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Fantasy The Knights and the Dragon Brothers - 1 SLOT OPEN!


Gruntiest of the Grunts!

Six princes are put under a spell and kept in a tower locked deep in Castoice Forest, seeking the assistance of knights willing to brave the search for the witch who cursed them in the hopes that she'd able to lift it. Unfortunately, knights seem reluctant to help them for the lack of promise as opposed to rescuing princesses, and thus the princes have been trapped in the wake of their spell for over a decade.

The quest calls for twelve items and the name of the witch to be summoned, creating a dangerous adventure as they face against a missing fairy godmother, ravenous wolves, greedy goblins, a gingerbread man's murder, an envious king, and more.

link | link | link

coding by cychotic


Information Here


1. A) Modern day; they accidentally fell through a magic mirror into this fantasy land, and hope that by helping the princes, they'll find a way to go back home. B) A squire who longs to be a knight, but is constantly scorned by their superiors. They hope that by helping the princes, they'll be able to use the experience to qualify themselves as a knight. C. Other backstory! Please run it through with me first.

2. A) Human, B) Anthropomorphic animal, C) Elf (please don't make them blonde, though! This is important for story reasons) D) Inexperienced Witch/Wizard E) Anything else! Please run it through me first.

3. A) Participating in the quest, or B) Staying with the rest of the princes and building relationships with them (this will come to play later).


I live to serve
This roleplay has a conclusive ending, but with more than enough wiggle room for various interactions, relationships, and subplots for your knight. This is a casual roleplay, with no character limit, but a requirement of literacy.
Maximum Players

There is a maximum of six spots, but we can immediately begin with the appearance of two knights, and the spots can be filled in over time-- just like a quest, characters can join in late in the game (as long as it is deemed appropriate and doesn't mess with the flow of the story).
The Storyteller

I will do my best!

Please let me know if you're interested. I've really developed this storyline and am eager to use it for a roleplay. I'm usually online, so you can usually expect a response from me unless I'm working or at school.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
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I'm interested. But instead of the back story I'm thinking just someone getting angry at the others backing out because the "price" wasn't good enough. And I'm thinking someone along the lines of a witch, and probably wasn't friendly with the other knights.
Osthavula Osthavula Sure! Mind clarifying what you mean, though?
A girl being a witch, only just passed her apprenticeship. Because of what happened to the prince, witches weren't exactly persecuted yet, but quite frowned upon. Amidst the tension between her, her master and the knights, she got news that very few knights were to help the prince and inevitably learn of their pathetic reason.
Angry about the knight, and perhaps with a little hope of helping the witches notoriety, she begin her journey.

That's what I have got so far, is that okay?
Osthavula Osthavula
I'm really digging your character idea so far! You've also got the witch perception spot on-- witches are frowned upon, so I like the foundation you've set up there for your character.
However, the knights consist of whoever is interested (other roleplayers), and so far the reasons why the knights want to help the princes (based off the ones who submitted their Character Sheets in the character thread) is so that they can prove themselves and become fully fledged knights.

If you'd like to base your character off the NPC knights that were described in this thread, and that's what you meant by your character description (I may have read it incorrectly... oops), then that sounds like a great idea! And your motivation is really unique. Just submit a CS in the character thread and I'll approve it right away!
Osthavula Osthavula
However, the knights consist of whoever is interested (other roleplayers), and so far the reasons why the knights want to help the princes (based off the ones who submitted their Character Sheets in the character thread) is so that they can prove themselves and become fully fledged knights.

If you'd like to base your character off the NPC knights that were described in this thread, and that's what you meant by your character description (I may have read it incorrectly... oops), then that sounds like a great idea! And your motivation is really unique. Just submit a CS in the character thread and I'll approve it right away!

The knight in my description was npc knights, and specificlly the ones who refused to help the princes for petty reasons and the ones hostile towards her.
Also I think she will be fine with the ones who wish to be a knight, or even knights with just and sounded mind, but will tell them that knights were not all it was made up to be.

Also witches are human right? or others?
Osthavula Osthavula
Yep! Witches are humans. I'm going to actually have two experienced witches in the roleplay (the one who cursed the princes and another that mostly stays put in her little swamp+gives them advice) so as long as your character's got room to improve and get stronger along the way, go for it!
Necromantic Necromantic
Awesome!! Just fill out the CS and nifty little Skill Set and when I approve you I'll fit you in!' c:

okie dokie! would it be alright if my character was some sort of thief or something like that? there are already so many knights wanting to prove themselves. and uhm... could i perhaps make a neko of some sort?
Necromantic Necromantic
Thief, yes! Neko, I'm afraid not. If you want to have an animal character it's going to be anthropomorphic rather than half-and-half if that makes sense.
I wouldn't call them furries, more like the characters on Pinnochio?

Like, in line with the fairytale theme.

Eh, what i was actually wanting was to have a girl with a prehensile tail... Ill look into other fantasy species to see if i can find anything like that. Using anthros isnt aomething im fond of most of the time

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