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Fandom The Incident on Hive-World Schroeder(Warhammer 40k)

Nicholas de Levive

The Lord of Lies and Half-Truths
"The incident in question is shrouded in mystery and not very well known except for the people involved. There are many accounts of the incident from being a minor squabble, a small protest, a random brawl to being a full-scale rebellion or an intricate game of politics and assassins. Now, we shall bring in the chief perpetrators. Sergeant Thel Morion, Comissar Varro Barrister, Guardsman Delilah Kalen, Grand Duke Leo Nucifero, a Space Marine by the name of Heinacz Berg as well as a few others. Come now, all of you spill it! What really happened down there?"

#1: Do not, i repeat, do not start posting until i accept your character sheet.

#2: This is how the format for the first few posts will go, how to write posts after that will be at your own personal freedom.

Prisoner No.34454(or something) (Name Here) let's hear your side of the story. What happened?

"Well, for me it all started blah, blah, blah till the end of flashback"

After the end of the flashback we'll really get into the meat of things. We'll continue our story on from the end of the flashback and that's when you're personal writing style comes into play.

#3: What i really want are literate writers and have all of your posts be at least two paragraphs. This is makes the Rp more sophisticated and also improves you writing skillz(note: intentional mistake).
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"Alright, first up! Prisoner No.2365 Name: Kree?" he read out loud as he wondered what kind of parents would give their child a name like that? Guess that's Hive Ganger parenting at it's best. As soon as he finished the door to the waiting room opened and in came a large . . . . Tyranid? Wait, that couldn't be right? As the hulking behemoth came in it actually didn't snarl or try to attack us.

"Are you Kree?" i asked. Not expecting much of an answer i was surprised when it replied using telepathy. This was no ordinary Tyranid, that was for sure. "Yes. My name Kree." "What were you doing on that planet? What happened down there?" i asked in my best commanding tone although it paled in comparison to that of my commanding officer.
The xenos nodded. "Kree does not remember much of arrival... Glimpses, no more."

It was cold. An odd thing to recollect, yes, but it was what Kree remembered. Humans surrounded it, and glowing metal kept it inside a boxed-in area. - The lead human approached. It was dressed oddly, and points at Kree, muttering something and - Painagonyhivegoneadaptconsumeflee

"Kree woke up in mountain of waste. Free move to hive, interact."

It's head pulsed in pain, but Kree burst free of the material piled atop it. Tentatively, it opens its eyes, squinting due to the sudden brightness. It stumbles blearily around, being directed to the nearest group of sentient beings via subconscious usage of it's Psyker abilities. - Kerald Yessen wasn't a particularly brave man. He'd stared death in the face, yes, but that was nothing compared to the Cadians. So, when he spotted the xenos approaching the town, he panicked. He ran, straight to his superiors. He got shot in the head for 'cowardice'.

Greetings." The massive alien waves a talon at the wide-eyed bipeds in a manner that could only have been described as 'jovial' The notion of the gesture was unfamiliar, yet somehow Kree felt that it was appropriate. What it did not understand was why the beings were calling out and fleeing. Were they not- Some sixth sense allowed him to dodge the projectile-some kind of bolt of energy-aimed at his head. At any other moment, the creature would have done what its instincts screamed for it to do: Consume the threat, eradicate it. But Kree was confused and disoriented, so it did the first thing that came to mind... It raised it's talons. It did not know that it had been leafing through the minds of the beings nearby subconsciously to identify the gestures it had been using, nor that the gesture was a human posture indicating surrender. A biped approached, somehow familiar. It spoke, the creature's mind and psychic adaptations allowing him to translate the language, if only vaguely for now. It speaks of a massive 'shadow in the warp'. It orders Kree to surrender. The xenos does so, and the strangely covered biped puts a hand on Kree's temple. Blackness.

Years passed, and the people of the city slowly grow to enjoy the creature's company. A deal was struck during it's fifth year living there: It would swear to protect 'it's Hive Fleet', and give all it has for that purpose. In exchange, Kree would be fully integrated into society, and, more importantly... trained in the usage of it's psychic abilities. It turns out that it's vast Psychic abilities were sealed by the strangely dressed human, known as Proteus, due to the fact that Kree made a massive 'shadow in the warp'. A month into Kree's training...
it happened.

"Kree only present for end. Rest of time spent training with Proteus on mountaintop."
"Alright then. Is that all you remember? Hmm. That's strange? Why was there no report or any evidence of you being there?" That was strange. But it's impossible to find out now, since the town he mentioned was destroyed. "Alright, we'll continue after we've heard everyone's part of the story. Can you please go to the corner and sit in that chair?" i asked politely. I was amazed to see that it had integrated so well, but my commanding officer wasn't so pleased.

"Next up are Prisoner No.2366, No.2369 and No.2373, also known as Ariana Faughn, Varro Barrister and . . . .Contri-tio?" Seems like a weird bunch. The first two seemed normal enough, according to their bios. What really bugged me was the third one. A former Black Templar? How did he manage split off from his chapter? Did he desert? Too many questions that would have to be answered sooner or later.

"Now, start talking! Start from why you were on the planet and afterwards explain what happened."
"Guardswoman Ariana reporting sir!" Ariana said with a salute after she stepped in the interrogation room, still wearing the Imperial Guard regalia without a helmet. She found herself a seat and , despite the situation, she gave an air of confident and calm seeming expecting her confinement was temporary. Few if any at all know of her true identity or her role in past events and thats how she aiming to keep it until she leaves this place. The only negative expression in her face was the look of disgust and a look of fear when passing the tyranid. "Xenos..."She muttered venomously before the interrogator called for explanations.

"I was part of contingent from 23th regiment, sent into Schroeder to assist the local forces in combating the rebellion on the world." She explained."Specifically my duties extended to the search and destroy operations of terrorist element with government controlled territory."

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