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Fantasy The Hunter’s Inn || OOC

I still have some tweaking to do on the main thread, but if everyone is happy for me to do the first (RP) post and get things rolling, just let me know. 😃
Also, I apologise in advance for typos. I’m currently on my phone and my hands are super slippery because of the heat. 😆🙈

I can’t draw either. 😅
No worries, typos are part of the experience 😆
And I feel that, I can't draw for the life of me I swear
I too have put up a guild card. Lmk if you want anything changed.

Question for those playing monster races ( Murdergurl Murdergurl and redraider redraider so far?): Do you want your character to generally be treated as an outsider/exotic sight, or no? I know some people intend that when they play monster races, and others just want to play a cool race. I think Moira's sheet indicated the former but just want to check beforehand so we can support your intentions for your characters.
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Thank you Myu Myu

That’s a good point. Would you like our characters to be wary or hostile towards them (depending on the character’s personality) initially, or keep things light-hearted and nobody minds that they’re part monster?

I think one of the characters’ Father was killed by a monster, so they have a dislike for them. 🤔
Thank you Myu Myu

That’s a good point. Would you like our characters to be wary or hostile towards them (depending on the character’s personality) initially, or keep things light-hearted and nobody minds that they’re part monster?

I think one of the characters’ Father was killed by a monster, so they have a dislike for them. 🤔
Helki probably has a few monsters in his Clan, so he probably doesn't even know people treat them poorly
Gooood morning everyone. Just wanted to see what was going on ‘ere and what plans are being made as of currently
Hey Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 👋

Once everyone is happy to start, I was hoping we could ease into things, by writing an intro post. Basically describing how your character arrives at the Inn, or if they’re already inside - describe what they are up to and place them somewhere (so the other characters can approach them etc.)

I’d imagine there’d be some getting to know one another time before any actual quests kick off (perhaps it’s late in the day?).

Any new Hunters can introduce themselves to the Guild Master and if she think they can hack it as a Hunter (she will, don’t worry), she’ll initiate them and possibly show them around.

Longtime hunters might just want to chat, eat and drink, maybe wind up the newbies etc. it’ll be up to the characters really. 😄

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