The Iron Curtain (Nation RP)

Chairman Stein

New Member
Just fill out this here and you will be clear to go! I'll be watching carefully so you can expect to see a reply on denial/acceptance pretty quick!

Nation's full name:

(1950 estimation)

Current leader's name: (You may choose another prominent politician in your country for this, even if they never ruled IRL)

Allegiance: (NATO, Warsaw Pact, or neutral)

Military strength: (This bit may require a bit of research, but it doesn't have to be exact.)


Nation's full name: People's Republic of China

Population: 544,000,000

Current leader's name: Mao Zedong

Allegiance: Neutral, Leaning Warsaw Pact

Military strength: The PLA has existed since the 1920s and is hardened as a gurellia force from both the Sino-Japanese war and the Chinese Civil War, it was during these extreme times that the true force of China was seen. The norm of the PLA being guerilla warfare, this tactic would be used for a large majority of the military's history. During the early 1950s, the PLA with Soviet support transformed itself from a peasant army into a professional military. Part of this was the creation of the thirteen military regions and the defection of many National Revolutionary Army units and generals. By the time the newly declared PRC demobilized, the strength of the PLA is around 2.5 million.
Nation's full name: Kingdom of Greece

Population: 7, 565, 000

Current leader's name: Prime Minister Sophoklis Venizelos (

Allegiance: Neutral leaning to NATO

Military strength: Around half a million men, exact records hard to find, through conscripted service, Still in general recovery after a destructive second world war and recently ended civil war between democratic and communist forces. So far ts relying more on American and British support and protection, attempts are being made trade dealing to repair and modernize their armed forces. Having said that there forces are battle hardened with a strong naval tradition and nationalist sentiment.

(if you need to i dont mind switching to a Korea or Vietnam.)
Nation's full name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Population: 50,127,000

Current leader's name: Sir Winston Churchill (wikipedia article incase you don't know him

Allegiance: NATO founding member

Military strength: Being involved in many wars (colonial, world, and European conflict) Britain has built up quite a military, being that they have many land forces guarding them and making peacekeeping missions across the globe, having many aircraft and a large naval power. Not only do they have a military themselves, but due to 'mothering' many of the strongest countries that have ever existed Britain has a long list of allies. Britain having fought wars all over the planet to gain and defend territory and is not going to let a larger country that tops them only by size, bully them around.
Nation's full name: Canada

Population: 13,000,000

Current leader's name: Louis St. Laurent (12th Prime Minister of Canada)

Allegiance: NATO founding member

Military strength: Because of the end of World War II, Canada's military size grew exponentially. By 1940, there were 100,000 men serving in the Canadian Armed Forces. By 1950, there were 700,000 servicemen. Along with providing humanitarian efforts for the UN in India/Palestine and Germany, the Canadian Government work closely with NORAD and the US department of defense to maintain peace. Canada even hosted it's own short-range ballistic missiles in case of emergency. Overall, Canada felt that it should act as a peacekeeper, but of course, if someone provokes Canadian armed forces or attacks Canada on their homefront, they are not afraid to escalate their military actions.

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