The Inn Between

What're you doing here? Wait, wait, you must've gotten lost. Not the kind of lost you might be thinking of... Not the "I lost my way in a forest" kind of lost. It's more like a "I've lost my time and place" lost. You're not sure if you died or whether you got sucked into a black hole. You got so lost that you don't know what time it is or where you are. There's nothing around you. Everything turned black. That's all there is. No light and no darkness. Everything around you is... empty.

An unusual phenomenon happens to people who get lost like this. After time and space have spun completely out of control and beyond your reach, you might find yourself giving up. Might as well die here... if you don't already think you're dead. But like I said-- really weeeeird stuff happens to people who lose their way. How do you get lost in Infinity and Eternity?! It doesn't happen very often, but when it does...

You find a door. Where the heck did this door come from? Who cares, because it's your only saving grace. You're here because you opened that door, didn't you? You must've fell after going into that door. Gravity came out of nowhere and you landed in a cart.

And so begins your tour of the place that exists inbetween places. Any time! Any place! We're not part of Eternity. We're not part of Infinity, either. Even though there's a gigantic multiverse the likes that no one can comprehend, we just... kinda live here somehow. Ah-ha, sorry. We're on a tour! It will be guided by yours, truly. Who am I? Well, I look like this:


My name is Louie. I'm a girl, but when kids are four years old they don't know the difference between boys and girls, so my owner called me Louie. No laughing! Stuffed animals get lost, too. I ended up here thousands of... well I dunno-- I don't know what time it is out there, so I don't know when I got lost! The people (and sometimes things-- like me!) that end up here aren't able to leave. Where would you go? If you wanna go back to that super empty, super boring place that doesn't exist in time or space (that rhymes!), then that's fine.

That's why we started calling it The Inn Between. Well... I don't know how or where that name came from, but I learned from others who have been here for a veeery long time, so yeah... That's how it is. The actual Inn is right in front of us. It's the ultra bright purple building over there. See it?


Yeah, that one. Weeeeell it's kinda more like a castle... or... a building-- or something-- you know what, it's an Inn, okay? It's always night time near the Inn. It's kinda cool, but kinda creepy. You'll be staying here... whatever you are. Are you human? Or a vampire? A stuffed animal like me? Something from outer space? It doesn't matter-- The Inn Between takes in anyone. Just like it did for me, when I was all alone and got so lost I was lost about being lost in a lost place that lost its place in a lost universe.

Of course, not everyone stays in the Inn. If you're a giant dragon or a space whale (are you one of those two?), you may not like the indoors. If you don't like to stay at the Inn, there are tons of places you can stay. The nearest place is Shadow City-- we passed it, though. Shadow City is a big city (duh) where the Shadows live. They are exactly what we say they are; shadows that look like people. We don't know why they're there or how they got there-- everyone in the Inn Between will tell you the same thing. I'm gonna guess that you got dizzy by finding out that I'm a talking stuffed animal and the Inn is a bright... place (yeah-- let's not get into that again). It may be a city, but since we're already in the Inn, there are pictures of the place hanging on the walls. Look over there.


This photo was taken by one of the older Inn residents. That little boy in the picture is one of the Shadows. The city itself is so wasted and dainty. It's weird how even whole cities can get lost beyond words and end up right here in the Inn Between. Still... we don't know where the Shadows came from or how they even came into being. Did they come with the city or have they been here the whole time? The possible stories behind the place are as countless as the stars in the sky.

Enough about us. Let's talk about you! Not like we haven't already, but let's make it official.

If you haven't already figured it out, the Inn Between is a really wacky place... Since it's a world in between Eternity and Infinity, but is part of neither at the same time, the Inn Between is not really bound to the law of physics. Stuff doesn't make sense; after you stay here for awhile, stuff doesn't need to. The Inn Between has found its own way of existing, even if it has to bend a dozen rules to do it. I don't really know how to explain it-- I'm not that smart!

What does this say about you? Well, the same thing that it says about me. Magic. Lots and lots of magic. And superpowers. You probably got magic or a superpower the instant you opened that door. If you already have magic or a power of some sort, you probably have more. If you ask me, it's like imagination gets to have its own way here. You blow up stuff up and the Inn Between won't care; it'll just make things better in a few seconds (no one can explain why-- deal with it). You dream reality into being. Have you ever dreamt that you were walking in a huge canyon made of ice cream? Or once saw yourself fishing for sharks in a lake? Most likely, what you saw was a place that exists in the Inn Between. Why? Because it doesn't make sense. I've met some scientists who come here and they say that dreams are forgotten almost as quickly as they are dreamed up by a person. In it's own way, it makes sense that places and people in dreams end up here-- that's kinda what the Inn Between is all about!

Okay, I lied. That's not what the Inn Between is ALL about. I'm sorry! I know this is all really confusing, but once you stay for a few weeks you'll get used to it. Huh? How long have I been here? Didn't I tell you five minutes ago that I don't know?

Ah... Maybe you're one of those people who is trying to make sense of all of this... nonsense (hehe!). Well, you can always try. There tons of places to explore and people of ALL KINDS (I'm serious!) here. Some people believe that the people who come here are here for a reason. Maybe we are... maybe we aren't. Like I said earlier, the reasons why the Inn Between exists are nothing but conjecture. They could all be true... then again, maybe none are.


Huh... Whoever made this must've really been into wolves (what about cats?!). The book is super huge, isn't it? Well, sometimes we get people the size of mountains, so we make sure to accommodate everyone. Here's a pen! I wonder how big it has to be to fit in your fingers... What if you don't have fingers? I guess I'll do it for you...

Ready To Sign In?
I... I don't know what this is, I don't know what it means, but, you know what? I don't care.

I want in.

I want in a lot.

Count me in.

VonRidel picks up the pen and signs his name in the book.
Meatloaf, VonRidel, Meatloaf (As in, "You took the words right out of my mouth")

I want in too :)
Glances down at the book, and points at it. Just sign here? Glances back down again, then looks over. Can't I just go play tag with that Jabberwocky over there?

Oh fine. Writes down his name, then runs off to the Jabberwocky.
You guys don't want in. You want inn.

So glad you guys want to sign up for this roleplay. I'll be writing details as I come across them.

Since the Inn Between is an unorthodox place, how we'll be roleplaying it will be a bit unorthodox, too.

Character Sheets are simplified for this roleplay:

Name: You can't sign in without writing your name!

Appearance: What do you look like? Could look like anyone... or any thing (maybe not ANY thing)...

Age: Age comes after appearance. Time is looser in the Inn Between, it's difficult to assign a number to a person's age without the chance of getting it horrendously wrong. People stop aging once they reach the Inn Between. Someone in the Inn Between could look like a teen, but have actually been in the Inn Between for hundreds of years. Someone could be five thousand years old, but have only just reached the Inn Between. To save some sanity, it's best to estimate and do something like teenager, young adult, adult, middle aged, older adult, elderly, old, really old, etc.

Paradigms: This is where you list your person's general magical abilities and superpowers. No, you can't have everything! A strange law in the Inn Between is that if you didn't have powers, you got a paradigm of powers (must've happened after you touched that door). If you already had powers, they became a paradigm of powers. People who have been in the Inn Between for a long time have more than one paradigm. What does that exactly mean, though? It gets kinda... complicated. I'm still fiddling with the details.

That's it. Things like your character's past and stuff can be done in-character. It's more fun that way. I don't like being dragged down by writing a long character sheet; keeping it simple allows us to have multiple characters and a short bar of entry.

You are allowed to make your own threads quite freely, but these should be places. And don't make too many or we'll lose track of where people are. When you make a thread about a place, start off with a narrative piece about what the place is or looks like (I will do examples). Attach images if it makes it easier. If places are made spontaneously, we would all appreciate knowing what's there.

When posting, we will use a title so we know which character is being used and we will link to the character sheet using a period. This way other characters know who they're dealing with. An example:



In this case, clicking on the period will bring you to the first post of this thread.

This also allows us to color our character titles (without a web link in the way).

If you leave a place, make sure you link to the place that your character went to. This way, people can follow your character's footsteps easily.

The Wolf signs up!

VonRidel, Grem, Tempest and myself make 4 of us. How many players are required to start? And I'll be expecting more elaboration on Paradigms of course.

Awesome idea, Ignitedstar! I can't wait to get underway :D
We could start immediately. Since making multiple characters is easy, I could've started with just Von.

Every character is best using a certain power. This power is called a Paragon and the character always has it.

Then, what is a Paradigm? A Paradigm is a set amount of powers that a character gains during their stay in the Inn Between. If you've just arrived in the Inn Between, you may not know what your powers are, yet. Paradigms give extra powers to a character on top of what they can already do and know. They always come in sets of three.

Example #1:

- A character has really good cooking skills. One of their Paradigms give them Cooking Skills. On top of them being a really good chef, the Paradigm just cranked their cooking abilities tenfold. Now they're godly chefs.

- Someone who sucks at cooking can also have Cooking Skill in their Paradigm. They're a good long as the Paradigm they're currently using says so. This could lead to some interesting moments...

- A physically weak character could have Super Strength in their Paradigm. You are a weakling no more!

- An already physically strong character can also have Super Strength, but since they were already pretty strong to begin with, this means that their Super Strength is more powerful than the example just above this one.

Example #2: Louie. Her Paragon (the magic/superpower she always has) is Levitation (but you may have already known that due to the intro post). When Louie puts on tours for newbies, she uses this Paradigm:

To Help The Newbs (Name your Paradigms! Be creative!)

- Linguistism (speak and understand any kind of language)

- Psychometry (AKA Object Reading; experience visions of an object's past)

- Aura Reading (learn about people/things based off their presence, or aura)

But what if she's in trouble? She can't fight with Psychometry and Aura Reading! Talking doesn't really help when someone is onset on turning her into a pile of fluff. Louie has been around long enough, so she's learned of her second Paradigm:

I Can Fight Now!

- Telekinesis (move objects according to one's will)

- Stone Skin (can take a pretty good beating)

- Aura Reading

You can't have more than one Paradigm at the same time. That's cheating! Of course, you can always switch Paradigms as characters go off into adventure. In the heat of battle, you might even forget that you have a Paradigm to begin with. Don't feel bad; since Louie is spending more than half of her time as a tour guide, she often forgets that she has a second Paradigm.

How will other people know if your character has switched their Paradigm? Like this:



To Help The Newbs

Like wise:



I Can Fight Now!

What kind of Paradigms does your character have? It's for you to decide! Paradigm powers are quite specific, so you can't choose something like Invincibility (too general) or Super Good Luck (WAY too general). The examples I made for Louie don't have to be done that way; you don't need to find the terminology for what they have.

How do I decide how many Paradigms my character can have?

This is a pretty good reference. It's only a reference! If you have special cases, contact me.

Your character probably has one Paradigm if they:

- Are just a normal person.

- Just got to the Inn Between AND have no powers prior.

- Have been a lazy bum in the Inn Between since they got there.

Your character probably has two Paradigms if they:

- Just got to the Inn Between AND had powers prior.

- Have been in the Inn Between for awhile.

- Did something extraordinary in their "past life".

A character gets more by:

- Fighting other Paradigm users (think of it as training)

- Exploring the Inn Between

- Making friends with other Paradigm users

- Important events in a person's life as they live in the Inn Between (AKA Character Development)

Extra Paradigms aren't really that necessary, so as GM I will decide whether or not characters deserve an extra Paradigm.

Does something bad happen if you change Paradigms too much?

Yes. Your characters will be getting pretty tired from shifting all of the time. Or you will get GM Intervention. So don't do it too much. Keep it fair for other players, and they'll do the same for you. Technically we don't really need Paradigms in the first place (you don't have to use them if you don't want to). What they're really here for is to be power limiters. If you're using the Paradigms for mundane utilities, we can have some really awkward and funny moments.

What happens if my character dies?

Nothing. Death is a slap on the wrist. If they turn into sludge, explode, get eaten, or whatever, they will feel dying... but thanks to how the Inn Between works, they'll come back to life like nothing ever happened. It'll take a few minutes for the magic to start working, then your character will revive where they died. This isn't a concrete rule though; your character can get around it if they can find ways to do it.

Although, let's not go around killing the same person a thousand times, okay? Or I will GM Intervention. And I really don't like doing that!

EDITS: Right now I'm just writing down ideas. I'm picking up and dropping what I like/don't like. Some of this stuff may not even appear in the final draft of the roleplay. So stay tuned!
A shifty looking figure enters from the side. It had been obvious she was listening to the fellows before her, and with a majestic movement of her fingers, the pen lifted, an in the book, it writes: Kiminaru!
Whoa! I'm gonna get started with my character sheet so I can turn it in as soon as this RPG is approved.
Whoooo... so, the Paradigms work something like Final Fantasy XIII, or is that just a coincidence.
Maybe. :P

The fun thing is you can do whatever you want with it. It doesn't have to be for fighting; they can be for mundane utilities, too. How much fun we can have with it is dependent on what you guys want for Paradigm skills. xD
Quick Question - I get how we show a change of paradigm out-of-character, but is there any thing physical that happens to the characters themselves when they shift paradigm? Like a change in appearance or casting a spell or whatnot?
If you wish for a change in physical appearance, that is entirely up to you. Make sure to mention it each time though; people might forget that you person looks different whenever they change paradigms. Other methods... Well, I suppose so. Huh, I guess I didn't think about that part... I guess we could add that in ourselves? Bleeeeeh-- WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS, if you want to add some kind of in-character effect whenever your character switches between their paradigms, you may do as you please.
Ex-cellent - I have some hopefully-humorous, and evil, ideas about the first time my character shifts paradigms and his reaction :)
Sounds like a great idea and I'll get to work on a character concept once this is finalized.
You have like 6 people. I don't think this should be classified as "Awaiting Players" Anymore... Where to post character sheet?
I'm sorry you guys. I asked Dark Wizard if I really needed the banner. He said, "Yes plox". >_>

Therefore, we will have to wait for Freeman to make a banner for The Inn Between.

HOWEVER, if you guys wish to post your character sheets here, I do not mind. I REALLY want to see what you guys have done for your characters!
With all of the sentences spread out it's a bit hard to tell what belongs in a Paradigm. I think I can see them... First one's easy (I think):

My Old Life

Weight Manipulation

Increased Animal Understanding/Awareness


Balance is Necessary

Telepathic Communication


Skin like Diamond

Is his weight in pounds or kilograms? It's a minor detail, but either way it works for me. You're good.
It's only overpowered if his character constantly abuses. Which, I will not allow.

I would like some entertaining Paradigms, actually. I might have to make them myself just to show you guys how "weird" Paradigm 'skills' can get.

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