The Island's Curse

Name: Your character's full name.

Aliases: Anything your character is called by other people, but is not their given name.

Age: How many years your character has been alive.

Date of Birth: The month, day, and year your character was born.

Time of Birth: The minute and hour your character was born.

Gender: Girl or boy, or something else?

Sexuality: Your character's romantic and sexual preference.

Appearance: Pictures of real/realistic people/characters, please.

Description: A full description of your character's appearance.

Personality: How does your character act?

Likes: Things your character likes/likes to do.

Dislikes: Things your character doesn't like/like to do.

Strengths: Things your character is good at doing.

Weaknesses: Things that hurt/scare your character or things they aren't so good at.

History: Your character's backstory.

Place of Birth: Where your character was born.

Relationships: Any family, romances, friends, or enemies your character has/had.
Name: Dante Leggieri

Aliases: None

Age: 24

Date of Birth: December 18th 1990

Time of Birth: 10:46 pm

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Description: Dante has a fairly toned skin that compliments his eyes and dark brown hair to match. He's wearing a grey jacket with his favorite black v-neck t-shirt along with his U.S. military dog tags reading : LEGGIERI U.S. AIR FORCE AFGHANISTAN 2010 . He also has two brown leather-like bracelets with the names Anna and Antonio in light brown on the bracelets.

Personality: Dante is a responsible and hard-working man who knows how to let loose when he needs to. He is a very intelligent man who has a talent for talking to young adults about issues and problems. Dante is quiet and not very social because of his social-anxiety and schizophrenia . He loves children and would never harm a child physically or emotionally. He enjoys taking care of people even when he doesn't know them.

Likes: Helping people, sweets, reading, taking care of his kids, photography, soccer, therapeutic study, and psychology.

Dislikes: Blood, loud noises, taking his pills for his schizophrenia, meat, and horror movies.

Strengths: His over average intelligence, his therapeutic and psychotic techniques, and combat techniques from military training.

Weaknesses: Schizophrenia, social interacton with strangers, weak stomach, talking about his divorce, his soft spot for children, his caring nature, and his weak will to act violently ((Against human beings)).

History: After Dante was born his father was moved back to the U.S. his mother had also come along and married his father a year later when Dante had turned 2. When Dante was 5 he had become the older brother of Felicia Leggieri and had started school. When he was 8 his father was deployed again and had gone missing. It had hit Dante's mother like a bullet and his life went downhill. His mother was forced to try and get a job but wasn't able to because she couldn't speak English fluently. His mother had gone into prostitution and Dante had seen a new man in the house every night. When Dante was 13 his mother had met a kind man named Jackson Kohl and married his mother. Jackson helped his mother get a job as a waitress. His life had improved until the murder of his younger sister. At age 17 had met a girl named Haley Johnson they had grown close and began dating. When Dante turned 18 he married her and joined the Air Force. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 and returned the same year after 6 months. Two months after being back he had gone back to school to study psychology and therapy. When he was 22 his wife had gotten pregnant with his twins Anna and Antonio. They divorced 18 months after the twins were born and she had left the twins with him.

Place of Birth: Vicenza, Italy - On a U.S. military base.


Mother: He's very close to his mother and will do anything for her.

Stepfather: He is fairly in a close friendship with Jackson.

Sister: He loved his sister even after her very last breath.

Ex-Wife: Doesn't necessarily hate her but doesn't love her the way he used to.

Twins: He has a never ending love for his kids and spoil them crazy.
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Name: Angela Aimi Kang

Aliases: Angie, AK

Age: 25

Date of Birth: May 30 1989

Time of Birth: 5:30pm

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosextual, Straight


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Description: East-Asian Female, Brown Hair, 5' 6" Tall, Sitting at around 145 lbs., Expecting Mother (Seven Months Pregnant), frequently seen wearing a diamond bracelet, gold gemstone bracelet, a wedding ring necklace, a purple maternity dress, white stockings, black boots and feather earrings. To keep warm, she wears a blue cardigan, but when not in cold environments, she keeps the sleeves raised.

Personality: Since High School, Angela tends to be very shy and is hard to approach. If one can look past her shyness, Angela is a nice and caring person. She is generally easygoing and lenient with people she meets.

Likes: Spending time with her Family & Friends, Reading, Relaxing, Cuddling, playing with Animals (Especially cats and dogs), cleaning, writing, socializing

Dislikes: People touching her (This only amplified when she got pregnant), sharp objects, foods with a strong smell, spiders, rodents, cigarettes

Strengths: Solving Mysteries, makes a good Therapist, tries to keep in high spirits (Because Stress is bad for her and her baby), Well-Prepared for most situations, Nice and Caring, Athletic, Multilingual (Knows English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese, also Fluent in Russian, Portuguese, French, German, and Spanish), can reach out to people

Weaknesses: Pregnancy (Well, you can't really do much when there's a baby inside you), Aichmophobia (Fear of Sharp Objects), Constantly has Nightmares about C-Sections as a result of Aichmophobia, Mood Swings (She's having a baby, she can't help it), Insomnia, Heartburn, Backache, Uncomfortable with Heights

History: Angela was born in Seattle, Washington to Korean-American Immigrants. Her Father is a Civil Engineer and her Mother is a Family Therapist. Since Junior High School, Angela has the natural talent of picking up other languages when she hears them enough and puts her mind to it. As a result, she can speak up to eight other languages next to English and her native tongue. After graduating from High School, Angela would go into College, aiming for the same major as her Mother, which was Psychology. She would then follow her Mother's Footsteps in becoming a Therapist. In her profession, she began working with troubled teenagers and families, much like her mother before her. Two years after College, Angela got married to her boyfriend of nearly nine years, two of which they were engaged. After two years of marriage, the couple wanted to start a family, so it was a happy moment when Angela announced that she was pregnant. After visiting a few relatives for a month in South Korea, Angela would find herself involved in a plane crash on the way home. Now trapped on a mysterious island, she scared for both herself and her unborn child. She hopes to escape alive as she wants her child to have a chance at life.

Place of Birth: Seattle, WA


-Parents: Retired and moved back to South Korea after she had graduated from College

-Two Older Siblings: Has an Older Brother in South Korea working as a Police Officer and an Older Sister who is a Nurse and taking care of their now Elderly Parents.

-Two Younger Siblings: Has one younger brother who is studying Computer Engineering in Oklahoma and a Younger Sister who is a nurse.

-Husband: Dated for Seven Years, Engaged for Two, Married two years. Now expecting their first child. Worried sick for his wife and child since they have yet to arrive home.
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Name: Rebecca Leanne Riley

Aliases: Becca, Bex, Riley

Age: 19

Date of Birth: 24/05/1995

Time of Birth: 02:04 am

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual


Description: Long dark brown hair, grey eyes, 5ft 4in tall, pale lips, sun-kissed skin, slim. She wears a knee high black dress with a denim jacket, rolled up at the sleeves. She has bangles up and down her arms and wears a pair of thick framed glasses. She has a variety tattoos, most hidden by her clothing.

(A crow on each of her inner wrists, a feather on her left shoulder, a key on the back of her neck and cross in the middle of her lower back.)

Personality: Rebecca is a bit of a wild child. She is impulsive and reckless, but her jump first think later behaviour has usually pad off for her in the past leading to her being a confident young woman.

Likes: Smoking cigarettes, reading, cooking.

Dislikes: Doing as she is told, large bodies of water, hypocrites.

Strengths: Handling a knife, going into dangerous situations without thinking twice, cooking/preparing food.

Weaknesses: Nicotine addiction, swimming (fear of drowning).

History: The youngest of 7 siblings, she was used to being last at everything and all but invisible to her parents. Because of this, she got away with pretty much everything. She enrolled into cookery school when she left high school, moving across the world. A year has passed since then and she is supposed to be flying home for her eldest sister's engagement party.

Place of Birth: London, England

Relationships: 7 older siblings and her parents, are all the family she has. She has 2 friends at cookery school but isn't that close to either of them.

((Hope this is ok))
Name: Merrick McAllen

Aliases: None

Age: 42

Date of Birth: 4th Nov 1971

Time of Birth: 07:03

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Description: Tall, well-built. Grey eyes. Short, black hair, combed back. Horizontal scar from left cheek to ear. Commonly wears sleeved shirts or a black coat, and a leather-strapped silver watch. Smokes a short black pipe.

Personality: Merrick is intelligent and calm even when most troubled. He is extremely helpful when he is of use, even to those whom he dislikes. Some might say Merrick is too cautious, but without his caution he would have died long ago.

Likes: Reading ancient literature, discover secrets, surviving, playing cards, cola.

Dislikes: Taking advice from other people, pretty women, black cats.

Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat, survival skills, playing cards.

Weaknesses: Phobia of snakes, slightly crippled left leg.

History: Born in England, but family moved to Indonesia shortly afterwards. Parents killed in a bank robbery when Merrick was 6. Merrick works as an ambassador for an Indonesian crime syndicate to England. Started working there as an errand boy when plucked off the streets as an orphan in Jakarta, and rose through the ranks after uncovering a mutiny to kill the boss. Was given a pendant to keep him in good fortune as a reward, but it was taken off him at customs. And then the plane crash happened.

Place of Birth: Lancashire, England

Relationships: Parents dead, a sister in the Indonesian police force trying to track him down.
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Are you going to post your own character too? I really want to get this party started ^^
Name: Anneliese Eva Dietrich

Aliases: Anna

Age: 25

Date of Birth: July 27th, 1988

Time of Birth: 10:00am

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual, Heteroromantic


Description: A German beauty, she is. Long and wavy, her golden blonde hair is usually pulled into a tight ponytail. Her eyes are slightly slanted at the corners, and with their intense blue color, they can seem very intimidating. She's tall and well-built like many German women, standing at 5' 9". She has full lips and a slightly pointy nose. She is a rather voluptuous as well, or what some people would call "curvy" in the non-fat variety. The only makeup she wears normally is red lipstick and black cateye eyeliner. Her average attire is cargo pants, boots (combat), and plain T-shirts.

Personality: Anneliese is a clever one, but she can be very sarcastic at times. However, she is mature and sophisticated, only showing her funny side around friends. When she is being serious, her words can get very...technical, and some struggle to understand what she’s talking about. She’s very caring, and loves to help others.

Likes: Thunderstorms, being outside, being alone, learning

Dislikes: Stupid people, small spaces, being lonely, being touched unnecessarily

Strengths: She's quite good at cooking and writing, and has basic knowledge on a very large variety of subjects, including survival.

Weaknesses: She's claustrophobic, and very impatient. She loses her temper easily.

History: There isn't much to say about Anneliese's past. She was born and raised in the capital of Germany, and was quite popular in school. She helped her mother in her bakery often, and this is where she gets her knack for cooking. Her father taught her many things other fathers couldn't teach their children, such as how to tie a tight noose or write like a pro. Overall, she learned almost everything she knows from her father. She was supposed to be visiting her American cousins in New York, but things went awry, obviously.

Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany

Relationships: Helga Dietrich (mother, a baker); Hans Dietrich (father, a pub owner); various American cousins 
Dante Leggieri is approved.
Name: Captain Andrew Rivera

Aliases: Jumper

Age: 26

Date of Birth: October 28th, 1988

Time of Birth: Midnight

Gender: Boy

Sexuality: Straight


Description: 5'10" 175 pounds

Personality: He's open minded and extremely curious. He gets a high off of discoveries and adventure. He loves nothing more than to be part of a team to make discoveries. He also doesnt mind sneaking a cut away. In all hes very reliable and well rounded. He s fearless and stubborn, especially when discoveries are just a stretch away.

Quirks: He is almost always singing. He has a theme song for almost everything he does paying in his head. When in a fire fight he plays metal. When running he plays hip hop. When walking reggaeton.Thinking, classical. He often brings his guitar with him on expeditions. He feels it brings a crew closer together. He also has a need to say corny catchphrases or quotes in the middle of bad situations.

Likes: His guitar. Nature. Food. Good natured people. Discoveries.

Dislikes: Dead ends on discoveries. The oboe. Dying. Huge cities.

Strengths: Almost always the most athletic and reliable shooter in a group when the going gets tough. You can always rely on him to save a teammates life, no matter how untrustng he is of them.

Weaknesses: Not very trusting of others, even though he pretends to be. Goes overboard when fighting the enemy. Slightly enjoys torturing. He doesnt know how to let go of a lost discovery. He feels guilty for many things.

History: Growing up in the rough parts of Miami, Buster got his name for killing his first rival gang member at 14. At 17, his junior year in high school, one of his own betrayed him during a robbery. Which explains why he keeps many out of reach, though in a pleasant way. He almost died at age 17 after being betrayed. His family got money and moved to a different neighborhood From there he focused more on school. His senior year he was accepted into the Air Force Academy. He studied history and got his bachelors at 22. He was assigned to be stationed at Joint Base Anacostia Bolling located in South East Washington DC. He studied his masters while working with his mentor Major Sanson at the base. Soon they grew close and he went along on expeditions.

Major finally let Buster know what his job was after a year. They were known as the Jones unit. They were a group of Air Force historians who went along on expeditions, under cover or not. When discoveries were made they got a cut, and depending on its historical value, was resold or kept safe in a secret base. The Jones Unit has worked with the Smithsonian and many other museums and are known to be reliable in the underground world of ancient discoveries. Most of the time they have no need to go undercover.

After graduating with his masters, Major Sanson gave Captain Jumper his solo first mission... it was to search for a mysterious island in the Indian ocean. The major has already briefed with the Benefactor from Indonesia. Jumper expects either to stay for months in Indonesia and search the ocean or not make any profit. He doesnt expect a plane crash however... especially a crash to the site hewas supposed to investigate.... "Great... how convenient."

Place of Birth: Miami, FL

Relationships: N/A
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yes.. im sorry about that. I will also change his rank 
fixed it :) . using this character in another similiar RP
Off to a good start, now let's see how long it takes for everyone else to respond.
Three people, including myself and the author have already posted. Seeing that you have been accepted (or at least I think you have), maybe you can give my character someone to talk to.

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