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Futuristic The Hybrids' Rise.


Not All That Wander Are Lost
Dear Candidate:

This form was created for the sole purpose of finding out more about you and what sort of creature we should make for you. Please fill out as much of the information as you can about yourself. You will then be asked to give information about the creature we will create for you, as well as the possible side effects of the operation. Thank you for your cooperation.

-Dr. Ivan Marturin

Head Geneticist of the of the UTC
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Favorite Weapons:

Post-operation Appearance:
(includes one of the physical abilities, as well as the special ability of the creature)




(include 2 physical abilities, i.e. flight, agility, strength)

(any non-physical abilities, i.e. fire breathing, camouflage. Limit of 1)

Remember to make it so your creature makes sense if there is more than one present. Also make sure that it can travel on land, amphibians and flying creatures are allowed.
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Or more likely, you could talk with the guy who has an op power, and set up a reasonable criteria of nerfing it.

Name: Jay Briggs

Age: 19

Personality: Jay is a very peaceful guy. Always minding his business and doing his work. He tends not to bother people but if provoked he will attack you.

Favorite Weapons: Swords,Axes, Spears


Appearance:Jay has short ,scruffy brown hair. He has light tan skin with the most beautiful blue eyes.

History: Jay's family was a military family, so he spent most of his childhood moving from school to school and learning how to use weapons at a early age. His social relationships were distant due to him moving around the country. Being small he was always bullied, he dealt with the bullies by fighting using the skills he learned as a child . He joined the army at the age of 17 and from then on he moved up a couple ranks. Upon hearing about the new experiments he decides to try it knowing he will become stronger and a hero.


Name: Manny

Appearance: Manny is a White Rhinoceros. He is 5'8 and weighing at 3 tons. His hide is grey and he has a foot long horn at the tip of his nose and a second horn that is 5 inches. His physical abilities are: Strength and High vitality


Ability: Heavy Thumper: Manny's weight makes the earth crack and split in half. It makes cracks around him in a 2 mile radius.

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I planned on reviewing all CSs and trying to make sure no one is too OP. I do think that telekinesis would be way too OP though so that will just be an automatic no, unless you can convince me that it isn't as powerful as I think.

I like your CS, but It isn't done is it? I noticed that you personality is missing, as well as the history.

Maximus said:
Is my special ability OP?
No, I don't think that is OP. Just a quick question though, does the ability cause anime style earthquakes? If it does please give an idea as to the size of the affected area.

It's technically done I just need to get the personality thought out and find a picture for her.



Raphael Thomas






Gender Fluid (Don't mine pronouns as long as it isn't "it")



5' 10"


140 lbs

General Appearance

Raph has a very intimidating, tall muscular build with broad shoulders and long legs. She has an olive skin tone, pale hazel eyes, angular features and barely any facial "fat".

Post-Operation Appearance

After the operation, Raph has a tail roughly a bit longer then her body that is used for balance and her legs had been replaced with that if her creature, yet in turn adding a major boost in agility.


Weapon of Choice

A Sniper Rifle


Raphael has the ability to manipulate her, others, and object's sizes by physical contact.



(Gotta get thinking on this.)


Being raised by a single father, all his brothers and their sons, her and her sister (who may or may not be played by a little someone known as @Of the Red) it wasn't a surprise when they decided to enlist. Yet, that was before they know of the alien threat that was apparently trying to kill them slowly and painfully. When the gene splicing option was available, they gladly took the offer. Raph wanted something to improve her speed, snipers need to be able to get away when getting rushed. So, she let the scientists do whatever the hell they wanted. And this was quite the surprise. She assumed them to do something feline related, but apparently they didn't want something so obvious.





Remember those raptors from Jurassic world? Yeah, I went there.

Physical Ability

Extremely agile and an amazing tracker

Extra Ability

Basically the same ability, except only has control over his own and Raph's size.

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Name: Ivan Marturin

Age: 40

Personality: An intellectual genius, Marturin has a difficult time explaining ideas to normal people. This doesn't stop him though. He has been known to explain extremely complicated theories to many a layman. He is also very caring of his Hybrids, often going out of his way to help them.

Favorite Weapons: he very seldom fights, but when he does he uses a special designed disrupter that destroys the genetic makeup of its target.


Appearance: Ivan is a tall man with light skin, and long white hair. Dr. Marturin was his own Guinea pig, conducting the very first human gene-splicing operation on himself. The operation did not leave him physically unchanged, however. The splice was with a catlike creature of his own design. He gained some of the characteristics of the creature, And now possesses incredible night vision, as well as accelerated reflexes.

History: As a boy Ivan was always fascinated by the new discoveries biologists were making on different planets. He joined the military so as to gain passage to college, were he planed on studying biology. His original dreams were never going to come to fruition.

In one of his classes he learned of the many advances genetics was making in the world of science. He was fascinated with a hypothesis that claimed it would be possible to mix human DNA with an animal's, thus giving the human the animal's traits. He quickly switched his disciplines and soon proved himself to be a prodigy in his new field.

Upon graduation he was accepted to the Navy's genetics program. He rose through the ranks and eventually became the commanding officer of his division. He now had the authority to further develop his theories in gene-splicing.

Then the Ancients appeared. One of the first colonies to be attacked was Ivan's home planet. He grieved the loss of his home, but it gave him determination to create super soldiers that could fight this menace. He conducted more tests that confirmed that gene-splicing does work, and it has an amazing property. It allows the spliced individual to have a mental link with the other creature, essentially being able to control them. Marturin has now launched a project to use gene-splicing to enhance soldiers. The Hybrid Project.


Name: Linex

Appearance: The offspring of a genetic experiment, the Linix was a hybrid between an earthly Lynx an another feline like alien. The average Linix is about the 2 1/2' long and 1 1/2' tall. It has short rust colored fur, extremely large ears, and a long tail with a tuft of hair at the end. It has the reflexes of a normal cat as well as amazing hearing.

Ability: Due to its semi alien origin, the Linix has incredible night vision. It has semi luminescent eyes that produce a sort of infrared light that it is able to detect. This allows it to see in an absolutely pitch black room.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.90bd72e39d1153a10c8be4dc6e1cb7f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.90bd72e39d1153a10c8be4dc6e1cb7f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Pleasure to meet you! I'm Mavericks."

Xander P. Mavericks


"I just turned 30, you?"


"I'm male, but I know it's a little harder to tell since the procedure."


"Actually, I don't focus on things like gender."


Hybrid Animal

"I was pretty lucky, my genes were compatible with so many creatures that they decided to give me the option to choose my own; sharks were my passion as a kid and elecroreceptions a handy trick on the battlefield so it wasn't too hard in the end."

Scalloped Hammerhead


"I don't think I can answer this question myself."

Favorite Weapons:

"I prefer to shoot long distance. Since the procedure I've had to make a few alterations in my stance and relearn a few things but my favourite weapons still the L115A3 sniper rifle."


"You know, I used to be your stereotypical beach/surfer type guy: blue eyes, blond hair, permenent tan, but as you can see there have been alot of...changes. The shark DNA altered my body down to a molecular level; going as far to change the composition of my skeleton, but more noticably it reformed my body into what you could call anthropomorphic: I've lost almost all of my human features, gaining gills, fins, sharp teeth and the like and even my skull is now that of a shark... however the hardest change I faced wasn't to do so much to do with my vision like I expected--which is now almost 360 degrees--but rather the adjustment of gaining a fifth limb. My tail. Having it greatly improves my movement capabilities in a liquid environment and helps with balancing everywhere else but getting used to a new center of gravity and knocking over things whenever I turned around wasn't easy to do and in fact I was still struggling with it up until my third year."


"Did you know that sharks don't have bones? Thats right, their entire skeleton is actually made of cartilage: a type of connective tissue thats flexible, durable and about half the density of true bone. In regular humans you can only find it in the nose and ears, but in some hybrids like me its replaced all the true bone and its because of that cartilage skeleton that I'm able to be so agile both in and out of the water. Sharks are also gifted with the ability to perceive electric stimuli, scientifically its called electroreception and its used by the animals for electrolocation and electrocommunication; fancy words for detecting objects in their surroundings and communicating with others through things called electric waveforms... I won't overload you with fine details right now, but hey if you ever want to learn more on the subject come talk to me later sometime."


"Like I said, stereotypical beach boy: I grew up in California, surfing, partying and not really thinking too much on where life was heading. I was probably fifteen/sixteen when I first considered hooking up with the military; that lead to a giant fight with my parents who were expecting me to go into marine biology and so I ended up compromising and heading into military science instead once I became of age. However even though I spent a good seven years focused on the sciences, I still completed all my combat trainings and participated in field missions. I was offered to participate in the hybrid program because of my combined skill-set and I excepted under the conditions that I could help monitor the program. I'm one of the oldest hybrids here and now I help with orientations, health exams and providing emotional support for the team and whatever else they might need."

Creature- (WIP)


Leviathan (Levi)

(include 2 physical abilities, i.e. flight, agility, strength)

(any non-physical abilities, i.e. fire breathing, camouflage. Limit of 1)


(Major WIP)



"Zephyr Maddox. At least thats what it says on paper, you can call me whatever you'd like."


"Twenty-five and counting."


"I'd let you take a guess, but that might take awhile so I'll just tell you now that I'm male."



Hybrid Animal

"It was a bit disappointing at first that I didn't get to choose my animal. You see I was only compatible for three different creatures and out of those the Jacksons Chameleon, with its camouflaging scales and binocular vision was deemed the most valuable. Especially for someone with a special forces and black ops background."


"Per request I underwent a psych eval shortly after the procedure: according to the the doctors I suffer from a bipolar like disorder due to a conflicting nature between my personality and the chameleons instincts. Like many arboreal reptiles and members of the 'chamaeleonidae' family the Jacksons Chameleon is agressive and territorial, particularily to others of its kind. As a side effect to to having its DNA spliced into my own I now experience frequent mood swings and periods of heightened agression and hostility that may be triggered or arise suddenly."

Favorite Weapons:


(includes one of the physical abilities, as well as the special ability of the creature)




(include 2 physical abilities, i.e. flight, agility, strength)




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Name: Tiberious Carceri


Personality: Passive / Agressive
Tiberious is uncomfortable in social situations having been trained for small squad ops by the marines. He gets along well with team members and goes out of his way to keep things low key and amiable. He is fiercely loyal however and if he fells his territory or his squad are in danger he becomes very aggressive. He prefers melee weapons and close quarters fighting where his training can shine. His fierce appearance prevents most opponents from aggressing in the first place.

Favorite Weapons: Dual Shortswords Tiberious wields several throwing daggers as well as a pair of custom forged ceramic carbide alloy Gladius he refers to as Castor and Pollux, after the ancient legends of the Gemini constellation.

Post-operation Appearance: Post-Operation Tiberious lost his humanity. He has taken a form related to a crocodile yet maintains abilities of other genetic repltiles. He stands at 7 /.12 feey at full height but prefers to crouch and occasionally walks on all four legs. He has a tail he uses for balance mostly but can use to trip someone if absolitely necessary though this is incompatible with his particular combat style.

History: Tiberious, AKA Sobek, was born on Earth to a strict military father, and a strong willed and wise mother. Growing up was hard and he had little choice but to enter the Marines. His father had taken him to the shooting ranges since he was old enough to hold a gun, and he has mastered 4 different martial arts, including Ninjitsu and several armed melee fighting styles. He has always been fascinated with the raw and often untapped capabilities of the human form. He never did have much of a social life, was 20 before his first, awkward and eventually quite failed attempt a relationship. He found that he had little in common with people outside combat. In combat he always felt confident and powerful and so sought combat where he could.

When he turned 17 he had identification forged in order to enter the Marines early. Almost graduating from Advanced training before his ruse was discovered. He was supposed to be sent home but he showed such promise and tenacity he was given an opportunity instead. he could join up with Project Scion, a newly formed task force placing several new graduates under the command of a special ops officer in order to form a cohesive unit without the attachments other Marines dealt with. he rose through the ranks quickly , as did his entire team. They were sent into hot spots to solve issues before they became issues. Shortly after turning 23 a mission went horribly wrong, his commander had sold the team out and they were ambushed. The team fought tooth and nail but only Tiberious and his teammate Sylvester made it out alive. Sylvester is still in the Marines commanding his own team, Tiberious however was mortally wounded in the fight. The medics gave him mere days to live and even that on life support. At that time the gene therapists had little choice.If they wanted him they would have to work fast. His wounds were so severe that most animal genetics would not keep him alive, so they went all out and used the recombinant DNA of a newt allowing his body to regenerate as the genes worked their way into his system, binding and altering his DNA. The newt's genetic material, carrying the common genes of large groups of lizard-like reptiles changes his appearance to a mix of predatory lizard features.

Creature- Lizard, Genes from a newt resulting in a merged appearance of several reptiles once gene engineering was completed. Appearance is predominantly cosmetic in nature.

Name: Code Name:
Sobek. following his penchant for ancient religions he has chosen the name of the Egyptian Crocodile god of the Nile river.

Ability: Physical:
Agility, Sobek is lightning fast, can generate short bursts of superhuman speed, and has reflexes nearly the speed of thought.

Smell, Sobek's lizard genetics has enhanced his sense of smell so acutely that he can track and identify individuals by the differences in their pheromones and under the right conditions can smell differences in pheromones and perspiration allowing him to fairly well judge whether humans are lying. This ability only works on humans and is accurate though not infallible.

Non-Physical: Regeneration: The primary purpose for genetically merging tiberious with a newt was due to his rapidly failing organs. The gene therapy worked and even while the genes were bonding his injuries were repairing themselves. He can regenerate lost limbs and recover from injuries at a far excellerated rate so long as mortal damage is not done to necessary organs such as the brain, heart and lungs. While this has only a small effect in combat it makes him quite difficult to kill if he makes it out. Massive damage will also permanently end him.

Drawbacks: Reptilian Mind: Due to the merging of his DNA with that of a lizard, Sobek has lost a good bit of his reaction to emotional effects. He has difficulty making friends, rather making useful allies he develops loyalty towards. If something were to happen to them he would fell a sense of loss but not sorrow. He is difficult to anger though he views anger in others as a threat and he reacts to the situation presented accordingly.

Cold Blooded: While not entirely cold blooded, very cold conditions slow Sobeks reactions to that of a normal human and prevents his speed burst. His regeneration also slows and stops entirely if he gets cold enough to catch frostbite. He thrives in hot humid climates but this does not affect his standard abilities.

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WIP but needed to do something

Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 25

Personality: Extremly strong willed. His stance on a given topic will not be easily swayed. Loud by nature, he can come off as annoying to those that like their peace and quite.

Favorite weapon: A BFG. More commonly known as a Bog Freaking Gun. Miniguns, anything that goes boom, machine guns. If it has a hogh rate of fire, large calibur size, or explode in some way, he makes it his sole purpose to learn how to use it.

Post operation appearance: Unlike most of the others, he has maintaned a rather human appearance, aside from the massive canines he now has which reach to well pass his chin. And his goat like eyes, with horizontal pupils.

Creature: Mutant (will go into more detail.)

Name: Test subject B111. Or Billy.

Appearance: A creature tailored to Have DNA compatible to a host. The Saber toothed tiger of old, given ram horns, and a nasty temper. Short brown fur cover it, with a short stubby tail. Standing at the height of a wolf, let's say it's around 3.5ft, and weighing in at an impressive 290-ish pounds, it's a force you don't reason with.

Special ablity: Seems to be able to infinitly increase it's muscle denisty, significantly increasing it's strength but not increasing it's size. Possible product of genetical modifications. More research must be done.
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(I need to finish my HISTORY page. Otherwise I am done).


  • NAME: Natalie Lynn Brooks

    AGE: Twenty

    PERSONALITY: She's a bit quiet at first but she is a spitfire for starting fights. Yes she can be sweet and nice but she's more of a sarcastic and "go suck someone else's dick" type of person. She is better off fighting alone than with a group, which is why she prefers hiding and sniping. Having a dirty sense of humor, she gets along more with males than with females, since she is un-ladylike and more tom-boy like. Her rebellious personality brings out how young she is, but she does what she's told and knows when to knock off her attitude. Her loyalty is strong once she gains ones trust, and will refuse to leave someone behind.


  • NAME: Flame.

    ABILITY: Has the ability to set herself on fire.

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Okay. I'm very bad with code so I just used a guy's format. thx to that guy.

It's technically done I just need to get the personality thought out and find a picture for her.



Zekai Morriden





Gender and Sexuality

Male, Asexual, Sex for Stimulation only.

no slide


Weapons of Choice

Plasma Scythe


Mantis Spawning: Subject can spawn insect like drones with specialized evolutions in a matter of days. Acts as a hive mind.

Synaptic Attunement: Subject goes into a state of natural instinct, allowing his body to move freely while concentrating on complicated situations far above that of normal humans.​



Solitary, thinking that most individuals are boring and therefore are not normally worth his time. He is a highly valued allies to those he respects. He finds solace in his own experimentation on himself, his spawn, and his human subjects. He holds a remorseless attitude in the face of combat due to his own unneed of humanity in that respect. He feels no regret for he seems to have lost that during the process of splicing


M.A.N.T.I.S (Mental Attunement Nerve Tyrant Intelligence Synapse), Formerly known as Zekai Morriden was recruited as one of the first prototypes of the HYBRID program, to test the effects of attributing the natural consciousness of a hive mind to the frame of a human being. Though labeled a success after initial tests and demonstrations, experiments suggest that the subject has suffered major losses when matters concerning his personal humanity appeared. Favoring to be placed in holdings away from the other subjects. This was when it was discovered that MANTIS was able to "Breed" nests of a mutated variation of the Hive Mantis and control their actions at will. As was likely to happen, a small crisis ensued creating an outbreak of these swarms under MANTIS's command destroying many of the subjects and personnel alike. He then made a deal to establish his dominance within the region. His hive will not go further than a perscribed area on the surface and have full dominion of the underworld below, If they would have bodies of enemies they killed fighting on humanity's behalf. he presently tries to stay in the area and experiment on the bodies of the war, looking to evolve his swarm past the need for humanity. As the Prime commander of the Royal Caste, M.A.N.T.I.S. exercises his power as the undisputed Hive King, to represent the many naturally occurring factions of the Hive Conglomerate.



Hive Mantis


Praying Mantis arms on a wingless Hornet with grasshopper legs. Size: about the size of a Goliath Birdeater

Physical Ability

Strong legs allow creature to reach high altitudes within at a quick rate

Extra Ability

Synaptic Attunement

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