The "Immortals"

Maven said:
They can yes. Though mythical creatures also live within the realms of the Gods themselves. Though each God's realm is separate from one another as well as being separate from the Plane of Mundus that contains the planets, moons, stars and such. Of course for the purpose of the RP we will only ever focus on our Realms and then a single planet in the Plane of Mundus.
Okay so my plane would like be nothing but white and light right.
If that is what you desired then yes. It can really look however you wish so long as it for the most part goes along with your Aspect.
There finally done.

Maven said:
If that is what you desired then yes. It can really look however you wish so long as it for the most part goes along with your Aspect.
Username: @Ahzek Ahriman

True name: Ither

Godly Title
: God of Chaos and the Void

Godly Aspect: Chaos and the Void

True Form Description
: A being appearing to be made of pure matter, his body both a bright light and utter darkness, his form almost fluid, it's shape changing with his mood.


Personality: He would appear cold and distant to most, his face a mask of utter apathy, but with the current events with the death of the God of Magic, (who was almost like a brother to him) he's seem much more in the now then his normal apathetic self.

Abilities: Call of the void: Ither draws the very essence of the void into reality, ripping the vacuum of space time and creating a miniature black hole for a very short duration, dragging all within it's radius towards and or into it.

Favored Humanoid Form Description
: A dark alven male with empty eye sockets, light silver hair and a soft quiet voice. He normally dresses in a black robe with white stars speckled across the robe itself.

Favored Animal Form Description
: A black panther with white/gold/and orange spots all over it's body

Domain Description
: The Realm of the void is an oddly full land, though most mortals would simply go insane or in worse cases be turned into a pile of matter and absorbed into the void. The cause of this effect is the simply unrealistic landscape of sharp angles and blending of matter and anti-matter, bending space and time itself and universes beginning and ending.

Servant Description
: Formless beings of matter, the Vaael'Norshagotth are beings of both utter chaos and void, shapeless and yet every shape,

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest)
: The High priests of Ither both self deafen and blind themselves to draw themselves closer to the void, their bodies forfeit to draw themselves closer to their god, dressing themselves in black robes with stars stitched into them.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem
: Black/White contrast, Black marble carvings, Onyx

Brief Bio: Born along side the other gods without knowledge of how or why he was there but simply knowing his job. Ither quickly drew close to both the Goddess of dreams and the now dead, God of magic. For thousands of years Ither simply guarded the void, giving most of his power towards the other gods, rather then storing it for himself. When the God of magic was killed Ither withdrew back to his realm, sitting and speaking with his servants on what to do and who to trust, and so Ither has yet made it clear who he agrees with among the Gods.


The Akolite

Character Truename


Godly Title

Ira the Goddess of the Earth, Mistress of the Craft, and Creator of the Beast Kin

Godly Aspect

Earth/Crafting/Beast Kin

True Form Description

Ira's true form resembles that of a rock golem, but much larger. The shape of her body ounce in true form ends up to look very rough and random. Her form doesn't have any legs, instead her earth like torso is connected to the ground which allows her to add more earth to her body and have her body reach to the highest of mountains. Cracks appear almost all over the earth that makes up her form and were these cracks reside pour out a green fluid that produces a neon green light. This light is extremely bright for all mortals, after a few seconds of gazing upon her this light the mortal body will become fully rock and kill the man/women that had just been there. The earth shakes around her, and cracks open up around her swallowing anything that ounce stood there.




Ira is quiet and soft spoken around other and rarely yells out, but just like the earth and its tremors Ira can get very pissed.

She's calm and slow to anger. Ira is extremely protective over anything she thinks belongs to her and hates when people steal things from her, this why humans aren't really on her favorites list, because they steal from the earth taking its ores and gems. Ira can have a very destructive personality if you happen to piss her off. When shes enraged shes deadly and doesn't think twice before striking someone down and finishing their life. Ira can seem cold at times because when the worst of things happens she just brushes them off.


-Earth Claws-

Using her control of the earth she can summon two hands massive hands to erupt from the ground. These hands can vary in power depending on what kind of materiel is used to create the monstrous hands. The weakest of the forms is mud, she has a hard time controlling it due to the water that created it. With her strongest being diamonds, due to the hardness of the gem she can easily use the claws as a shield to protect herself with.

-Earth Quake-

Can make monstrous earth quakes that can rip apart the ground by pushing plates together, sliding them past each other or make massive gaps in the earth by pulling them apart. The tectonic plates can cause huge amounts of damage to the environment, but the stronger they are the more power it takes from her.

-Earth Control-

Can control any loose rock. Depending on the size of the rock is the speed she can move it at. With a pebble she can make it as powerful as a bullet and easily kill a person with it. With a boulder she can easily crush someone and has the same power as a catapult against a wall.

-Rock Chains-

She can make chains out of the earth and imprison others, be them mortal or demigod. With demigods and mortals it could hold them forever unless if they had an ability to be able to destroy the chains that held them.

-Rock Speed-

This Ability allows her to rapidly travel through the ground. Though it is an extremely effective escape method she could never hold for more then three seconds. After she reappears she is most likely two hundred miles away, and is extremely tired and must rest for a 24 hour period.

Favored Humanoid Form Description

Ira typically looks just like her goddess like self, but she does in fact change her clothes depending on the culture that inhabits the area. She would never keep her normal attire on in mundane lands.

Favored Animal Form Description

Ira favors the form of a Brown Bear. With brown fur primarily decorating the top of her coat, and has strange stripes of white fur decorating the bottom of her stomach.

Domain Description

Describe their Domain. Where your God Lives, the realm that it is. If you need an example just ask.

Her domain isn't really her own, it acts more like a safe haven for her Kin. Her domain is available to all Beast Kins due to the fact their all her children.

The domain is massive, littered with grass and tress. Towns are scattered about housing her people. The domain its self is a micro earth, with every thing her people need to survive with in there. She her self lives on the plane of mundus itself and, thinks of it as her own, and occasionally returns to her domain to check on her people, but you will primarily find her exploring the plain of mundus, and only a small population of beast kin resides in her domain.

Servant Description

A small population of beast kin live within in her domain. They primarily live there with out rules, except by the one an official has set up. The beast kin are like Ira's children and she would protect them with her life until she found herself dead. The beast kin in her domain listen to her when she tells them to do something, but truthfully there on their own.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest)

Ira's current Exarch is Chikyu. Her race is that of a beast kin, with brown hair and orange eyes that resemble much of her goddess's own features, except her head adorns two fox ears and back side has seven fox-like tails. Shikyu was blessed with the ability to pull earth from the ground use it as a shield, she could never use her powers to harm another. Instead she must craft tools and weapons to help her fight.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem

Orange, A Clay pot, and a Diamond

Brief Bio

She cares not for why or how she was created. Mysteries weren't her thing. She simply registered the other gods as family, due to the fact they were all equal in power, some find her very naive for making this assumption. Ira was always finding herself off in the Mundus plain away from her domain. She loved to explore, and she loved to learn about what her creatures were doing. Her people the beast kin knew it was her way for her to let them grow on their own. She rarely offered them assistance and when she did it was the smallest bit of it. Ira is still a nice goddess to her chosen race. She would never harm one of her own with one of her earthquakes. When Ira first made contact with the developing tribes of the world, she taught them how to craft tools and how to make things with their bare hands.

For hundreds of years she found herself traveling across the mundane lands admiring its beauty.

Now that the magic god has died she has grown more careful. She made precautions by inviting some beast kin to live in her domain to make sure nothing was to happen to her race in the coming years. She also retreated to her domain when she felt threatened, yet she still made her way around the world watching humans rip it to shreds with tools.

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Username: ashlynn

Character Truename: Kelvara

Godly Title: Keeper of the Flames, Humanity's Creator, The Goddess of invention The Mechanical One

Godly Aspect: Fire/machines/inventions/humans

True Form Description: When Kelvara is in her true form, she is just a giant white flamed fire, that incinerates everything in its path.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.115cc81812ecbeb56e7fa87a715679a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.115cc81812ecbeb56e7fa87a715679a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She isn't very reserved, and a bit childish around people with whom she is comfertable. She enjoys the company of what she considers her children, the humans. She prefers her own realm and the plane of mundus equally, as she considers all of the inhabitants of both realms her children. She is quite like the fire she controls, like how a fire grows when you feed it the right thing, what ever emotion she is feeling at the moment can be intensified by a lot if you encourage it. She is warm twoards other deities, but if they aren't the same way back, she becomes very cold and rigid. As you might be able to tell, first impressions are very important to her.


The branding: When she chooses to, Kelvara can brand a human with a certain symbol, and be able to control their thoughts and actions for a certain time period, longer if they have less control of their mind.

Fiery gaze: When a human or Demi-god looks directly into her eyes, she is able to make them burst into flames. This fire is usually blue or green.

Inventors dread: She can control the minds of inventors much better than the mind of a normal human. She uses this power for bad and for good, sometimes it is used to create something that will destroy many people and things, for example, she put the idea for a bomb in someone's head one day, sometimes it is used for better things, such as when she used her power to create the first car.

Half metal: She uses her mind to get people that have been severely injured or have had to have a limb amputated, and she will infuse metal machines like a robot and make cyborgs, basicly. When she does this however, she implants a small tracking chip type thing into their brains, so she can track and read the minds of her 'patients'.

Hive mind: She can take over a large amount of humans and Demi-gods and control their actions at the same time, but they will all do the same thing, which can be very useful in battle.

Pyromancy: Just general control of fire

Favored Humanoid Form Description: A very tall slender girl, with white hair in a ponytail that goes down to about her calfs.

Favored Animal Form Description: Kelvara tends to prefer to be a small white fox, whos fur is streaked with fiery red and bright silver

Domain Description: Her realm is a huge city, that looks like what Atlantis might have looked like before it sank. The beings who live here are all quite well of and never want for anything. She has blessed her realm and it's people with advanced machinery and many many very talented inventors.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.382d07b69296adbb5e3201624bb2860f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.382d07b69296adbb5e3201624bb2860f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Servant Description: Beings that vary in size, but all look as though they were created out of random peices of metal.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): In her peoples native tounge, his name is Tarakan, which translates to literally high priest. He was the first of the species to arise from the dust in her realm, and is her truest friend and advisor. He is the most powerful being next to her in her realm.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem:

Color: Rusty red, Treausre item: a small mechanical cat that moves when wound up, Gem: Sapphire

Brief Bio: WIP



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@ashlynn revise the Abilities sections on both your applications to make it where none of your powers can have an effect on another Deity. That was changed and all must edit applications to fit this new rule. Otherwise both yours are accepted! Welcome.

@Aqua your application is accepted, pending a revision of a couple things. First is your Servants, they can't really be as OP as they are. All servants are mortal, and thus can be killed, but something at 1 million degrees would incinerate anything going towards them making them invincible. Second is the bio. All Gods and Goddesses were "born" on the same day from an unknown event, and thus none of us technically know where any of us "come from". Once those changes are made it should be good to go.

Also just so everyone knows I will be pulling double duty as I am going to also apply as Life considering it has not been taken but is rather important.

Username: @Maven

Character Truename: Satine

Godly Title: Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning.

Godly Aspect: Life, Creation, The Beginning.

True Form Description: It is truly unknown as she has never entered this state.


Satine is a compassionate, warmhearted and has good intentions. Believing that there is good in all people, Satine refuses to give up on others. This can both be a good thing, as she will do the most she can for others, but at the same point this all means she refuses to acknowledge when to give. Ultimately loyal to the way of the universe, the ebb and flow of life and death, Satine will do what she believes is right and in line with the natural order of things. Rarely does she show her anger or sorrow, though a torrent can be unleashed if she is cornered and sees absolutely no alternative to letting the emotions flare up.


  • Orb of Light -- Satine can summon an Orb of Light that floats alongside her and appears to be rather sentient and makes little noises from time to time to draw attention to something it believes the Goddess would find important. It is immune to physical attacks though those of Magical Origin can snuff it out. The Orb is capable of becoming brighter to the point of blinding those in the surrounding area.
  • Life Siphon -- Giving up some of her own Life Essence (which as the Goddess of Life she can at will replenish with time) she can create life itself in any object or resurrect those who have fallen and have yet to cross into the Halls of the Dead, the Realm of the God of Death. Depending on how many and of what type she is attempting to siphon life into, this can leave her in a coma for periods of time, centuries even. It was an act like this that was necessary to create the Mortal Races, though while the other Deities designed those races it was ultimately Satine who gave them life.
  • Ward of Light -- Summoning the Light, Satine can create a nearly impenetrable barrier around her with little effort. However expanding that barrier to encompass others nearby will begin to drain her energy. Protecting say a city would drain large quantities of her energy rather quickly. The only weakness is tiring her out, attacks on the ward will do that.
  • Purity -- Due to being the Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning, Satine can induce Purity into someone's soul. It does not work on Immortals like herself, but on Demi-Gods and other Mortal Beings she is able to purify their souls, cleansing any evil or ill will that resides within. If the individual resists there is a chance that the process can kill them.
  • Lux Vitae -- Or Eternal Life, brings forth a host of her greatest allies from within her Domain. They are able to use magic, they have wings and are expert fighters, the Viingaal. This host numbers well into the tens of thousands fighting for the Goddess on call. She is able to sustain their lives at the cost of her own. Using this ability will cause Satine to fade and her life essence will drain quicker than she can restore. It would take a small army of healers and several other deities to siphon some of their own life essence to her in order to prevent her death. Though this is a trump card of sorts.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: Satine absolutely loves to take on the human appearance of a woman near the age of twenty-five, with long golden blonde hair and sapphire colored eyes. Her skin is fair without a blemish to be seen. She will wear whatever is in fashion for the time unless she would prefer to wear one of her dresses.

Favored Animal Form Description: Satine takes the form of a mythical white dragon with blue spinal scales. Though it is rare for her to take this form.

Domain Description: Among the Beautiful Valley of the Domain of Satine called Vitae, is the Castle of Aeterna the home and seat Satine's power. Light shines brightly throughout until night falls when clear starlight sky is above. Never are there storms or cataclysms here. Her people are the Viingaal, also known as Angels on Mundus. All the buildings are made of a white stone with beautifully gilded golden roofs that shimmer in the sun's light. Beautiful rivers and lakes dot the many valleys in between the mountains that seem to pierce the very heavens themselves. Sometimes Satine will abandon her Castle to spend some time in a Monastic retreat that is near the peak of the tallest mountain in her realm, Mount Fiore. Here she will spend time meditating, listening to prayers from Mundus and from her own Realm, watch the world through her Sphera which all gods have to watch the Plane of Mundus, it provides entertainment sometimes.

Servant Description: The Viingaal, are human in appearance with the difference that they have white wings on their backs so long as they are working in the general areas of the realm. Those given the honor to serve the Goddess as security have golden wings. Those in the justice and law enforcement of her realm have blue wings. Those that farm for the people, hunt or otherwise tend to the land (what little there is) have brown hued wings. Those that have yet to enter into any profession have a light grey wing color. They are quite proficient in their use of both bows and swords. Some are trained to use shields and spears but they are usually only the most elite out of all the Viingaal.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Satine does not have an Exarch.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Favorite Color would have to be a white. Treasure item that must be on all her alters would be a white rose. Her precious gem is that of a Diamond.

Brief Bio: Satine like the other Gods and Goddesses was brought to life by an unknown force. Not knowing if they were related to one another or not, she took to calling most of them sister or brother relatively early. Some appreciated the names while others hated them. Satine took an intense fascination with the God of Death, Ferrak for he was the God who ruled over her opposite. He was Death incarnate while she was Life. Opposites attract does not describe how her feelings have evolved over the thousands of years, her emotions always seem to get the best of her when she is around him in the Council Hall of the Gods or just out in the world and she passes by one of his rare temples. She has been lighthearted and open minded with the world helping to give tutelage to Kings, Queens and other Leaders throughout Mundus when she deemed them worthy and naturally good. On a couple of occasions she has made herself known as a Goddess using her powers to show as proof as no others can create life itself, though that has not happened in many centuries as she prefers her privacy for the most part.

With the death of the God of Magic, Aeros, Satine has withdrawn to her realm of Vitae to ponder on the matter. She is the Goddess of Life and it is through her that she suspects the Gods draw their immortality. Yet, one was killed and never before had that happened. With the lines being drawn and the Gods pointing fingers at one another blaming each other for Aeros' death Satine mourns for the peace that has been lost. Soon she plans a visit to the Realm of Ferrak, God of Death to inquire as to his opinions on the Death of Aeros considering Ferrak rules over Death itself. A matter that must be solved if order is to be restored to the Realms of the Gods and thus to the Plane of Mundus.
Username: @Floodwater31

Character Truename: Liber (Lie-beer)

Godly Title: Liber, Patron of Slaves and Sailors, Scorn of Kings and Lords

Godly Aspect: Slaves/Servants/Sailors/Freedom/Second Chances

True Form Description: In Liber's true form, he becomes a swirl of sea mist caught in the light, but in reality he is more, he becomes a powerful emotion or drive, letting others see his point of view



(This guy, but Liber probably won't make that face, imagine a more innocent, oblivious look)

Personality: Liber is a free spirited and forgiving god. He tries to avoid conflict most of the time, some label him as a coward for this, but Liber simply wishes not to hurt others. He can often be found at places were the working man revels (bars, fairs, circuses). Some Label Liber as a chaotic god who wishes for no laws, but in reality he wishes for new beginnings, a chances for men to reinvent themselves. The upper classes usually do not like Liber, for he is the god slaves and servants pray to for freedom.


  • Elusiveness- While most gods can sense each other, Liber can effectively avoid this and can even pass himself off as whatever he's disguised as, fooling even gods, most of the time. (this doesn't work in realms besides Mundus)
  • Lord of the Sail- Liber is master of all ships, and can sail them with the greatest efficiency, he can also summon his ship, Aura, at will
  • Calm Breeze- While Liber is not the master of air, but he can summon a steady gentle breeze which has a calming effect not only on the minds of those in it, but the weather as well
  • Clueless Wanderer- Liber will often wonder into other god's realms, whether they want him to are not. It seems that locks or enchantments can't keep him in either. He will quickly leave realms he's not welcome in. (why he may wander in he won't take anything, he is no thief (well, he might snag a snack while he's there)) (this will drain him more if he's not welcome)

Favored Humanoid Form Description: He will often take the form of sailors, young or old, and is known to appear on ships to offer advise on how to get through a storm (whether or not this advise is taken is not his problem). When not near the sea he seems to prefer the form of a traveler, looking for a place to rest. Other times he will appear as a good natured denizen of a bar (he tends to lose when he gambles, but will quickly beat cheaters)

Favored Animal Form Description: He tends to choose the guise of gulls and sea hawks, but he usually stays in human form on Mundus.

Domain Description: It is uncertain if Liber has a domain, some say his domain is a calm ocean after a particularly strong storm, with a strong steady wind. Others claim his ship, the Aura, is his domain. Whatever the case, he tends to spend most of his time on Mundus.

Servant Description: Liber has no servants, but it is good to note that all ship obey him

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Liber does not have glorious temples, but in every town and city there is at least one, small, well kept shrine to him. He has never had a Exarch as of yet, he talks directly to people when he needs to speak

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Blue (like the sky or the sea), a knife (meant for work), and polished stone (he is very much a god of the lower class)

Brief Bio:

Liber was created with all the other deities in the beginning, the same as any other god. Unlike the other gods he was created the god of servants, he was meant to serve the other gods and carry out their tasks. Liber appealed to Shearantos to free him from these duties. Now like any other ruling Shearantos took his time and considered Liber, but eventually it was ruled he would stay a servant, for that was the purpose he was born with. Liber thanked Shearantos for his just ruling and made as if he were returning to his home. He then jumped from the clouds into the sea. Now this infuriated Shearantos, who from time to time will hunt for Liber.

It was Liber who taught humans how to sail. The story goes that Liber found his way to island were a cruel overlord ruled harshly over his citizens, Liber taught the citizens how to build ships so they could escape their King. After the citizens had left, the king found himself alone on the island. It was these refugees who taught others the art of sailing.

When Aeros died, some thought Liber had done the deed. Liber had no qualm with Aeros, but none the less he was unpopular with some gods, particularly those who were worshiped by the upper class. Liber argues that he wouldn't have hurt Aeros, let alone killed him, but to the other gods he had a clear motive, and when you have no one to blame, anything becomes damnable evidence...

(Maven approved the aspect already) (also @Allcure , is this okay with you?)



Character Truename: Ecaos

Godly Title: Ecaos the God of Order, Binder of Trust, and Protector of Pacts.

Godly Aspect: Order/Contracts/Pacts/Treaties/Agreements

True Form Description: The true form of Ecaos embodies the very existence of order itself, which causes all mortals to go insane by sheer sight of it. However for gods and demi-gods, it appears as a large golden book with runic language on the borders. Nobody can open said book without permission of Ecaos, and when opened allows the reader to view all the agreements and promises made through history. In this form he is immune to poison, disease, and restores energy quickly, however is extremely weak against fire, water, wind, and mud.


Although he can act childish and playful at times, Ecaos can turn deadly serious and aggressive in an instant. While he changed after his meeting of his first true follower from being emotionless along with an attitude that didn't take any sides, Ecaos still refuses to favor anyone in an special way excluding his followers. As a warning, even though he acts friendly Ecaos will not stand for inequality, and will be heavily-aggressive against any who caused it and/or allow it to continue if he cannot change it. Now friendly to the other immortals as Marie has pestered him to at least try to prevent war between everyone, however some find his change in personality oddly distressing, despite him one of the most trustworthy gods.


Absolute Contract- This allows him and others to form a mutual agreement upon which, if possible, will be fulfilled regardless of the conditions or requirements. Of course, this has limitations such as unless the God(ess) Of Creation/Destruction is involved, nothing can be created/destroyed unless in Ecaos's realm. The only thing that can by-pass that rule is the creation/destruction/change of another agreement that was not made by Ecaos himself. Another rule is that this ability can only used once per person and cannot be changed, so once the agreement is made that person that made it with Ecaos cannot make another one or change the one they have.

Pact Punishment- This is a power that activates without his will, however many immortals and demi-gods accuse him of abusing. This power curses anyone who breaks a pact made him to not be trusted by anyone except immortals. This curse can be lifted from mortals by any other immortal as long as Ecaos gives permission, however demi-gods can get any immortal to lift it off them.

Blessing Of Order- This is almost exactly as the name states, however this ability can only effect normal mortals, so gods and demi-gods will not be affected. It allows Ecaos to return the person to a previous state of order and normality. This can encompass the person physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually however if the person was born in the state at they are then nothing will happen. In addition, regarding the physical and mental effects, when used on the mind the person will lose all the memories they had made from when they had not been in that particular mental state. When used on the body, the person will return to the age they were in that particular state, however their overall lifespan will not change.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: Appearing as a small child of 6-10 human years of age, can be seen wearing either tattered and torn clothing, or extremely well made fancy garments. His hair in this form is pure white and his eyes are dark green, along with his body being smaller along with more bone-like then the average human.

Favored Animal Form Description: His animal form takes on two different forms depending on the time of day. During day-time, he appears as a crow wearing a large white locket around it's neck, however during the night-time he appears as a dove wearing a black key around it's neck.

Domain Description: Ecaos's realm appears as a small forest with a small hut. In it is a game-room(Where he plays various strategy games), a fairly sized room packed with books and parchments, along with a meeting room. Their is one other room, and is entirely empty, however only Ecaos has ever been in it not to mention he doesn't allow even his oracle to enter it under no circumstance.

Servant Description: Most of the beings that roam his domain are children who which belong to nobody, and very tall caretakers/servants that wear robes which always hide their face. Nobody, not even Ecaos, knows what their true faces are, however Ecaos warns that it should never be seen.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Marie is a young human girl of thirteen human years of age, and often wears a large grey robe with the image of a purple lock and a white key on the back. She has very long red hair that reaches down to her knees, blue eyes, and

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Ecaos treasures the color grey, as that signifies the balance of both black and white.

Brief Bio: Ever since his existence, Ecaos did not have any real emotions, feelings, or even a personality. He declared that this is what made him the very picture of order, however this changed around 100-200 years after humanity developed a way to communicate effectively. A young girl prayed to him every day for six years, asking for his blessing on the pact she had made with a close friend. This said pact was a promise, one of which where both the girl and her friend agreed to find each other once they become of age to wed, and aid each other in finding a suitable mate. Ecaos appeared before the girl in his regular form, and was about to give her his blessing, however the girl started crying. Although he had no real emotion, something bothered him inside, and Ecaos asked the girl what was wrong. She told him how honored she felt that he had visited her in person, however Ecaos slapped the girl. She looked at him with smile, and hugged the god.

After a few years later, the girl and her friend fulfilled their pact, and once they found their mates called to Ecaos. Appearing once again, he stared at them curiously, wondering why they would call for him. They put their foreheads to the ground, and begged the god to choose one of them as his oracle. Bedazzled, he asked why, and they told him about how hard their journey was. They wanted to repay the god, however believed that the only thing that could return the favor was to dedicate their lives to him. Ecaos thought about it, as unlike the most immortals at the time the god never had gained nor tried to gain any followers. Finally, he told them that the descendant of the two would-be families shall become his oracle, and in the meantime they would teach him their lifestyle along with take care of him.

Spending all of his time in Mundus in his human form, he changed as Ecaos learned the ways of humanity and why emotions were important. After several decades, he remembered his promise and looked at the three current descendants. The eldest, Gaven, was very mature and well built man, however wanted to make Ecaos the One True God. The youngest, Louise, was extremely friendly not to mention loving of the god, however seemed to young as she was only seven human years old. The middle child however, Marie, despite being shy and somewhat naive, treated Ecaos as though they were best friends. Picking the Marie as his oracle and servant, Ecaos watches and protects her from then to the present day(about a month). The other siblings setup a temple for Ecaos, and he currently has a small following.​
Username: Azazelin

Character Truename: Lizabeth

Godly Title: Lady Lizabeth, The All Seer

Godly Aspect: Oracles/Air/Fleetness

True Form Description: Lizabeth takes the form of a beautiful young woman with milky white eyes and long blue hair. It is said that while in her true form, she can see farther into the future, but she sees many paths. Due to this, she becomes weak, so she does not usually appear in this form. Other advantages are resistance to harmful magics, granting speed to those around her, and the ability to heal if she is injured in her other form.



Lizabeth generally wears traditional white robes, or if among humans, a simple blue dress with no shoes.

Personality: Lizabeth is actually quite timid and frightened of others. She does have a few that she favors, such as her loyal "servants" and some of the other gods. She has seen what humans and other sentient beings can do and tries to avoid them. If she takes a liking to a mortal, she is extremely kind and genuine. Unfortunately, the last time Lizabeth bonded with a human, he betrayed her and used her powers for his own purposes. This is why Lizabeth appears sad and anxious.


>> Near Sighted Future:
Lizabeth has the ability to see somewhat into the future. In her normal form, this is very short sighted and can only see up to a week into the future. She cannot see deaths or new born life, but she can see events leading up to a possible death. The future she sees is just one possibility, and could never come true.

>> Quick Travel: As goddess of the wind and fleetness, Lizabeth is able to travel at normally impossible speeds. If one were to see her while using this ability, she would appear as a gust of strong wind, usually with small debris like leaves following her trail.

>> Protection: This is a light blue force field of sorts that can be erected around her to protect her from mortal attacks. This does not protect her from direct and physical attacks from Immortals.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: She prefers the form of a young woman in her early 20s with long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She appears rather pale and small, with a slight frame and a poor helping of nature's bounty to decorate her femininity.

Favored Animal Form Description: Lizabeth usually chooses an avian creature to imitate. Her favorite is a pigeon.

Domain Description: The Realm of Oracles is a never ending room filled with mirrors. Each mirror holds a different being's life and occasionally flashes with a possible future. The mirrors are portals to where the person is, and only she and her servants can enter and exit. Lizabeth can conjure anything she needs, such as a bed or entertainment, but she has to rely on her servants to bring in food.

Servant Description: The only beings allowed within her realm besides her and her priest are birds. They are responsible for bringing in food and Lizabeth provides them with everything else. They really do not have a purpose other than that, but she likes their company.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Lizabeth prefers not to have a mortal as her compani0n.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Light blue is her color. She treasures feathers and clear quartz.

Brief Bio: Anxious Lizabeth is a recluse of sorts, and although she appreciates the worship she receives, she is still antsy about mortals and has yet to love another like she did before. This happened many, many years ago, and since then Lizabeth has dreaded visiting the mortal world and picking a new priest. While she does go out to visit with the other Immortals, Lizabeth rarely visits mortals. Sometimes, though, she can be seen on a beach staring out into the ocean. This is presumed as her yearning to be with her love again, who was a sailor.
@Azazelin welcome. Lovely application and beautiful choice. Be sure to read through the posts that have been made on the IC and feel free to make your intro. If you have questions you can PM me (Maven) or one of my moderators, @The Akolite or @Sandra they both are capable of helping out as well!! Tank you for joining.

Just a note. There is a seating chart at the bottom of my post for the Council Spire (just so you know where to sit, and by whom you will be)

Also please only make your intro post. We will try to get everyone to post once (an intro) and then any deities yet to be claimed by that time I will have them all enter together then we can truly begin. There won't normally be a pattern, just until everyone posts once and I make that follow up!
Username: bloodydaimyo

Character Truename: Vermundr

Godly Title: Vermundr, grand master of combat

Godly Aspect: War/Battle/Soldiers

True Form Description: A colossal, ethereal dragon. A single flap of his wings in this form can decimate a small country. He has only entered this form twice in his entire existence. If he becomes the spirit dragon, he loses control, obliterating friend and foe alike. This form is only a failsafe against the most unkillable opponents, as it severely taxes Vermundr's body. It leaves him in unbearable pain and his psyche unstable. This also almost completely drains his Godly powers. It takes several centuries to recover, and he is left completely defenceless.




Personality: Vermundr is extremely loyal and friendly to the gods, but most of the mortals he sees as just his violent pets, taking joy in their conflicts. He enjoys to laugh, and to drink, often showing up drunk to the Gods' meetings. In combat, he is cold, quiet, and overly prone to brutality and violence.


He can conjure weapons, much mightier than mortal crafts. These weapons can be anything he wants, as long as Vermundr has seen it, he can replicate it.

Berserker's Favor- He can bestow a raw, animalistic fighting instinct to mortals. This will allow them to fight much better than on their own, and even a fresh recruit can become a legendary warrior under his eye.

Battle Hardened- He can make any mortal, even his own form, have much stronger skin and bones. Weapons still damage them, and they can still die, but it takes a lot more to put them down. A hit that would decapitate a regular foe would have trouble leaving a gash a couple inches deep on a hardened foe.

Berserker's Rage- He can instill an unholy rage on anyone he desires, making them extremely agressive, and ready for a fight. He often uses this when he is bored, enjoying seeing the outcomes.

Soldier's Loyalty- Vermundr can recruit warriors he deems worthy to join him in his military and have a place in his domain. These soldiers gain the ability to travel between vermundr's realm, and Mundus at will, but must respond to his call if he needs them.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: On battlefields, he often appears as a regular soldier, or in some cases, an officer of some kind. These mortal forms vary, but are predominantly large males with blond, braided hair, and the physique of a mortal in peak condition. In some cases, he has gone to Mundus in his godly form, albeit with a lot less murderous intent in his eyes.

Favored Animal Form Description: A massive raven, with glowing gold eyes. He may also take the form of a polar bear, which always has blood on it's paws and muzzle.

Domain Description: A frigid, but beautiful land, evergreen forests and massive, snowy mountains dominate the landscape. Here you will find small towns, all full of the warriors Vermundr has deemed worthy of his halls. This is an extremely dangerous land, meant to test all who come here. You will find bears, giants, trolls, dragons, golems, and any other manner of creatures that want your blood. Only the most hardened may stake a claim here.


Servant Description: A massive array of creatures, but the favored servants of Vermundr are frost giants, mammoths, and ice wolves.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): No specific Exarchs. Instead, Vermundr hears the prayers of the chaplains of every army.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Crimson, finely crafted weapons, and ruby

Brief Bio: Vermundr doesn't know why he was brought in to this existence, but he enjoys it all the same. As long as he can remember, he has been fond of combat, and good at it too. In his earlier days, he would often pit mortals against each other in his domain, taking pleasure in the battles. Now, he has realized that the mortals do not need his help to fight, they are entirely too good at doing it on their own. Vermundr surveys armies, finding the best soldiers. He watches over every deadly conflict there is, whether it be a simple knife fight in a back alley or a full out siege on a mighty city. Often, he will take part in the battles, fighting along side everyone, and finding the warriors he likes. If they survive the battle, he will invite them to join him in his domain. With recent events, Vermundr has been saddened deeply, Aeros being one of his fondest brothers among the gods. He has sworn to avenge his family, no matter what ended his life. If it can harm someone, Vermundr WILL find a way to kill it, especially for his fellow Gods
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Ferrak Guardian of The Faded Halls

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    Username : @StoneyJr

    Character Truename : Ferrak

    Godly Title : Guardian Of The Faded Halls

    Godly Aspect : Death, Destruction And The End

    Personality : Ferrak is a very outgoing guy, and is often seen with a smile across his face. He is always trying to find a positive in any given situation, even if all looks dire.

    He has an immense amount of love for his fellow gods and goddesses, even if the feeling isn't always mutual. He most of the time puts them first, on occasion above himself.

    Though, when in his other form, all feelings of love, and caring are pushed aside, and replaced with a more logical way of thinking. He will put himself over the others, and do whatever it takes to do what he wants, or needs, to do.

    Ferrak doesn't much enjoy the way he thinks in his true form, and as such, is almost always seen in his humanoid form.

    Abilities : (None of these abilities are powerful enough to affect a god/goddess.)

    Vampiric Entity -
    Ferrak has the ability to change a mortal into his most favoured creation. A vampire. Though he is much more wary these days, as some of his creations went against his will many years ago.

    These vampires have the ability to live off of animal blood, as Ferrak is not fond of unnecissary killing among humans. Like many vampires, sunlight is a problem, though it doesn't burn them straight away, simply burning their skin over a course of a few hours.

    They also have the ability to use a weaker version of his Creatures Of The Night.

    Smoke Manipulation - The literal ability to control smoke on a molecular level. He has the ability to control it, use it as a weapon, and even fade into a smoke form of sorts.

    Dependant on what he wishes to do to someone, he has the ability to use different forms of smoke.

    Grey - No special ability.

    Red - The red smoke causes immense pain to the touch, whilst doing no physical damage.

    Black - The black smoke corrupts, and decays whatever it touches, though Ferrak can choose how badly it effects the enemy.

    White - The white smoke is his purest power. It does no damage to anything, and simply calms whatever it touches into a meditative sort of state.

    Creatures Of The Night - Ferrak is able to instill fear inside the minds of bats in his immediate vecinity. He is, whilst not taking full control, able to sway the decisions these creatures make, giving the illusion of control. Though they will not kill themselves to follow his orders.

    Corruption - Rather than ability, this is more of an effect. When attacked, Ferrak can corrupt his enemy, causing a rotting effect inside the wounds he creates.

    The enemy shows signs of disease and such, that would normally take anywhere from days, to weeks to fully take hold, in a matter of minutes.

    Servant Summoning - The markings on Ferrak's body when in his true form, represents a servant under his control. He has the ability to summon them, but dependant on their size, or power, a sacrifice of sorts is needed. Blood specifically. He must create a wound inside the circle, the size of which corresponding with the creature he is trying to summon.

    A flock of his hummingbirds wouldn't take much, whereas to summon Wilhelmina, he must create a wound that could potentially knock him unconscious if he is not careful.

(This Is Still A MAJOR Work In Progress)



Character Truename


[Hebrew for Mutt]

Godly Title

The Plague Beast

Godly Aspect


True Form Description

Adohl takes the form of a diseased, starved, and decayed dog with green smoke coming from it.




He acts quite without use of a better word, "Creepy" although the smelling of another person
is unjustified he has an excuse calling it his instincts.

Abilities: 3-5 Things your God and only your God can do.

Cause Plagues and Starvation among Tribes/Villages.

Favored Humanoid Form Description

He takes the form of an old-man possibly a beggar.


Favored Animal Form Description: What animal do they prefer to look like?

Domain Description

Servant Description

Vou-Es a child who seems to take a liking to Adohl, especially when in his Dog form.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest)

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem

Adohl seems to take a liking to Gray and owns a Solid gold collar. His favorite gem is not very precious at all although his most prized one would be This:


Brief Bio

Most of his bio would be about how he has affected the mortal world.

(So WIP)

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@StoneyJr and @Arion both of you are accepted. Welcome :3 Please make your intro post on the IC.

Note, do not make a second post in the IC until I make a second post that will be ushering in the final untaken Gods and Goddesses thus allowing the meeting to begin, from there, we will not have restriction on how often one can post so long as they fit the minimum requirements. Thank you both for understanding.
Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

  • queen_by_sashulka-d4taj8p.jpg

    Username : @EternalRose

    Character Truename : Soteira

    Godly Title : Lady of the Vengeful, Matrix of the Corruption, and Indominus of the Greedy

    Godly Aspect : Vengeance, Corruption and Greed (Discord as well)

    Personality : Soteira is cynical, cold and uncaring about nearly all. Cross her and she will employ everything she can to get her revenge ten fold, only then seeing the price as paid eye for an eye. Throughout her time on Mundus and in her own realm, she has never truly enjoyed anything as much as getting revenge, empowering the people to get their own kind of revenge, however she will corrupt their minds twisting them to have a darker sense of revenge than they may have originally intended. She loves to sow discord throughout all places she goes, bar brawls, revolutions, civil wars, assassinations and other nefarious matters tend to follow in her wake as she plants in other's minds... the thought that someone has wronged them. Sitting on her black little cloud that serves as her transportation, Soteira will watch the madness grow, and grow in size infecting others with the corruption before the final stroke falls and costs many people their lives. To her this is the normal way of matters and those that stand in her way incur her wrath. She has nothing but disgust for her fellow deities as she can't seem to sow discord, corruption or strife among their number, least not in the past.

    Since the death of Aeros, Soteira has only reveled in the fighting between the gods, their arguments and how the glorious peace of the past seems to all but vanished at this point. Standing opposite of Satine, Soteira believes that all people are inherently corrupted and holds a cynical outlook on life. To be fair though, she is the Goddess responsible for spreading corruption to the souls of the innocent, bringing darkness to where there might have once been light, taking advantage of war, fear, pain, among other things, to which other Gods are responsible for. Malice could not begin to scratch at the surface of her being.


    Discord -- Sowing discord wherever she goes, this ability comes naturally to Soteira. All she needs to do is one of two things, the first is make eye contact with the entity, be them human, beastkin, animal or alf. Secondly she can touch the entity which works just as well, but seems to boost the effects. Discord, this ability makes the individual or individuals believe they have been wronged by those around them. This will cause fights to break out, murders to take place or other nefarious matters to unfold before the eyes of the Goddess who would usually sit by and watch, reveling in what she had done.

    Heart of Gold -- The Heart of Gold ability causes whomever she touches and intends to have this affect them desire nothing more than Gold or whatever is considered currency more than anything else, including life itself. These people will spiral downwards over time as they become more and more infected wanting gold, gems, and other precious things. If they aren't killed by others for their greed they eventually turn into a golden statue, that Soteira in a timely manner likes to have picked up by her servants and arranged in her Gardens in her realm as "decoration."

    Corrupted Soul Eternal -- Taking nothing less than the purifying ability of Satine, Goddess of Life, once Soteira has infected a person with a Soul Eternal they are forever corrupted to do her bidding, sowing discord, spreading greed and acting as catalysts for other acts that Soteira wishes to carry out around Mundus until the day they die. Their souls having done nothing but serve darkness would be doomed to the worst kind of afterlife. Soteira will use this ability on people in positions of influence and power so as to have maximum effect. Outwardly the people appear the same, but slowly and over time they will gradually become cynical, cold and calloused like the Goddess herself.

Below this point are the NPC Gods and Goddesses.

The Moderators responsible for each are listed next to the RPN name.

Username: @Maven

Character Truename: Titania

Godly Title: Goddess of the Seas, Bearer of Water, Healer of the Sick, Patron of Doctors and Medicine.

Godly Aspect: Water (all forms), Medicine, and Patron to Doctors.

True Form Description: Titania in her true form is a maelstrom of fury, water and wind combined to create the mother of all storms. Strong enough to sink entire fleets or wipe cities from the realm of existence sinking them forever beneath the waves. At the heart of the Maelstrom is Titania in a watery appearance controlling the violent storm and allowing her rage to consume her, feeding the storm's power. In her hand is the Trident of the Sea, her only physical weapon, through which she channels her power allowing for more precise control.


Titania is calm, collected and observing of all. She does not jump into a situation because of her emotions, yet she won't sit and watch on the sidelines for situations that are of dire consequence. Those that harm what the ocean bears she will relentlessly slaughter. Those that tend to the rivers, lakes and ocean she blesses with good health. As a patron of the Healing arts Titania wants only the best for the people of her Realm and that of Mundus. She walks among the sick healing those that have not yet forsaken the world itself or society. However on the flip side she will prevent medicines and healing from working on those who she sees as the very evil that lies in the world harming the others in society for self gain. A rather neutral persona rules her life.


  • Water Shield -- Titania can summon a shield of water to envelop the space around her protecting her and a few others. While she can expand this shield to encompass more people or even a city it will drain her energy quite rapidly to do so, let along attempt to sustain any prolonged attacks, especially among the other elements. Nearly impenetrable in security, the shield can be breached if her power wanes too far.
  • Healing Mist -- Titania can summon up a healing mist, working to restore those around her along with herself to a good condition. Cleansing both poison and normal wounds, healing them and sealing them. The mist works slowly unless Titania is able to concentrate which will also drain her power. More people equals more of a drain.
  • Tsunami -- Harnessing the power of the ocean, Titania can summon a tsunami of large size to wipe her enemies out in one blow. This does have an immense drain on her power, typically used as a preemptive strike to stop a battle from occurring. The wave's size depends on how long she focuses and on how much energy she offers up to build the wave itself. This however is not restricted to Oceanside areas. She can summon a tsunami anywhere.
  • Mare Gladium -- Titania calls forth her Trident from wherever it has been. This Trident is the ultimate symbol of her power. Harnessing her inner power, Titania is able to deal attacks that will cut through any substance, piercing any armor. Multiple attacks are possible once she has the Trident to accomplish them. For her enemies the Trident is the symbol of their impending doom.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: Titania prefers to take the appearance of a young maiden, with black hair that is long below her shoulders, eyes that are the color of the sea itself. Her dresses depend on where she is and what she is doing, but typically she is rather scantily clad in a black garment that shows quite a lot of skin, as she hates being restricted.

Favored Animal Form Description: Much like a dragon, Titania prefers the animal appearance of a water spirit. Blue in color with scales that shimmer in the light.

Domain Description: The Domain of Titania is known as Marium or Water Realm. The entire domain is submerged in water save for a few archipelagos that have some of her non-aquatic servants. The realm is filled with beautiful coral reefs and light shining from the surface which is not far above. There is no abyss here in her realm by her preference. The Castle of Atlantium is where Titania lives and reigns over her people from. The people that live beneath the surface live in the city of Atlos which is made of sea green rock resembling marble found on land. They are the traditional mer people of sorts as they have fish tales, for their lower half, but their upper half resemble that of humans. If dry they take on the form of a human allowing them to live in the Plane of Mundus if they so choose. On the archipelagos that dot the surface of the Domain, are humans for the most part with some Alven Races dotting them as well.

Servant Description: The Mer People or Altosi as they are also known appear to have the upper half of a human combined with a fin or mer tail. They can breath both underwater through gills on their necks that are ever so subtle, or through lungs for air above water. They naturally can sing beautifully and charm those that are not Altosi. Their beauty is stuff of legends. Many Altosi leave Marium when they turn eighteen for twenty years or so to experience the Plane of Mundus where on dry land they can appear to be human through an ancient magic that Addarra imbued them with. Most return after two decades on Mundus to the Realm of the Water Goddess to live out the rest of their lives, start a family and serve the Goddess by maintaining her realm while she is away.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Titania's current Exarch is Soleia, she has no surname that is known. Her hair has been changed to that of the color of the ocean, a deep blue. Her eyes match her hair. These are symbols that she speaks with the Goddess and is blessed by her. With the power of healing magic, Soleia is able to keep her beauty and her youthful appearance essentially doubling the life span of a normal human.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Favorite Color would be a Crystalline Blue. Treasured Items are a Trident or a Carving depicting waves. Precious Gem is the Aquamarine.

Brief Bio: Like the other Gods and Goddesses Titania was brought into existence without the knowledge of by who, what or why. She refers to those deities that have befriended her as brother or sister, out of respect rather than familial bonds. It is not known whether the Gods are related or not, though most have assumed they aren't. Choosing to spend a disproportionate amount of her time among the Plane of Mundus, Titania can rarely be found in her realm for longer than a few weeks. Her people know that she loves them and cares for them and thus don't doubt her as their Goddess. Choosing to instead spend her time among the coastal and island cities of the Plane of Mundus, blessing the sick with good health, and dealing retribution against those that abuse her aspects. She can usually be found near her temple that her Exarch, Soleia oversees.

With the death of the God of Magic, Aeros, Titania has grown increasingly suspicious of the other Deities choosing to align herself along her own path, rather than be grouped in with the lines drawn by the other Gods. If war broke out it is not known if Titania would take sides of attempt to stay out for as long as possible, possibly even enter the war upon her own side to seize the power that has been lost. She cares for the others as much as she can, but those that stand in her way or cross her will know the wrath that is her maelstrom.

Username: @Maven

Character Truename: Fiorina

Godly Title: Goddess of the Harvest

Godly Aspect: The Harvest, Crops, Agriculture, Farmers.

True Form Description: Fiorina, unlike most of the other deities does not have a powerful trueform. If anything it is actually on par with her normal form, the only true differences are her skin goes to a greenish hue as does her eyes, her healing abilities are boosted allowing her to fight longer and harder, but Fiorina doesn't like to fight, and chooses to flee rather than face a foe alone on most occasions. She would rather be somewhere eating and drinking than fighting.


Fiorina enjoys reveling in the various nations on the Mundane Plane. Another aspect she is less known by the gods for but is well known throughout Mundus is parties, festivals and revelry. Her overall personality is one of joy, compassion and having a good time. Fiorina loves to be around others, be the mortal or immortal, to her that matters little. Spending most of her time among the people of Mundus, sometimes disguised other times not, she has come to have a deep appreciation for the Plane of Mundus, and its many colorful inhabitants. Trying to always maintain a genuine smile, Fiorina deplores fighting that isn't in a friendly manner, she will not appreciate killing or making others suffer. Her natural opposite is Adohl, God of Famine and Pestilence and he goes against everything she stands for. Out of all of the deities he is the only one that Fiorina could actually say she hates.


  • Revelry's Peace: Singing a song which she learned from the Goddess of the Arts, Fiorina channels her energy so as to calm down those within earshot of her. This does not necessarily work on Immortals, but mortals who were angry or attempting to harm one another find themselves captivated by her melody, soothing their spirits and allowing them to put aside their negative emotions to see clearly. This also does not work on Monsters or Mythical Creatures. Simply Humans, Demi-Gods, Alfs, and only some of the Beat Kin.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: Fiorina prefers to take the appearance of a woman, young in looks, but she is a little wider than the common maiden as Fiorina does love to eat, quite often a lot more than the men. Auburn hair the color of almonds with eyes to match. Lips only a couple shades more red than her skin which is quite fair. Her dress is typically white with golden decorations around the collar, stomach and the arms. Around her neck she wears a golden leafed necklace that goes wonderfully well with her golden laurel circlet she wears with her hair. A green sash is wrapped around her waist but also extends out and is held up by her arms.

Favored Animal Form Description: A peacock with blue and green feathers though purple is typically mixed in as well.

Domain Description: The Domain of Fiorina is known as the Eternal Fields. Her villa is nestled up against a mountain with golden fields of wheat, barley and other crops spread out below. Orchards, vineyards and other various fruit areas are hugging the hills of the mountains. Clear rivers flow down from the snow capped peaks bringing the fresh water to the fields that are irrigated eventually falling over the great cliffs that lead to the ocean beyond.

Servant Description: For Fiorina, her servants are the common mundane. Humans accompanied by the Sylvan Alfs. Living in harmony in a village surrounding her villa. They go about their daily lives farming the crop fields, fishing in the ocean and rivers, and tending to the vast orchards and vineyards. To thank them they are allowed as much of the food as they desire, and to participate in the near weekly Bacchanalia that Fiorina throws in which she hopes to see other Deities whom she invites, though rarely do any actually attend... for various reasons.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): As the Goddess of the Harvest, Fiorina believes it wise to seek out a seasoned farmer, chef or other agriculturally inclined individual who has much hands on experience coupled with their knowledge in order to select her Exarch. Her most recent choice is a nienty-four year old man named Gravin who has been working on farms since he can remember in his early youth. Fiorina chose him nearly forty years prior, and has since enjoyed his company quite often, and choosing to seek permission from both Satine and Ferrak to extend the man's life to nearly double that of a human's capacity to nearly two centuries. She has yet to ask mainly out of fear of being turned down.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem: Favorite Color would likely be a soft green. Her treasured item would be a crop of some kind. Her precious gem would have to be either Jadeite or Malachite, though usually the latter.

Brief Bio: Fiorina enjoys her responsibilities as Goddess of the Harvest, Patron of Farmers, and the Supreme Deity of Parties and Festivals... or so she likes to say herself. Constantly seeming to be on the move she spends a lot of her time on Mundus, teaching the next generation how best to farm or grow other various rarities. The Goddess also tries to be kind to all the other Deities, even those that she deems as threats to her aspect, though there is one in particular she can never bring herself to be good around and that is Adohl, the embodiment of the opposite of her. Famine and Pestilence. Fiorina always seeks out Titania whenever she comes across the Pestilence so as to heal the sick and dying. When she comes across the famine she attempts to use her own powers to bring back the quality of the earth, restoring the crops to growth and ending the famines that plague the land. Certain that she receives enmity from Adohl for it, Fiorina attempts to avoid the God at all costs choosing to avoid any kind of contention or conflict for as long as possible.

With the death of Aeros, little changed in the ways of life for Fiorina. She was sad, grieving like most of the others, but her abilities went relatively unchanged as she used very little magic and thus the costs were still quite negligible for her. Like the others she is willing to help if necessary though she would much rather prefer to wander around Mundus or be in her realm tending to her crops or hosting one of her legendary Festivals or Bacchanalia.

Mortal Races:

Username: Scattered Ambitions

Character Truename: Theo

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: WIP

Appearance: (I know I stole this picture, but the person using it isn't part of this roleplay anymore, so I'm going to use it.)


Usual Attire:


Battle Attire/Equipment: He doesn't really fight so.....

Abilities (if magical): None

Brief Bio: WIP
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cooltext124716906260215.png.e39a34e5bee9d6e016a7b62ce005acdf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cooltext124716906260215.png.e39a34e5bee9d6e016a7b62ce005acdf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Almost done >.<

Username: @Zenaida

Character Truename: Veulix

Godly Title: Goddess of Innocence and Protector of children and families

Godly Aspect: Goddess of Children/Innocence/Family

True Form Description: Her true form is much like her adult form. She gains the elf-like ears of those who live in her relam, and emits a light glow, seemingly built from the innocene that she is sworn to protect. Her hair changes to a violet color, with the ends light pink, and she holds an air of childish curiosity, while also being almost motherly. The light is said to act as a shield, protecting her from darkly based magic and burns tainted souls, although it has not been proven as of yet. It's not a form that enhances battle ablities, more of defence, allowing her to protect others from harm better than normal, though it does drain her abilites in a rather quick maner.

Appearance: She shifts between three forms per situtation, but is most often seen as a young girl.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixYoungGirl.jpg.73414751d2b147a838d24e0d199854f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixYoungGirl.jpg.73414751d2b147a838d24e0d199854f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Course clothes would change to match whatever time period the rp is in. Also, often has a friendly expression and hair color is same or close to the other two forms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixYoungBoy.jpg.06db20127899b3db72f96df8e9438426.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixYoungBoy.jpg.06db20127899b3db72f96df8e9438426.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Course clothes would change to match whatever time period the rp is in. Also, often has a friendly expression.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixAdult.jpg.0b88180cb17cc0cf05af664034af1e1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/VeulixAdult.jpg.0b88180cb17cc0cf05af664034af1e1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Course clothes would change to match whatever time period the rp is in.



  • Key of Innocents: With this ability she can gather the innocents that lingers behind a child's death or the remains that are left when a child's innocents are broken. Like, when a tragic event happens, or they grow up. She can make small shields and surround other children in fear of becoming tainted or broken with them.
    This provides them with a light shield that gives them a small protection.
  • She can also use the innocents to make other things as long as they benefit children.

  • Cleansing Mist: If she finds a child's soul that is beginning to taint or can still be saved she can cure the darkness from it by projecting a light almost invisible mist over the child as they sleep, washing them of negative emotions and thoughts.
    Does not work if the child is already to far tainted or gone
  • Can also be used to soothe parents as well, adding to the safety of their children.

  • Mistic Familiar: With this ability she can take on the form of an animal invisible to all but the ones she allows it to see. This allows her to guide those she protects, encouraging them to make the right decisions and have a little influence over small choices.
    Those that are incurably tainted cannot see, or are unaffected by her.

[*]Lyrical Sleep: With this ability she turns into a spirit like form and admits a small tune. This attracts the spirits of children and entertains them until they are ready to accept their deaths and pass on into the spirit realm of children until they are reincarnated.

  • The more tainted souls that cannot be cured are taken by death.
  • Its also a part of what allows her the power to see souls.

Favored Humanoid Form Description: She will often take on one of her two children forms, depending on the situtation, unless it calls for being an adult.

Favored Animal Form Description: She often takes on the form of a calico cat, either as a kitten or full grown.

Domain Description: Describe their Domain. Where your God Lives, the realm that it is. If you need an example just ask.

Servant Description: Those beings/creatures that live within your Domain.

Exarchs (Dedicated Priest): Adeola is a shorter being, with medium length dusty golden hair and forest green eyes. She's often seen wearing a yukata, and is quite friendly unless threatened.

Favorite Color, Treasure Item and Precious Gem:

  • Color: Light Orange
  • Treasure Item: A small ragdoll
  • Precious Gem: Imperial Topaz

Brief Bio: WIP



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@Ahzek Ahriman[/URL]

Beauty/Love/Sex -- Rosalinda -- @Tsiwentiio

Air/Oracles/Prophecy -- Lizabeth -- @Azazelin

Fire/Inventions/Humanity -- Kelvara -- @ashlynn

-- Unclaimed --


The Arts (Music. Poetry, ect...)


Nature (Plants and Animals)













Water/Doctors/Medicine/ Alven Races -- Titania -- Was @Maven
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