The Hunt for the Codex


Character Sheet




Martin Volex



Physical build

6'0" height, slim build but extremely heavy due to mechanized body

Sexual orientation

Straight but he cannot have sex anyway so for all intensive purposes he is asexual


Greater Petersburg council member 2, black ops division of security forces

Skillsets and specialties

Excellent combatant, proficient in hand to hand combat and ranged combat. Intelligent strategist, good at tracking things down, solid investigator and a good leader of men. Martin also is a skilled pilot of both hovercraft and grav planes. His artificial limbs and body give him enhanced physical speed, strength and sensitivity to sights, sounds and smells along with an almost limitless supply of endurance.


Martin is a military man who's mindset fits the job description to a T. He is disciplined, trustworthy and has the dependability of a workhorse, but he is too rigid in his approach to things, often coming off as obtuse. Although he is a by the book and rule abiding man he is flexible in terms of strategies both on and off the battlefield. He is one of the most relied upon members of the black operations division for the Greater Petersburg security force and he is often called upon to handle the less than palatable jobs. He believes that his cause is a just one and he ends justify the means, while he takes no pleasure in violence, torture, murder etc. he will do so if ordered to without a second thought. Although many people view him as an obedient dog who simply follows commands, he is also motivated by personal desires for power. While he refrains from admitting such a thing he is in it for himself at the end of the day and he will throw people under the bus if it means improving his status which is something that he has struggled doing, as transferring from loyal combat asset and assassin to trusted councilman is a hard one.

He will do anything to achieve his goals and to sum things up, he is Machiavellian in his approach to life. If the lives of innocents must be taken for him to achieve his task, than those people should start running because he isn't the type to let a conscience get in the way of his job.

He has a dry and businesslike personality and cares little for pleasantries and socializing. He spends his time training, reading and in a surprising twist, writing stories. He has a non existent sense of humor and doesn't appreciate humor. He is quite judgmental of others and unlike some of the more progressive members of Petersburgian society, he views outsiders as irradiated and mutated mutts living in squalor and as a result he sees no problem killing outsiders who get in the way of his operation, citing their deaths as collateral damage. He is an intellectual who has dedicated his second chance at life to learn and develop himself, he believes that if one does nothing to improve themselves when they are alive, they did nothing at all.


Martin is a career soldier and fighter who was the recipient of a groundbreaking procedure that was able to preserve his brain as his body died. His mind is held within a chamber of nutrient rich gel in the cranial cavity of the artificial body. A network of artificial veins and nerves run throughout Martin's artificial limbs and body pumping synthetic blood into his brain and cycling it back through a filter that acts as a kidney before sending the synthetic blood back to the oxygen intake compartment which is essentially a mechanical lung.

He received his wounds at the hands of one of the most vicious cartels in the city, the leader of the Vakos Tribe, a malicious and slightly unhinged kingpin by the name of Micky Vakos had captured Martin after a failed raid on one of the many vast apartment complexes of the poor and cartel controlled second district. Micky was a vicious and sadistic man who enjoyed making spectacles of his enemies, instead of a bullet to the head or an equally mundane way of death, Micky decided to kill Martin with a large shot of Nano Bios, a form of micro robot that was used to destroy and decompose dead material. The Nano Bios went through Martin's body, destroying the tissue from the inside out, one of the most painful ways to die imaginable. The death brought by Nano Bios is surprisingly slow and as he was in his death throes, a follow up raid came into the building from the rooftop and ended the cartel leader and his posse. Martin was immediately evacuated to a local treatment center and it was then decided that the only way to save his life was to remove his still undamaged head and brain, put the brain into stasis and then transplant the brain into an experimental chassis.

The surgery and transplant went well and Martin was once again able to perform his duty as a security force enforcer, but he was no normal enforcer now. His alterations had given him a massive advantage over both his peers and his enemies in the streets of Greater Petersburg and within a year he had been brought within the inner fold of the black ops division of the security forces, directed by #2, one of eleven unknown and anonymous council members who each hold great power within the city and whose edicts control the actions of the security forces.




Ethan Kersey



Physical build

5'11" in height, muscular build but not bulky in appearance

Sexual orientation



Himself and the Svedkin Empire where he was born and now resides

Skillsets and specialties

Excellent marksman, good hand to hand fighter, good tactician and strategist. Great at picking up weaknesses in other people and reading true motivations behind actions.


Ethan is a soft spoken man with an aura of calmness and intelligence around him. His taciturn nature is often mistaken for weakness by those ignorant of his past and his impressive skill set. He is not the type to run from a fight and will not hesitate to kill if someone stands in his way or threatens him or the people he cares about, all that being said, he will work towards an alternative and non violent path if one is available. He takes no joy from the thought of hurting others and he views it as a necessary part of life, albeit one that is unpalatable.

He is quite smart and thoughtful in both his approach to social and non social situations, often taking several seconds to think through his words before speaking. The intellectual and slightly mechanical way he interacts with others sometimes creates a disconnect between himself and others as it can be slightly off putting. He is also very calculating when it comes to the way that he processes his emotions and as a result he can come off as callous at times. At heart he is a good man who has been put in situations where he has had to go against his nature and as a result he is slightly out of touch with his inner emotions, covering his inner self underneath a protective veneer of intellectual calculation instead of embracing his base emotional responses which in many cases is a good thing as he can separate his initial response from the proper one.

He is kind and quite loyal to those who he trusts, he will fight and support those who he values as friends. He knows when it is time to put business first but if he can he will work to aid those he cares about even if it means putting himself at a tactical disadvantage. His humor is of the dry variety and he rarely laughs unless he finds something truly hilarious and he keeps most people at arms length but once someone gets to know him he is a great friend to have by one's side.


Ethan was born to a poor family in the heart of the Svedkin Empire, although he wasn't dirt poor, his family always struggled to get by and their copious amount of children did little to help the situation early on, as five children is a hard lot to keep well fed. His experiences as a product of poverty always remained with him and instilled a miser's mentality in him that is still with him today. His family life was good, his parents were hard working and were role models for all of the children, but their hard working attitudes and work ethic could do nothing to stop their youngest, a five year old girl by the name of Estha, from perishing at the hands of a wasting auto immune disease. The loss hardened the young Ethan, and broke his father who began drinking to cover the pain of his loss. His family life slowly crumbled as his mother left his father due to his drinking problems. By that time, Ethan was almost sixteen, and instead of dealing with his now defunct family he ran from home, doing odd jobs of both the legal and illegal type to get by on his own. After a year of doing small things here and there and living in a vermin infested apartment he took a job offer to run security for a caravan heading eastward towards old China (Empire of Tivach). He was hired by the PDSOB (Personal Defense and Special Operations Brigade) as a freelancer, a warm body to beef up the appearance of security and nothing more, all he was there for was to be a deterrent to raiders. As the caravan was traversing the relatively safe Gold Road, an attack was anything but expected, but against all of the expectations of the merchants and the PDSOB, the merchant caravan was attacked by a group of raiders and on that night Ethan found his calling, dropping numerous raiders with his rifle and saving the lives of several of men, both merchant and mercenary. After returning from the far east he was hired by the PDSOB as a full time operative due to his performance in the field.

From that point onward, Ethan was a mercenary by trade, and he continued with that career path for over a decade, from the age of seventeen to twenty nine he carved out a reputation as one of the most effective soldiers of fortune in the business. His aptitude for strategical thought and his even keel allowed him to rise to field officer for one of the largest mercenary companies in the known world. After being employed by the PDSOB for seven years, he took his considerable savings and opened his own company. Using his connections and his reputation he built a highly respected and trustworthy business. His men immediately respected him as he led from the field, more content to fight on the front lines than to sit behind a desk.

After a long and successful run as a mercenary he finally grew tired of the endless fighting and the risks he was assuming each time he strapped his boots on. After a long and illustrious career he sold his company and retired to his hometown, a picturesque city at the base of the Scandinavian mountains. He opened a hardware and gun store in the city and continued his business successes. He enjoyed the quiet life for several years, even marrying a woman named Eva. Unfortunately his happiness was not meant to last. His wife passed away in a tragic accident, his home burnt to the ground with her inside of the house as a result of a lightning storm. His heart was broken but the man was strong, he had seen many of his close friends die in the field over the years and he was no stranger to loss, but even so, he had loved her with his heart and her passing effected him greatly. Furthermore his business began to falter. The price of weapons and ammunition rose dramatically due to a widespread shortage of supplies and a freeze out by the major gunsmiths guild in the Svedkin Empire.

In order to keep his business afloat he has come out of retirement for one last job, one of his old business partners has contacted him, the job is a simple one on paper, but chasing legends is never so simple.​
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(I have changed my character slightly if that's alright)



Venice ^

Name: Venice Goldman

Age: 19

Physical build: Venice is tall and thin. She has high set cheek bones and she stands crookedly, from a previous accident she had while exploring an ancient tomb, and she has wide hips and long legs.

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Allegiances: Venice has no allegiances. She doesn't take sides, and prefers to work alone, but every now and then she does something for someone else.

Skill sets and specialties: Being a traveler, she explores a lot. Venice is great at finding things, and this may come in handy for tracking actual people. She is a good thinker, and can spot things that people wouldn't look for regularly. Venice can only go so far as getting evidence from people, and her surroundings.

Personality: She only works for pay. Venice will not do anything for anyone unless she gets something in return, and if she doesn't get what she wants from them, she will attempt to kill them. She only lives off of necessities, and will not care to lose a comrade or two if it is vital to her mission. She rarely speaks, and she may stare off into space while thinking about things.

Venice grew up with six brothers, two older, and four younger. Her older brothers have always defended their family and they were known as gunslingers. When she was twelve, there was a group of raiders who broke into their apartment and killed her parents and four younger brothers, including one of her older brothers.

Her oldest brother defended her with his life. There was only one raider left. He screamed at her to run as he was blocking hits from the raider. She was petrified, and didn't move. He yelled at her to run again, and as the raider took the final blow to her brother's skull, she screamed and cried as she ran as fast as she could. This experience changed her life.​
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Leo Makarov



Physical Build:

6'5, muscular

Sexual Orientation:


Affiliations: A few small unimportant towns in what used to be Russia.

Skill Sets and Specialties: Leo is good at tinkering and fixing things, in addition to being a good strategist. He can handle most firearms well, but is unskilled in melee weapons. His unarmed combat is decent, but not exceptional.

Personality: Leo is what most would define as Chaotic-Good. He has no problem taking lives when he feels the victim deserved it. In most occasions he'd prefer to let someone live, but the mission comes first. When he feels at ease, he can be funny and charismatic. In a mission situation though, he tries to remain cold and distant. He values his rare friends greatly and in many circumstances he would die for them. If he can help someone in a way that doesn't sacrifice the greater good, he will.

Place of Origin: Hand Of Providence (formerly Provideniya)


Leo was born in a harsh and unforgiving winter, however due to his town's proximity to the water food was never in shortage. He was born to one of the wealthiest families in the town and his mother passed away in child birth. He looked around him and saw all the poverty and sadness his family had brought. Being disgusted with this he began leaving small packages for his starving brethren. His father quickly noticed and disowned him so not to bring dishonor to his family. A few weeks later his father passed away due to mysterious circumstances. After a short grieving period, Leo took his family's fortune, bought a few supplies and started traveling, helping those he could and punishing those who deserved it. He earned the title: Robin Hood. He ponders visiting his small town from time.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/warrior_10.jpg.51d17ced45531a2cd8129ff5a1f528e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/warrior_10.jpg.51d17ced45531a2cd8129ff5a1f528e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tan skin,tribal tattoo of a cross on his neck,at physical peak

Peritus Benedictus Invictus


Physical Build:6'6" with body at physical peak

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Allegiances:His own organization called the Traders Guild

Skillsets and Specialties:Master fighter and skilled with hand to hand weapons.Also extremely skilled with guns.Overall,he's a little bit of everything but there are still fighting styles and weapons that he hasn't experienced yet.Peritus has also made his own fighting style called The Ominis or "The Omen".He is also slightly mutated because his parents had some radiation.This gives him a fast healing rate,tremendous strength and endurance,boosted senses,and a mind built for battle.

Personality:Peritus is a respectable man due to his attitude to everything.Altough the world may be harsh and violent,he keeps his cool.He wishes to see people in harmony and happiness so he sometimes does whatever he can to keep people comfortable.If you have a lot on your mind,Peritus will be all ears and he'll try to make you feel better.Basically,he is a vigilante but he is also just trying to get by.When fighting,his mind is focused on protecting the weak and ending the fight,because war is his worst fear.He is sick of it and wishes to end it.

Peritus is a man whose soul was shattered and reborn.At birth,his parents were murdered by the brutal cannibals of the badlands.He was saved by a Spanish vagrant who was passing by and heard the commotion.The vagrant named him Peritus Benedictus Invictus.As he grew up with the vagrant,he was constantly being forced into life or death situations to get food,water,and shelter.Peritus was hardened by all of the violence and became an unstoppable force.To survive,he trained in everything.He learned how to handle guns and hand-to-hand weapons to protect himself,the vagrant,and anyone else he felt needed it.Peritus believes he was brought by God himself and is blessed,which is why he has survived for so long.In Latin,his last name,Invictus,means "invincible" and his middle name,Benedictus,means "blessed".His first name,Peritus,means "skilled".

After Peritus was old enough to go about on his own,he earned enough money to get the vagrant (whose name was found out to be Francisco) a house in Tivach.Peritus left the vagrant,and returned to the outskirts of the Romi empire,where his parents were murdered.He stayed there,becoming a mercenary and earning enough money to buy a crude looking hover bike and more weapons.Peritus went to the Badlands for revenge,in a fit of rage and deep anger.He killed many cannibals and stole the best weapons he could find,but he did this swiftly and remained unknown.He covers his face often,not only for protection in the desert,but to hide his identity.Peritus does not tell anyone his name.He is simply known as "Ghost".After the assault on the Badlands,he worked as a vigilante,helping and saving people from danger.His alias became widely known and he earned a lot of money.He used the money to travel everywhere.Peritus became indulged in trading and began buying and selling things (especially weapons).

Even though Peritus became a trader,he still saved people from danger.Eventually,other skilled men and women joined him.He called the group the Traders Guild.They weren't just traders,however.They all became vigilantes as well,following in Peritus' footsteps.This is when he created his own fighting style known as The Omen.Every member of the Traders Guild uses The Omen.Now,it's widely known that anyone who is a "trader" is probably a member of the Traders Guild.Half trader,half vigilante.To this day,this is Peritus' job.Technically,he is a Romi but he does not agree with the government and he travels all over to trade and save lives,so he doesn't stick to a certain empire.He lives however he wants to live.Still,no one knows his name,except for the members of his Traders Guild.



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Age: 19

Physical Build: 4'5" Deceptively weak because she is short and a woman most people underestimate her agility and precision.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Allegiances: CVC or Criminal Vengence Core.

Skillsets and Specialties: Her skills with blades, pistols, and the rifle are unmatched in the badlands. Her having the thought of being out numbered gives her a rush in adrenalin usually she can handle a group as big as 8 or 9 without even a scratch. After training in the badlands for many years she has become quicker and more agile than most, her precision with strikes is something of that of a myth.

Personality: Being alone Natalia likes to make jokes to herself and that's usually what makes her such a chipper person, sometimes she says them out loud as she is killing someone by accident.

Background: Natalia was once part of Great Petersburg, many years ago. Her family was killed in the streets by a deranged menace who was never apprehended when she was 12. After receiving her parents inheritance she could have lived in her family home lavishly, instead she decided her path would be different, she vowed to herself that she would avenge anyone who suffered. With with her family's inheritance she bought and extremely modified land speeder it goes nearly triple the speed of others but with that speed comes an increased difficulty in control that she has seemed to mastered, she also bought two energy pistols and a rifle, she also made a last stop at her home taking her father's mask that would serve well in the badlands, her mother's necklace, and her sister's two knives. She left Great Petersburg not wanting to return until she was much past her prime paying the maids enough in advance until she would be 50.

She sped out the gates realizing that her life was now in her control, not some standardized test, not a governments, but her control.

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Axterius Vano



Physical build:

6'3, has a lean and lithe build.

Sexual orientation:



Whoever pays him the most

Skillsets and specialties:

What he is prided for is his stealth and speed, which comes in high demand especially in assassination jobs. He can do advance acrobatics and is quite a gymnast. He is also quite flexible, both his mind and body. He is skilled with guns and knives, although his guns are usually just pistols and small caliber machine guns. He is also skilled in hand to hand combat.


He has is laid back and has a devil may care mentality, not really taking anything too seriously, whether it is a task or a relationship. He can be quite arrogant and a major pain in the neck, you can't help but admire his guts. He is charming and charismatic, despite the fact that few have seen what is hidden behind the mask, but maybe that is what adds to the charm. Though he does not openly hates anyone, he rarely trust a soul in this world, except for the few he calls his friends. He is straight forward and blunt, both with his fists and words. He is slow to anger, but once his temper gets a hold of him, he is sadistic and cruel.


His whole life had been a series of twist and turns and ups and downs. He had grown up in a normal and admittedly boring family. His parents just earning enough to get them by and he is what you may call a normal kid. Everything was dull and average, until that one day. He was 15 when it happened. Out of all the things that can kill you here, his parents died due to food poisoning. I mean, sure he grieved and all that, but food poisoning, really? And it was not the spectacular kind either, they died because a rat pooped in the food, yeah, that's gross. So anyway, his parents died, yada yada, he was sent to an orphanage, which turned out to be more of a prison than an orphanage. The kids there could have easily passed for thugs, which he assumed some of them are. So, he did what any logical 16, for he survived a year in that hell hole, he ran away. He went to the streets, where he learned that he a knack for stealing stuffs, the first thing he stole was a gold wristwatch from some douchy rich guy. After two years or so, he went professional, offering his service to those who wants it.

Name: Josef Ilyasova

Age: 53

Physical Appearance: 5'9, somewhat decrepit, average body build.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Allegiance: A member of the Engineers' Union of the Russian Empire, ex-26th Recon D Company Corporal, strong believer in the ruling class of the Russian Empire.

Skillset and specialties: Ex-combat engineer, is good at sweeping for street bombs, has the necessary skills to repair and fortify structures. Possesses basic gun training and is less than proficient at hand combat due to his age and condition of his body. Has basic knowledge of how to use artillery. Is reasonably familiar with the areas surrounding the Russian empire due to his military deployments.

Personality: As ex-military, he has the required discipline to stay calm during combat. Josef is quite conservative and is intolerant of other cultures as well as being abrasive of most technology.

His loyalty is for the upper ruling class of the Russian empire and strongly resents the growing influence of the local gangs. Strongly indoctrinated to believe in the glory of the Russian empire, he lacks humour when it comes to matters of national security and welfare.

Generally speaking, Josef is a cynical man who cares little about the wellbeing of unpatriotic Russians and even less about the well-being of non-Russians. Many who have had the pleasure of meeting him have described him as a relic of a forgotten time.

Background: Josef is from a low socio-economic family. For all the technological advancements made in the Russian empire, the area that Josef grew up in looked more like the badlands. The slums he grew up in provided little room for hope to grow and were close enough to the wall separating the empire from the badlands that it cast a shadow over them for the entirety of every afternoon.

Josef's parents put all their money into his education, getting him into a middle-class single sex military school. This is where Josef developed his hyper-nationalistic beliefs concerning his home nation.

As a young man, Josef entered the military as soon as possible. Here, he was identified as a potentially great combat engineer. He was placed in a recon squad which scouted and mapped the badlands. Despite this, however, he was not a skilled scout and instead received this posting in order to remove traps and bombs set by raiders.

After 20 years of serving as recon, and seeing little action for the most part, Josef's squad was ambushed. Him and one other soldier survived of his squad of 8 men. Following this, Josef returned to within the Russian empire's walls for the first time in 3 years to be treated for a wound suffered in the ambush. This is where he first noticed the growing influence of the gangs in the empire, although paying it little mind.

Josef was pushed out of the military after another 5 years of service due to several disciplinary issues involving him being intoxicated and insubordinate. Following this, Josef returned to his slums and watched as gangs began to slowly displace the ruling class of the Russian empire.

At the age of 50, Josef was caught in the middle of a gang street fight and came to the sharp realisation that the once glorious empire of Russia was quickly in decline. It was at this moment that Josef sought to rid Russia of the rot that slowly corroded it from the inside. As much as he dislikes the notion, Josef finds himself leaving his beloved homeland believing there to be no solution to the gang problem within the Russian empire.



Lukin Dragunov



Physical build:

Standing at a modest 5'5". Although not in the fittest condition with his life in the lower slums of greater Petersburg, Lukin still posses considerable strength.

Sexual orientation:



Believes and places faith in the Greater Petersburg Government.

Skillsets and specialties:

Lukin had spent most of his working life (bar the last two years) working as a field medic for the armed forces of Greater Petersburg. However, after the incident, he worked more in laborer positions. Using his strength to keep him working welding jobs and other strength intensive jobs. Thus he has considerable knowledge in emergency surgery and dealing with injuries associated with combat. He has an adequate understanding of medicine and is also knowledgeable about drugs/medicines. He has decent composure and ironed nerves to match his years in service. The work done in the later years makes him very good with his hands and has picked up a lot of labor related skills/knowledge. He also has been trained with basic firearms as per his time with the armed forces of Greater Petersburg.


Inclined to remain quite more than most, Lukin keeps to himself. He dislikes remaining stationary for too long a time, and prefers to keep himself busy. His eyes portray an iron will as well as the mark of a pained man due to his years serving Greater Petersburg. He is inclined to lets other lead and likes to react to situations in the moment. Lukin has also been known to speak in defense of Greater Petersburg, considering his time with them, this is not unusual.


As a young man growing up, he showed a particular interest in medicine and caring for people. He worked as an aid with his mother who was a nurse in one of the many hospitals in the lower levels of Greater Petersburg. His father was a wealthy businessman who's hard earned money paved the way for his only son to achieve higher goals and care for his wife. Lukin enrolled and passed entry into working as a nurse in a triage center and soon transferred to a doctor's position. When his life was looking up, tragedy befell his parents. His parents were caught in a violent exchange with the just sprouting rebellious movements in Greater Petersburg. Rebel fighters exchanged bullets with armed officials, and stray bullets from a rebels gun ended their lives abruptly.

With the inheritance left to him and the house lost to corporate loop holes, Lukin turned to a mobile life in service to the armed forces that tried to save his parents. At the age of 22 he began his work in the triage tents. People with his competent skill, and let alone intelligence were hard to come by, and although he was not fully qualified, he was accepted into the position at a higher than normal price. He worked in the tents and in the centers for 5 years. Tending to the wounded and the dying. Performing amputations as well as trying to piece victims of bombings and other extreme violence back together. Despite the trauma, Lukin held himself together and retained his composure through those trying years. Given his reputation and steely resolve, it was no wonder that when rumors of the legendary and dangerous codex started to circulate around that he was chosen to provide aid and medical assistance to multiple exploration teams.

Lukin Dragunov set out with his exploration team for a full years circulation. And when he returned, he looked the same and acted he same, but something had changed. His eyes have taken a turn from being piercing and fierce to regret and resolve. Lukin never really talked about his year's rotation and avoided bringing up or discussing it in anyway. He quit the medical services of Greater Petersburg and moved back to the heaving masses of the lower districts. Whether it was slave traders bargaining for his life and those of his comrades; being powerless to stop the raping of a woman he performed lifesaving surgery on a week previously; or the constant bloody fighting with bandits, raiders and mutants; or perhaps it was when he was clutching the dying body of a 7 year old child who's neck was shot out by accident from the very firearm he held in his other hand. Lukin never revealed why he suddenly quit, and i guess he will avoid doing so for as long as he can.

After that year, he moved to being a welder, where his strength was needed in maintaining the great walls of Greater Petersburg. He changed many jobs over these last two years, never holding one more than 2 months at a time. He moved from welding to carting supplies to various factories and worked on many construction lines. Eventually on his 30th birthday, Lukin Dargunov changed. He decided to no longer hide from the cruel world outside those walls, and to be no longer scared of the conflict inside the walls. He decided that he would change Greater Petersburg forever. Lukin decided that he will venture out from the walls of Greater Petersburg, and to only return when he has acquired the power to save Greater Petersburg.


Haven Shanark



Physical build:

Lean muscle, built for speed and accuracy.

Sexual orientation:



Any side she wants. She tends to float around with what she thinks is right, which is usually herself.

Skillsets and specialties:

Haven is skilled with knives, preferably reverse handled ones. She prefers long swords to shorter once since long swords are longer and they are easier to attack with without getting to close. Besides long swords, she also likes using sniper rifle. Anything that is easy to use while on the run or standing at long distances is favorable. Other than weapons, she knows hand to hand combat, but usually resorts to that last of all. She has no medical training but does seem to have a higher inelegance. Her fighting style is more defensive than offensive, using her nimble figure and brain to figure out where to punch, and when to punch. She is not known for brute strength which can be a problem in some fights.


Haven is generally a aggressive person. On the outside, she can be a bit harsh. She is not one to quickly trust people. She will most likely draw a sword on you the first time you meet, or threaten to do so. She is fast and quick, making her movements almost unnoticeable if she choses to. Overall, a very dangerous person to be around.

But once you start being around her more, she beings to place trust in you. She let's down her guard a little bit, sharing a few stories but none that are to close to her heart. If she does happen to reveal the beginning of one of those, she goes completely silent. She will never bring it up again and bringing it up again is a really easy and quick way to lose her trust.

When she has full trust placed in you, you can tell. She will do little things such as help you out, or send smiles your way, which smiles are a very rare item in the Haven department. She sometimes even goes as far to crack a horrible joke or pun. She is not afraid to reveal any or all of her stories to you, just as long as you are the only one in the room. She trusts very few people this much because of where she lived for a long time, so beware of her if you lose her trust, because it is even harder to gain again.


Haven was born in the Svedkin empire, somewhere around central Sweden. She was born into a family that was fairly low in the social class. They where considered almost the low of the low, living in a small house near the outskirts of town. They had little to no extra money, so she was used to getting hand me downs from cousins. Around the time when she was 6, her sister came around to the world.

Unlike anyone else besides her parents, she adored her sister. She would always stay around to take care of her instead of play with others. The other children in the neighborhood would always invite her to play games with them, but she always refused because she wanted to spend time with her sister. They had the closest bond of all, since their parents worked full time to keep the house running. She thought her life was perfect, till it all crumbled.

One day, she was sent of to buy things from the marked for supper. This was an every day thing that she needed to do, since her mother had no time left. Her sister had been left at home that day because she was running a fever. She even insisted on going, but Haven couldn't let her sister do that to herself, so she made her stay home, promising that she would be back soon with ingredients and medicine to make her feel better. Her last words where I love you sister, but they never reached Haven's ears.

When Haven returned from her shopping spree at the market, she was greeted by a horrid sight. Her apartment had been taken apart. Plates smashed, fridge raided, couch torn into shreds, stuffing coming out of the seams. Her sister, who was resting on the couch was nowhere to be found. Haven searched for hours to find her, tearing apart every corner of the small house looking for her. She even searched outside, which came up with more luck, although it was probably not the best thing for a girl who was only 14 to see. She found her younger sibling abandoned in the alley, dead from falling out of the apartment window.

Devastated, Haven stayed with her siblings for hours until her parents found her and her sister hours later. The funeral was small and short, something that did not even come close to living up to what she deserved in Havens mind. From that day forward, she vowed to find her sister and avenge her death. But for this, she knew that she would need to learn swordsmanship skills from somewhere.

She started searching around the streets for lessons, and one day thought she had found the perfect master to teacher, but he only scammed her for her money. She was left in despair on the street corner, alone and with no way to get home besides walking in the rain. She thought all was lost, until an old man walked by. He asked her about why she was sad, giving a metaphor about life. After a small conversation, she found out that he was a sense of a dojo. He said that he would be willing to train her, if she agreed to smile more and try to be happy. Ever since that day, she began training in the art of hand to hand combat and the extension of the arm with a sword.

Sadly, her life hit another rough patch when she turned 17. Her father had gotten into an accident at work, and her mother had killed herself out of stress. She was now orphaned, and all alone except for her sense. She went to live with her sense for another year until she was able to move out on her own. Since then, she abandoned her home, seeing as she couldn't afford anything inside the city. She moved to what used to be the UK, living amongst bandits and pirates, searching for anything to help her on her way. She heard about the codex and couldn't help but think it would lead her to the murderer of her sister.
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Vladimir Artur



Physical build:

Standing 6'. Looks older than his actual age. Still physically very strong, agile and capable.

Sexual orientation:



Upholds the values of the Greater Petersburg Nation. Held the rank of Captain in the Greater Petersburg Secret Intelligence Security Organisation, Operations division

Skillsets and specialties:

Extremely proficient in ranged weaponry used in the Greater Petersburg Military. Has knowledge of other forms of military weaponry and hardware used throughout other parts of the world. Has extensive knowledge on various torture and interrogation methods employed by the Secret Intelligence Security Organisation. Capable strategist and tactician evident in his role as Captain. He is also a capable tracker and Intelligence operative.


Not very capable during social interactions and is often very blunt with what he has to say. Known to have an 'Iron Will' when it comes to plea bargains, combat, negotiations and mercy. His time during the military has resulted in him being a sociopath, which often helped him during deployments and extracting information from key individuals. Although he finds large groups uncomfortable and unsettling, he is able to work in small teams of individuals. Shows no love and only contempt to people who commit crime within and against Greater Petersburg, and has a special hatred for anyone connected to the cartels. Feels relaxed during the heat of combat.


Orphaned at a young age, he was moved around between foster homes staying only at a house for around a year before moving on. His rapid movements was due to his short temper he had when he was young, often fighting gangs and bringing trouble home to the family he was staying with. All he knew was violence and soon joined the Military as a basic recruit as soon as he was able to.

Serving as a private till the age of 23, Vladimir only received regular guard duties and several minor deployments. He enjoyed serving in the Military and he felt he finally found a home that was suited to him. He believed it was a place where he could fit in and soon fell in love with the nation that provided him with this opportunity. His passion for his nation and the military only grew with every passing year. At the age of 25 he was promoted to the rank of Sargent and soon after that Staff Sargent.

At the age of 30, his life was impacted dramatically. During a routine guard and recon mission, his squad was ambushed and slaughtered during the middle of the night by vicious raiders. Wounded and left to bleed out in bushes nearby, he witnessed the death of every friend he had ever made in the worst of circumstances. The raiders, he realized, were cannibals and soon starting eating his friends. Filled with an immense rage and hatred he managed to flee into the surrounding hills. He quickly stopped his bleeding and knew what he must do. He felt sick at the thought that these people were allowed to live and believed that their very existence was repulsive. Such an attack could not be allowed to go unpunished lest it stain the reputation of the Greater Petersburg Military. Driven by hatred and rage, Vladimir pursued his attackers for days till he found their campsite. Silencing the perimeter guard in the dead of the night, he killed all 50 raiders in their sleep. The next morning, he had impaled all of the raiders on large stakes and banners that they had carried as a warning to other parties who might have had the same idea.

Upon his return, Vladimir was awarded several medals and was promoted into the Secret Intelligence Security Organisation, due to his unique ability to track down people and show nothing but contempt to the enemies of his state. Within his new field, he channeled his hate and rage into every mission quickly rising through the ranks to Captain. After orchestrating several missions, he realized that a new threat had emerged, one bigger than anything he had faced before.

Within Greater Petersburg, Vladimir saw a coming war, one that would tear his beloved state in two. He soon starting tracking down and eliminating Cartel operations within the 3rd sector, often violently, only to realize the problem was far worse than he first thought. From the people he had killed and tortured, the Cartels were stronger than he had anticipated, and that this coming war was not one his state could win easily. Hearing of a secret weapon, Vladimir knew what he had to do. He needed to find this weapon and make his state stronger than it had been before. He needed it before conflict consumed his state and consumes his mind as well.
LibertyPrime said:


Vladimir Artur



Physical build:

Standing 6'. Looks older than his actual age. Still physically very strong, agile and capable.

Sexual orientation:



Upholds the values of the Greater Petersburg Nation. Held the rank of Captain in the Greater Petersburg Secret Intelligence Security Organisation, Operations division

Skillsets and specialties:

Extremely proficient in ranged weaponry used in the Greater Petersburg Military. Has knowledge of other forms of military weaponry and hardware used throughout other parts of the world. Has extensive knowledge on various torture and interrogation methods employed by the Secret Intelligence Security Organisation. Capable strategist and tactician evident in his role as Captain. He is also a capable tracker and Intelligence operative.


Not very capable during social interactions and is often very blunt with what he has to say. Known to have an 'Iron Will' when it comes to plea bargains, combat, negotiations and mercy. His time during the military has resulted in him being a sociopath, which often helped him during deployments and extracting information from key individuals. Although he finds large groups uncomfortable and unsettling, he is able to work in small teams of individuals. Shows no love and only contempt to people who commit crime within and against Greater Petersburg, and has a special hatred for anyone connected to the cartels. Feels relaxed during the heat of combat.


Orphaned at a young age, he was moved around between foster homes staying only at a house for around a year before moving on. His rapid movements was due to his short temper he had when he was young, often fighting gangs and bringing trouble home to the family he was staying with. All he knew was violence and soon joined the Military as a basic recruit as soon as he was able to.

Serving as a private till the age of 23, Vladimir only received regular guard duties and several minor deployments. He enjoyed serving in the Military and he felt he finally found a home that was suited to him. He believed it was a place where he could fit in and soon fell in love with the nation that provided him with this opportunity. His passion for his nation and the military only grew with every passing year. At the age of 25 he was promoted to the rank of Sargent and soon after that Staff Sargent.

At the age of 30, his life was impacted dramatically. During a routine guard and recon mission, his squad was ambushed and slaughtered during the middle of the night by vicious raiders. Wounded and left to bleed out in bushes nearby, he witnessed the death of every friend he had ever made in the worst of circumstances. The raiders, he realized, were cannibals and soon starting eating his friends. Filled with an immense rage and hatred he managed to flee into the surrounding hills. He quickly stopped his bleeding and knew what he must do. He felt sick at the thought that these people were allowed to live and believed that their very existence was repulsive. Such an attack could not be allowed to go unpunished lest it stain the reputation of the Greater Petersburg Military. Driven by hatred and rage, Vladimir pursued his attackers for days till he found their campsite. Silencing the perimeter guard in the dead of the night, he killed all 50 raiders in their sleep. The next morning, he had impaled all of the raiders on large stakes and banners that they had carried as a warning to other parties who might have had the same idea.

Upon his return, Vladimir was awarded several medals and was promoted into the Secret Intelligence Security Organisation, due to his unique ability to track down people and show nothing but contempt to the enemies of his state. Within his new field, he channeled his hate and rage into every mission quickly rising through the ranks to Captain. After orchestrating several missions, he realized that a new threat had emerged, one bigger than anything he had faced before.

Within Greater Petersburg, Vladimir saw a coming war, one that would tear his beloved state in two. He soon starting tracking down and eliminating Cartel operations within the 3rd sector, often violently, only to realize the problem was far worse than he first thought. From the people he had killed and tortured, the Cartels were stronger than he had anticipated, and that this coming war was not one his state could win easily. Hearing of a secret weapon, Vladimir knew what he had to do. He needed to find this weapon and make his state stronger than it had been before. He needed it before conflict consumed his state and consumes his mind as well.



Without his bio-armour.


Dimitri Lupo



Physical build:

6'6" Tall, muscular build, yet not bulky.

Sexual orientation:



The Black Ops sect of Great Petersburg

Skillsets and specialties:

Magnificent in combat and always pleasurable to watch unless you're the target. An adept shot but what most in the Black Ops sect would revere at him for is his excellency with melee weaponry and hand to hand combat, he prefers polearms and small weaponry, from daggers to small axes. Feared combatant and master tracker. His bio-suit equips him with enhanced senses, strength, agility, reflexes. The fingertips of his suit hold small three inch claws that protract that glow with heat energy when activated. The suit also has a device that camouflages him to his surroundings, not entirely invisible but very hard to spot, it has a thirty second timer and a thirty second recharge rate.


He could be classified as a psycho as well as he could be classified as brash, impulsive, hard headed, shoot first ask later, fight not flight.. Dimitri is the type of person who craves a good fight even if he should lose it. Dimitri makes a good leader as he will give every opportunity for his team to escape, even if it meaning throwing himself into the fray. Which he enjoys a lot, see where the psycho comes from now? Though while his blood is coursing through his veins with adrenaline his tactics are something that come off pure reaction alone, setting things up as he goes. He is a ruthless man with some militaristic customs, but overall he is a killer.

He is a respected member of the Black Ops sect of Petersburg, often referred to first for all sorts of high risk missions. He believes that those needed to be killed or things needing to be attained or destroyed deserve it, and if they don't something will prevent it from happening. He will do anything to obtain success, if it be killing children using others as hostage. All of it is only collateral damage to him.

He is sarcastic and sharp tongues, an asshole overall which causes him plenty of trouble with his officers but one that's enjoyable to have around if you like watching him battle himself internally he enjoys teasing those he's about to slaughter often giving them death by a thousand cuts or "Lingering Death" with his scythe. Dimitri is ultimately interested with hunting the creatures and people of the badlands, thinking of the amount of fun he would have makes him jittery. Though he believes most everything outside of the walls is just prey to him and his battle hungry soul.


Dimitri is a fighter at heart but assassin a businessman by career, he is the result of strenuous training and [PROJECT NEKROS]. This was a project to create a functioning bio-suit, it was slightly more expensive than most of the robotics programs but the suit was made to adapt to their first user, after selecting the user they'd form to his/her minds desire and can construct/deconstruct it at will. When completely removed the bio-suit is a small sphere of gray white and black, and may only be activated by it's user. However when Dimitri was first given the bio-suit he lost all his 'uneeded' memories, as for his childhood, good memories and bad. The suit only kept the ones 'needed' thus being for him to continue to excel in combat. With prolonged use of the bio-suit it begins to cloud the thoughts and send the user into a sadistic frenzy.

Before [PROJECT NEKROS] Dimitri was an assassin for the Black Ops sect who was recognized for his martial prowess and ruthless methods. However he was also noted for his unwillingness to follow orders in some circumstances, he would be considered volatile and removed from Black Ops for a few years until he was asked to return, they needed an operative who would go on suicide missions and Dimitri was the only reliable one who wouldn't sell out secrets, or even turn on them. In his past years of work he's come a ruthless Cartel leader's, and powerful Romi warriors and each time he came in contact with some of the Romi he would kill them instead of imprison them, as he honored a warriors death and would give it to them after defeat not the sorrow of living with it.

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