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Fantasy The Iron Empire- Cs



"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
1.)Please read lore to understand the magic mechanics and playable species within the setting. If it makes sense im likely to approve it.

2.)I reserve the right to deny applications.

3.) Ask for help if you need it. I thoroughly enjoy brainstorming with folks.

Age: (max 300)
Appearance: (can be image, description, or both.)

Hometown: (See lore, if not one of the major 9 settlements, you may create your own with a thorough description in your history)
History: (Your backstory, Please no heroes from the War Between Dagon and Clyde. We are meant to be NEW heroes.)
Personality traits: (Can be a list of traits or a description.)
Likes: (3 min)
Dislikes: (3min)

Spell-caster type: (See lore, Main type and Subtype.)
Element/s: (Max 2)
Skills: (Mundane skills)
Equipment: (Can include magical equipment)
Other: (Anything else you feel like adding.)​
Name: Lupa
Age: 27
Species: Wolf-Folk
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lupa screenshot.png
Lupa Copy screenshot.png

Hometown: Not a settlement, but within the Great Forest in the vicinity of Norville.
History: While initially born in Norville, Lupa was taken outside of the town and raised in the wilderness by her parents shortly after she was born. The reason? While her parents were indeed part of the Hunters' Guild, they also had no desire to participate in the war and decided to risk the untamed wilderness of the Great Forest with their daughter. As the years rolled by, Luna would learn to survive the harsh wilderness; making/maintaining tools and equipment, hunting, cooking, etc... Of course, she was also taught basic arithmetic, as well as how to read and write in case she ever, hopefully, entered any settlements in the future.
Growing in relative isolation, Lupa was unaware of the war that occured, more focused on surviving her encounters with the local wildlife. She would accidentally discover her talent in Druid Craft one day while sneaking through the woods looking for prey. She merely asked the plants for better cover and they provided. She would also start detecting subtle vibrations through the ground, allowing her to find her prey more easily. Needless to say, it was a strange feeling for the young she-wolf, but she persisted, finding and killing her prey before bringing it home to her parents. It was her mother that suggested meditation after hearing about her daughter's experience. This in turn, allowed Lupa to connect more deeply to nature as time went on.
Lupa would eventually start harnessing the power of the various creatures of the Great Forest, taming beasts both great and small, carnivorous and herbivorous.
Personality traits: Due to growing up in the wild, Lupa is a rather cautious individual, preferring to observe before engaging. She's also a fairly quiet person most of the time, usually only talking when needed. Likely because she's part canine, Lupa is also very energetic and hates being in any one position for too long.
Likes: Lupa loves to hunt, constantly challenging herself with bigger prey while treating it with respect.
Rather than human settlements, Lupa prefers the open wilderness, liking to keep herself sharp, if not making herself sharper in the process.
She doesn't like to admit it, but Lupa enjoys head pats and ear scratches. Not to mention being brushed.
Dislikes: In a world where even a minor lapse of vigilance can very well cost you your life, Lupa has learned to hate being surprised, her first reaction often being to attack the offender.
Being part wolf, Lupa hates being alone, instinctively seeking companionship. However, she prefers the phrase, Quality over Quantity. There's still such a thing as being overcrowded after all.
She hates those that take more than they need as well as trophy hunters that only take what they want from their animal victims and leave the rest to rot. She will hunt them down for their disrespect.
Needless to say, Lupa absolutely hates fleas.

Spell-caster type: Druid / Shaman
Elements: Earth and Wind
Skills: Hunting, Processing and Cooking prey, Crafting with various materials, Foraging, Wild Remedies, Wilderness Survival, Beast Taming
Equipment: Aside from clothing made from tanned animal hides, Lupa sports a pair of gauntlets crafted with the bones and scales of an Iron Backed Behemoth (Think of something like an Ankylosaurus). She does possess cold weather clothing, but she prefers being able to feel the wind on as much of her bare skin as possible, while still looking sort of presentable. Her weapon of choice is a barbed throwing spear made of wood and bone while she carries an obsidian knife for smaller tasks.
Other: Lupa's wolf blood is considerably purer than others of her kind, granting her the ability to shift to a more wolf like appearance. She doesn't do it often as it comes with an increased metabolism and requires more energy to maintain.
Lupa Werewolf  screenshot.png

Saving a spot right now, will add more later.
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Sorceress.jpgName: Mary-Ann Fairchild
Age: 28 years old
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: -------------->

Hometown: Sok - The Crystal City, the City of Mages
History: Considered to be naturally gifted with magic and a sharp-minded student, it came to the surprise of no one than Mary-Ann was a prominent student at the Mages College. The Fairchild family fared well despite the world events and managed to secure a spot for their gifted young girl at the college for her to study the ways of magic and develop her skills.

Despite being a magical prodigy, Mary-Ann was never introduced into the war against Dagon. Her family pulled a lot of strings to prevents her from going into the battlefield, even if the young woman herself felt like her aptitudes would be put to better use out there than spending her time with her nose buried in dusty tomes.

Fast-forward years later after Dagon's defeat, Mary-Ann is now be a powerful Sorceress with an affinity for Wind magic. Her powers, matched only by her outgoing nature and lust for adventures made her become a frequent member of expeditionary forces - task forces dedicated to venture in the countryside and eradicating immediate threats to Sok's surroundings and a bit beyond its borders.

Personality traits: While earnest in her studies, Mary-Ann has a knack for adventures and finds herself at odds with staying still for too long. She appreciates sight-seeing and wandering off. She is bold at times, but she knows her place and tries to reign in her ambitions when she feels she is stepping out of line. By no means she will allow anyone to insult her or her entourage, nor does she appreciate being taken lightly. Mary-Ann is a prideful woman and likes to boast that she doesn't just look pretty strong, she is actually a powerful mage. Friends will share a strong bond with her, and rivals will find an equally strong-minded girl to contend with.

Likes: Mary-Ann loves animals probably more than actual people. If she's not seen petting her pets, she will probably wander off at the first occasion to befriend a stray dog or cat, or any other docile critter. She is also pretty peculiar to jewelry, especially gold and silver. Her eyes will most certainly be attracted to anything shiny really. Among other things she likes are fine-crafted beers and music. She enjoys evenings spent at the local tavern where there is plenty of ale to share and bards to listen to. It should be noted that she is intensely interested in pursuing her studies of magic on the field, so discoveries and outside sources of magic are of keen interest to her.

Dislikes: Spiders. She hates spiders. She actually is arachnophobe. She is revolted, repulsed, outraged, a whole array of negative emotions cross her mind when she sees anything with more than four legs. She doesn't like being in the wrong, and even more being ignorant. Expect long debates that can lead to absolutely nowhere with a scoff for an ending instead of admitting she is wrong. Romance isn't something she is into either. She has good looks, and it unfortunately brings the hassle of many courting her. Those people are quickly dismissed as easily as a breeze.

Spell-caster type: Sorceress / Warlock
Elements: Wind and Darkness
Skills: With her background as a scholar in the College of Mage, Mary-Ann has extensive knowledge of how to efficiently research various subjects. Being accustomed to being part of expeditions outside the city, she has also developed a good sense of her surroundings and what it takes to survive out in the wilderness. It goes without saying that Mary-Ann's most prominent skill is her magical aptitude, and she is *very* good at hunting monsters. She is much comfortable with fighting using magic, but she doesn't know how to wield a sword. She is also a noteworthy scribbler.

Equipment: Aside from your usual adventuring gear, Mary-Ann carries a few scrolls of parchments, notebooks and stuff to write such as some ink and a quill, charcoal and chalk. Despite not being very proficient with weapons, Mary-Ann has a dagger hidden somewhere in her apparel.

Other: Few know that the reason she is actually so powerful with magic, is that she's not only naturally very gifted with elemental Wind magic, but she is bound by pact with a Demon - Corvus, the Raven Lord. Her seemingly limitless pool of mana does not only comes from her naturally large reserve, but is also drawn from her patron, fueling her own magical strength. A signature telltale signs of her magic is the black hue that comes with most of her spell (a bladed wind spell appears as a black slash in the air, compared to a normal invisible wind spell). Over time, her moniker actually became "The Blackwind Sorceress" because of these.

The large corvid accompanying Mary-Ann is also a servant of Corvus, called Dirge. It is loyal to Mary-Ann and will help her as best as it can, but it is loyal to the Demon above all else. It can serve as both eyes and ears to its dark masters as well as its Sorceress companion.
Name: Zeneb
Age: 25
Species: Human
Gender: female
Appearance: Zeneb is a human that stands at 5'4. She poses pale white skin and pale grey eyes. Her attire consist of a white garb alongside a black cloak.
Hometown: Ferrous
Zeneb is one of the many orphan who grew up within the dark alleyway of the city. Instead of protecting the vulnerable kids, the orphanage director instead organize them into a small but effective thief group. pickpocketing passerby, breaking into empty houses, delivering questionable goods across the city and many more. This shady activity of them last several years until one of their operation unintendedly affected one of Dagon's supply chain, the consequence was immediate as the director's home was quickly raided and he ended up being publicly executed.

The young Zeneb and her orphan friends watches as the director's lifeless head rolled on the ground. They thought they would finally be free and now they can live their life however they want, yet one way or another almost all of them ends up joining various criminal organizations. The director's death simply disperse them, and Zeneb was no different. Her heart was filled with unresolved rage back then, as her grudge against the director end with such anti-climatic execution. She joined a mafia group called The Serpent, her experience and work-ethic enabled her to quickly climb up the rank until she become one of the elite assassin within the organization.

Realizing what she had become, she was filled with regret and guilt. Yet she's too deep to simply quit her position, she knew that if she do that then she would be hunted down by her own colleagues. So she waited until the right moment, and come the big war between Dagon and Clyde. While The Serpent didn't have direct involvement with the war, they surely were flooded with requests related to it. Zeneb took one of the most dangerous job that everyone seemed to avoid: to assassinate Clyde before his battle with Dagon. The others were too scared to take it that she ends up going alone, and Zeneb use that perfect opportunity to fake her own death and vanished from everyone's radar. She intended to have a new life, free of blood and murder. Yet here she is one year later, openly answering Clyde's calling without bothering to disguise herself. She didn't know how The Serpent would react to her resurfacing like this, but she already sent the leader a private letter and hopefully they would just let her be.

Personality traits: Zeneb is a calm and observant woman who prefers to help from the sideline. While her first response to most conflicts are to run away, she's willing to exert some force whenever necessary. She's always trying to smile and make everyone around her happy, yet she's also very secretive and an be quite manipulative at times. She's trying to be a better person but old habits are hard to remove.
  • story​
  • travels​
  • music​
  • Violence​
  • Alcohol​
  • Being Alone​
Spell-caster type: Sorcerer/Bard
Elements: Lightning/Wind
  • Stealth​
  • Acrobatic​
  • Archery​
  • Cooking​
  • Musical performance​
  • Dancing​
  • Daggers: A set of eight sharp daggers. Two of them are strapped on her belts while the rest are hidden in various spots on her body. Can be retreived from a distance by using her lightning spell.​
  • Lute: A well-maintained wooden lute.​
  • Grappling Hooks: Hidden hooks that can be launched with the devices on her wrist.​
  • Boomerang: a metal boomerang.​
  • Moonlight Cloak: A black cloak that Zeneb usually wears. It can briefly turns her invisible and dampen the noise she makes.​
  • Magic sack: A seemingly regular canvas sack that can hold ten times of its supposed volume, most of the stuffs she store inside are cooking ingredients.​
  • Bows & arrows: Stored inside the magic sack, its a wooden longbow that she use to strike target from afar. Powerful but slow to aim.​
  • Thieves' kit: Stored inside the magic sack. Various tools for various roguish activity.​
  • Owl Mask: Stored inside the magic sack, a white mask that looks like the face of an eerie owl.​
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Name: Lazuli Memoriae

Age: 29

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lazuli stands of 5 foot 2 inches which is rather short for a male human. His skin tone is a very light pale but it's not light enough to be considered ghostly. His shoulder-length hair is a light lavender colour with indigo ends and a few loose threads in his bangs.

lapis lazuli.png

Hometown: Sigil

History: Lazuli's parents were refugees from the Twin Rivers who decided to settle in Sigil. With little to no money to afford much, all they could do was find shelter on the streets and gather garbage and food nearby that might be in good condition. Begging, and gathering resources around Sigil's city walls made up all of Lazuli's childhood. He often zooms away from his parent’s watch to gather supplies they need unnoticeably from shops and houses. Most often or not, he was caught and made himself a big troublemaker. His parents disapproved of this notion, scolding him every time he would bring something stolen to them. But they could do nothing about it, most of the stuff helped them through some tough spots.

Personality traits: Lazuli first gives off the impression of a childish and immature. He'd never fully grew out of his personality when he was a child and seeks fun and excitement in all situations, often cheekily poking fun and teasing his peers. He's a carefree and playful person and often getting into mischief all for the sake of entertaining himself. If there is no activities around him that he considers a good time, he will start one himself.

-Clean Water
-Fun Times
-Unclean Water
-Unnecessary Violence
-Not having money
-Boring Times

Spell-caster type: Cleric

Elements: Water, Light

-Sword Fighting

-Water Enhanced Sword - The first sword that Lazuli made.

-Lazuli is bounded by a water spirit named "Caeruleus" who he gets most of his water powers from.
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Name: Rosalyn Blackshire
Age: 28


She have long blue hair and crimson eyes, only 5'3 ft tall and also wears necklace that once worn by her late-mother that. Always elegant by her crafting robe dress that makes herself. Always see white with different colors.
The Greyjoy Tower, formerly owned by a guild of guardians who possessed magical abilities regardless of their origins, is situated in the southeastern region between the towns of Sok and Twin Rivers. Every night, the watchtower at Greyjoy illuminates with flames. If these flames turn blue, it signals a warning of danger. The origins of Greyjoy Tower remain a mystery, as the guild who built it disappeared long ago, leaving behind only stories of its creation. Today, the tower serves as an orphanage for children living in poverty or without parents.
Greyjoy Tower

History: Rosalyn was born into a difficult situation, with a sickly mother living in the slums. A wise sorcerer named Edgar Blackshire tried to heal people suffering from terrible diseases, but unfortunately, he couldn't save Rosalyn's mother. Before she passed, she asked Edgar to care for her newborn child, whom she named Rosalyn due to her red rose-like eyes. Edgar adopted Rosalyn as his own daughter and taught her medicine and survival skills as she grew up.

Together, they traveled to different places where Rosalyn witnessed the harsh realities of politics and saw the struggles of orphaned children begging for food on the streets. Determined to make a difference, Rosalyn made a promise to build a sanctuary far away from the cities where children could learn and grow with love. She studied diligently under Edgar's guidance, learning not just magic but also the importance of using natural remedies and one's own hands for healing.

When Edgar passed away when Rosalyn was only 19, she inherited his staff and transformed the secret sanctuary into an orphanage known as Greyjoy Tower. Over the years, she saved numerous impoverished children by providing them with a safe and loving home.

Greyjoy Tower, once a sanctuary for sorcerers and sorceresses, now stands as an orphanage. Its true origins and the fate of its previous inhabitants remain a mystery, as Rosalyn believes it's best to protect the past and keep the place a safe haven for those in need.

Personality traits:
Rosalyn is a caring woman when it comes to children and can see through their facades. She is a protector and is dedicated to ensuring justice for those who cannot advocate for themselves. Rosalyn is against all forms of cruelty and is stubborn, making it difficult for her to trust others easily. She is self-aware, realizing how much she has learned from her experiences when she was younger.

Rosalyn tirelessly helps and nurtures the health of others, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. She judges people solely by their actions, not their social status, and detests the corruption of politics where the needs of the people are often ignored by those in power. Rosalyn always sides with those who prioritize family and community over material wealth, standing against those who neglect the suffering of the less fortunate.

Rosalyn lives in seclusion, dedicating herself to caring for children in a sanctuary entrusted to her. She believes in preparing children to be self-sufficient and capable of taking care of themselves in the future. As their guardian, Rosalyn also serves as their teacher, imparting valuable lessons on distinguishing right from wrong.

Likes: She loves teaching children of culture and creatures who exist, she admires teach independent of gardening and care. She always intrigued by alchemy and medicine taught by her late-father himself. Even loves poetry as well, she knows writing is important how music and knowledge is written.

Dislikes: She despised politics because those who control it not fully ask the civilians themselves what really wish for future. Also Rosalyn hates those who harms children or innocent people especially enchanted animals as well. She is against cruelty and injustice of civilians people do seeing it all durning childhood traveling days with her adoptive father.

Spell-caster type: Sorceress
Element/s:Water & Earth
Skills: Cooking, Alchemy/herbalist, crafting, gardening, writing/read, studies medicine, self-defense
Equipment: Eldaie Staff once owned by Edgar Blackshire but now Rosalyn wield it.

Children in orphanage learn farming caring for animals and gardening, she knows activity outdoors are to understand nature how it should be care for. Also prevent them make mistake plants as poison.

Rosalyn's hobby is crafting things, she does reason collected colorful rocks.

Because her love literature and writing she secretly writes romance, actions and fairytales books. She goes as anonymous so nobody knows rather written man or woman. It's something she does on spare time.​
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  • 1718043052024.png
    Name: Calaunauth

    Age: He doesn't know. If it helps, the fleshy form he takes looks around 24. (Actual age presumed to be much older.)

    Species: Lich. (Former Cambion.)

    Gender: Technically none(...Cala's literally a skeleton). Presumed male.
    Appearance: (can be image, description, or both.)

    Hometown: Vaguely recalls that he was born in Ferrous, but hasn't set foot(uh....bone?) in there for centuries.

    Spell-caster type: Wizard/Warlock. Very vehemently opposed to being called a sorceror.

    Element/s: Dark/Death

    Skills: Cooking, reading, generally smart. He has had centuries of research, although his greatest skill is his extensive knowledge of necromancy. As an undead, Cala is decently strong(since his body doesn't....really work), even if he only knows how to bonk someone over the head with his staff. Can also calm down an angry cat.

    Other: Presumably old as hell, or at least his creator was old as hell, but has only very recently awakened fully. Weirdly enough, despite being partially resistant to it given his Cambion heritage, he has an odd distaste for fire that borders on fear. Some kind of trauma he could not remember. His phylactery is a huge emerald set in a draconian skull.
    He's technically part Warlock with Kelemvor, part of the exchange used in the ritual to create him as a lich. It's what powers his phylactery and keeps him "alive". This lets him recover from literally fatal injuries so long as his phylactery is intact, but he takes damage if his phylactery is damaged. Any creature that holds his phylactery can control him.
    Most of his magic comes from him and his literal centuries of training, rather than Kelemvor himself, but his more "deadly spells" like Finger of Death draws on Kelemvor's name.

tldr; Bookworm with war crimes and amnesia and a cat.
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Name: Eric Lucas.
Age: 32 yrs
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Eric stands 6’ 1” and weighs 198lbs. He is leaner than he used to be and seems considerably less muscular.

Hometown: Norville
History: Eric was Born in Norville to a Long line of blacksmiths. They would forge weapons for the hunters and guards of the world and from a young age The young boy was trained in the family craft. It soon became apparent that Little Eric was born with a gift. He was a forge soul, a term for a mage with a knack for enchanting items as they are forged.

His father would encourage him to pursue this talent and purchased up any tomes on enchanting he could allowing his son to thrive in his efforts to cultivate his talent. Yet much as he tried to keep up, Eric was a voracious learner. He would burn through the tomes and soon produce numerous enchanted items. Eventually the day would come when one of the Poison masters of Norville would come to Eric for help.

They had dosed themselves with more poison than they could safely endure, the healer was busy and the only other magic user in town who could’ve aided the young man was Eric, or at least the only one who could help without the poison masters parents becoming privy to the information. Eric was intrigued by the opportunity to test his metal, so he worked to craft a Poison resistance enchanted Bracelet and managed to finish the task in under an hour saving the Poison masters life.

The two would become fast friends after that, with Eric enjoying the company, and his friend apparently enjoying watching him work. However the time would soon come when they would have to part ways. Erics parents had saved up enough money to send their son to the Mages University of Sok, and at the age of 17 Eric would leave to the school. Eventually he made it and there he would thrive in his own right.
His natural talent with enchantments was bolstered heavily by the presence of other mages people to show him new spells that could be infused into his crafts and even grant him access to new materials to work with. Beyond that he began to learn how to utilize his crafts. With near miraculous speed he would become skilled in countless martial and even exotic weapons, he would craft hundreds of enchantments with everything from steel, to Wood, and Even crystal being his materials.

Eventually he sat at the top of his classes, His levels of mana, his Tools, his abilities Pushed to rival most of his classmates. Among those who would sit at the top with him was Clyde. While Eric had mastered the art of enchanting with most elements of magic, two that eluded him were Dark and Light. Clydes near effortless mastery of light would spark a friendly rivalry between the two where each would one up the other until they had left most others behind.

Soon Clydes family would be Slain by Dagons men, and The Light Cleric would be driven to begin a campaign against the dark emperor one that Eric would follow him into along with many of the nations mages and warriors.
Over the course of about two years the conflict would continue, Eric would craft powerful weapons and armor for his allies using their own elemental mana to bolster their fighting chances. Yet his allies would continue to fall, and he would continue to collect the weapons and armor they used in an effort to carry on their will and see it to the end of the battle. He would grow as a warrior and an enchanting smith. Soon they were so few in number that he would take to the field where his cultivated diversity of weapons and abilities made him able to overwhelm nearly any foe he faced.

Dark knights and Even True demons fell before him, He was unstoppable…until the final raid on the Dark emperors palace that is. Clyde had mustered many days worth of Light magic to prepare for it, he was confident he could bring the dark ruler down, Eric and his remaining allies just had to keep the Dark forces at bay long enough for Clyde and Dagon to have their One on One showdown.

Eric would lock down a battle with Bagrook a Greater demon while his allies would engage the other top dark beings. Though the hardest battle of his life, The breastplate and Great-sword of Light he had made from Clydes own power allowed him to come out on top if only barely. Sensing a fluctuation in Clydes magic and still feeling his pride and exhilaration From his recent victory he would rush in to engage the Dark emperor.

Yet there he found a wall he could nit break through...He parried a blow that would have felled clyde and would engage in a fierce but brief duel with Dagon. He had confidence in his craft, the light elemental weapons he had forged slew a demon no way would they fail him…but fail him they did. The dark axe of Dagon, Hell-breaker, shattered his great sword, crushed through his breastplate and nearly cleaved him in two from shoulder to hip. He was undone, his consciousness faded and he did not see Clyde rise again with hands coated in light, he did not hear the dying curses of Dagon as he was erased by a pillar of light.

He awoke nearly three weeks later, a scar across his chest, back, face, and Eye. He could barely stand for the next month or so, and his injury prevented him from continuing his craft or any form of training. Even his magic was severely weakened by the injury. He came to understand that it was constant round the clock healing magic that had even kept him alive, and even with that he stood in the threshold of deaths door for so long. He was a shadow of his former self.

However his mind was still intact and he would put it to use helping his friend, under his guidance and with help from many enchanters and mages the Crystal throne was crafted. Followed by the talismans around a year later. Slowly his mana and strength would begin to return to him, and when emperor clyde called for the quest to secure the great spirits Eric insisted he be allowed to join the mission.

Personality traits: Eric seems to sit on a strange balance between joking and serious. He can flip like Switch one moment chiding his opponents and seeming to toy with them and the next Going for the throat with a look of pure determination. Admittedly he is a bit more lighthearted outside of battle, but since his near death he has been prone to mood swings and sudden feelings of dread and anxiety. This is made a heavier burden to bear by his feelings of inadequacy stemming from how far he has fallen in terms of power and ability. This can often result in him trying to overachieve and bite off more than he can bear in his current state, however this same feeling of weakness makes him more likely to trust others and rely on the strengths if his allies.

Likes: Working on a forge of any kind, Remembering/Honoring his friends, Strong drink & Good smoke.
Dislikes: His limits being lower than he remembers, His scars, Any kind words about Dagon.

Spell-caster type: Enchantsmith/Spellsword.
Conversion Enchantments- The main gift and ability of Erics Enchanted items is the ability of Conversion. In short he is able to Infuse others mana into an enchantment while forging the item imbuing the item with a Permanent enchantment of a variety of types. These enchantments do not have a set number of charges and instead siphon mana from whoever is using the item, That siphoned mana is converted to the element that the object is enchanted with allowing mages of nearly any element to essentially add a spell like ability of a different element than their own to their list of abilities.
Element/s: Fire
Skills: Smithing, Strategy, Mythological knowledge, Intel gathering, Picking up new skills.
Ring of Binding Vows- An enchanted ring that summons his weapons and armor from a rune carved Vault within the palace. It can also be used to return the weapons and armor when he “unsummons” them.​
Mera Kestrels “Gale Bow”- a wind elemental bow made for a Young friend. It fires Arrows made of wind that airburst shortly after impact. Very effective against unarmored targets. Near useless against armored ones as Mera found out in the field of battle.
Emory Guldom’s “Rolling boulder” hammer- a short handled morning star that accumulates rocks pebbles and dust to increase its size and weight over time. The user does not feel the added weight but the target certainly does. Unfortunately some creatures of the dark forces cannot he harmed by physical damage as Emory unfortunately found out.
Amata Maelstroms “Striking Lance”- An electric double sided spear that has little effect in melee but when thrown turns into a powerful bolt of lightning capable of piercing most armored foes. Unfortunately Amata did not check her backstop and lost the spear over the horizon, she was promptly killed afterwards.
Erics own weapons “Pyre Twins”- Twin short swords enchanted with a magical kind of napalm like fire. These flames will spread to whatever it touches and cannot be extinguished through ordinary means. One must essentially feed the flames mana to extinguish them.
Natalie Miridia’s “Rip-Current” whip- A whip made for the fiancé of eric, it allowed her to freeze the whip at any point along its length or even on impact imparting a frozen lash, or even a flash frozen part of the target. Sadly Natalie was engulfed in a Helldrakes breath and her whip was all that survived.

Erics own “Smoke shade” cloak- A cloak of fire and ember that constantly emanates smoke. When activated it can create a smolder clone of Eric which bursts into embers upon being impacted. The clone will mimic erics appearance nearly perfectly but sufficient magical senses can tell the difference.
Justin Argus’s “Skyraider Helm”- A helmet that allows the user to Fly for a period dependent upon their mana level. Justin spent too long far to high up and met his end falling from nearly 3000ft.
Dylan Crevan’s “Root-clench shield”- A self repairing shield made of sturdy hard wood, Melee attacks against it run the risk of being ensnared by roots growing from this shield. Sadly dylan ensnared a much larger creature and was used to bludgeon his ally at the cost of both of their lives.
Allan Wakefields “Frigid Pugilist” Gauntlets- Enchanted gauntlets that allow the user to expend a portion of their mana on impact with a foe freezing an area on said foe proportionate to the amount spent. Allan was a great warrior whose only mistake was being Dylans Ally…
Martin Regnars “Blitz runner” boots- Enchanted with lightning that allows the user to run at incredible speeds and boosts perception enough that they should be able to respond at said speeds…keyword should, during the final battle before the raid on dagons palace, Martin would try to take too much on his shoulders and would fail to notice a stable chain tied between two trees. He found himself taking the chain to the gut and being bisected by it.
At one point in his career Eric could wield multiple pieces of armor while dual wielding weapons. However since his fall to Dagon’s axe his recovery has been slow and he finds himself at about 20% what he once was. Thus he must conserve his power and can only use two pieces of equipment any one time. Even that limit can be strenuous if he doesn’t pay attention to how long he is using it. He is constantly trying to recover his lost capabilities.

Allies can also use The armor and Weapons Eric spawns.​
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Name: Junwu
“The Jun of King, the Wú of Centipede”
Age: 30
Species: Human
Gender: Male
5'5" (165.1 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (58.9 kg)
Hometown: Norville

Junwu grew up in a small family in Norville and from a young age he inherited the hobby of cultivating poisons from his parents.

Unlike his parents who had ended up with snakes to carry their cultivated poisons, Junwu had a strong giant centipede that absorbed all the venom of the other beings trapped with it.

Adoring his new project, new friend, Junwu began to raise and cultivate many Centipedes to grow his bond and control over the insects, soon making a solid bond with what would become the heritage of his centipedes to come.

As he grew older his passion for experimenting grew past what his parents had expected and soon he was even testing new concocted poisons on himself, much to their worry.

It didn’t stop him from expanding his arsenal until one day he finally bit more than he could chew and had to seek help from a friend and fellow villager, Eric.

With Eric’s assistance and craftsmanship he was able to acquire a piece of equipment to temper his resistance and let him continue his research into new poisons. From then on he was a shadow behind Eric at all times he wasn’t focusing on his work, trailing after him for this and that to sate his curiosity. This behavior continued until Eric finally ended up leaving Norville all together to continue his education.

With no one else around him to keep his attention he began to wander, exploring to find new venomous species and poisonous plants, but he would always return to Norville now and again.

He had planned to continue his ways of being a wandering hermit but when Eric called for him there was no way he would ignore it.

Personality traits:
  • Junwu is someone ruled by his burning curiosity. As soon as there is a question in his heart he’ll chase down answers like a man possessed.
  • His poisons are his passion and to create new variations he’ll hunt down even the smallest lead on some new plant or insect.
  • Stubborn and loyal to a fault, once someone has entered his good graces it would take a complete betrayal to make Junwu change his mind, he has few friends so he clings to them.
  • Creative and curious in some of the worst ways at times, his empathy will take a back seat to his drive to have answers and it can cause him to come off as cruel, with his isolated lifestyle he doesn't have a huge EQ when it comes to himself and tends to break down emotions into what is and isn’t logical at times.
  • Facing an enemy his curiosity can border into sadism as he uses poisons like candy to test their full power on a living being

  • Centipedes (Collecting and raising them)
  • Bamboo (cooking and eating tender bamboo shoots)
  • Creating and testing new poisons (Generally on himself)
  • Eric (His first friend who put up with his insane curiosity)
  • Most Birds (They tend to try and attack his poor Centipedes)
  • Judgment against his pets (He treats his centipedes like children, raising each generation on the body and venom of the previous mothers)
  • Eating meat (He mostly eats vegetables and plants…. And poisonous plants as a snack)

Spell-caster type: Druid Assassin
Element/s: Earth and Fire
  • Mixing Poisons
  • Poison Resistance/Immunity
  • Cooking (Surprise, it’s always poisonous food)
  • Foraging
  • Poison Resistance Bracelet (he never takes it off)
  • A lantern with the preserved body of his first Centipede (it holds his first poisons as well)
  • Many capsules and canisters to store his collection of live centipedes that he takes everywhere
  • Equipment to refine and cook poisons
  • Linbao - I suppose as it's one of his main ways of attack Linbao, the centipede, could count as "Equipment"

Lin of Forest, Bao of Treasure
Junwu's current eldest Giant Centipede coming in at 5 meters (16.4 ft) 1718071500913.png
Junwu's other treasure, the bracelet made my Eric that he still carries around even if he is now immune to most every poison 1718071576829.png

  • Misc
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Name: Nagatha Driyvas
Age: (max 300)
Species: Human (?)
Gender: Female
Appearance: (can be image, description, or both.)

Hometown: (See lore, if not one of the major 9 settlements, you may create your own with a thorough description in your history)
History: (Your backstory, Please no heroes from the War Between Dagon and Clyde. We are meant to be NEW heroes.)
Personality traits: (Can be a list of traits or a description.)
Likes: (3 min)
Dislikes: (3min)

Spell-caster type: (See lore, Main type and Subtype.)
Element/s: (Max 2)
Skills: (Mundane skills)
Equipment: (Can include magical equipment)
Other: (Anything else you feel like adding.)
Name: Brighid the forgotten blade
Age: unknown
Species: blade spirit
Gender: female


Hometown: The abbey of the sainted sword ( it had another name but was renamed during dagon's reign) The abbey is located a few days from sigil but is more or less unknown.

History: The exact history of Brighid is honestly unknown and the sword herself is not very forthcoming about her creation. What is known to those few who actually know of Brighid is that during the early reign of Dagon a group of mystical monks claim to have created her. They then searched for someone to wield the sword to strike down the evil warlock. This search became a holy mission for the monks as they forgot how they had made Brighid over the centuries and started to claim she was a holy sword made by the gods and handed to them in the latter years. Brighid herself didn't dispute this claim as when she wasn't being used the monks sealed her away for safe keeping. leaving her little time between the decades to centuries between wielders. Dagon would one day fall, but not to Brighid and she and the monks were left without a purpose. The monks decided to gift Brighid to the new emperor though Brighid herself had decided to sleep until things actually got interesting.

Those stories are what the monks have passed down and what is written in their records if you searched enough. Brighid herself makes other clams. She claims the monks didn't makes her, that no one in the modern day could makes her, but rather they found her. Brighid claims that the monastery is built upon the ruins of an ancient foundry and workshop for a long dead nation forgotten to time. She claims that she was made by these forgotten people and sealed away with others like her, but the others were failures and she was too. The goal whatever it was she didn't know but the others rusted away in the dark vault while she endured. after who knows how long the monks would find the forgotten foundry and vault and most importantly her.

Which story is true is hard to tell, the monks deny every word of her story and the claimed foundry has never been found. She also claims to be unable to answer anything about the people she claims made her. She claims her memories were burned away in the forges or otherwise eroded by time and slumber. She willingly admits her first memories are of being burned and who was burning her is a bit fuzzy.

Personality traits: Brighid is something of a melancholic person, and can be standoffish if not out right combative. She is rather rude not really seeming to respect others, or at least she doesn't view people respectable just because of titles or because of stories. She doesn't much like those that enjoy battle not seeing it as all that interesting. She has a jaded and oddly ancient view of others despite how she looks, she is well aware that while she might be eternal no others are. This is one reason she doesn't show much respect, what is a king to one that will outlast the kingdom? Still burried somewhere there is kindness that Brighid is reluctant to show others. If you trust the monks then she is also a complete liar and her word abotu the past can't be trusted, though her attitude in some other respects casts doubt upon them. If she opens up to others she will start to show more frustration and a deep sadness that she carries. The idea that she is a failure without purpose that will just continue on weighs heavily on her along with what happened in the dark vault before she fell into slumber. She also is annoyed that she doesn't truly have a name, her name is what her makers named the blade hers was burned away.

sunny days
new places

The dark
The past
holy men

Spell-caster type: most similar to a warlock
Element/s: light and dark
Skills: being a sword there isn't much she can do, though she makes a great look out and sometimes spy given she can pick who can hear and see her.
Equipment: none

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