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Multiple Settings The official life (sandbox quest)


God of wisdom
This will be laid out on a fill in the blank basis, meaning that every blank requires a listed input and/or something to be written in place of said blank. This is a sandbox RP so this could be anything from ancient to distant future, it is what you wish it to be.


You have filled out an official registry, you believe this job offering to bring promise, recognition and not to mention A better life for you and your family. Upon filling out the following form, you have turned it in to someone of a very high rank in society.

______ registry

Name: ____
Registration date: ___

[BLANK] registry
A. Felwyn royal
B. Gorundu high council
C. Secret Service agent's
D. Unnik guardian's

A. John Handel
B. Gregory Himbe
C. Write in

A. 23 years
B. 62 years
C. 43 years
D. Write in

A. Beast slayer
B. Soldier
C. Mage
D. Write in

A. Write in (dependent on above answer)

Registration date
A. Harvest season, third moon, fifth day
B. 12/3/1120 J.R
C. 6/4/1798 A.D
D. 27/7/1987 A.D
E. 4/1/26,344 Holocene
F. Write in date in any calendar system imaginable!
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Registry - A. Felwyn Royal
Name - C. Oroko Glass (why not, I wouldn't mind the hero being called Glass)
Age - A. 23
Position - D. Freelance warrior / Diplomat (As a royal, I'd suspect our hero to be well versed in fighting and diplomacy)
Experience - A. Training and Education
Registration Date - E. (sounds interesting, though I might not mind B. if I knew what JR meant)
Due to discrepancies with the two forms, I'll pick and choose from both posts
("JR" is supposed to be a long lost calendar system, the world would've been set in circa 2000BC with this option Syndrome Syndrome C.DEX C.DEX )
You have sent the hologram that was your registration form over to the Gurndu high secretary "The president of the high council will be seeing you shortly, Mr. Glass" said the robot secretary "thanks" you say sitting back down. The secretary, meanwhile converted the hologram to an email attachment before sending it to President Buku. You also take the time to observe what's on the walls as traditional Bakharan artwork adorns the walls from ceremonial mask to ancient proverbs in the KiChim writing script. The room is very clean yet ornate with ____ floors and patterned ____ walls, definitely something yo' expect out of a federal building. You also think back to your youthful days, when you had been Knighted at age 23 by the Felwyn crown for your service on the line in spite of holding the title of ____ at the time. You look up at an LED clock above the secretary's desk as it reads "15:20 4/1/26344" you wonder in anticipation not only of a different system of government, but of your resume to be accepted.
Kind of floors in the room
A. Mohagany
B. Polished steel
C. Tile
D. Write in a material

What kind of walls are in the room
A. Plaster with gold ornaments
B. Polished sandstone with gemstones
C. Write in a combination of two materials

What was your title 20 years ago
A. Sovereign prince
B. Duke to be
C. Count to be
D. Write in a title royal or otherwise

C. Titanium etched in intricate patterns of gold, reminiscent of Oldworldian Greek.

A. Sovereign prince.
You look around the intricate gold patterns embedded in the titanium and how they curve around the pictures and scenery. It makes you think of a quaint little fairy land of those ancient children's shows. The mild tapping of the polished steel floor is heard as you instinctively fidget in anticipation untill an automatic door to the right of the secretary's desk "Your majesty _____ Oroko" said a voice from the other end of the opening.

To this you get up and get inside where you are greeted by president Yadonde Buku, A fourty-eight year old chimpanzee wearing official an official ______, this of course didn't surprise you since Gorundu has predominate chimp population with humans of any color serving as %12 of the population.

What is your title now
A. Sovereign prince of Denwind
B. Grand prince of Emeral island
C. Prince of Felwyn
D. Write in a royal title here

What is the Chimp president wearing?
A. A three piece suit
B. A leopard skin cape
C. A jumpsuit with the official sash of Gorundu
D. Nothing, but the official sash of Gorundu
E. Write in the president's wardrobe.
Choices were ca
"your majesty" president Buku greeted "it's awfully unnexpected to see you here" "well" you say "when ____ threaten to overthrow the crown back home, you simply end up in exile!" "I see" said president Buku "follow me to my office" before he got down on all fours and began knuckle walking down the hall. You towered over president Buku and you made sure not to outpace him or worse step on him. Clad in his stately three piece suit, he walked straight towards a large and elaborate door where got into a squatting position where there was a fingerprint scanner three feet off the ground.

The president outstretched his hand at the fingerprint scanner and pressed down on the detector. The door slid open with a quick whish as he knuckle walked into his office and you would follow. He hopped up onto his seat, whitch was raised in such a way that his feet could easily do desk work. The president squatted down in his raised chair before he said "Take a seat, please" before bringing his arm out towards the chair as if to point. You would sit down on a seat more adapted for humanoids. You would see his pants covering the lower third of his ____ as his handlike tows dangled off the edge of the seat.


What is the big national threat to the Felwyn crown in the 160th century?
A. Robo supremacists
B. Colonial powers from other galaxies
C. Write in a national threat

What is the third piece of president Buku's shirt?
A. A tie with adjustable pattern
B. An intricate gold pattern
C. Instant conforming strings
D. Write in the third piece

Damafaud Damafaud C.DEX C.DEX Syndrome Syndrome
"Ah the Xerns" said president Buku "They take advantage of our lackluster space program and abduct my people so i totally get where you're comming from" you say "What's a prince to do for the Gurundi people?" you ask before president Buku said "Now you signed on as a diplomat, right?" you nod your head saying "Yep"

President Buku got into a sitting position before swiping his left foot across the desk causing a tiny projecter to spring into life. Projecting many widgets from currency converters and calculators to world clocks and important laws and statues from the high council. One of his toes touched a folder of all the resumes of the president's cabinet.

The president then grasped the virtual file that is your resume before saying "Now i see that you were knighted following a war with the ____" you nod your head saying "Anything to help out the people of Felwyn" "You have obviously delt with international as well as intergalactic affairs" you nod your head yet again before president Buku said "Being a prince you are used to being in charge of many things over in Felwyn correct?" "Yes of course Mr. president" you say.

"Now this may resault in some smear campaigns, but I want you to do one thing" said president Buku "And what's that?" you ask before the president said "I want you to______"


A war with what group(s) got you knighted?
A. The orks
B. the high elves
C. Kingdom of Eir
D. The Xernian Empire
E. The people's republic of Druthaine
F. Write in

What does the Predident of Gorundu want you to do?
A. Command an army of supersoldiers
B. Appoint you to the Department of homeland affairs and information
C. Work with a team of engineers to refine Gurundu's anti-spacecraft missiles
D. write in
"The misfit soldiers?" you exclaim nearly speechless "What are those?" President Buku explained "That's just what we call our reginants of humans and humanlike peoples" You took offence to their classification of humanoid soldiers, but you tried not to let the salt show through your face.

"Now I figured that a(n) ___ like you would be best at training the misfit soldiers. Humans are differently built than us apes and humans wield phasers differently to us, most of our generals are usually of the Chimpanzee, Bonobo and Gorrilla peoples." exclaimed president Buku "They think humans weak and unfit for intergalactic war, you on the otger hand would give the Humans someone to look up to, someone who walks on two feet as opposed to four hands. You would be perfect for them!" You consider the president's offer while wondering 'Where did this anti-human sentiment come from' before president Buku would say "So, what'll it be?" you would soon reply "I'll ____"


What are you?
A. Human
B. Orc
C. Light elf
D. Human with cybernetic implants
E. Orc with Cybernetic implants
F. Elf with cybernetic implants

What do you say to the president's offer?
A. I'll accept
B. I'll decline

Syndrome Syndrome Damafaud Damafaud C.DEX C.DEX
Advice from the monkey
"Half elf actually" you correct "But I shall accept!" President Buku said "Excellent!" as he pinched the folder with his right foot casing the virtual documents to vanish from the desk "Now i assume you have an internal hard drive" said president Buku pointing at your mechanical eye "Yes, but it's only __ gigs and it works with my regular brain" you say.

"I suppose it will be enough to simply beam you the directions for where the misfit soldiers are stationed" said the president Grabbing a small laser out from underneath his drawer beneath the desk with his right foot. He then transferred the item to his right hand, he flipped a small on/of switch with his hand-Thumb while with his left foot opened up a map of Gorundu.

A virtual keyboard in the KiChim writing system appeared on the desk. President Buku typed in the fort where the misfits were trained in the "Desination" section and "Current location" in the "FROM" section before pressing "SYNC TO LASERDERIVE" president Buku than explained "Now the directions i'm about to beam into you are to fort ___ just outside of town, you can tell your driver or whover where to go and how to get there"


How big is your hard drive?
A. 5 gigs
B. 10 gigs
C. 15 gigs
D. write in an ammount less than a hundred

What's the name of the fort?
A. Fort mutumaini
B. Fort Ahadi
C. Fort Uhuru
D. Fort Keko
E. write in something vaguely swahilli

Syndrome Syndrome C.DEX C.DEX Damafaud Damafaud
"Can do mister president" you say confident that your time in exile isn't spent in vain "good" said president Buku as you defocus your left eye into optical mode effectively putting a sheen of glassy polycarbonate in front of your mechanical eye as to receive data from the president's laser.

Upon the second president Buku held down the beam button and sent a ____ colored laser into your eye. Upon the blue light comming in contact, the txt document came flooding into your internal hard drive instantaneously. Your polycarbonate sheen raises up into the inside of your skull as your mechanical eye focuses in on the visible light frequency spectrum from red all the way up to violet.

"Now I assume that the directions are in there?" Inquired president Buku. You checked your internal hard drive to find that yes the document is still there "It is sir" you say as President Buku beat an area of chest surrounding one of the ornate gold patterns before saying "I'm relying on you, the rights and liberties of the Gurundi people depend on you" "Will do mister president" you say "Goodbye" "Alright, your majesty, goodbye" president Buku said in return before you walk out of his office.

You step through the official hallway and out towards the waiting room. You walk through this room toward a titanium automatic door that lead to ____.

What color is the president's laser drive?
A. Red
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Write in any color

Where does the door lead?
A. To a teleporter
B. To an elevator

C.DEX C.DEX Syndrome Syndrome Damafaud Damafaud
In the elevator are two sharply dressed Bonobos who simply stare at you. You ignore the gazes as you step in before ____ the elevator to go to the ___ floor.

[Possible choices]

How are you communicating to the elevator
A. Telepathy
B. Bluetooth
C. Pressing a button

What floor are you going to?
A. Second floor near to skyway that goes directly to the curb.
B. First floor where the National Assembly is
C. The basement parking lot
D. Write in a floor

C.DEX C.DEX Syndrome Syndrome Damafaud Damafaud
You decend two stories down to the first floor and witness the two bonobos get off. You also witness a crowded hallway where many sharply dressed apes knuckle walk their way in many directions. The elevator door closed before you had an opportunity to make out what's going on before it descended to a ___ lit parking lot as you walk over to your ____.

What's lighting up the parking lot?
B. Magic gold and silicon dust
C. Write in a light source

How are you getting to fort Ahadi?
A. A limousine driver
B. A personal driver
C. Your own luxury rental car
D. Write in mode of transport.

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