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Fantasy « The Hunters Character Sheet »

Ya Boi

Who's that guy?
Character Rules:
  1. It is perfectly fine for characters to be following the same track of Magic.
  2. If you want your character to have prior history with another character, that's fine. Just let the other RPers (especially me) know beforehand.
  3. There are no specific limits when it comes to your character's backstory. Although, I'd appreciate it if everyone wasn't an edgy bastard whose whole clan was slaughtered by their secret twin brother that they never knew of.
  4. I'll be sending out PMs regarding your character. (ex. if s/he was accepted, detail changes, questions, etc.)
  5. Rules may be added as necessary. Everyone will be informed of any changes.
  6. Just have fun with your character, man. It's fine if you submit a character who's just a regular dude trying to make a name for himself.

Character Roster:
  1. Empty

(Preferably 18-30 year olds.)
Orientation: (As in sexual orientation, if you didn't know.)
Appearance: (A photo is required, non-realistic preferred. A description is ok, but does not replace a photo.)

Brief Bio:

Weapon Of Choice: (Optional. Remember, this is fantasy-land, no guns or any of that stuff.)
Magical Abilities: (Optional. Please describe the scope of your powers.)
Extra Information:
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Name: Rowan S. Reynolds
Nickname/Alias: The Sheriff of Helmere
Gender: Man
Race: Human
Age: 30
Orientation: Honorsexual


Personality: Rowan S. Reynolds is a serious and dour man who is devoted to the law. While he may play loose with her, not following all the rules of her courtship, he is strictly a man of honor. This not only refers to how he acts, according to the principles of the law but how he feels others should be. You are either a good law-abiding citizen or you are criminal scum. There is no grey area for 'criminals who had to act like it', for laws exist for the good of society. Above all else he seeks to maintain the utmost security and safety for his Parish, even if it is to his personal detriment as the unit of society and the framework of the law are far more important than any single one man. He’s not much of a people person except to those who understand the true value of the law - and to them he is a very trusted friend who will unabashedly fight for you.

Brief Bio: Ever since an early age Rowan S. Reynolds held a respect for the law and always dreamed of being a night-watchmen in his Parish of Helmere. Eventually the day came when he became a full-fledged night-man keeping the land safe from criminal scum. He had a good rapport with another Watchman named Benjamin Caine, the two of them were inseparable - well until Benjamin decided on an early retirement and got killed by monsters. That day shook Rowan to the core and he began to play fast and loose with the law; though even with that by god he got results and he became the Sheriff of the Parish. Now he hunts down monsters which would threaten his home and runaway criminals who think they can escape justice.

Weapon Of Choice:
Verdict – To most Verdict is just a normal looking hand-held crossbow made of real worn out looking wood; to Rowan it is the finest weapon of law enforcement. It doesn’t require ammo as it derives its strength from the sheer determination; but all this really means is that he doesn’t have to spend money on bolts as effectively, apart from glowing white, it is essentially the same and takes about as much time to load up shots.

Magical Abilities:
Trickshot: In Terrorem – With this particular warning shot from Verdict, those near the shot of the strike are sent into a state of great terror in which they do not think logically and are driven strictly by fight or flight.

Trickshot: Gravaman – Upon a particular shot from Verdict the target struck begins to feel weighted down and their movements and reactions are heavily slowed down.

Trickshot: Lacune – With two shots from Verdict a set of portals are created connecting the two places together and they remain until traveled through.

Detect Criminal – This one is less of a magical ability and more of a really, really honed instinct. If you are criminal scum, Rowan will sniff it out.

- Lawman
- Respected Community Member
- Crackshot

- Singleminded
- Subpar Hand to Hand
- Foul-tempered

Extra Information: You cannot escape from the law.
Anora “Hem & Haw” KuptanaWoman ☻ Human ☻ 23 ☻ BisexualPersonality
Putting a lot of effort into being what she considers “a good friend”, Anora will do all that she can to show her loyalty and appreciation (too often at her own inconvenience). Listening to long-winded stories, Anora’s smiling and nodding encouragingly through-out, hiding, what sometimes is, an increasing desperation for conclusion.

With a neutral, soft and caring resting-face, Anora’s smile can be unintentionally unsettling. Her happiness always looks a bit wistful, an almost-sad sort of smile melting onto her face. It makes for a weird, and memorable experience, when she tries to fill silence, and cure sadness, with stories- where there’s a bit of difficulty telling which parts draw influence from life and not, what the moral of the story was supposed to be, and the apparent misuse of common sayings (i.e. “Never count your chickens until the fat lady sings.”) littering her normal conversations too.


Anora is, and has always been, a hard worker. Growing up in quiet town by the sea, her desire to be an investigator was troublesome. The worst problems she’d encounter were broken fishing-poles, and invasive birds- Not that those weren’t worth her help, it was just that she desired to solve bigger issues. Resolving peace, in an already peaceful town, was a moot point. An investigator wasn’t needed there, and she was encouraged by the locals to seek out a new life far from home.

A life in the city has left her feeling small, but with a bigger sense of purpose.

Magical Abilities
- Hem and Haw Years
The ability to transpose & change physical age.
9 stages; infant, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, mid-life crisis / grandparent, senior, & ancient glorified bag of bones.
Glowing runes, eyes, and overall emitting bright light, is the sign of the transformation beginning.
Each stage has a separate physical “memory” that gets retained between each shift. For example, if she transforms from her default stage (young adult), to child- gets muddy in this state- and changes to adult; the adult will be clean, but the next time she is a child, she will have the same muddy state as before.

Strengths & Weaknesses
- Once in a single, strong emotional state (over-excited, depressed, anxious, furious, etc.), it takes much longer for Anora’s mood to pass than most. Good for when she’s focused and determined, bad for when she’s bawling her eyes out.
- Anora’s loyalty is amazing, she almost never bends. Good for when there needs to be someone reliable, who’s always on the same side. Bad because she’s doesn’t want to hurt feelings, and break ties; anywhere between being stuck in a toxic relationship, or in a situation with morals she doesn’t agree with- but can’t bear to part.
- Inexperienced, but more than willing to learn.

Extra Information
- Always wants to be at a place about 15 minutes early, when possible.
- Collects mementos.
- ((This is my first character sheet! I hope it’s okay, feel more than free to let me know how to improve!))
- ((I’m not exactly sure what I should do with her power. I was thinking she has either had to study to master her ability, she already has figured it out + it was easy for her to learn (justifying that I didn’t mention it in the bio lol), or maybe she hasn’t found the power yet?))
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Name: Gaether
Nickname/Alias: Beast Shifter, The Unkillable man, Deathcheater
Gender: Male
Race: Changeling
Age: 23 (Indefinitely)
Orientation: Asexual
Gaether C.jpg

Personality: Gaether's personality can be summed up as uninterested. He's not comical, peppy, or particularly friendly. Although he is no stranger to sarcasm, he's not straight up hostile but he can seem distant. He is almost always indifferent and seems to have zero sense of fear whatsoever. That also means he has no sense of self-preservation. He is patient to the point of being lazy, and is just tired of mortal antics such as failure to act, creating excuses, and impatience. It's no lie that he just doesn't care. He doesn't do things because they're right, or he feels they need doing. He does them because he's bored. He has virtually no sense of right and wrong to him it just feels so... unimportant, and inconsequential. No matter what happens, no matter who dies, no matter what pain he's put through he'll keep on living, immobile, and eternal. Just as the world does. He finds argument stupid, and "greedy" emotions to be a hindrance. He cannot imagine truly caring for someone, or what that would be like.

Brief Bio: Gaether was born and raised in a village on the edge of a large eternal mountain. His race is uncommon. (Due in no small part to their short lifespan. The longest lived changelings make it to their thirties). He became a teenager at nine years old. In the village time seemed unescapable. The people around him were constantly getting taken by their short lifespans. It didn't seem fair the other races lived so long, why was his kind doomed to be killed in a short three decades. Then at the age of twenty-three Gaether heard a story. That once a long time ago a brave man had gone into a cave on the great mountain, and he'd returned with the gift of eternal life. The nectar of immortality. Gaether was captivated by the story. He left to find the Nectar. Undergoing the deadly trials that the cave had to offer. Tests of wit, and body that would push him to his limit until he came to his goal. He partook in the nectar and it enacted its price. Gaether was robbed of most of his emotions. He left the cave and considered going home. Not appealing what with the fleeting mortality of the other members of his race. He became a solitary wanderer and traveled the world, seeking simple ways to pass time. Like taking a part in a war for instance.

Magical Abilities:
Gaether possesses the gift of never ending life. He will never cease living. Not from time, magic, weapon, sickness, hunger, dehydration, suffocation, or disease. He can still take damage. Such as being dismembered, cut, decapitated, or cursed. He will immediately heal from these injuries with differing speed. Just because he will never truly die doesn't mean he can't be immobilized, or beaten to the point of not being able to continue the battle. He always bounces back.

As a Changeling Gaether can change his appearance. He can become a multitude of different animals, and even a few other races. He cannot change minute appearances of his appearance such as hair or eye color, build, gender, or age. His power of shapeshifting is not exceptional compared to other Changelings due to his reluctance to use it. Even if it is his biggest offensive capability.
-cool in a bad situation.
-Hard to read.
-Can be ruthless
-Can be defeated even if he can't die.
-Has trouble connecting to people.
-Uneducated in use of weaponry.
-Slow to join conflict.
-Not good at keeping secrets.
-Can be annoying to be around.

Extra Information: Hates being bothered by mortal fear.
(Let me know of any revisions, you think I'd need to make).
Name: Lily
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 20
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: 26600691375cc282fbf8b9d779cb5b3756ba39c1_hq.jpg

Personality: Lily is a happy-go-lucky person who always tries to keep the atmosphere light and friendly. She will always hide her negative feelings in order to foster this happy aura. Trust comes very easily to Lily and she never hesitates to believe someone and take them at face value. While some may consider her ditsy and spacey, that's more of the persona she chooses to wear. Lily is very intelligent and calculating when needed, but prefers every situation to be as stress free as possible. You will almost never catch her without a smile and a chipper laugh.

Brief Bio: Lily grew up in a good family surrounded by love. She was always a good child and listened to everything she was told to do. Her biggest hero in her life is her father who is a monster hunter. Despite many times when it was questioned whether he would return from a mission, he always came back smiling through the door. Lily has been dead set on following in his footsteps for as long as she can remember. Questions of her size holding her back has only fueled her to train harder and find other ways to be successful in hunting down the monsters.

Weapon Of Choice: Two daggers that she only uses to escape from close range combat or to execute stealth kills. Her primary weapon is a sorcerer's staff which helps her control her magical abilities.
Magical Abilities: Lily's main focus is in a supporting role. She can heal and increase stamina/strength of her teammates. If needed, she is able to hold her own in combat, although it's not her strongest area of expertise.

Ring of Life - Lily casts a ring on the ground that covers up to 50 feet in diameter, healing herself and her allies while dealing slight damage to enemies in the ring. She can concentrate this all the way down to focus on a single person if needed.

Ray of Hope - Lily uses her staff to connect with an individual ally, choosing to either recharge their stamina or increase their strength/speed

Fade - Lily can make herself invisible for a short amount of time. Since she has to use a steady supply of magic to maintain this, she cannot attack or assist while invisible. This is mainly used to create separation from the enemy.

Elemental Attack - Lily can control any of the elements to use as an attack. It's not very powerful but it does enough to slow down the enemy or finish off a monster who is close to death

Valkyrie - This is a last ditch attack from Lily. It is very powerful and can do significant damage, even to some of the strongest monsters, but it leaves Lily drained of all her energy and magic. Depending on the amount of damage she has to inflict, it could cause her to be unable to function for the following days and, in the most severe case, it can cause her death.
Strengths: -strong support role
-almost nothing can break her spirit
-has enough cheer for the entire team
Weaknesses: -way too trusting
-very little combat strength
Extra Information:
-loves anything sweet
-eats as much as she can yet can't manage to gain weight
-hums constantly when there's silence
-can almost never feel insulted
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Lei Wang
Lei is the very definition of hot-blooded. Always energetic and eager to improve on her fighting. Though she doesn't look it she can be pretty silly with her over-the-top energy, but she’s determined to reach her goal of becoming a great warrior. She's also bad at explaining her feelings whether it be romantic or just trying to express what emotion she's feeling at that given moment.
Brief Bio:
Lei came from a family known for producing great warriors and legendary heroes. Growing up she wanted be one, reading adventure stories about knights and heroes some true some fantasy. In her kingdom becoming a warrior is one of the most honorable things you can do. It's hold in a very high regard. Lei trained hard to become the best and as she got older and started taking missions from her kingdom she grew a little bit of a name. She's now been chosen to hell hunt down and kill these monsters and she's excited to meet the others she'll be working with.
Weapon Of Choice:
Spear is her main weapon as of now.
Magical Abilities:
Has control over wind.
- Will stand up for what she believes even if she's alone
- Acrobatic
- Always willing to improve
- Has trouble expressing her feelings
-Her over the top energy can be grading​
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Excuse me while I import a character from a story of a similar premise of mine...

Name: Taeo Joseph Khyagusa
Nickname/Alias: 'Chi' pronounced 'Khy'. Short For Chi-mera
Gender: Male (ish)
Race: Human
Age: Physically 19. Male and female forms are both 17.
Orientation: Asexual

Personality: Khy is a bit of a loner, but doesn't mind team play so long as his teammates are at least... tolerable by his standards. He respects hard work, honesty, dedication, loyalty and pragmatism in others, and exhibits those qualities strongly himself. He will challenge authority, but only if the authority does not meet his standards of decency and competence. Due to having an honesty curse, this dictates a large portion of his personality, making him speak the truth or nothing at all. This means his criticism is always scathingly raw, but his praise is always genuine.

Though those who can get past that will come to know Khy as a loyal friend. In reality, he wears his heart on his sleeve and is a deeply emotional person, for as much as he tries to repress it from the eyes of everyone around him, though this side of him is rarely seen outside of his tender circle. Anyone who can get past his occasional outburst or scathing dose of honesty will find out he's a kind person deep down.

Brief Bio: Khy was adopted into a magical order as an infant after being cursed by the honesty curse. It was hoped that he would gain the necessary training and knowledge to uncover a means to break it. If anything, being raised by the order gave him protection and the education to understand his affliction. He is looking into the mystery of who, or what placed the curse upon him and how to reverse it.

Bow Staff: A weapon which fits on his belt, which can become a bow or a double bladed spear via mechanical transformation. The spear mode is very mundane and he doesn’t use it much, though the blades on both ends of the spear are silver-coated to increase their effectiveness against supernatural entities. The bow mode is the mode that he usually uses, and he carries a wide variety of trick arrows on his belt, with the arrows being identifiable by the color of the fletching. The arrows themselves are also magical in that they fold into cigarette sized cylinders and only expand into arrows when he’s ready to fire them.

I've included a spoiler for trick arrow variants from the story I've pulled this chara from. but since him having even one or two of each could make him really overpowered, I'll make them something he carries in limited supply, only taking a few of needed types depending upon the mission.

-Normal Arrow (Black)
Normal arrows have no ability, but seem magical in the fact that he never seems to run out of them.
-Armor-Peircing Arrow (Dark Gray) A sharply pointed arrow for going through heavy armor. It has enchantments on it that cause it to fly faster and farther than other types of arrows giving it an extra punch.
-Vapor Arrow (Light Gray) Creates a cloud of water vapor which works like a smokescreen.
-Sunflash Arrow (White) Creates a flash of alchemically captured sunlight which can momentarily blind or disorient foes.
-Replication Arrow (Violet) Multiplies into 32 arrows that fire on a narrow spread after being fired.
-Fire Arrow (Red) Ignites whatever it hits with magical fire.
-Bomb Arrow (Orange) Explodes after hitting a target.
-Numug Arrow (Green) Creates a cloud of foul smelling green vapor which greatly lessens or disables magic. Active casting is more affected than passive abilities.
-Ice Arrow (Light Blue) The arrow is slightly magical in that it has different properties and always acquires the property khy wants. If he shoots into an opponents limb (arm or leg) that limb gets incased in ice and fused into the ground. If the arrow shoots into a head or torso, your blood and internal fluids will freeze. If it hits a solid surface it creates an ice slick on that surface. If it hits a body of water, it freezes that body of water to a radius of about 10 meters.
-Sleeper Arrow (Dark Blue) The arrow has a special tip with a needle and a stopper to only allow the needle to go into the target. The needle is coated in a poison which puts a target to sleep without causing permanent harm. He won't usually carry this variant unless he knows the mission demands it.
-Party Arrow (Red, Yellow and Blue) Explodes into confetti when it hits something, and makes the sound of a party blower toy, but does not injure the target.

Magical Abilities:

-Blessing of Ateria: Makes Khy much more resistant to or even completely mind altering effects/illusions or mind control of any kind, depending upon the strength of the psionic at hand.
-Twin souls. Khy has two souls, earning him his name "Chi" or "Chimera", as he was actually a perfectly fused conjoined twin. This does mean (if it were possible to take a DNA test in a fantasy setting) the right side and left side of his body have slightly different DNA. This doesn't have any direct effects but someone elses' magic may play off of it in an interesting way.
-Shackle of Serago. A golden armband cursed around Khy's left arm, with a dial and a sapphire and rose quartz yin-yang set into it. By turning the dial he can alter his outward gender appearance between male and female. This has no affect on his combat or magical abilities, though the male and female forms act as separate “save states”, so if one becomes injured, tired, etc. He can switch to the other. This is also why his physical form is younger than his age, since the forms only age while he is in them. His default gender is male, as thats what he was born as, though he prefers to appear as female when around other females, or in most social or domestic situations, and as male when on missions or in combat.
-Honesty Curse: Khy must tell the truth as he knows it. He can simply remain quiet in conversation, but if directly prompted with a question aimed at him, he must tell the truth. If he tells a lie or holds his tongue when a question is aimed at him, he will begin to choke, and if he does not give the truth, he will choke to death. He can cheat this by making sure that he does not hear the question, often by interrupting it or covering his ears.

-Masterful archer. Can split the backs of his own arrows, fires his bow ambidextrously, fire sixty shots a minute. Anything any obscenely skilled fictional archer can do, he can do.
-Good in melee fights. He can use swords and polearms with basic proficiency and hold his own in a hand to hand fight against other trained martial artists.
-A very good teacher and mentor figure, though even he himself doesn't even seem to recognize or know it.
-Social Caterpillar. Khy is shy, and due to his honesty curse can be blunt and say things without regards to other's feelings, and is very good at completely missing basic social cues.
-Khy is absolutely mortified of the prospect of his body getting scarred, marked or modified in any way, and takes care of himself to an unnatural degree, always making sure he eats healthy, stays fit and avoids poisons, toxins, diseases and pestilence. This is probably he prefers to stay at a distance during fights if possible.
-Khy has a magical injury on the back of his neck, though it isn’t visible as any sort of physical wound is not there. This means that blunt strikes to the head or neck will render him unconscious rather easily. This seriously hampers his ability to take hits in fights, and he can be disabled very easily if someone knows this weakness.
-Khy seriously lacks self confidence, he always unfairly compares himself to others.
Extra Information:
-Has a twin sister and a missing mother in the canon story. They might show up at some point.
-Khy is ambidexterous.
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Gabriel Bryant
Nickname/Alias: Merc
Gender: Agender
Race: Doppler
Age: Twenty-three
Orientation: Bisexual


Personality: Gabriel is a cautious person, and keeps everyone at arms-distance. Despite this, they're great in conversation and an entertainer, but at the end of the day prefer to keep their relationships with everyone around them in a professional guideline. They're wary around affection and aren't a big fan of physical contact of any time. Though they are very loyal to those that have proven themselves as good people and fight to protect innocents, taking their responsibility seriously. Sometimes this responsibility weighs heavy on them, and can effect their actions.
Brief Bio: Gabriel was taken at a very young age after the discovery of them being a Doppler. They were only three when they took the appearance of their older sister, and were put directly into a school to control their powers and teach them to use it for good, rather than against neurotypical races. Once they reached the age of sixteen they went into training to use their powers defensively against monsters.

Weapon Of Choice: Throwing knives and alchemic remedies that can cause drowsiness or momentary confusion.
Magical Abilities: As a doppler they have the ability to 'take faces'. They can change their entire appearance to match someone else's, though all scars and injuries will be carried through as well. Their default appearance is their birth appearance, which they can return to at any time. With this, they can also make multiple selves appear. (Not physically, more-so illusions)
Strengths: Charismatic, diplomatic, peace-keeper
Weaknesses: Impulsive, narrow-minded, bullheaded
Extra Information: Gabriel has a fear of personal relationships. This extends to familial and romantic. Because of this he does not reveal much about himself, but enjoys listening about others
Why do we have so many characters with form changing abilities? We have Gaether (Thereanthropy), Anora (Age shifting), Me (Gender shifting) and Gabriel (Taking faces and illusions).

Also where is the OP? Has anyone gotten DMs about their characters? I haven't seen the list get updated once.
Why do we have so many characters with form changing abilities? We have Gaether (Thereanthropy), Anora (Age shifting), Me (Gender shifting) and Gabriel (Taking faces and illusions).

Also where is the OP? Has anyone gotten DMs about their characters? I haven't seen the list get updated once.
yeah the shifting thing is getting to be much. and no I haven't heard anything
yeah the shifting thing is getting to be much. and no I haven't heard anything

I was going to ask if anyone would be opposed to me just kicking this off with its own RP thread, or at least making a thread so we can do starting character interactions. If Ya Boi comes back we can let him have the reigns again since I believe he had some lore/story/campaign prepped.

Also maybe the shapesifting being common could be used in the context of the rp. Like theres a type of monster that's common that gets confused when fighters change forms but is otherwise difficult to defeat.
Well I'm not sure I thought maybe they were waiting on others to post cause I think there are some more people who havn't made character yet who said they were interested.

I guess
I don’t think they’ve been on, and I’ve got no idea why there are so many form changers I just couldn’t decide between a near emotionless immortal and a shapeshifter so I just did both.
Also another thing why are all the men asexual or agender and there's honorsexual which i'm guessing was half a joke. XD a girl ain't got no options
ngl I didn't read anyone elses character sheets so that's my bad lmao

also complaining abt sexuality/gender isn't really uhhh necessary

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