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Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency


Junior Member
To ALL visitors of this thread, we will, at some point, accept other RPers, but need to build a foundation first. We're three buddies who haven't RPed with each other for YEARS and are still working on the idea of this RP at the time of this writing.

Feel free to post in this OOC as much as you like, discuss stuff, ask questions and so on though!
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So, as we discussed, the first few episodes we'll be surveying historical scenarios for tour ideas. Ein sounds like he's having a bunch of ideas in mind, nothing of interest crosses my mind at the moment unless you two wanted to go back in time and stop Qin Shi Huangdi from taking the mercury pill.
Well as i said, i'd like to start out in a setting way in the past. Maybe ancient china? Ancient greece? Heck even rome could work out. Or dinosaurs? Dinosaurs! or.. ionno..? lets wait for ein to pop back up again.
We can start from Ancient Rome from that Point when Caesar has been contemplating into crossing the Rubicon.
Ein, Etherpad sucks, I can't connect to it. Let's get back to Adventureverse's pad. You know where it is.
Fixed things up a bit. Fixed the format to display as intended. Added a bit more content and made it easier to reply. Provided a bunch of world building info to use. Just for the record, here's the list of references used in making that one damn RP post:

Crossing the Rubicon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caesar's Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rubicon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Biodegradation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Screw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunrise and sunset times in Rome, January 2015

January Weather Averages for Rome, Italy

Welp, it's good to be back in the game.
Did he just...cast the dice before Caesar ever did?

That and pila sounds like a kind of fish, imagine the Roman footmen throwing fishes at us
Mina provided you with boots of invisibility. Put on the boots and the floating Rochester lenses will shield your body from a certain viewing angle.

- In exchange for distortions in your own line of sight.

- As she said, it's a cylindrical cloak so beware of overhead observers.

- Also, it does not cloak your noise

- You will still collide with objects coming into a certain (unspecified) proximity.

- Finally, those mechanical boots aren't exactly lightweight, you can complain about their weight.

"Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

@Chaos8ringer, feel free to punch through the glass with your inhuman strength. It's not impenetrable.

References for this time:


‘Cloaking’ device uses ordinary lenses to hide objects across range of angles : NewsCenter


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe_sizeShoe size - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletproof_glassBulletproof glass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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