The Hunger Games


The Apple Queen
1- Luxury

Past Victor:


Girl: Rose (Age 14) *Disposable charrie*

2- Masonry

Past Victor:

Boy: David (Age 18)

Girl: Ponce (Age 17)

3- Mechanics

Past Victor:


Girl: Delaney (Age 13) *Disposable Charrie*

4- Fishing

Past Victor: Jasper (Winner of the 72nd Hunger Games)

Boy: Antony (Age 17)


5- Power

Past Victor: Coral (Winner of the 68th Hunger Games)


Girl: Arriane (Age 17)

6- Transportation

Past Victor: Taylor (Winner of the 64th hunger games) *Disposable charrie*



7- Lumber

Past Victor: Geoffry (winner of the 69th Hunger Games)



8- Textiles

Past Victor: Bane (Winner of the 65th hunger games) *Disposable Charrie*

Boy: Vincent (Age 17) *Disposable Charrie*

Girl: Calry (Age 15) *Disposable Charrie*

9- Grain

Past Victor:

Boy: Mace (Age 12) *Disposable Charrie*


10- Livestock

Past Victor:


Girl: Lorraine (Age

11- Agriculture

Past Victor:


Girl: Erica (Age 16) *Disposable Charrie*

12- Coal Mining

Past Victor: Hyata (winner of the 73rd Hunger Games)


Girl: Lia (Age 16)


Full Name:





Picture: (Realistic please)




Choice of Weapon:







Victor Or Tribute?:


Read more about this role play...
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Full Name:

Ponce Laney Seele







Ponce is flawless, gorgeous, stunning, she is the definition of beauty. But she doesn't know she's pretty. Being pushed around all her life has made her insecure and given her a low self esteem. Though she puts up a bold wall it's only a bluff to hide her true nature. Ponce is all legs. Long blonde hair. And ocean blue eyes.







She's first of all very fast, every since she was little she enjoyed running and now she can put it to good use. Along with her speed Ponce has great aim, making her good with throwing knives. She is known to be a bit of a flirt, this can come in handy when she needs allies. She believes a few honey glazed words and batting those long eyelashes of hers are all it takes to get what she wants.

Choice of Weapon:

Throwing Knives



Ponce is a total and absolute mystery. Her cool, hard aura can often times give her the stance of a dangerous girl, and while yes she can be generally speaking she doesn't mean to seem distanced or cold. Ponce grew up with little love, she had an extraordinarily hard time grasping a others feelings, and sometimes her own. Everything to her is win or lose, there is no In-between.

Spending most of her time alone, Ponce learned to appreciate the quiet. She has therefore formed a hard outer shell, protecting her from anything that could possibly harm her. She doesn't understand others emotions very well, and can often times come off as uncaring, and cold..however she's just so used to hiding her own emotions away that she's immune to such feelings.

Ponce is a very smart girl, spent her childhood locked away to the confinement of her bedroom she spent most of her time reading, she's turned out to be quite the intellectual.

She's a fighter as well, stubborn as a mule, however only when she truly wants something she can be a bit feisty however generally no one gets close enough to upset her. With a sharp tongue, and quick mind Ponce could be quite the storm though she chooses not to be, avoiding gossip and drama at all costs. Why does she need it, anyway?

Ponce however, despite her collected presence can sometimes loose her so called "cool". Her temper is well in check however once it is gone, it's long out of control.

Ponce is fast to react to almost everything, and can sometimes be called upon to remain calm in a tight situation. Ponce can keep focused and thinking straight threw almost anything, efficient and well informed when her time comes. She's seemingly unbreakable, physically that is. Emotionally she can be a bit unstable, and wish washy. Her mood can often times depend on whom she's speaking to, and how her day has gone. If Ponce does not like you, do not expect any kindness coming from fact don't expect to much kindness ever.

Ponce, however can turn on the seductive side in a flash, one second a delicate flirtatious innocent a killer. Generally her presence in a room can cause distraction for the boys that is, and lord knows she can work what she has when needed. Ponce can draw any man into doing practically anything.

Adore her charm and drown in her light, but don't dare try and make use of it.


Ponce was born an only child to a wealthy family. Her father was a engineer and her mother a baker. Her mother was killed by the Capitol because she spoke about "rebellion" as the Capitol put it, and Ponce has despised the Capitol and their silly little culture ever since. The Hunger Games always had been a part of Ponce's life. She grew up watching the game show in horror at the goriness. She hated the Careers as they killed for sport; they were wolves killing an injured rabbit. Besides, The Hunger Games was just a way to turn children into murderers. Rebellion was always a fond idea in her own mind, though living in the capitols favorite district didn't help. If anything they would be the last to rebel.

Ponce's father was a kind man, keeping his bitterness towards the capitol a secret from his daughter. Every other day he would take Ponce down to his work and show her everything and anything he was working on. She quite enjoyed it and planned to take up his carrier when she was old enough.

Ponce never liked school. She rarely got along with any of the other kids, she was much to mature for them, and their games didn't interest her. She was bullied once, but the end result was in her favor. In middle school a girl started to pick on her, basically asking for a fight. Ponce, being the type of person she was, didn't back down and ended up winning hands down. The bullying stopped.

Now a days she still attends school, having made a few friends, life got a bit better. She still is very close with her father, and her hatred towards the capitol remains.






Possibly a person from her district

Victor Or Tribute:



Red. She owns a labradoodle puppy named Mo.

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Full Name: Hyata evereed

Gender: Female

Age: 12


Description: She has white hair and redish eyes with pale skin



District: 12

Skill: Silence

Choice of Weapon: Sword


Personality: She is often shy and hated by others because of how different she is

History: Hyata was different from everybody else in her district even more so than the ones who have blonde hair and blue eyes because she was born a albino with quite a few health problems most did not think she would survive the night of her birth but she did more than that because she is still alive today and excelled at using a sword which her father had for a long time but everybody had no hope for her when her name was drawn for the reaping and bad enough it was also her birthday but i guessed luck was on her side because she did not just survive till the final eight, she won the games by beheading the last person, a boy from district 11 and her family once poor as dirt was now richer than ever and they moved to the victors village where she continued her life, occasionally going to the capitol for each years games as a mentor.


Crush: Nobody

Allies: She never had one

Other: often shy wont speak to new people at first unless its this years tributes and my favorite color is dark blue

Full Name: Geoffrey Leroy Miksons

Gender: Male (obviously)

Age: He says he's 19, but he's up in the early 20s


Description: Golden/red hair with a misty blue eyes.




District: District 7

Skill: Expert with his knowledge of the forest, good with saws

Choice of Weapon: Nature itself


Personality: He's very quiet when by himself. He's a diligent worker, and smart as well, as evidence of his hobby, wood carving. Steady hands, and a love for cheese, he's not the most bizarre victor to have ever seen District 7.

History:As a child, Geoffrey's family was raised in well respect with everyone. While not the most popular kid in school, or the strongest at his job as a loading boy for the timber, he was very smart. Picked as a tribute when he was only 13, Geoffrey was one of the last 3 tributes in his game. He wasn't out for blood when he won, no. He was on his own. With the knowledge of plants and a layout of the area he was in, he set up a self defense trap in case the Career Tributes ever found him. They did, and Geoffrey's trap was the only thing that saved him. Two cannons sounded, and Geoffrey looked out from his hiding place to find that the other tributes were impaled into large trees by a series of two sharpened logs and a bunch of smaller sticks.

The cry baby of that year's games won by a genius use of natural elements and wit.




Victor Or Tribute?: Victor.

(Favorite character is Johanna Mason. Not the one from the movies, the one from the book series. She's got so much personality, and she goes through hell in the third book. *no spoilers if no one read the books*)


Full Name:

Jasper Stan







An eye catching, well muscled, charming, absolutely stunning man. Jasper is the guy girls turn to look at when he walks down the street. And he knows it. He is 6 foot man layered in thick muscles. He would be a hell of an opponent if anyone tried to start a fight with him.







Jasper is a great swimmer and works well with a trident because of his background in district four. He is good with hand to hand combat, very strong. In the last scene of the hunger games he was in, he won by spearing a guy with his trident, and turning on the a girl, grabbing her head in his hands, with one swift motion he had snapped her neck. He had won.

Choice of Weapon:




Assertive and outspoken - his is driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, he usually excels at public speaking. He values knowledge and competence, and usually have little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. Can be seductive. Jasper is a natural born leader. He lives in a world of possibilities where he can see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and he wants to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. He has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by his quickness to grasp complexities, his ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and his quick and decisive judgments. He is a "take charge" kind of person.

Jasper is very career-focused, and fits into the harsh world quite naturally. He is constantly scanning his environment for potential problems which he can turn into solutions. He generally sees things from a long-range perspective, and is usually successful at identifying plans to turn problems around. Jasper is usually successful in the business world, because he is so driven by leadership. He tireless in his efforts on the job, and driven to visualize where an organization is headed. For these reasons, he is a natural leader. There is not much room for error in the world of Jasper. He dislikes to see mistakes repeated, and has no patience with inefficiency. He may become quite harsh when his patience is tried in these respects, because he is not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely doesn't believe that he should tailor his judgments in consideration for people's feelings.

Jasper has difficulty seeing things from outside his own perspective. Unlike other people, Jasper naturally has little patience with people who do not see things the same way as the him. Jasper needs to consciously work on recognizing the value of other people's opinions, as well as the value of being sensitive towards people's feelings. In the absence of this awareness, Jasper will be a forceful, intimidating and an overbearing individual. In his personal world, it can make some him overbearing as a friend, husband or parent.

Jasper has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for him as a force towards achieving his goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which he will do well to avoid. Jasper is a very forceful, decisive individual. He makes decisions quickly, and is quick to verbalize his opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. Jasper may make decisions too hastily, without understanding all of the issues and possible solutions. On the other hand, Jasper may have difficulty applying logic to his insights, and may often make poor decisions. In that case, he may have brilliant ideas and insight into situations, but he may have little skill at determining how to. His actions may be inconsistent. He may become dictatorial and abrasive - intrusively giving orders and direction without a sound reason for doing so, and without consideration for the people involved.

Although Jasper is not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, he frequently has very strong sentimental streaks. Often these sentiments are very powerful to him, although he will likely hide it from general knowledge, believing the feelings to be a weakness. Because the world of feelings and values is not where Jasper naturally functions, he may sometimes make value judgements and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded, and will cause him problems - sometimes rather serious problems.

Jasper loves to interact with people. As an Extrovert, he is energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to Jasper than having a lively, challenging conversation. He especially respects people who are able to stand up to him, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because Jasper is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with him.

At home, Jasper needs to be in charge as much as he does in his career. Jasper is likely best paired with someone who has a strong self-image, who is also a Thinking type. Because Jasper is primarily focused on his jobs, he may have a problem with being constantly absent from home, physically or mentally.

Jasper has many gifts which make it possible for him to have a great deal of personal power, if he doesn't forget to remain balanced in his life. He is assertive, innovative, long-range thinker with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. Jasper is usually tremendously forceful personalities, and has the tools to accomplish whatever goals he sets out for.



His mother died giving birth to him so his father raised him. From the time he could walk he was out on a boat, fishing day and night with his father. His dad did everything for Jasper. Working long hours to support his son and give him everything he ever needed.

When Jasper was 12, his dad got really sick. And months passed and he was unable to recover. On Jaspers 13th birthday his dad died.

Ever since that day, Jasper lost a lot of his joy. He has never been the same. He worked long hours, taking on his dads job. Partying through the night, sleeping about two hours, then working again.

The hunger games was like a vacation to him. He couldn't be happier to get away for district 4... Or at least that's what he told himself.

"Welcome tributes to the 72nd annual Hunger Games!" The words still ring in his ears. He remembers standing on the platform, waiting for the game of death to start.



Jasper readied himself, his muscled bunching under his tanned skin. Dark eyes narrowed, feet set apart his destination... a sword and a backpack. His mentor had told him to go find water, but screw him.




The cannon fired and then blood. Lots and lots of blood. People fault their way to the weapons, grabbing whatever they could find. Jasper can't remember the next couple days. They are all a blur to him. He only remembers the faces of the people he killed, the lives he took. They still haunt his memory.

Now he just drinks, laughs, and drowns himself in his social life so that he can try to forget the games. Jasper is one of the capitols favorites and is well known by the other victors, he's good friends with many of them, in fact.





He's neutral, does what will benefit him.

Victor Or Tribute?:




Full Name: Arriane Ivashkov

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Description: Arriane has long black wavy hair that falls to her waist. She has green eyes and pale skin.



District: 5

Skill: Manipulation and sneak attacks.

Choice of Weapon: dual daggers but can manage with a sword


Personality: Arriane used to display a spirited, quick-witted and compassionate nature. She was also fiery and independent and would not hesitate to stand up to people. Once her name was chosen she become someone else entirely. She becomes embittered, cold and calculating. Despite her vindictive and unforgiving personality now, Arriane remains a powerful, arrogant, intelligent, overconfident, and ferociously determined individual. Her darker characteristics are largely the product of being chosen while her truer nature was one of immense compassion and she was passionately emotional. But she knows compassion and emotions will get her nowhere where she is going so she buried those feelings as deep as she could.

History: Arriane was loved by everyone in her district. She was a wonderful child and grew up to be a beautiful young lady who was treated like a princess. She was fair and loving, mothering the children of her district while their parents had to work to support for their families.


Crush: None yet

Allies: None yet

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Green
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~Sign up~


Name- Lorraine (Ray) Ambrose

District: 10

Skill: Deception

Gender: female

Age: 17

Choice of Weapon: Double bladed axe


Personality: Lorraine, better known to her friends and family as Ray is a perplexing young lady. She is very quick witted and extremely intelligent. She is the youngest daughter of a butcher and grew up near a slaughter house. Blood does not effect her and it never has. Ray likes to look at open fields seeing as most of her home land is farming land. However, Ray is a bit claustrophobic having grown up in such a wide open space, small spaces make her uneasy. She will almost always come off as shy but in reality is outspoken and conniving. She is willing to survive whatever it takes.

~History: Having grown up in district 10, Ray always knew poverty. She watched many people she cared for grow sick and die, among them was her mother, Aria. Aria passed when Ray was only nine years old and though they were close little Ray was not one for crying. With her two older brothers practically useless, one indulging his time in sex and beer and the other growing ill himself, it was up to Ray and her father to keep up the work at the slaughter house so that they could feed their family.

Crush: None yet

Allies: She prefers to watch her own back

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Her favorite color is green like the grass.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.f72618520ca3a6d283fae2310b8775db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.f72618520ca3a6d283fae2310b8775db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: David Baron

Gender: Male

Age: 18


District: 2

Skill: Very quick with melee weapons, High physical strength, Running, Climbing trees.

Choice of Weapon: Sword, Mace, Trident, Axe, Sickle and Spear.


Personality: Merciless, smart, cunning, and arrogant.

History: David's father always believed to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Hence, his father began to train him from a young age. Although almost all children are trained in District 2 for the Games (Career Tributes), David took separate training. As a young kid, David was innocent and pleasant. From 11, he was trained by a former victor(who won't be a mentor this year), as his father is recruited as a peacekeeper. The former victor made him cold and merciless. It slowly becomes embedded in David's mind that he must participate in the Hunger Games as it has the highest honor or so he believes. Now that he's 18, it is the last chance he'll get to participate. Hence, he intends to volunteer this year. David believes he will kill anyone for his needs but he hasn't killed a person yet. As his district dealt with Masonry, he was used to lifting heavy materials, making his work into a training ground. He has a single motto: Survival is victory.


Crush: (Later)

Allies: (Later)

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Blue. Not good at swimming and has Ophidiophobia. 
Full Name: Coral Heile

Gender: Female

Age: 20



Description: Scars on her left side of the ribcage, missing 2 toes on her right foot (smallest toe and the first after that), scars on her back after burns, her tongue has a small cut on the front, which makes her have about a cm of a split tongue. Thin and long fingers.


District: 5

Skill: Swimming and Climbing trees.

Choice of Weapon: Spear and dagger.


Personality: Innocent, friendly, dutiful and sweet.

History: She won the 68th Hunger games at the age of 16. She had no skill with weapons when she was reaped but thanks to her mentors, she learnt to wield a spear. Her survival skills helped her win the games. Lizard Mutts were released by the gamemaker helping her from having to do much of the dirty work. Her younger sister died in the previous Hunger Games sending her into a mental trauma. She has to use sleeping pills. All these incidents, makes her a passive rebel against the Capitol.


Crush: Geoffrey Leroy Miksons

Allies: (Later)

Victor Or Tribute?: Victor

Other: Blue. Hates Jasper Stan as he won the previous games(72nd) in which her sister had died.
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Full Name:
Antony Mallas

Gender: Male

Age: 17



Antony is a strong, well-built boy who stands at 5'8". He has messy brunette hair and slightly light skin.






Despite his average strength and speed in water, Antony is a very tactical thinker. He has an abundance of knowledge on the sea/ocean and the creatures that inhabit it. Has an average amount of use with a trident.

Choice of Weapon: Spear



Antony can be described in three words; Conceited, intellectual, and diligent. He would be counted as best fit for entering the Hunger Games if it weren't for his arrogant nature. Antony is very tactical and thinks before acting though sometimes that's hard for him when he is in the moment of standing above other men. In other words his hubris is his Achilles heel. Antony would probably be the perfect allie because he always keeps his word even if he has to go through great lengths to keep it. He always carries his own weight and is willing to help others but only if it benefits him later on.


Antony grew up with an average easy life style. Being raised in district 4, he was used to hard-work like any other child in his district. Antony grew up with two mothers, a pair of older twin brothers, a younger brother, and a younger sister. He was the middle child though he got along with all his siblings and tended to do his own thing while other kids hung out or worked together.

At the age of 17, Antony volunteered as a tribute for the 74th Hunger Games. He didn't volunteer for any relative or loved ones sake, he simply wanted to win the 74th Hunger Games like his birth-mother did at age 17 and his eldest brother did at age 16.


N/A, has a boyfriend back home.

Allies: TBA

Victor or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Red


Full Name: Xan Kates

Gender: Male

Age: 17







Choice of Weapon: Bow


Protecting those he loves has always been the priority for Xan. He keeps to himself and maintains very little contact with others except for the occasional trade for grain. He hunts alone, picking up the skills for it all on his own. He can be very knowledgeable at times, observing everyone with great detail. This is all so that he doesn't make the same fatal mistake his father did.

His mother always told him that his dad was a good man. He knew better. His dad was a cheat, trying to sell anything he could at unfair prices just to keep his drinking problem afloat. So, when it was reported that Malacus Kates was smiling from ear to ear, it didn't make him cry. He became jaded. He was 14 .

All he has is his mother. With her being frail and constantly becoming ill, He grew up quickly so that he could take care of the one person who cared for him. He isn't very prepared to be in the Games. But he has someone waiting for him to return home. And nothing will stand in the way of that. Nothing.


none at the moment

Allies: n/a

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Quietly homosexual, indulges in the occasional piece of bread with strawberry preserves.

Curious about his mentor's win, with her size and stature.


really, it's not just a fruit...or language.

('s a shade of orange)

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Full Name: Marcus Diaa

Gender: Male

Age: 13


Description: Weak and Malnourished.




District: 11

Skill: None

Choice of Weapon: Sickle


Personality: Despite the conditions of Marcus' life, he is an optimist, trying to live life everyday for what it's got. He is kind -hearted and selfless. Marcus is also a very shy person but is observant. He loves nature and animals. He has never thought about killing anyone. He is also quite timid. He tries to understand adults and other people but usually fails at coming to a conclusion for their weird behavior. In a sentence, one can summarize that Marcus is the last person who should have been reaped.

History: Marcus was born in a hard working family. He has had no huge tragedies in life. Despite all the effort, his family goes through in working, they fail to feed Marcus and his two siblings sufficiently. Last year, Marcus began working in the fields with his father. He has watched the Hunger Games and it wasn't a pretty scene in his judgement. He made it out of the reaping last year without trouble but this time, fate had other things written for him. When reaped, without exception, Marcus knew he wouldn't make it.


Crush: (Later)

Allies: (Later)

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Blue. Marcus has Acrophobia. (So, I've reached my character limit. Marcus is basically a character for the Cornucopia bloodbath.)

Full Name: Lianna "Lia" Skylar Melladin

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Description: She's shy but sporty and competitive.



District: 12

Skill: Perfectly shooting an arrow and knife throwing. And hunting

Choice of Weapon: Bow and Arrow and knife.


Personality: She likes to play sports and is very competitive, but shes really shy. She also loves to sing, run and swim.

History: All the girls use to ignore her a lot because she played too much sports. Her mom passed away when she was 2 years old and her sister has moved on with her life so she lived with 3 brothers and a dad which made her kind of into a tom-boyish girl.


Crush: Later..

Allies: Later..

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute


ThatEpicRP said:
Full Name: Lianna "Lia" Skylar Melladin

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Description: She's shy but sporty and competitive.



District: 12

Skill: Perfectly shooting an arrow and knife throwing. And hunting

Choice of Weapon: Bow and Arrow and knife.


Personality: She likes to play sports and is very competitive, but shes really shy. She also loves to sing, run and swim.

History: All the girls use to ignore her a lot because she played too much sports. Her mom passed away when she was 2 years old and her sister has moved on with her life so she lived with 3 brothers and a dad which made her kind of into a tom-boyish girl.


Crush: Later..

Allies: Later..

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Cool! Whos you character? maybe we can be allies 

ThatEpicRP said:
Full Name: Lianna "Lia" Skylar Melladin

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Description: She's shy but sporty and competitive.



District: 12

Skill: Perfectly shooting an arrow and knife throwing. And hunting

Choice of Weapon: Bow and Arrow and knife.


Personality: She likes to play sports and is very competitive, but shes really shy. She also loves to sing, run and swim.

History: All the girls use to ignore her a lot because she played too much sports. Her mom passed away when she was 2 years old and her sister has moved on with her life so she lived with 3 brothers and a dad which made her kind of into a tom-boyish girl.


Crush: Later..

Allies: Later..

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute


Cool! Whos you character? maybe we can be allies
oh okay lol nvm 

ThatEpicRP said:
Full Name: Lianna "Lia" Skylar Melladin

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Description: She's shy but sporty and competitive.



District: 12

Skill: Perfectly shooting an arrow and knife throwing. And hunting

Choice of Weapon: Bow and Arrow and knife.


Personality: She likes to play sports and is very competitive, but shes really shy. She also loves to sing, run and swim.

History: All the girls use to ignore her a lot because she played too much sports. Her mom passed away when she was 2 years old and her sister has moved on with her life so she lived with 3 brothers and a dad which made her kind of into a tom-boyish girl.


Crush: Later..

Allies: Later..

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute


Cool! Whos you character? maybe we can be allies 

oh okay lol nvm
omg thats so intresting and cool! i cant wait!! >.< but only if i get accepted tho.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf36e49b6_thgrp.png.532045bfc69166e63233e2b73170036d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf36e49b6_thgrp.png.532045bfc69166e63233e2b73170036d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Since there is so many spots, and we need to have characters to kill off, I have created (With the help of Dav) A magical thing called *Disposable Charries* They are pretty much just characters that can be killed off, and they will help fill up spots. If you would like to rp one till they die, you can, just tell me which one, the ones who are left over, I shall rp.

Rose: - Dav

District 1

Age 14



Delaney: - Dav

District 3

Age 13



Taylor: -

District 6


Age 27



Bane: - Red

District 8


Age 26



Vincent: -

District 8

Age 17



Calry: -

District 8

Age 15




District 9

Age 12



Erica: -

District 11

Age 16


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Full Name:
Tasurnias Sikario

Gender: Female

Age: Just turned 14


Along with the picture below, she's 5'10" and lithe.

Picture: trendshairs DOT com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/pretty-girls-with-brown-hair-and-hazel-eyes-tumblrbritt-21s-charries-uhoblx1v DOT jpg



Skill: Extremely Clever

Choice of Weapon: Dual Wielding Swords, but she also likes the Bow. She's bad with an axe.



Tas is, in the most basic terms, a optimistic pessimist. She will convince others to be happy but she herself believes that the most dire of things that could happen, happen. If you talk to her a bit, it becomes quite obvious. She acts happy, but in reality is quite the opposite. Tas actually wants to become a Crimelord someday, saying that it's "the only way to leave my mark." She already does a lot of minor crime. Ironically, she is a quite a caring person. You just have to earn her respect and/or care for her a bit and then it's very easy to get a special place in her heart. Tas has a completely different personality around different people. While kind, she is appears cruel and heartless to fellow criminals. Around, say, children, she is selfless and loving. However, there is hardly a empathetic bone in her body when it comes to blackmailing. You're going to blow up half a District if she doesn't turn herself in? Let 'em burn. You're going to eat babies alive until she gets killed? Tas hopes they taste good. There is only a few exceptions to this, mainly being her friends and book burnings.

History: Tasurnias was born to Carpenter Augustus and Paper-Maker Candace on July the 30. She is the second of three children, all girls. Her parents were mostly mentally torturing and very uncaring of her personal desires, wishes, and beliefs. She learned how to tune them out, but due to their convincing of her "worthlessness," she decided to become a criminal. Because of her early age, Tas has only stolen things and forged some documents, but has helped other criminals- murderers, cannibals, thieves, whatever- with their crime. She trains herself to fight with stolen weapons, but has never actually fought against a real person. It is also to be noted that she is bad with an axe, despite her districts obsession with them. Tasurnias volunteered for the Hunger Games. She says it was to save her friend Shay, but her and Shay hardly ever talk. The real reason she volunteered was to prove to everyone that she is 1) not useless, 2) going to become a best Crimelord in history and 3) she made a deal with a gang that she and her best friend Jacob would be safe from harm, provided that she wins the Hunger Games. She actually hates the Hunger Games, but spends a lot of time studying them, knowing that she would one day volunteer. Tas believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, and would much prefer to just be an author. However this is no more than a childish dream, and she knows this.



Allies: Elvan Dean Sparrow, and possibly some others later!

Victor Or Tribute?: Tribute

Other: Red. She's Pansexual. 
((Okay since you said that we can have up to three characters I decided to make another))


Full Name:
Soble Teraeghast

Gender: Male

Age: 20


5'6", Mesomorph, Brown hair, Brown eyes




Skill: Brute Strength and quick retaliation

Choice of Weapon: Harpoon and/or two handed sword


Soble has a very stoic and cold personality. Most believe that he is in reality a caring guy way deep down, but he's not. He hardly is effected by emotions or emotional sway. He can not be considered clever, or really even smart. Soble is good at quickly retaliating, though.He is calm, but impatient, and slow to anger. He is very vocal about his opinions, even though he is apathetic. He doesn't believe in love, and will only have sex in the form of one night stands, only for pleasure. When the topic of love comes up, his stoic attitude gets turned into one of awkwardness and uncomfortableness. If you try to confess your love for him, he'll get very fraught and make up some excuse that he has to go. Due to his tight relationship with his mother, he get's very anxious and just overall scared for her safety. If you have his mother hostage, you can pretty much get him to do anything.

History: Soble was born on February the 16th. His mother is a high ranking blacksmith and his father was a Peacekeeper who broke his vow, making him a bastard. Celene, his mother, was kind yet tough on him. They both wanted him to be a Peacekeeper and trained him to be one instead of a tribute. Soble also supports Peacekeepers and all of their decisions, no matter how horrid it may be. He volunteered just to spite a hateful boy who wanted to volunteer and was selected. In the game, the only things that made him win was his willingness to kill people and his talent with doing so. Also, even though he can't come up with goods plans, his ability to quick react made him hard to kill. Soble himself killed fourteen of the tributes himself. He wasn't allowed to become a Peacekeeper after he won, so he mostly just seeks out crime, beats them, and gives them to the Peacekeepers to finish off.


No one.

Allies: None in the game, the second district tributes.

Victor Or Tribute?: Victor (71st Hunger Games)

Other: It's still red. Soble is aromantic pansexual.
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