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"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
Ferrous city Palace, The throne room.
As Eric approached the tall gates to the throne room the two guards at either side would stiffen and salute at his approach earning a nod from Him which would cause them to get into their more relaxed position. Much to his surprise the guard on the left, Lars, would say “His majesty is expecting you.” Eric found this a little bit odd but he figured Clyde knew him well enough to expect his approach. Both guards would produce The crystalline keys and place them in the slots on either door. A brief hum of magic would precede the doors slowly sliding into the ground. Afterwards the guard on the right, Alan, would nod for him to enter.

Walking into the throne room was still a bit of a breathtaking experience, it was one thing to write the blueprints and visualize the throne, it was another thing altogether to see it towering before you, the crystal feathered wings spread to meet the pillars that held up the roof, capturing the light pouring in from the singular albeit massive window was a sight straight that had nigh unmatched beauty. The pulsing ebb of golden magic occasionally rippling outward from it would draw his eye to his friend and suddenly his pride at having thought up such a magnificent structure was replaced with remorse.

Clyde looked haggard and exhausted, the bags under his eyes would lift briefly as he saw his friend approaching. Eric almost found it hard to meet his friends gaze. They had both given nearly everything to make this happen, yet here was Clyde giving more still while Eric was just getting back to walking properly. “I knew you’d come once the message went out. Go ahead and ask Eric, we both know what the answer will be in the end, at this point it’s practically just a formality.” his voice was powerful, seeming to vibrate the room ever so slightly, yet the chuckle at the end would call into question the air of power he had about him. It was weaker reminding Eric of their time in the university before Clyde struck down A Dark demigod.

“You know what i will ask? Then i will cut to the chase my friend. Let me take this quest. i have more to offer the empire, Much more, i am not done yet. I refuse to see you sitting upon this throne withering away when a solution exists to the present situation. Let me help you Clyde…er…your majesty.” Eric would stumble a bit over the last bit hardly used to addressing his friend in such a manner. But Clyde would wave him off. “Enough with the titles eric, Too many already walk on eggshells and look at me as if i am already dead or nearing it. I chose this fate and have accepted it.” he would take his staff and tap it three times upon the base of the throne followed nigh immediately by the opening of the door to the Throne tending servant’s quarters. “But as i stated before, we both know the answer. Of course you can go Eric, i would have no other Better suited for the task. Yet ill not have you going unprepared nor alone.” A servant came from the open door pushing a cart with a red silk cloth cast over it. As the cart neared the first step to the throne clyde would continue speaking as the servant pulled the cloth off of the cart. “You are a man who wields magical weapons with expert skill, yet your own have failed you once before, mighty as they are. I insist you take with you This gift, the Holy Blade Brighid. It was forged by monks during the early years of Dagon's reign, perhaps if this blade were in your hands your fate would have been different.”

The words clyde said certainly stung but Eric had to admit he may have been right, not only was the blade gorgeous to look at, it would take him more than a year to create its aesthetic equivalent, but he could feel its magic without having even touched it yet. However he found his eyes drawn to another object on the cart, a Draconian Skull with an emerald embedded in its forehead. “That my friend is a Phylactery, One of the servants of Dagon was a Lich, he is now under our employ and played a role in saving your life, He will be accompanying you and this will be how you keep him in your control. While i can understand apprehension you may have…i fear there are dark forces bubbling to the surface, opposing our plans before they have even started. So why not bring our own expert of darkness?” A smile would spread over Erics face at the gifts, not only had clyde anticipated his desire to join him, he had prepared a kind of care package and frankly it sounded a bit like a joke. A wounded warrior, a holy sword, and a lich? All that was missing was a tavern for them to walk into.

“Be honest…You were always planning on me going on this quest weren’t you?” Clyde’s grin was confirmation enough. Thus eric would twist his ring activating its binding sealing ability. To his surprise he could not bind Brighid, yet the phylactery would accept the binding and be warped to his armory dimension. He would take Brighid in his hand and kneel placing the blades tip on the ground with the hilt in front of his face. “Well then rest assured Emperor Clyde Valthoom, i will not fail you. With your leave, i will begin preparations” Clyde would tap his staff on the base of the throne once more. “Lord Eric Lucas you have my leave, the empire itself is your provision…And Eric, don’t forget, if you die ill kill you.” The two exchanged a mutual nod that last line being a reference to their time in the war where they would chide one another before parting ways. Eric would rise from his kneel, put the scabbard of brighid on his back and sheathe the fine sword leaving the throne room and watching as the doors closed behind him

Twisting his ring once more the Phylactery was transported into his hand which he would look at for a moment, “Uh…I summon thee lich?” he would say in a questioning tone unsure how this would work. Seeing no response he would grumble a bit and swap the Phylactery for his Helmet. Beginning to make his way to the balcony across the main hall. A flight to Norville was in order. If he was going to have new companions he wasnt sure he could trust, he would at least need one or two he was positive he could, and he knew of just the man and bug for the job.

The Words of the Emperor would he carried on the winds, guided by powerful magics it would reach the ears of many Talented mages and warriors with the potential for greatness. The words would circumvent all magic barriers and defenses harmlessly passing through them and seeking only those with the capacity to do great good and hearts that were not fully tainted by darkness.

“Come to the throne, Together we will save this empire, become heroes of legend, and reap rewards of legendary proportion“

The Journey would begin two weeks after this message was delivered While none were quite sure how, everyone was aware that this was the deadline for acceptance. As if the time were etched into the soul of those who heard and accepted the message.
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Norville, The Great Forest
8:33 AM

Under the gentle light of the morning sun filtering through Norville's ancient forest, Junwu moved with purposeful strides. The canopy above cast shifting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor, where dew glistened on leaves and petals alike. It was a serene hour, when the forest seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the day ahead.

Junwu's keen eyes scanned the undergrowth, seeking out the elusive Emberbloom Flowers, their petals aglow with inner fire. He spotted them in a clearing bathed in golden light and approached them with a mix of reverence and excitement. With careful hands, he plucked the fiery petals, their warmth lingering on his fingertips like a promise of potency.

Excited ramblings escaped his lips as he collected each petal, his slender frame trembling as breathless laughter escaped alongside each word. "Ah, these Emberblooms, they hold the essence of fire itself," Junwu muttered, his voice alive with anticipation. "Once infused with Serpentfang venom, and Gloomroot Vine sap, the Blightfire Elixir will be unparalleled in its potency."

With the Emberbloom petals safely gathered, Junwu made his way back to his secluded laboratory—a hidden alcove nestled amidst towering trees. Here, surrounded by tranquil surroundings, he had already prepared his old crystal mortar that carried traces of constant use. Carefully, he placed the petals into the mortar, their fiery hues contrasting against the dark crystal.

Junwu nearly sang as he lost himself to his craft, his excitement palpable. "The touch of Blightfire will paralyze and induce visions, a symphony of pain and dark enchantment."

Linbao, his faithful centipede companion, coiled nearby, antennae twitching with alertness. Junwu's words seemed to stir a sense of anticipation in the creature, as if it too understood the significance of the elixir's creation.

With practiced hands, Junwu added precise amounts of Serpentfang venom and Gloomroot Vine sap to the mortar. Each ingredient blended harmoniously, their essences mingling to form the foundation of the Blightfire Elixir. The process demanded utmost focus and expertise, ensuring that the elixir would achieve its intended effect when unleashed upon its unfortunate target.

As the final swirl of ingredients melded seamlessly together, Junwu transferred the elixir into a small vial already half filled with clear water that had been left out to sit under the lightless night of a new moon. On top of the vial was a mesh cloth of shadow silk that he used to filter and remove any residual impurities and enhance potency. As the poison and clear water swirled together he caught sight of sparks of embers that flickered here and there like glittering gems.

"In the forest's heart where secrets lie,
Blightfire blooms 'neath the moonless sky.
Ember's spark, serpent's lure,
Danger lurks, in toxins pure."

With a satisfied bark like laugh, Junwu kissed the vial and ignored the tingling burn on his lips as he stowed the elixir alongside many others that carried dangerous glowing and sloshing contents, some still having bits of plant matter or insect tissue floating around as they would only benefit from increased soaking.

"Linbao, it's still so early and we've finished the elixer, should we explore some more? I think I've finally pinned down where that nest of Phantom Fireflies settle during the day~" Without waiting for, or expecting, a response he continued to ramble on as he stepped out of his makeshift alchemy lab to venture deeper into the forest, eager to collect a new specimen.​
Norville, The Great Forest
8: 37 am

Before embarking on her journey to meet the to reach the gathering, Rosalyn was filled with mixed emotions. If her late father, the wise Edgar Blackshire, had still been alive, he would have been the one summoned by these people. But now that he had passed away, it was up to Rosalyn to teach his students. The apprentices promised to care for Greyjoy Tower and the children in her absence. Before leaving, Rosalyn placed fresh flower plants around her father's grave.

The blue-haired woman, after days of travel on foot, Rosalyn thought,"father, it should be you in my place, not me. I must do this for you, for them, and for the dream you wanted to achieve. I promise to set aside my stubbornness." She clutched the staff scepter he once carried, recalling his words about always doing the right thing even when disagreeing with those in power. She realized that stubbornness only leads to viewing everyone as enemies instead of potential allies.

Even though traveling to reach there, being surrounded by nature was worth it. She had always been fascinated by plants, so having the map with her was a good thing. She hoped the children wouldn't be too sad while she was away. Rosalyn pulled out the map scroll and opened it, saying, "this is indeed the right way to go. I don't want to end up lost in the forest with complications, after all." Some reason she sworn on her own life that someone might be in forest as well. Maybe, it can be someone also trying travel the same place.
Brighid had been sleeping, floating in the realm of her own mind letting the days and years run by. She didn't truly need to sleep, she didn't really need anything, but still she had to pass time. Staying fully aware and awake was not something Brighid liked to do. Years alone made it hard to tell reality for half dream half memories that welled up. Brighid sometimes after months alone and awake had found herself suffering the pain of the forges flames even though she couldn't feel anything. Brighid didn't know why this happened, she never was sleepy but still with no anchor to the now her mind was drawn to her one clear memory. There were other illusions, but their reality was questionable. Brighid remember sunsets, cities, hood figures, and children so many children. In this state of dreamless sleep Brighid could feel things changing. She could feel hand touching her, she could feel the dark of the vault be replaced with words.

Brighid remembered the last time she had been awake. The monks had given her to an emperor and she had not cared. She had realized this was just a man and so why did she need to show herself? Brighid had simply decided to sleep until something happened and thus she had been placed once more into a dark vault. Brighid hated the dark, she hated being alone in the dark more. That was when the worst things happened. Memories from after being forged or perhaps before rose up. She couldn't tell which it was as things blended together. The voices of the others became a chorus, the others all of the others that were gone came back to her.

Curious and not wanting to fall into formless nightmares Brighid had woken up, but not bothered to be seen or heard. She was a ghost in more ways than one as the emperor and the champion. She was being given away again as a holy sword. That lie had again caused her to change hands. Brighid hated that lie it implied she was something wasn't that she was a succes. Whatever she might be she was without a doubt a failure at whatever she had been made for. Well it wasn't like anyone beilived thatthey all bought the lie and thought her words a test.

Brighid knew she would be stuck with this man for awhile so she might as well get his measure before he died. " Tell me what a sword is for ? " Brighid asked appearing beside Eric, her form that of a white haired blue eyed child clad on flowing white robes. Her skin was far to pale a chalk white over the normal pale. Her size was only that of a 9 year old maybe 12 at most if she was just small but still a young girl.
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23

The Beginning

The norther part of Ferrous was a relatively new land the people had access to thanks to the light barrier that the king made. However, compared to the southern side that had access to the Golden Sea or the Eastern side that had the intact road heading towards Riverglen, The northern Ferrous was mostly just plain grassland, with the grass becoming so tall from centuries of being untouched by humans. There's a few new settlements here and there that popped out on the grassland, but the lack of pre-existing facilities made the development of northern Ferrous much slower than the south or east.

Zeneb had been staying here for the past several months. She earns her living by herding sheeps during the day and occasionally performs with her lute in the nearby tavern at night. The drastic shift in her lifestyle really shocked her when she first come to the place, but she gradually learns to do her job and enjoy the slow life. She should be able to live peacefully here, yet she was unable to.

“Come to the throne, Together we will save this empire, become heroes of legend, and reap rewards of legendary proportion“


It took her only one day to travel back to the palace, and most of that time was spent pushing the wagon that got stuck in some mud. As it wasn't her first time visiting the place, she was able to easily navigate through it until she met a familiar face, the emperor's right hand man, Eric Lucas. Last time they met Zeneb asked him to help her fake her death in exchange for some information about Dagon's supporters. Eric was very likely would also be involved with the emperor's magical invitation so Zeneb decided to approach him.

"Greetings, Sir Eric. Long time no see." Zeneb greeted the man with a modest smile on her face, she slightly raised her eyebrows at the sight of the specter next to him that seemingly came out from his sword, but she didn't inquiry further.

"The emperor's words reached my ears. I'm here to fulfill the calling."

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Karcen Karcen
With love,
- your daughter, Mary-Ann."

The sorceress clad in black robes set her quill aside, next to the ink vial before putting the cork back on the jet-black container. She rolled up the parchment she had just finished, pouring a small blob of purple wax on its edge and sealing it with her signet ring.

Mary-Ann looked to her companion, a large raven, much larger than any of its kind, perched by the window, seemingly taking the sights of the busy scenery under it.

"Dirge." the sorceress called out to the feathered demon. "Be a dear and deliver this to my parents, would you? Don't wait for their response, just come back as soon as you're done."

The obsidian-eyed corvid cawed in approval, snatching the letter with one clawed foot and took off at the earliest. They both knew it would be better this way. No prolonged farewell, no goodbye parties, just a quick and simple departure. The grandmaster was the only one who knew of her affair before she'd take her leave. After all, it was only appropriate of her to warn of her extended leave, and for good reason at that. Who knows, maybe the good people of Sok would help her in this quest, just as they aided the emperor before, she the need arise.

Strapping the last of her equipment in place, Mary-Ann headed for the door exiting her modest room. Her heart would trepid with excitement. While she was used to adventure outside these walls to fight off whatever demonic remnants of Dagon's scattered army left in these lands, she could have only dreamed to be one day called by the Emperor himself to save the empire, become a legend of her own! The thought of having her name sung in praise just like the legendary hero of her own city, Eric Lucas, was enough to make her grin with glee.

Going through the Mages' Guild halls, she greeted her fellow scholars as she usually did, with a certain flair and elegance, but when her peers questioned the luggage she was carrying on her back, she would only answer "I'll be gone for a little while on a trip, see you soon enough !"

And then eventually, she'll be at the gates, the starting point to her new adventure. Mary-Ann took a look back at the glistening towers of the city, her home. And with a smile, she turned back to the vast expanse in front of her. Dirge reappeared on her shoulder out of seemingly nowhere, in a plume of black smoke.

"I trust it all went well?"

The raven cawed and nodded positively at the question.

"Well then, time to head to the capital. Glory awaits !"
Eric was a fairly alert individual. The few years of conflict in the war and a lifetime of dealing with the beasts roaming the land had trained him to be as such. Thus it was quite alarming for anyone to slip by his senses unnoticed, yet this apparent child had done just that. He seemed to flinch when she spoke turning to see her and relaxing a bit at first, but the more he looked the more he noticed. She was pale, and her clothes seemed out of place, more like light robes. The oddest things were not her appearance however. It was that she didn’t seem to cast a shadow beneath her, and she seemed to have a light magical aura to her that was the same as the blade he had been given. Still her question seemed to cut through all of these things and plant itself into his mind as though it was an arrow shot by a master archer.

“I suppose that depends on who you ask. At the most basic of levels a sword is a tool, steel and leather, on a more conceptual level…a sword is an extension of its wielders will. Which is where the ‘Who’ comes into play. Were you to ask a soldier, they would likely say it was what defeated their enemies and saved their life. A blacksmith would tell you a sword is a work of labor and a means to provide for himself or his family. A guard would tell you it is something to defend those he loves….for me, its a little bit of all of those things. A sword is an extension of my will. And my will is to serve my People, to protect those who go with me, and to strike down those who would bring harm to the empire i have come to love.” He would have looked away from the girl during his explanation, turning his eyes northwards to the horizon as if watching the sun slowly climbing into the sky.

“Now its my turn to ask a question, who are you? What have you to do with me and why do you ask about swords. Its a bit odd for one of your apparent age, though I’m betting your older than you appear.”
he would turn and look back at her with a small knowing smile that would grow much larger as his gaze shifted over her shoulder and onto someone approaching the balcony they stood on from the main hall.

Even from under her hood, those striking eyes were immediately recognizable. “Lady Zeneb, its been too long. I hope you find yourself well.” he would pause waiting for her to finish her explanation as to why she was there. “Outstanding, i was hoping to have some familiar faces on this journey. Im glad you are to be one of them…say, are you busy currently? I am about to head for Norville to meet with an old associate you could accompany me if you wish, though I intend to be back by tonight or early in the morning tomorrow.” he would show her the winged helmet in his hand indicating how he was to be getting there. It was one of his more well known works, he had gained it early in the war and it had become common knowledge that the Emperor’s friend could fly with a magic helm. After all it was his primary method of transport.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Karcen Karcen
It was strangely unusual for Lazuli to be up early. After all his years of barely managing to stay around the city of Sigil for all his thievery and trickery, he heard the emperor's call to complete a little quest of make believe for a grand reward while lazing around with nothing to do. Shifting around the ground and stretching his arms out, the Cleric let out a big yawn before finally resting on his back. His hand covers the sun's rays from blinding him before breaking out a mischievous smile. "For a big ol' bag of gold to save the collapse of a kingdom?" the lavender haired giggled in amusement. It was far too long of a time from when he had done anything that peaked his curiosity and interest like this. So, with a bounce in his steps, he jumped up from his resting position before running out and about. "An adventure it is!"

The trouble maker jumped from place to place around his home town all to get to the main road. His presence didn't go undetected, however. A local shop owner saw him jumping up and about. It was uncommon for a little thief like Lazuli to stand out and go out walking in broad daylight. In a simple swish, the shop owner yelled out at him, “Oi, ya filthy little thief! Come back here and give back the items you stole!” The shop owner’s insult went largely ignored by Lazuli who turned back and pulled his tongue out cheekily. “Too bad! finders keepers, losers weepers!” Seeing Lazuli being chased by someone for his thievery was certainly a common sight in Sigil, coming in daily. Most of the villagers laugh it off until some of them realise that this particular little rascal probably stole from them too.

He eventually left Sigil two hours after the old man finally stopped chasing him and waved goodbye to his parents. His bag only consisted of his precious sword that he handcrafted with the help of his bound spirit and some random nick-nacks he took from his theft pile. A sly grin spread across his face before he leaped to action, ready to make his journey to the throne, “Yahoo! Time for a good journey!”
Location: Ferrous city Palace
Mentions: Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

The answer didn't really amuse Brighid it felt more wish washy than anything. List off how others see swords then say you saw it as all of those, that was not a proper answer. It lacked the conviction that others had even if they were wrong in the answer she wanted. Heroes never seemed to answer it right , though those that got it most wrong often were killed the fastest. Brighid didn't know if Eric here would last, but dagon was gone so whatever they were doing was less than that short lived threat.

" A rather none committal answer lacking conviction" Brighid said with a shrug not revealing if his answer had been the right one or why she had asked. Though his question was something she thought apparent, but well so many stories about here and who knew what all he knew beyond the what he had just been told. " I am what you will wield to protect home and hearth, i am a soul given a second chance through the magic of monks, i ama gift from the gods made by them. " her answer was just an wish washy and none committal " You already know the name i was given "

With another person coming Brighid had forgotten to make herself unseen to all but Eric , though in a moment she vanished as she made herself unseen to all even eric though not unheard. " You will have yours answer when i have mine " She almost whispered in Erics ear as the floated around invisible for now. She didn't need to been seen right now and she didn't feel like meeting people any more than was needed, people died to fast for her to really want to get attached after all.

"Its good to know that you will also be in the mission. Though, I'm afraid I must decline your offer, Sir Eric. I want to visit a few friends tonight. May the wind guide your travel." Having ensured that she wasn't hallucinating about those emperor's words, Zeneb excused herself from Eric's presence.

Once she was out of the palace, Zeneb took some tour around the city. It had been several month since she last see the city so she was surprised at how much some things had changed. After the war ended the economy had been really booming, although she also notice that the city had become way more cramped than before. Which would be good for her as she silently blend into the crowd, letting the stream of people carry her to her next destination.

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Karcen Karcen
Lich, Necromancer, and Hoarder of Cats
Location: Ferrous

"Mr. Whiskers! Did you eat my zombification potion again?!"
It is so strange again, to be in the middle of life, when you had none of your own.
Blame his 19th familiar and his own curiosity for wanting a change of pace. The marketplace buzzed around him, no one quite noticing the cloaked figure in their midst, warm bodies walking, hurrying, coins jangling. They moved around the figure who looked like nothing more than a skeleton under his cloak without notice.
He hadn't felt the never-quite-familiar hum of his phylactery for weeks now, yet the forgetful Lich himself seemed far from concerned. Barely concerned, as a matter of fact.
"We have an appointment to get to, don't we?" the hooded cloak covering a skeletal visage barely moved. It was covered with a thick layer of illusions, nowhere near the advanced level of an archmage specializing in illusions, but powerful enough to ward off curious passerbys. A white cat purred instead of answering, perching in its master's bony arms. Calaunath, the necromancer, the archmage, the lich, only laughed, or rattled his closest approximation to a laugh thereof, scratching the cat behind its ears. It only arrogantly flicked his tail as a response.
"Hmph. And here I thought familiars helped their masters study."
Another tailflick in response.
"Just because I memorized all thirteen rites of Vecna doesn't mean I can memorize all- stop biting, you don't even like the taste of bones!"
The cat only bit harder in response.
"Do you even remember where we're going, or who summoned us?"
The cat meowed. And hopped off the cradle of the Lich's arms, skittering across the pavement with dainty, fast steps. The cat stopped at the entrance of a nearby gateway, turning and meowing again as if it was waiting.
"Of course I knew you'd be of help, Whiskers. Wait, you're not trying to get me to buy you more live mice again this time, right?"
The Crowned Behemoth roared as she aggressively stomped her large feet. The territorial female protecting a clutch of eggs behind her as she faced the starving Sailbacked Baloth in front of her. The two beasts squared up, the Baloth flexed his long claw tipped fingers while the Behemoth swung her head back and forth.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to either of them, Lupa crouched in the shadows, waiting for her chance. She had been watching this particular nest for quite some time, evading the vigilant mother as she kept an eye on the nest, waiting for her chance to steal one of the eggs. Not to eat, mind you, but to hatch and raise it herself. Baloths are indeed powerful, but Behemoths are even tougher, able to tank and power through damage that would be quite detrimental, if not lethal, to predators.
Lupa carefully made her way to the nest as the confrontation finally erupted into a full-on fight between monsters. While the creatures were distracted with each other, Lupa got to the nest mound and set down her spear. Time was of the essence, and she could not afford to be picky with her choice, so she took one of the ones closest to the edge of the nest. Slipping it into a sling, Lupa grabbed her spear and quickly made her exit, the two saurians still fighting as she ran through the forest and away from the brawl.
As the sounds of primal combat faded into the distance, Lupa slowed her pace and breathed a sigh of relief and bowed in the direction she came from. "Thank you Sailback for the distraction and Crowned Behemoth mother. I will raise and take care of this child for as long as it lives."
Norville, The Great Forest
9:02 AM
PrincessBrianaMystic PrincessBrianaMystic

Junwu moved through the forest with the practiced grace of someone who knew its every secret. The morning sun, now higher in the sky, cast dappled light through the canopy, painting the forest floor in a mosaic of gold and green. His mind buzzed with the success of creating the Blightfire Elixir, the fiery petals of the Emberbloom still fresh in his memory. Linbao crawled along the forest floor and carried Junwu to the next destination in mind.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, his eyes caught sight of a figure in the distance. At first, he thought it might be a trick of the light, but as he drew closer, the figure became clearer. A woman, her blue hair cascading down her back, was consulting a map. The vivid contrast of her hair against the surrounding greenery made her stand out like a beacon.

Junwu's curiosity was piqued. It was rare to encounter anyone in these parts of the forest, let alone someone who seemed as out of place as she did. He slowed his pace, taking in her appearance— after quietly staring, assuring himself she wasn't anyone he recognized and thus not someone from his village, he finally patted Linbao and clicked his tongue, telling his darling centipede to venture forth.

Drawing nearer, Junwu observed her with a mix of caution and intrigue. What brought her here? Was she a traveler lost in the woods, or did she have a purpose as significant as his own? The forest was vast and filled with both wonders and dangers, and meeting another wanderer in its depths was a rare occurrence.

Junwu paused a few steps away, ensuring that Linbao remained settled, as he knew many wouldn't be so keen to be so close to a large centipede like his darling. "Greetings," he murmured, hidden eyes roaming over the woman and the surroundings, wondering if any plants or bugs nearby were her goal, like himself. "It's rare to see another soul in this part of the forest. Are you perhaps seeking something, or someone?"

He tilted his head slightly, studying her reaction.​

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