The Bean
- One on One
- Group
[The Kingdom - Ozryn] What goes bump in the night
She would not make that same mistake again.
Following Virgil's attack with her own, she extended a palm outwards towards the trio that had spewed liquid in their direction. Specifically aiming at the middle one, her hand glowed a bright orange for a mere second. “Deceitful creatures. I will cleanse you of your sins,” she muttered before releasing a ball of fire towards her target.
- Pyroblast - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Air Affinity F, Magic Range F
- A basic but effective offensive spell. The user coalesces flames and releases the attack from their palm(s). Although the blast is only powerful enough to target one enemy, the spell can be augmented by wind magic for an even greater effect. The surrounding area can also be scorched and catch fire from the spell depending on the material.
- Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Code by Serobliss