The Jewelry Games


Junior Member
THE STORY: It is the year 2060.

You and a couple hundred other people suddenly get kidnapped. Be it from your own houses, or in broad daylight, then knocked out. When you wake up you find you're in a secluded abandoned city, in the middle of no where, with tall walls as far as the eye can see surrounding the place. The place looks deserted, and broken down. A complete wasteland. You find that a single piece of jewelry(you decide what kind) is on you, and every time you try to take it off, you get electrocuted. You and the couple hundred are all in front of a tall building, at the center of town, with a large screen at the very top of it. The screen turns on revealing a man, he begins to speak:

"WELCOME TO THE JEWELRY GAMES. You and a LUCKY couple hundred others, have been chosen at random to play the JEWELRY GAMES. You all are here to test out the new state of the art technology, which is in the form of jewelry. You all have been selected from the likes of prison thugs, house wife's, school children, fashion designers, and many more.

This new technology will be used in upcoming wars for the benefit of all country's, so think of this experience as 'helping out your nation for a cause' In order to use each item, all you have to do is use your nerves, that are now connected to it. It's now a part of your body, you could say. If you've already noticed, if you try to take it off, you will be electrocuted as punishment,the longer you try to take it off, the higher the voltage.

The jewelry is not like any weapon.They have powers. They are much like super powers you could say. You could be granted the power of super speed, excelled powers in strength, telekinesis, you name it, but you only have one power to survive with.

To be perfectly honest, you all are just lab rats testing these items. But here's the catch, you will be testing it out on each other.

Now it's not suggested you do this, we don't condone murder. But if you want to survive, reducing your competition is in your best interest. Supplies in the stores of this city are pretty little, so as soon as I finish speaking, I do suggest you get while the getting is good. You don't want to die of starvation and dehydration now do you? Again, reducing your competition would be best, there isn't enough food to support all of you, so kill to your hearts content. They are no rules.

This game will last 1 year. To those that survive, you will each be granted a sum of TEN MILLION DOLLARS. I mean you all are putting your lives on the line here, you people should get at least get something out of this.

I think I've covered everything, that is needed to be said, so all I should say is:....GOOD LUCK, AND TRY NOT TO DIE"

The screen shuts off.



  • RPN rules apply.
  • Violence is most certainly allowed, but try not to make it too graphic, if it does, then please use fade to black.
  • Try to keep it PG-13 please.
  • Bad language is allowed, but try not to over due it. * The vowels
  • You are only allowed one power, so choose wisely.
  • I'm not asking you to write your life story, but please write at least, one paragraph minimum.
  • Grammar is greatly appreciated.
  • You can have more then one character, but make sure you can keep track of all of them.
  • Romance is always allowed~But just like the violence, if you guys get to freaky, move to fade to black, or just move to PM. I don't want see you guys getting it on, like Donkey Kong here.
  • Let me know in PM if you want to drop out, or if you will be gone a few days.
  • No killing another person(s) character without permission.


NAME: ( you can add nicknames~)

AGE: (15 - 30)

APPEARANCE: (you can describe your character, or show a picture, or do both, I don't care.)

WHAT'S YOUR JEWELRY: ( Again,you can describe it, or put a picture or do both. Can be a ring, necklace, Earrings, whatever I don't care, go crazy. You can have any type of piercing. But you can only have one.)

JEWELRY POWER: (any power you want)



HISTORY:( you don't have to do this, but I'd like for you to :P )

EXTRA: (anything else we should know?)


NAME: Oakley Elbert

AGE: 18

APPEARANCE: Oakly has long white hair down to her waist , and piercing blue eyes that would make anyone at her glare tremble a little. She wears a Choker given to her by her single mother for her 7th birthday, to remind her everyday what she's trying to get back to. She only wears the clothes she wore, since the day she was brought to the damn city, which was only a black tank top and skinny jeans.



JEWELRY POWER: She can teleport to one place to another.


PERSONALITY: Oakly tends to believe in helping others firmly. She learned that from her mother, and that habit has sicked with her, even in this city. Though that habit can be the down fall of her, and ends up helping the wrong people making herself set up for a near death experiences. She's an outstanding leader, who will lead whatever group/person out of trouble. But sometimes a bit shy to open up to people about her own problems. She's naive, but tries her best at all costs not to make any mistakes.

HISTORY: She was raised by a loving, doctor, mother, who taught her hot to have courage, and face situations with most calm, but discrete sense of mind set. Helping people has always been part of her life, and she doesn't tend to let some stupid competition change who she is.

EXTRA: Loves to read~

THE CITY:(to give you an idea of what it looks like)


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AGE: 20





JEWELRY POWER: Invisibility

SEXUALITY: asexual

PERSONALITY: rarely talks though that she thinks in a lot of thing almost at the same time, pacifist so she tries to avoid fighting as much as possible.

HISTORY: Her parents divorce when she was 8 so she has been living with her mother, with which she's close to. Recently her mother and Amy have been having economical issues, since the company in which her mother works is in bankruptcy they lowered the pay to the workers that stayed and even though that Amy has a part-time job it isn't enough to fulfill their necessities.

EXTRA: Though that she's pacifist she learned self defence so her weak body isn't that much of a problem.
NAME: Tomorrow Rae Nara

AGE: 19


(It's a bracelet)

JEWELRY POWER: Telekinesis


PERSONALITY: Tomorrow used to be a very kind and warm girl but since being brought here, she's become a lot colder. She's looking out for herself. However, seeing someone in need makes her feel conflicted. Deep down, she's such a caring person. It takes a lot to break down her walls. So on the outside, she seems to be a a ruthless contender in these 'games.'

HISTORY: She grew up with two younger siblings, twins. Terrence and Brianne. Her mother was always there for her children, she was a kind woman. Her dad died around the age of 9 from cancer, but she was never all that close to him. However, she does have a red heart tattooed onto the side of her ribcage in his memory. She had a pretty normal childhood.
NAME: ( you can add nicknames~)

Jade Harley

AGE: (15 - 30)


APPEARANCE: (you can describe your character, or show a picture, or do both, I don't care.)


WHAT'S YOUR JEWELRY: ( Again,you can describe it, or put a picture or do both. Can be a ring, necklace, Earrings, whatever I don't care, go crazy. But you can only have one.)

(only the necklace)


JEWELRY POWER: (any power you want)

When activating the necklace, she may duplicate herself up to 10 times. When the duplications are attacked, they evaporate.




Jade is very innocent, with little to no knowledge about the cruelties of the world.

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