opinions roaring loudly inside their head. However, most of the time they don't have the courage to say them, and so they simply go with the flow.

They have been living in fear their whole life, and the have developed extreme phobias. The main one is erotophobia, the fear of all things having to do with sex. Another one is the fear of dark, enclosed spaces. They have also developed a slight fear of the men in white lab coats; they will break down crying when faced with these fears.

They were born and raised in a gentle town, until their parents met an unfortunate fate. Some men took them into custody, and they were brought to a place they thought might be somewhere they would be loved. However, it all came crashing down when the first experiments began. The pain they went through was excruciating; their cells were being mutated, and forced to change at will, mutating them into the opposite gender. One time, they even assumed the form of both genders at once. It was a horrifying nightmare they would rather die than remember... but they're forced to remember it every day.


Name:"Bond...James Bond." "Nah!, Just kidding! My real name is Dexter Adams, but you can call me Dex!"

~Age: "God, i dont even know any more..."

~Gender: "Neutrois, that means I consider myself genderless."

~Mutation:"Its complicated but will give you the short version. "Due to my genes being all messed up and stuff, I am able to manipulate my body." "If you still don't understand, click the following link here.": Body Manipulation (Oh, i also can break the 4th wall sometimes.. feel free to click on any other links on the page)(oh and let me know if this is too op..)

~Weaknesses: "It takes a while to manipulate, like you know..3 to 5 minutes. "It can sometimes be painful depending what i do to my body" "Last but not least, I cant manipulate the bodies of others."

~Personality: "I assure you i'm not insane, or maybe i am...i don't know."

Dex is a optimistic and quirky otaku. He likes to reference anime and rpgs often but hasnt had the time to play or watch because...well, you know. He often likes to weird people out with his abilities, even squeamish people sometimes. He is a good example of a extrovert, he likes to socialize with people and motivator them too. He likes to plan things out before doing said thing often. While he was in the lab, he was a wimp. "Was Not!" Was too! Sigh, sorry about that,He learned to be stronger as he got older. Like we seen, Dex hates to admit that was wrong or he was wimpy back then, he wants keep a good reputation. He can get serious af when his friends or himself is threatened .


~History: Dex was a homeless boy living in a homeless shelter,He was taken away along with 4 other children. The scientist tested on his DNA by using needles, his one and only fear. This was torture for Dex, he was tested on for what feels like an eternity. He gained his powers on the firsy day of testing and kept it a secret to the scientists. Dex claims he would rather commit suicide than remember this day "But hey, at least i got cool powers! Wanna see what i can do with my arms?" Its best if you didn't show us..

(Omfg this took a eternity to make..)
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Nick Egotarum


Nickname: Ender... I guess. It's the name they gave me, so I use it.

Age: Either 18 or 19, I kinda lost track after I turned 10.

I'm a guy, so take a guess.

Birthdate: December 20th right before Christmas, so I get all my presents around the same time, if I had any.

Ability: "They made me cold. They made everything about me so, so cold." The Lab was trying to create a human who could survive sub-zero temperatures, and it worked. They would pump him full of strange chemicals and freeze him almost to death and then revive him . This happened over and over and over again, over the course of 14 years. It worked a little to well in their eyes. Nick didn't only survive the harsh temperatures, he became one with them. Around the age of 16, the scientists noticed that he could not only survive the icy cold environment, but he could absorb it and control it. They started treating him as weapon and tested him as such. He showed promise when he started creating ice from seemingly nothing. What they found out was that he was absorbing the cold around him and using it to freeze the water vapor in the air. His internal temperature is somewhere around negative 70 degrees which means he emanates cold from his body. Also any room he enters gets progressively hotter the longer he's in it. He ended up freezing at least two of the scientist in charge of him solid when he couldn't control his new found abilities.

TL;DR He can create and control ice.



Name: "M...my name is Glen McAllister..."

Age: "I...I'm fourteen...I think..."

Gender: "I...I'm a boy..."

Mutation: Mutation Enducement: The ability to induce mutations in self or other living beings by altering them genetically. "I...I don't like that power very much..."

Weaknesses: "T...The process of using my powers hurts me...a lot...sometimes..."

Personality: Glen is shy, easily frightened, and innocent. He will flinch away from people at first and tend to avoid conversation. If you gain his trust, which is kind of hard to do, he is a very nice, warmhearted person. He has scars all over his back and arms from the scientists and their tests.

Fears: needles, his powers (sometimes), the white coats, human interaction at first

History: Glen was kidnapped and taken into the lab when he was six. The white coats preformed all kinds of tests on him. They gave him his powers when he was seven. His screams could be heard all through the Lab that night. He was asked to test his powers out, but he could not completely control them. He began to genetically alter a scientist by accident. Something went wrong when we was doing so, killing the scientist. The use of his powers also put him through a lot of pain. Since then, he has never liked using his powers.​

~Name: Tina

~Age:(these will be aproximate, not every knows how old they are or how long they have been imprisoned) Thirteen. Wait... no... I'm fourteen now, right? Has that much time passed? I think it has...

~Gender: I'm a girl.

~Mutation:(along with any inhancements i.e. hearing, site, ect.) I can take apart molecules. Turn CO2 into graphite and oxygen, or diamond and oxygen. The diamond takes more energy to do. I absorb the energy from the reaction, which is why it doesn't explode. I'm not sure how much the scientists know about that - I think they're still trying to figure it out. Even if they do know, they don't know how much I've learned about the energy. I don't actually know much - I can release it as heat, cut down my diet, and suck it from or give it to other living things. I think I can stop breathing, and just use that energy to keep me alive. I... I really don't want to figure out what they'll test me for, if they learn that.

~Weaknesses:(have a ballance to the enhancements) I need to know the exact structure of the type of molecule. If I try to rip an atom out of one, without knowing what it is, I might make something that'll kill me. Too much energy will kill me too. I've figured out how to let it out with heat, but I... I'm always worried they'll find it.

~Description:(be detailed, get close to your character. Also a picture, anime or real I don't care)


I've got paper-pale skin and black hair. My face is heart-shaped. I'm also really small for my age. Reeeeeally small.

~Personality:(add if they are mentally broken or not. If they are, how why and what will set them off to be mad depressed ect.) I'm smart and sassy. When I was taken to the Lab, I learned real quick to turn down the sass. But I still kept one thing for myself - the scientists don't know that I can use my energy. That's my little rebellion, even though I know it doesn't do much. I also... I might be a sociopath, okay?

~Fears:(you have been living you life scared, this should be as detailed as the personality and description)

This will sound weird, but I'm scared of concrete. They made me take out the hydrogen and turn it into white powder, so many times. I always think it's going to turn into powder under me.

I'm scared of messing up. I might think something's a certain molecule, but it isn't, and when I take out an atom, it explodes enough energy to kill me, or turns into a poisonous gas, or does something like that.

I'm scared that the scientists will figure out I can store the energy from the reactions. I think I can use it instead of breathing, for short periods of time, and I don't even want to think about what tests they'll put me through then.

I'm really scared of the White Cupboard. Whenever I 'misbehave,' they put me in there for a few days. No food, no water. Just... energy. At least I can make it without seeming suspicious - it's airtight, so if I don't make diamond and graphite, I suffocate on my own CO2.

Most of all, I'm scared I might turn out to be like the people who hurt me. I think I'm a sociopath, because it doesn't really affect me very much when some of the others are hurt. I'm terrified of growing up and becoming a bad person.

I'm also scared of bumping into my dad. I don't think he'll be able to hurt me. But I'm scared of what I might do to him.

~History:(any majior events that have happened in the lab or if you were taken into the lab instead of being born there) I used to live an ordinary life. My mom went missing when I was ten. My dad stopped paying attention to me. I really wish he'd left it there... three years later, he goddamned left. I was alone. Then these people took me.

I wonder if his friend Ryan is looking for me - I always liked Ryan.
~Name: Ryan Anderson

~Age: 35

~Gender: Male

~Skills:(do they have any special skills, i.e. archery, guns, knives ect.) I'm great with a sword. I like my hand-and-a-half best, but I practice with my one-handed too, in case I need one hand free.

~Description:(in depth, also include a picture)


I'm a tall, thin black man. He's fit and more muscular than average, I can only get so much muscle mass, because I'm so thin. I have a thin face and is usually clean-shaven.

~Personality:(in depth, get close to your character and make them become real)

I like to think I'm kind, but I guess that's not for me to judge. I'm worried about becoming my father - it's why I never drink. He actually didn't, but I'm worried that if I'm drunk, I'll act like he did when he was sober... anyway. I'm trying to come to peace with that. I'm very polite, which my friends sometimes make fun of me for - Tina definitely does. I think I'm smart - again, not really for me to judge. I'm usually pretty calm and level-headed, and it takes a lot to make me angry. I don't like fighting, and usually try to diffuse things before they turn into fights. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a pacifist. But I'm not afraid to physically restrain someone if they're trying to hurt me or someone else.

~Fears: I'm terrified of swimming. I won't go near water.

I'm scared that my dad might find me one day - I think I'm mostly out of his influence now, but the truth is, it will never completely stop. I'm also worried about how I'll react towards him - will I break down in tears? Will I... try to kill him? I really, really hope I don't.

But my biggest fear is that something bad might've happened to Tina. I love that kid and I'm really scared for her.

I'm also scared of a kid under my care killing themself. Or if I hurt someone badly. I don't know what I'd do if either of those things happened.

~History:(In depth please since you have lived a normal life among regular people) I grew up in Detroit. I was always either in the house, or at the gym with dad. He tried to drown me in the gym pool when I was little. He was never a good father - incredibly obsessed with masculinity, to the point where he beat me, and didn't let me learn how to read. His friend found out, and I was taken away from him when I was twelve. He went missing. It took me another twenty years to escape his influence - to this day, I still feel bad for doing something 'non-masculine,' then hate myself for feeling bad. And I still have trouble reading - I tried to learn it as soon as a I could, but I wasn't the right age.

I went to some foster homes. Ended up in a group home. I tried to catch up in school, I really did. But I was just too far behind.

Another kid at the group home, Sylvester, got me into sword fighting - we used blunt ones, of course. We were really close. Sometimes we put on shows for the other kids, then we did them publicly. It's how I got into acting.

For the past ten years, I've held support group meetings for abused boys in my apartment.

Sylvester got married and had a little girl named Tina. I love that kid - it feels like I'm her uncle. I was close with Sylvester's wife and her parents. Then she went missing.

Sylvester just... wasn't himself anymore. It was like being with a body that looked like him, but was really just a robot. He started drinking, and stopped caring about Tina. That poor kid... I tried to look out for her, as much as I could. I know how it feels to grow up without someone to love you. Then Sylvester, the asshole, left. Tina called me, and I came right over. She called her grandparents, and I helped her arrange a taxi. She told me she needed some alone time, so I left.

I never heard from her again. Her grandparents told me she never arrived.
Opalite said:
As stated in the overview:
I will be accepting Mutants and Normals. We will need some regular peoples help in order to survive in the outside world.



~Age:(these will be aproximate, not every knows how old they are or how long they have been imprisoned)


~Mutation:(along with any inhancements i.e. hearing, site, ect.)

~Weaknesses:(have a ballance to the enhancements)

~Description:(be detailed, get close to your character. Also a picture, anime or real I don't care)

~Personality:(add if they are mentally broken or not. If they are, how why and what will set them off to be mad depressed ect.)

~Fears:(you have been living you life scared, this should be as detailed as the personality and description)

~History:(any majior events that have happened in the lab or if you were taken into the lab instead of being born there)

Normals- You could have been a guard, a person about to be mutated, or a person on the outside who knows nothing about the Lab and that the characters will meet soon.




~Skills:(do they have any special skills, i.e. archery, guns, knives ect.)

~Description:(in depth, also include a picture)

~Personality:(in depth, get close to your character and make them become real)


~History:(In depth please since you have lived a normal life among regular people)

I don't have a set limit on people at the moment. I will place everyone who I have accepted. PM me if you want to be a villian or part of the group chasing after the mutants.

You may alter the skelly, this is simply just a guideline. I will also accept scientists and (mutated) hunters who track the lab creatures on the run
Are there any specific changes I should make, that would help Tina get accepted?
~Name:"Names Alex Maxim...who the hell are you?"

~Age:"No idea but I bet I'm old enough to drink by now."

~Gender:"Uh I'm a dude."

~Mutation: he was mutated to adjust his size Via microscopic black holes smaller than an electron within his atoms, with a thought he can make these black holes pull his atoms tight shrinking him to a minimum of a centimeter. He can reverse the flow of the black holes to pour more matter into his atoms increasing his size. Maximum size is unknown due to a lack of proper containment facilities. But based off of calculations driven from his reverse size adjustments it is estimated to be between 1200-1500 feet.

His strength grows exponentially upon size increase often showing strength greater than what his size entails, however his strength stays the same when he shrinks, a punch from his small form would feel like a punch from a bullet due to the smaller surface area of his fist.

"Bruh I'm freakin Ant man!!!"


Too small:In his tiny form he must wage wars against insects and a someone could literally blow him away with their breath.

Too big:In his large form it's almost impossible to miss an attack on him, his flesh may be thick enough to stop bullets and missiles without a problem but lasers,electricity, and other things that render size irrelevant will still damage him.

Too stupid: Alex is frankly a bit of an idiot and an adrenaline junkie, he often antagonizes the guards so he can try and fight them when he's bored, though he's careful not to hurt anyone to severely. He also seems to be completely oblivious to pretty much everything and has the memory of a goldfish.

~Description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7751a0aa3dce7d96ca047da8ddca85dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.7751a0aa3dce7d96ca047da8ddca85dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Personality:Alex is so stubborn it may as well be another super power of his, he's impossible to control without giving him something in return. That being said he is also overly friendly and generous. Even when getting beaten he wont loose his cool. He has kept a good spirit by believing he is a superhero of sorts like from the comics he used to read as a kid. He is very optimistic that one day the world will need him until that day he doesn't mind testing his limits in this hellhole.

~Fears:Suprisingly he isn't afraid of scientists of guards or anything in the facility In general. No his fear is a bit more normal, he's afraid of spiders,wasps,ants,being shot,and generally killed. To make matters worse his fear triggers his shrinking, unfortunately he encountered a spider while tiny and found that spiders are very Powerful predators, now anytime he sees one he will shrink to his minimum size and become a juicy snack in the many beady eyes of the spider.

Expiriments on him while tiny had him put up against ants that to him were the size of large dogs...needless to say it was a bit traumatic. Same with the wasp.

"God if your listening...Spiders OP please nerf."

~History:Alex was raised by a very strict father, his mother had died during childbirth and his father was a captain in the military. He lived on base until he was thirteen and his father died in the line of duty. He was sent to the facility after a few tours through the system.

Since his arrival he has been a stubborn,rebellious, and troublemaking case. His punishments doesn't seem to work no matter how creative they may become. When approached respectfully by one of his handlers however this confrontational attitude fades away.

He try's very hard to make the other experiments feel like they shouldn't give up. Often times he gets in trouble for escaping his cell and raiding the food supplies.

"Dude...I'm sooooo hungry."



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