The Invasion Sign Up


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin



Age: (Anywhere from 1-99. Be realistic though, a one year old isn't going to live long very long =P )


Occupation: (Nothing military based or anything that would give you an above average knowledge of combat skills. Meaning, you might know what a gun is, and maybe how to shoot it, but your not going to be a marksman)

Background: (Don't need a life story, just mainly, do they do charity work, any convictions, ect. Things that other characters might recognize you for from city news)

Appearance: (Picture and physical description please)

Faults: (Optional, but does your character have anything wrong with them that might hinder their ability to do certain things)

Misc. (Smoker, drinker, prone to be voilent, quirks, are they siblings with another player, ect)

Name: Rick Bailey

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Occupation: A professional bodybuilder/trainer

Background: Has appeared in many Taebo exercising vids; also attempted to compete in Ninja Warrior twice, but failed in the third stage both times. He is now hosting a show called "Kicking the Weight," in which Bailey helps his clients lose weight through rigorous exercise and dieting.

Appearance: See pic; usually wears a white T-shirt and jeans for casual appearances; otherwise wears a blue blazer and tie with a white buttoned shirt and a blue tie for professional appearances

Faults: Has a phobia for guns...he will not approach one, even if his life depended on it

Misc: LOATHES anchovies and carp
Name: Jarred Walls

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Occupation: Manager (Sid Landen's Men's and Ladies' Wear)

Background: Jarred runs Sid Landen's,the local formal wear shop. His employees say that,although he rides the employees hard,he's a fair boss. He appeared on the news when the scandal about substandard suits being imported from China came to light,and commented,truthfuly,that all suits,and all other garments available at the store,are contracted out to local seamstresses.

Appearance: Jarred normaly wears dress pants and a short sleeved polo shirt while being casual,and any other time you'll see him in a black suit sporting a white shirt and red tie. Physicaly,he is slightly overweight,but nowhere near obese. His face has a cherubic quality to it,and always appears happy and welcoming. Brown eyes,salt-and-pepper hair. Clean shaven face.

Faults: In poor physical condition. Is an "Alpha" type,so he will clash with other leader figures.

Misc: Likes pasta. A LOT.
Name: Kathrin “Kat” Lanner. Sometimes called Kitty Kat by people who get a kick out of pissing her off.

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Personality: Hardened over time by the lifestyle she’s forced to live, Kat is standoffish, often rude, and a bit female doggish. She has a bit of a mean spirit, quick to tell you what she thinks, no sugar added. She’s often cranky from lack of sleep to boot.

When she's not being a female dog, she's quiet and stays out of the way. Kat only confirms her existence when she feels the need.

Occupation: Resident hobo?

Other: She has a pistol that she's pretty handy with.

Appearance: A little on the tall side, 5.7, and usually dresses in a sloppy manner. She has brown eyes. She has wavy red hair, a bit past shoulder length, that she keeps pulled back in a pony tail. She has a bit of a tan complexion that’s half sun, half dirt.

Weaknesses: Begging and pleading with all your heart. Kat may try to look rock hard on the outside, but deep down, that stuff just gets to her. She can wave off begging up to a certain point, pleading may get you a bit further, and if you shed a tear or two, she's putty in your hands. There's just something about people getting weak kneed and pathetic that makes her feel the need to help.

History: Kathrin's home and family were destroyed by the virus. Everyone she knew and loved were torn away and chewed to bits by crazed animals. It didn't help that she lived in a small town with a population under 200. She packed up and left, heading to the first big city she came to: Gallo City. Kathrin's been squatting there since, in an old run down train station. The only person who can confirm that she lives there is Emily.


Name: Emily Blake

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Occupation: Child?

Appearance: A small, scrawny kid. Emily has light blond hair, fair skin, and big, blue eyes. Those pitiful puppy eyes are likely the reason Kat took her in.

Faults: She's 8 =P Think about it.

History: Emily was left to wander the streets when her parents were killed by looters. She lived on a bad side of town. The only upside to this location was that she didn't wander long before Kat found her. And of course, Kat couldn't just leave her there. She ended up taking the kid in, like an unofficial adoption. Kat never planned on having kids, nor did she think she'd ever get stuck with someone else's. And raising a little girl in an abandoned train station isn't exactly a walk through Candy Land, but they've both made it this far.


Name:rom alia

Age: 18

Gender: male

Occupation: works at a local super market

Background: rom started to work at the super market after being kicked out of school for fighting a fellow student and putting him in the hospital. he was on the news for nearly killing the boy while they where at baseball practise, he beat the boy with a bat untill 7 of the other players pulled him off. he spent 6 weeks in jail after the judge went easy on him since the other boy threw the first punch.

Appearance:will ipload one soon


Faults: short fused about some subject, doesnt do well under pressure and hates zombie movies >:3

Misc. likes smoking camel 99's
Name: Jagger Sterling

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Works at GameStop in the Mall

Background: Jagger is known for his drunken rampage incident when he had gotten drunk at a party one night. The police had not been involved so it hadn't ended up on his record. The only other place people know him from is from seeing him at GameStop or during school. Otherwise, he stays indoors doing who knows what.


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Faults: Jagger is extremely impatient which makes him a bit rash and careless at times.

Misc.: He gets irritable if he doesn't have his morning coffee.
Name: Mia Benson

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Occupation: Circus performer

Ran away at the age of 13 (Is still in the ‘missing’ pictures)


Mia is 5’5” and twig-like; only some amount of muscle frames her body, with the same amount of fat in her butt and bust regions. Overly-dyed maroon hair drapes down to her mid back, framing her fair-tanned baby-face. Bright blue contacts cover her normally brown eyes.



Dare devil to the point of stupidity




Physically fit
Name: Marco Green

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Works in a comic book shop and makes/sells mini-movies (Like Freddie Wong vids but longer)

Background: Moved from a small town in the country, in order to live his dream of running a successful comic book/Anime/cosplay shop, he was given charge over the "Furry" section of the shop... he honestly hates every bit of it, especially the sneers of other people, but it was a start.. untill the X virus came to town


Faults: has Aspergers Syndrome, is physically weak and needs glasses.

Misc. knows Kendo and has a purple belt in Sotokan Karate, an orange belt in Funikoshi Karate and his dad taught him to shoot.... but he was never very good at it
Name: Noel Kauffmann

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Local Artist/Employee at Local Hot Topic

Background: She makes her living off of her art work. Which is rather good. And works at Hot Topic part-time. She keeps things on the down-low, but that's kind of hard when the tips of your hair are neon colors.

Appearance: She's tall, but not a stick. Average weight. Usually wears skinny jeans and band T-shirts. Shoulder length black hair with neon colored tips.

Faults: Natural fear of dead people. And doesn't want people to worry about her, so she keeps to herself.

Misc. Loves animals, and wont leave one behind if it's in danger.
Name: Molly Kennedy

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occupation: Waitress at semi popular cafe.

Background: Was on the news the day she had been mugged and her five month old child killed by a masked man that was never caught. The police thought the plubicty would draw out someone who knew who it was, but it didn't, and people started looking at the mother as a nut, saying that she had gone to the police with the story about a fake child looking for sympathy where others say she killed the kid herself and wanted a way out. After a while, Molly get fed up and 'disappeared' for a while, before going back out into society after meeting her current boss who convinced her to work for him.

Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, very thin and boney.

Faults: Is prone to panic attacks and depression, weak joints..

Misc. A smoker, says it calms her nerves....
Name: Kada ' Sleeve ' Deava

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Occupation: Tattoo artist

Background: Became famous for 15 minutes for her blunt, tactless manner of speech and her intricate and beautiful tattoos. She specializes in japanese, yakuza, "sleeves" and bodysuits. Which is where her nickname comes from, " Sleeve ". She is a hardcore hoarder of everything that's japanese and is very proud of her japanese heritage aswell.

A strongwilled woman who is relatively strong in body aswell, not great in the looks department according to herself and most men, although her personality is the thing that scares most men away.

Faults: Is too haughty when it comes to her ability to handle things, she rather avoids asking for help or participating in teamwork.

Misc. Is very proud of her ability to tattoo delicate and classy japanese-styled pieces of art.
Name: Ryan Conrad

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: skate boarder works at a skate shack

Background: at the age of 9 Ryan started skateboarding at the age of 14 he became the best skateboarder in his city he then moved from his parents to become the greatest skateboarder in the world and he knows a lot of street fighting and his dad taught him a couple war tactics

Faults: has a problem with authority and doesn't like people to expect much from him

Misc. skateboarding

Appearance: Ryan Conrad has blond hair orange eyes he wears an black hat with a orange nine on it he also wears an orange shirt and over that he wears a black grayish jacket half zipped and wears black skinny jeans he carries a backpack with his board in it
Of course, Melodious. =D Just bear in mind, some people will die in this rp, so the more people we have, the harder to survive, and yet, the easier at the same time....=D Makes it more interesting.
Name: Kyle Henderson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Unemployed

Background: Used to make money doing "less than legal" things. Currently does small time bodyguarding.

Appearance: Tall, and relatively tan with dark, longish hair. Very tall, and with a somewhat bulky muscular frame.

(I spent like, an hour looking for a photo, but couldn't find one, so I'm just gonna do a written description)

Faults: Has severe nerve damage in his arms, and can feel almost nothing below the elbows.

Misc: Has spent years training in martial arts for the sake of self defense with his violent lifestyle.

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