[The Knights of Summer] Lunar Mates


Seven Thousand Club
I'd like to know your opinions mates; do you want them to be a part of the game? Would you prefer PCs or NPCs in general? Do any of you want to be each other's mates? How do you feel about the bond in general? Etc.
I've got no problem for Tes to be mated to another PC. NPC-wise, as long as the NPC doesn't completely dominate my character I think it can be an awesome plot hook.

On this note, I should say that the Solar Bond background is free, and that if you don't specify its value at chargen, I might when you meet your mate

Well, if one of the Solars wants a vindictive, poisonous bastard on their side, I'm cool with it. Otherwise I shall just be left to your tender mercies. ;)
It's always fun to have the mates not see eye to eye on everything. I'd prefer Noa's mate to be a PC though, as I've seen it's hard for STs to keep up with what amounts to extra players like that.
I can go for either a PC or NPC for my Solar. Which ever will be easier, which would probably be a player character. Who wants a Full Moon Lunar at their right hand?
Wuming said:
My Zenith is not a celibate. Lunar bond(female) is fine! : p
The bond does not need to be romantic. Best friend, devoted bodyguard, wise mentor and loyal Humphrey are all valid versions of the mate-bond.
If anyone wants to be The Mastiff's mate I'm fine with that, but otherwise I would be happy with an NPC mate. I would like a platonic bond, but other than that I don't have any preferences on what the mate is like.
So, we have 2 Lunars. It looks like maybe Kes and Smiling Tiger is on the table as a possible pairing, though haven't heard from JayTee on that. Lochar would like Noa's mate to be a PC if present so that leaves Scorpion. If not that are there characters you think Scorpion would work well with Sherwood? It would be probably a fair bit of conflict if she was with Rain just given his ties to the guild and her experiences with slavery-ish things, but there would probably be lots of things to kill so... :-P
I have no preference on who Scorpion pairs up with. I'm an easy going, multi-limbed, bull-headded killer. It might be nice to have someone to help teach her tact. o_O
Put up a character background and sheet, and I'll see what I can do ;)

but we're probably already more people than I can handle, so someone's going to go in the sorting process.
Chaka said:
I think Kes and Smiling Tiger would make an interesting bonded pair...
Indeed, I can imagine all kinds of Shenanigans~

Sherwood said:
I have no preference on who Scorpion pairs up with. I'm an easy going, multi-limbed, bull-headded killer. It might be nice to have someone to help teach her tact. o_O
Smiling Tiger is the definition of Tact, and would be good for that.

Really, I don't mind the who or how, so long as it's entertaining. Kes criminal nature would make an interesting pair to Smiling Tiger's more legit attitude, and Scorpion's rough and tumble ways would contrast his more cool and collected personality in a most amusing fashion.
Smiling Tiger sounds like a good match-up, then. If it's good for you, I say lets go for it.
I have no problems. As I have yet to reply to my own prelude, shall we meet up on yours or should we bump in to each other later?
Just an update. I am working on a solar bond with shattered tongue. Need a little more time for him. Sorry for the delay... This going to be fun! : )

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