[The Inn Between] Sebastion/Greed

Name: Sebastion/Greed [multiple personalities one body]

Appearance: Sebastion stands at a gegular 6'1 when fully erect, but he usually either slumps back or forwards into a 5'9. His hair is Jet black slicked back and spiked. He has one Vibrantly green right eye, and one Blood red Left eye. He wear's midnight black shades that hide his eye's because he is ashamed of his eye color. His teethe are razer sharp and appear almost shark like when he grinns, because they interlock together perfectly. he has a muscular athletic build and multiple tribal tatoos down the length's of his arms back and chest. But when he changes to greed His eye's turn completely black and his fingernails grow into claw's.

Age: Middle age, Been around sence before the birth of Christ

Posting Color: Sebastion Greed

Paragon and Paradigms:


Etheral Blade:forge a silver claymore out of the flames of hatred

Blood Wings: Forces two large lack angel wings to burste from his shoulder blades

Etheral Protection:Can walk through fire unharmed

Etheral Phaze: Can become invisible to most every sense except for sound which allow's him to communicate while hidden

Hummingbird's Flight: Can seemingly levitate in mid air within the specteral bounds of nearbye life I.E There has to be life force around for him to do it.

Darkenned consumption: Can bring out the deepest darkest desires in someones mind and force them to go after it with complete and utter greed

Important Items:
Not to pick on ya, but y'know there's an example guide for how Paradigms and Paragons work, right? I mean, it's kinda like a cluster of abilities- like a deck of cards.
As Co-DM for this Roleplay, I have to insist that you do need to follow the format. You can find a good example HERE!
The Paradigms are not correct. You have skills and abilities-- but you should have them Paradigms. Please refer to many of the other characters for an idea how to do this correctly. If you still do not understand, please refer to this tutorial.
Each Paradigm get's 3 abilities, which should not be as overpowered. I might Suggest Ethereal Protection, Ethereal Phaze, and Hummingbird's Flight in one Paradigm, as a defensive sort, and then... Blood Wings, Darkened Consumption, and Ethereal Blade in an offensive class. Until it's formatted, the character can't be allowed to check into the Inn. :P

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