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Fantasy The Hunted (REBOOT)


Three Thousand Club

The Hunted

For millennium, the supernatural have stayed underground. They have created their own societies, they own lives and laws and councils. They even have their own law enforcement; a group called hunters that belong to their own "hunter network". As their name implies, they hunt and terminate those that have broken sacred laws. Their job extends far beyond just this boundary, however, and they are also responsible for reintegrating less dangerous creatures back into the world of humans, such as vampires and werewolves.

The majority of hunters have been humans for centuries, the result of curious-eyed men and women eager to seek out thrills and legends that were only a bit too true stumbling upon the hidden world among humans. They kept the peace, but at great cost. Eventually, supernatural creatures joined the hunter network as a cry for the ability to rule themselves went up among the supernatural.

The world that hunters live in is one they cannot escape, no matter how fast they run. Human or not, they are all damned to live a life of secrecy and violence, shrouded in mystery and reeking of death. Though tensions run high between the human hunters, the supernatural ones, and the community they struggle to protect, at the end of the day they are all on the same damned side.

But some want
more. They are tired of hiding in the dark, working a thankless job that ends their lives far too early. They are tired of living on the streets, in cars, on the road, without a place to truly call home. They are tired of watching their friends, their companions, fall in blood and violence and they are tired of being scorned by even those that are as lowly as they are. They want to be recognized. They want to be honored. They want to be heroes. But heroes don't kill. And hunters are certainty not heroes.

As what appears to be a civil war brews within the hunters, some clamoring for more recognition while others say that their secrecy protects the greater good, someone else is taking advantage of the divide. Hunters are dropping like flies, their corpses turning up drained of blood, disemboweled, destroyed. No one knows why but fingers are pointing, each side of the argument declaring the other guilty. Those that want more freedom say that the other is stifling them and those that wish to preserve the old ways say that the rebels are trying to intimidate them onto their side.

Neither see the blood red eyes in the dark.



Morior invictus

I die unvanquished

Nicknames: Bloodsuckers, fanged ones, the undead. None of these nicknames are particularly flattering and it is highly advised not to use them within earshot of any vampires.


Increased speed and stamina-- A vampire can easily outrun and outlast a human though they do have their own limits. The average running speed of a vampire is about 23 miles per hour compared to a human's 15 mile per hour speed. The fastest speed of a vampire was measured at 34 miles per hour, higher than the fastest human's speed, which was 27.8 miles per hour. However, similar to humans, this was only achieved through rigorous training and could only be maintained for short bursts of time.

Increased strength -- The general consensus is that vampires are upwards of two times as strong as humans. The highest estimate has been about three and a half times as strong. However, they have a limit to the amount of energy they can expend.

Faster healing speed -- Vampires can heal cuts in hours when it would take humans days to do so and can heal broken bones in days instead of weeks.

Increased eyesight in the dark -- Vampires can see as well in the dark as a cat can, meaning they can make out the general shape, though not the color, of objects in minimal light. However, the majority of vampires do prefer night-vision goggles to their own eyesight as it is more accurate and puts less strain on them.

Immunity -- Healthy vampires have not been known to get sick or catch any viruses that usually are found in humans. This includes STDs and cancers, though if the individual has this before they are turned, the recovery process is slow, as the potential for set-backs, and may take upwards of a few years. As a result, there have been cases where vampires are killed by diseases because they took the bite far too late in their illness.

The sun: -- Standing out in the sun will weaken a vampire, though it will not kill one. Being in the sun causes a vampire to feel lethargic and makes them weaker than most humans at times, primarily from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.

Iron -- Iron is the greatest weakness of vampires, as it is one of the few things that will halt a vampire's healing ability and render them useless. Only by removing the metal and then washing out the wound will the healing resume. It also burns vampires and is an effective ward against them.

Symbols -- A symbol may only work if a person truly believes in its ability to ward off vampires. For example, a human may use a cross to ward off a vampire if they truly believe that the cross will repel it. Ironically, because hunters know so much about vampires and therefore know how to truly kill them, symbols are essentially a useless form of defense, as few hunters truly believe in their ability to ward vampires.

Blood loss -- Vampires are heavily dependent on blood to survive and blood loss greatly weakens them. Vampires can loose up to 20% of their blood before they show a sharp decrease in response and usually die after 30% of their blood has been lost, compared to humans who can loose upwards of 40%.

Method of turning -- A vampire may turn a human by infecting the human with the disease that runs through its own veins. The hunters haven't been able to decipher what it is exactly and theories run rampant about how it is akin to some kind of virus, possibly unleashed by an unhappy god or another. The virus may be passed on through open wounds and must reach the bloodstream in order to infect a host. As such, biting a human is the most common way of turning them.

Other -- These days, vampires drink coconut juice, as it has the same components as human blood and is an easy substitute. This is mostly common with older vampires, as younger vampires tend to feed on animal blood due to the fact that animal blood appears like human blood and aids in sating their hunger. Older vampires have grown accustom to the taste of coconut juice and drink it because it is more widely available.

Sometimes, after massive blood drives, vampires will go behind blood banks and take the unusable bags of blood after they have been thrown out. However, vampires cannot drink blood that is older than two months, as it will have spoiled beyond even what they digestive systems can take.

Canis canem edit

Dog eats dog

Nicknames: Furball, tailed. Neither of these nicknames are particularly flattering and it is highly advised not to use them within earshot of any werebeasts.


Enhanced strength -- Werebeasts appear to be consistently anywhere from two times as strong to four times as strong as humans when transformed, depending on the species. They are only slightly stronger than the average human when they are not transformed, akin to a weightlifter in the Olympics. This is, however, highly dependent on the health and physique of the individual.

Enhanced speed -- A few species tend to have faster speed than others, with werecheetahs at the top and wereboars near the bottom, though this depends heavily on the physique of the individual and how healthy they are.

Transformation -- Werebeasts are able to transform into an animal entirely, though this puts considerable strain on them. They can easily transform into what appears to be a hybrid of the two, spouting extra hair as well as tusks and claws, though they retain general humanistic facial expressions and limbs as well as the ability to stand up.

Enhanced sense -- Depending on which species, a werebeast may have an enhanced sense of smell, sight, or hearing. This is reflect of what animal they can turn into, with those that are werecats having the ability to see better in the dark and werewolves having a better sense of smell.

Greater immunity -- Werebeasts seem able to resist some diseases of humans, such as colds and flus, and recover faster from fevers and infections. Why, no one is sure, as physical healing within werebeasts appears to be slower. Werebeasts can still be killed by diseases such as AIDs and HIV, as well as cancer, though they tend to live longer and have a greater chance of recovery.

Slower healing -- Due to the fact that animals themselves often heal slower than humans, the majority of werebeasts take longer to heal than humans. Things that would kill humans will kill werebeasts, such as gunshot wounds to the heart and brain and they are often abed longer than humans with broken limbs. The amount of blood they can loose appears to be similar to that of humans.

Iron (for wolves and coyotes) -- Iron burns and can leave scars that do not recover on werewolves and coyotes.

Catnip (for werecats) -- Catnip is a drug that can render werecats sleepy, though this appears to be genetically linked as about one-third of all werecats do not respond to catnip in such a way.

Method of Turning: Similar to how to turn a vampire, werebeasts seem to be created through a virus in werebeast's blood. It has not been isolated either and hunters are generally at a loss for what it is. It is suspected that a rouge sorcerer might have accidentally created it while they were trying to make a chimera or sphinx. The virus may be passed on through wounds and must enter the bloodstream, hence why bites are the most common way of turning a human. They can also be born if both parents are werebeasts.

Other: There are only a certain amount of werebeasts that exist. These are:




Various werecats such as lions, cheetahs, panthers, and jaguars.


Most of them seem able to gain control of their transformations and werebeasts are the largest group of creatures that voluntarily choose to return to human society and live among them.

Werebeasts that interbred between species tend to give birth to sterile young, though the parent and child appear to be healthy afterwards.

Usque ad finem

To the very end

Nicknames: Witch, wizards, magician. These terms have been used throughout history and while most sorcerers prefer the current term, they find no offense in the other ones.


Limited magic -- Whether a sorcerer is a born sorcerer or a turned one determines their magical ability, though even a born sorcerer has very weak magic. Their magic is channeled through their bodies and is dependent on their physical health as a more healthy sorcerer will be able to cast larger spells. Most spells control natural elements such as water, fire, wind, and stone and simply shift or move small amounts of these objects. They usual require immense amounts of concentration though this can be enhanced via enchanted objects that are created for specific purposes.

Enhanced objects -- Sorcerers can brew and create objects that channel forces of nature and they can be used to enhance their own powers or be used by any other species to unleash something specific. For example, one common object used is a small glass jar with the Essence of the Wind that will create a gust of wind when opened or will aid the sorcerer in pushing a large amount of wind in a certain direction.

Charms/traps -- Sorcerers have created many different kinds of symbols that may be used as charms or traps once a sorcerer can imbue magic into it. One of the most commonly used ones is a rune to trap individuals. Once someone has stepped on it, the sorcerer must chant the correct spell and the individual will be trapped so long as the sorcerer is focusing on the rune.

Concentration dependent -- Because sorcerers have to concentrate so much on their powers to be effective, most can easily sneak up on sorcerers if they are busy.

Energy dependent -- A sorcerer must draw upon their own energy stores. As a result, if they are hungry or emotionally distraught, their powers will not be as strong or will drain them at a faster rate. Sorcerers tend to pass out if they overexert themselves.

Mortality -- Next to humans, sorcerers are the most mortal out of all hunters, boasting little advantage over most of the other creatures aside from their magic.

Method of Turning: Some sorcerers are born if at least one their parents was a born sorcerer or if both of their parents are turned sorcerers. Humans who wish to be turned most follow a ritual of blood purification and drink a specially made potion.

Other: Generally considered one of the more "pathetic" species by other supernatural creatures, as they see sorcerers as supernatural on a technicality of being able to do things humans can't. As almost all sorcerers are hunters and it is rumored that the first sorcerer was created by humans, most creatures do not view them in high favor.

Minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus

He threatens the innocent who spares the guilty

Nicknames: Feathers, the rejected, halo-heads. None of these nicknames are particularly flattering and it is highly advised not to use them within earshot of any nephilim. Half-demons, however, tend to call the nephilim whatever they like and a common nickname among them is "naked winged rat".


Weak telekinesis -- They are able to move some objects, such as tables and chairs, with their minds a short distance. They can crush weak metals like aluminum as well.

Enhanced strength, speed, and stamina -- While the exact range is not determined, it is generally recognized that nephilim are around two and a half times stronger than humans; about twice as fast as humans, as they can run up to an average of 30 miles per hour with training; and can outlast humans in most activities.

Weak teleportaion -- Nephilim can teleport inanimate objects up to three miles away if they concentrate on the object and think of the location they are trying to move it to. This requires the individual to know exactly where they are transporting the object.

Wind manipulation -- Around seventy-five percent of nephilim are able to bend the wind around them to their will. The largest radius was estimated to be fifty feet around an individual, though most nephilim can only control half of that.

Enhanced immunity -- Nephilim seem completely immune to cancer as well as other diseases that are otherwise terminal to humans. Ironically, they can still die from diseases such as gangrene and the flu if not treated properly. This is where the nickname "naked winged rat" comes from, as naked mole rats are also immune to cancer.

Enchanting metal -- Most nephilim can recite a chant and create metal that is blessed by them.

Disease -- Nephilim can still die from regular diseases like humans can.

Damned metal -- Demons can enchant metal to be damned. These blades do more damage to nephilim than any other creature, including humans and a single well-placed slash can potentially kill one.

Mortal weapons -- Nephilim are far from immortal and are still able to die via human weapons such as guns and knives.

Method of turning: None; you are born a nephilim. It is unclear where the first nephilim appeared or how they were created, but these days if one parent is a nephilim, the child has a fifty percent chance of being a nephilim themselves.

Other: Nephilim are not confirmed descendants from angels and it is more commonly assumed these days that a god had at one point blessed various people and made them nephilims. This is enforced by the fact that nephilim are mortal in many aspects, though their aging process is about a quarter as fast as a human's. As a result, they live considerably longer. The name simply stuck because of their ability to bless objects. They appear human as well and it is thought that many nephilim live among humans and simply do not know it. People can be checked with blessed items, as they will not harm nephilim.

Nephilims have a deep-seated rivalry and hatred of half-demons for obvious reasons.

Latius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis quam innocentem damnari

It is better to let the crime of the guilty go unpunished than to condemn the innocent

Nicknames: Black-eyes, spawn. Neither of these nicknames are particularly flattering and it is highly advised not to use them within earshot of any half-demons. Nephilim, however, tend to call half-demons whatever they like and a commonly used nickname is "fallen tar".


Fire resistance -- Half-demons are able to withstand temperatures upwards of 110 Celsius with minor discomfort. They begin to become burned at around 150 degrees Celsius.

Enhanced strength, speed, and stamina -- While the exact range is very fuzzy, it is generally recognized that half-demons are around two and a half times stronger than humans; about twice as fast as humans, as they can run up to an average of 30 miles per hour with training; and can outlast humans in most activities.

Enhanced durability -- Falling from buildings from upwards of three stories does little to harm half-demons and they appear able to withstand blunt force up to a speeding vehicle.

Minor physical manipulation -- Older half-demons can turn their eyes into a different color from their default black ones. This is the only physical manipulation they are capable of doing.

Enchanting metal -- Most half-demons can recite a chant and create metal that is damned by them.

Immortality -- barring illness and being attacked, it appears that half-demons could hypothetically live forever, as they do not age past fifty and their cells continuously regenerate.

Mortal Weapons -- Half-demons are still vulnerable to bullets and knives and heal at the same speed as humans. A high enough fall can also kill them and enough blunt force trauma can also render them unconscious or dead.

Poor immunity -- It seems that half-demons are most susceptible to illnesses associated with the cold such as the flu and pneumonia. They are also more deadly to them, with tuberculosis being practically a death-sentence for half-demon children under the age of two. These days, vaccination and modern technology have lowered the mortality rate significantly, though it is still higher than most species.

Blessed metal -- Angles can enchant metal to be blessed. These blades do more damage to half-demons than any other creature, including humans and a single well-placed slash can potentially kill one.

Method of turning: None; you are born half-demon. It is unclear where the first half-demon appeared or how they were created, but these days if one parent is a half-demon, the child has a fifty percent chance of being a half-demon themselves.

Other: Half-demons are marked by dark pupils and irises that seem to absorb all known light. As such, only older half-demons are found among humans as they have figured out how to change their eye color. This seems associated with their ability to create damned metal. These days, contacts are being used for some of the younger half-demons to re-assimilate into society.

Half-demons are not truly the spawn of Satan, though many older nephilim insist that they are due to their dark eyes and resistance to fire. It is suggested that a malicious god might have become jealous of nephilim and their powers and cursed one of them in resentment of the god that created them originally.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam

I will either find a way or make one

Nicknames: Meat sacks, flimsy blood packs, the normal ones, the stupid ones, the plain ones. While these nicknames are unflattering, most species continue to call humans by these names as they usual deem humans unable to harm due to their morals. However, as time has passed, the insults have generally been phased out and using them is looked down upon in most social circles.


Will-power -- Human will-power is perhaps humanity's greatest strength. Their ability to fight on despite the odds and to survive horrific experiences is a testament to the ability of humans to keep fighting.

Magic resistance -- Generally associated with will-power, most creatures find it harder to keep humans under magical spells. Hunters generally train to be able to break out of simple spells like runes that sorcerers might cast. The general population has a harder time breaking free, dependent on how hard they wish to most of the time.

Mortality -- Arguably the most mortal, humans are easily killed through many means. Other creatures are not hesitant to remind them of this.

Method of turning: None; you are born human.

Other: The most common hunters around.

In the midst of the chaos of a greedy generation, wanting more than they can have, a third group plans on getting what it wants. They are the ones that were discarded, cast aside for being too potent, too dangerous, too deadly to be a hunter. They are the ones with teeth and claws, with a bite and a snarl that will tear apart another without a thought. They are the ones that have feasted on the hunters and they are the ones that will truly break free. They will be the ones to find themselves a place or carve it out of the chests of their enemies. They are the hunted.

And it is time they had their chance.

They will tear apart those that have stifled them. They will show the hunters what happens when the hunted are beaten down.

A cornered animal looses all hope and is more savage and dangerous than one that is still free.

A cornered monster will find itself with no options but to attack.

A cornered monster will find itself a way out, through its enemies or over.

The hunters have had their chance and their time. The hunted will take their freedom, one way or another.


Noli me tangere

Do not touch me

Nicknames: Skeletons, stick-heads, mud monsters.




Method of turning -- No one is sure how faes came into existence or how the reproduce. No creature seems able to withstand the liquid that oozes from them.

Other -- Some think that they may be sorcerers that fell too far down their studies of magic. Some say that they are nephilim that have disgraced themselves and turned into tortured souls. No one knows for sure. It is simply known that they are like hulking skeletons, thin and gaunt and covered in black substance that burns to the touch and is thought to be the magic that keeps them together. They drip as they move, creating an easy, though toxic, path to their location.

Gutta cavat lapidem

A water drop hollows a stone

Nicknames: Sirens, the whores of the sea.




Method of Turning: None; merfolk are born and are born among each other as their way of fertilization is incompatible with other species. Akin to how fish are born, the female will produce eggs and the male will fertilize them externally.

Other: While they are unable to live on land, they can breathe air. With the rise in alliances between hunted, they have discovered ways to tread on land using the magic of the faes and kumihos.

Mors tua, vita mea

Your death, my life

Nicknames: Ninetails, rabid werwolves, vixen, tailed whore.




Method of turning: An already existing kumiho may become pregnant through:






As there are only females of the species, she will often seduce a male of a different species. The pregnancy and birth parallel that of humans.

Other: Originally from Korea, kumiho are fox spirits that live to up to 1000 years and take the form of beautiful women to seduce and later kill men in order to survive. They are malicious in nature and seem to only have their own species' existence in mind as kumiho can band together to hunt down their prey or raise children.

Inspired by
the Fox Sister (on permanent hiatus).

Omnis vir enim sui

Evey man for himself

Nicknames: Sphinx, Frankenstein('s monster), Geryon.




Method of turning: None; you are born a chimera. No one is quite sure where they came from or how they came to be, but they are born from their own species.

Other: Chimeras generally have an established appearance. Their upper body is one animal, usually a large predator such as a lion, boar, or panther, and their lower body is a hooved creature, usually a horse of some kind. Their tail is either that of a scorpion's or contains a snake. Some have a second head in the form of a prey animal such as a gazelle, though this is rare.

OOC note: Your character cannot be a chimera as they are essentially animals and behave like one.

Fui quod es, eris quod sum

I once was what you are, you will be what I am

Nicknames: Zombies, the undead, the living dead, the traitors.




Method of Turning: Created by those unable to let go of the past and the living by consuming and performing magic akin to necromancy. Their minds and souls leave them and they become an empty husk, forever wandering and searching for something they cannot get.

Other: A mindless drone, though easily manipulated, the other hunted use ghouls as distractions as they do not feel pain. They are used as canon fodder.

OOC note: Your character cannot be a ghoul. Listed here for completion's sake.

OOC: Congratulations if you've made it this far! this was an RP idea I had a few months ago that never got off the ground. Now that I have a better grasp of how to run group RPs, I'd like to try this again. As of right now, I want to see how interested people might be before setting up a thread.

This will not be first come first serve; as it is detailed, I will expect detailed writing with good punctuation and spelling. However, I do not have a perceived limit for the amount of people I plan to accept.

If you guys have any suggestions for any hunted, please let me know! I couldn't really think of any. If you've got questions, comments, interest, please post below!

Note: This will be set in the modern era, if it wasn't clear.
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Hmmm, yes I want to be updated on this as well. Would you say this was taking place bascially in our current year of the era or alittle behind/after it. Just gonna.... *Stamps on watch*
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