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Fantasy The Illustrious Estate v3 - OOC

Hey guys, sorry I've been inactive.. Semester just started and my dog also ran away.. It's pouring ran out bc a storm is hitting us for a few days and I've been out trying to find him.. I little bummed out so I'm sorry if I'm not too active for the next few days. I'll try my best to post something when I can..
That's ok. I hope you find your pet.
I hope you find your dog alive and well <3
Also I really enjoy the characters in this RP as well! Who doesnt love some troublemakers :D
Maybe he's waiting on Rivers and Oceans. Julius did propose to Jasmine jokingly before he fell, apparently its been a running gag since the two of them were kids.
Jasmine's running out of calming tea. If that happens, she might say the heck with it and drink a cup herself to stave off the desire to harm her employers.
Not good with the whole innuendo thing. When I say harm, I mean harm. If I ever use a word with a double meaning deliberately, it won't be a dirty one. It just doesn't appeal to me.
Well it is 1839 and even nowadays someone with a spotless reputation and no criminal record can end up being just as crazy.
Genevieve is going to be disappointed if Cecilia and Klarion dont get pebbles in their shoes :D
I enjoy roleplaying her, since she acts quite mature but also is childish at times!

I have been thinking about how her power works in greater detail, and I might have accidentally on purpose made her more handicapped than intended - but to be fair, she is young and it would only make sense that she is not at her full potential, I think? :P
I did that in another RP accidentally . It's certainly interesting to say the very least. Genevieve is a strong character despite her powers not being worked out just yet.
She's a precocious little devil. But I am wondering how I should have Al approach his secret when their is a literal human radar with in ear out for him. My plan was to tell Cecilia, and just let Genevieve ease drop or something.

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