[The Inn Between] Sakura Udo


Not what you think

Sakura Udo


Tame the Tendrils

Name: Sakura Udo


Above appearance picture is just for now. Can't draw very well.

Age: Adult

Posting Color: #307566: Dark Sea Coloured

Paragon: Plants!


  • Tame the Tendrils
    Greenthumb (limited regeneration on self and other plants takes biomass to work, on a 1:1 ratio)

  • Control Freak (can force plants to grow in a certain shape)
  • The Slippery Hourglass (increased or decreased growing time, can make a flower grow from a seed and blossom in seconds.)

Important Items:
Oooo, how interesting.

His paragon is "Plants"? I don't quite follow what this does. @_@

Oh and, nice Paradigm. Although you might want to make sure that the Paradigm title under your character's name is actually the name of the Paradigm used.
The Paragon is plant control; Sakura Udo is basically a nature spirit. Oops, sorry about the title. Fixing it.
Ah, I see. That makes more sense. Alright, you're approved. You may start anytime.

The character sheet has been locked, now. This to make it so people cannot make instantaneous changes, which would hurt people who reference your character sheet via the period link. If you wish for changes, please ask me.

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