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the kids aren't alright

"That's what I get for actin' like a f*g in a pretty 'lil town like this, I guess," He growled, stomping after Quinten. Thankfully the squabble between them and the children happened in an excluded area from the busy streets, so nobody saw them beating up kids; however, just because the fight occurred away from civilians did not mean they didn't notice it's effects. As the two stepped back onto the main sidewalk, several eyes averted onto them and locked on their wounds. Most of them were staring at him. Great, more attention was just what he needed.

He glared over at Quinten, looking him up and down. There wasn't a scratch on him besides a bite mark on his arm. He hardly looked like he was just in a fight, only a little ruffled. Did any of the kids even go for him, or did they all pick the smaller of the two?! Of fucking course they did.

"So, are you really queer?" He asked as they walked. It wasn't meant to be an insult, just a genuine inquiry. A spark to light a conversation. Anything to get his mind off of his pounding head.

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