The Inn Between

I might change my powers... I made it rather quickly and now I might want to change out some of them...

Think of that as my rough draft.

Also, it's in pounds.
I know. I know. I changed the name of the Paradigm...

You will see why I named him Wit when we Roleplay.

Secondly, I should have been more clear: He uses magic to aid him, he gives you faint suggestions, and it clouds your mind.

Hmm... I'm gonna put him into WIP status... still need to iron out a few details...

EDIT: I deleted my Characters... I need to start over...
What the-- you guys! I gave you the freedom to put in whatever you want for Paradigms, but that doesn't mean you can make your person so godly powerful that no one can touch or do anything to them. =_= A Nerf Stick isn't good enough for this. I need a Nerf Boomerang or something.

Okay, *sigh* let me go through this the painful way.

Paradigms should only have 3 extra powers. Hatter's first is overflowing. Plus, you need a Nerf Boomerang. Well, at least you (as in, Tempest) are aware that your character is a string short of godly (and a hair thin of absolute, incomprehensibly insane). Allow me to explain:

Hatter has no Paragon. Remember that Paragons are a power they always have.

Insanity should not work on others. At all. It's not really a power per say; more like a personality trait. Though I would allow OOC personality traits in Paradigms (therefore making them In-Character), Insanity is... difficult to convey. Not only that, how will we be able to do ANYTHING if everyone's completely lost it? I wouldn't prefer that Hatter's Paragon be Insanity, either. For one, it's not that useful. For two, Mad Hatter is... Mad Hatter. He's already kinda cookoo in the head.

I'm not seeing the connection of Tea as a Paradigm skill. Mad Hatter is a master assassin and barrista? I'd figure that's inherent.

The third one is too general-- I'm sorry to say, it must be ripped out. "All rules break"? I remember saying that "Paradigm skills are quite specific."

Eh? If Time Stop doesn't mean that everything freezes... then it's not a Time Stop. >_> Perhaps you should elaborate more so other people don't get confused. If it works as its title claims, it wouldn't be very useful since Time is awfully distorted already in the Inn Between.

Confusion confuses me (lol >_>). It's fine... so long as I do not see you pulling this on everyone Hatter comes across... and doing it at every opportunity he receives.

All of these mirrors should be a place instead of skills. I like the Mirror Movement more than Mirrored (so long as it's by choice and not 24/7).

I'm telling you this flat out-- this last thing here isn't rigged, it's impossible. No messing with peoples' heads, please. This really has to do with being way too close to controlling what other characters do. "A voice in the head," I can deal with. Altering memories, emotions, and mentally breaking down others? No. Frankly, I don't care whether or not it is ever used; just knowing that he CAN aggravates me greatly. If you're doing this to your own share of characters-- I seldom mind. If you're doing it to others-- I mind quite a lot.

It is a breach of common rules; the reason why I didn't write any of the common rules is because they are a given. As a roleplayer, you see them everywhere; the foundation of making things fair for collaborative storytelling shouldn't need to be explained time and time again. And, just because they are not present does not mean they are not enforced. As in matter of fact, one of the top reasons why I stopped roleplaying for so long (four years) was because I was sick and tired of people breaking the common rules because they were not posted.

I'm sorry; I am probably taking this far too seriously. However, Tempest and Von brought up some bad memories and it brought me a need to vent. I do believe it is something that one must be responsible for. Since I am the Story Teller of this roleplay, I am that person.

EDIT: It would nice if this was an RP that wasn't quite so serious like the others. Let's lighten up the mood in the Wayward Inn. I don't want flowers and rainbows, but come on... our characters deserve lives that are more than just about killing or... super cynical stuff. I thought that I got that atmosphere with Louie, but the character submissions so far have been... less than stellar for the mood I want to capture.
May I breathe a sigh of relief? *sigh*

I would accept your character very easily. Just attach a picture and you can start as soon as possible.

EDIT: Wait a minute. Where's his Paragon? o_o Remember that a Paragon is their permanent ability.
Hmmm - I've been thinking on the Paragon thing but I'm not sure what to go with... I'm thinking along the lines of maybe enhanced reflexes/speed - nothing overboard or godly, just like like someone that's well trained? I was thinking of having a tattoo for that as well, like a torn-skin cybernetics tattoo on his leg or something. Though suggestions would be welcome
Star, your post reflects my own thoughts to such an extent that I shan't comment on the matter further.

I reckon you'll like my character when I post it today or tomorrow. Though I find myself a bit confused by the mention of Paragon. I thought we had only Paradigms. Like this:

Paradigm 1 (AKA Moveset 1)

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

So is Paragon just one more additional power out of Paradigm's scope? Like a passive ability?

Paradigm 1 (AKA Moveset 1)

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Paragon Skill (permanent passive)
That's the way I've understood it Ren, though I may be wrong.
I'm not sure if the Paragon is a moveset by itself, the default one? In that case it would be like this:

Paragon (AKA Moveset 1, permanent passive)

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Paradigm 1 (AKA Moveset 2)

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Anyhow it makes little sense discussing it without Star.
Right, so you'd think that only one Paradigm and no Paragons would be an easy task, eh? Problem is, can't think of anything that wouldn't be overpowered, redundant, or outright useless.
Hmm... Should be really easy... Let me help you out. Get on TeamSpeak. When you said you wanted to make a Mad Hatter, I had an idea on how it could've been done masterfully. You may not like it, but I want to know how you're thinking about things.
Actually, I was just using the Mad Hatter as a reference for what my character would look like... kinda forgot that fact. What I originally had in mind was a character that was "mad as a hatter" yet with a Nightmare Before Christmas darkness and whimsy.

... I should probably rename that paradigm. Anyway, since it's becoming hard to find the sheet I'm moving it down here. Also, I can't get onto TeamSpeak right now. Start a conversation.

Name: Jack ??? (Still need to figure out a last name...)

Appearance: Reference

Age: Young Adult


To be discussed with Ignitedstar.

Here are some Paradigm examples. Like I said before; they don't have to be for fighting. If your person does have fighting abilities, there isn't to say you can use it for mundane activities. What it really comes down to is creativity. How those skills are used is up to you.

I wanted to make an NPC like this:


- Cooking Skills (she's horrible otherwise)

- Juggle Physics (juggling like a master!)

- Fan Girl (of Zaxzyu...)



- Driving Skills (of any automobile-- but not of any vehicle)

- Competitive (will take almost any challenge)

- Endurance (can run for miles and miles and miles...)

I Like Swords

- The Sword (get a sword-- out of thin air! It has the will of its master)

- Sword Mastery (you're an instant professional... with swords only)

- Nerve Speed (reaction speed just got super fast... just don't hurt people)

Some more powers, funny things, and what-not:

- Healing Factor (recover quickly from wounds, but some fatal wounds won't heal in time)

- Super Strength (physical strength is multiplied by... a lot)

- The [Object] (get an object-- out of thin air!)

- Points for Defense (sharp and pointy objects can't hurt you)

- Aiming Skills (hit where you want and you'll get it right 95% of the time)

- Light of Healing (a type of light magic that can only be used for healing wounds)

- Shielding Me (create a shield made from compressed space, but only for yourself)

- Most Common Superpower (oh dear... I've been scanning TvTropes for too long lol)

- Claw The Way (your fingernails just became weapons)

- [Technical] Skill (do it like a professional)

- Book Worm (your reading speed is beyond comprehension)

- Anger Prone (don't get mad so easily...)

Here are some unique Paragons:

- Shifting Is A Free Action (No side effects for switching Paradigms. Do it as much as you want!)

- Potentially Hazardous (all of your Paradigms become one, but have lesser control over what's used)

- Once A Day (Paradigms are more powerful, but you can only change once a day)

- A Master For Today (the first weapon you pick up, you become an instant master at! Resets every day)

- Extreme Omnivore (eat anything with no side effects!)

- Evil Laugh (do it with perfection)
I'll me more than happy to inhabit the Inn Between as well <3

Working on my character, should be here soon ^-^
Please post your character sheet in the proper forum. Here's a link.

If someone gets eaten, they die and then-- under mysterious circumstances-- come back to life as uneaten and perfectly fine. Where do they spawn? I guess that's up to you. :P

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