The Hunger Games







Name: Katniss Everdeen

Age: 14

District: 12

History: Father was blown up in the mine explosion so she had to take care of herself, her sister Prim, and her mother since her mother became a depressed unmoving shell of herself

Skills: Hunting, gathering berrys and foods, shooting a bow and arrow
Name: Mutt

Age: 17

District: 7

History: Mutt is an orphan from the seventh district that doesn't speak. He's had a past filled with violence against the peacekeepers. He's been lashed so many times for standing up for other workers in the district that his back holds little more than scars, and his knuckles have developed so much callous they're usable for little more than destroying.

Appearance: A mountain of a man, covered in harsh scars from his frequent beatings by the peackeepers. Mutt could get by completely on his own just fine, but he often chooses to help others along, and it shows in the severity of his scarring. Being mute, Mutt is often confused for a monster, despite his generally gentle attitude, because of his size, and scars.

Skills: Muscle, and skills in hand to hand combat, and with an axe
Name: Lizabeth

Age: Fourteen

District: District Four

History: Both her father and mother were very good peopel in the district. They knew the mayor, who ended up favoring the mother and father. But the mayor died one year, when Liza was only five or six, and her parents decided they needed to train her in fighting. They taught her how to swim, fight, and all this time they were under the watch of the mayor. Once he found out what they were doing, he killed the mother and father on the spot, leaving the girl with a family who already had too many burdens. When the drawing time came around, they entered her name as many times as the could, as they did for each child. Lizabeth wanted away form this horrible family, and district. Fighting was her nature, as she was literally raised that way, as long as she could remember. When her name wasn't drawn, she took the place of the girl whose name was drawn. She was determinded to get into the games, not really caring if she ame out alive or not.

Skills: Swimming, and fighting. Is horrible at concealing herself, or being quiet. Hates no noise, or too much noise, and is really jumpy.


Gender: Female

Other: Has ADHD, and can fight really well, but she was raised pampered for a few years, before the mayor died. So she is still weak inside, and really hates fighting, just really wants to be pampered and loved by her family.
Name: Nicolletta (Nikki) Mari Crims

Age: 17

District: 12

History: Her parents died when she was 3 years old. Afterwards she was taken in by her grandmother. 7 years later her name was being put into the reaping. Now, 10 years later her name may be pulled.

Skills: She's good with a knife and spear. She's also a very fast runner.

Looks-View attachment 1082
Uh, Katherine? Since no one else seems to be posting in here lately, I thought I'd let you know that there can only be one tribute of each gender from each district.

Just change district?

Sorry if I seem to be coming off rude ^^'
Sorry i didnt post sooner but kathrine is excepted and heartsteal this is all up to our imagination and interpretation we can change things up a bit if we want/need
Name: Thrax

Age: 18

Distract: 8

History: Thrax comes from a very large family where he is the youngest child and the only son. His mother is a seamstress though as of late her vision has started to go after years of going without glasses and his sisters have begun to take over the business. When he was very young his father died after poaching animals for fur to give to his mother. His mother got off only because of her ignorance to the operation though she was still given lashings in front of the entire town, having three scars on her face to show for it. Ever since then Thrax has dreamed of working his way out of District 8 and, however unlikely, finding his way in District 1.

Appearance: Thrax is thin and lithe with skilled fingers which are actually ideal for sewing. He has long black hair which he keeps back in a long braid tied back with a leather cord. His skin is an olive complexion, which conceals most of his scars from needle pricks which he would receive from his sisters whenever he would misbehave.

Skills: Thrax is skilled with basket weaving as well as rope work, being able to tie any knot and is moderate at setting traps. He is reluctant to admit his skills in sewing, finding it unimportant since it is common in his district.

Name: Ziora

Age: 17

District: 11

History: She was an only child from a small family. She has worked in the orchards sicne she was young with her parents. A very stereotypical life for her district.

Skills: Gathering, weaving, and is a skilled individual with hand to hand combat. She generally has a knife in her boot, but prefers to use her hands. Her body is her most dangerous weapon.
I LOVE the Hunger Games!

Name: Denzel



History:He was orphaned at age six, but a nice ole man named Dex took him in and taught him all about quick wiring and electronics devices

Skills: Good at wiring and noticing electronic devices. Good with a spear shotting darts from his hands and mouth, very good with scaling trees and quiet on his feet.
OCC: we can start now if you guys would like


Katniss jogged to the meeting spot her and Gale had arranged years ago. Today was the reaping so she was dressed nicer than usual, especially since she was in a dress. This made it harder to run so she hitched the dress to her thigh and sprinted closing the distance between her and Gale sitting on one of the little tree stump seats they had dug up and put there.
District Three

Denzel walked along the road, he hoppd over rocks and picked up pieces of wood tossing them about. He waved to some fellow friends sitting on the streets near garbage cans. Denzel gritted his teeth, today was the reaping, he clinched his fist slipting the wood in his hands and giving himself splinters. I hate the captial this district live in provety because of those freaks. He hissed out loud partly from the pain and partly out of hatered. He came to a low hut and opened the door. Dex was there in his nicest clothing instead of the factory. Dex turned and frown in disaproval half because Denzel was not properly dresed and half due to the splinters, he sighed

"Denzel..." He started and got his hand made tweezers out plucking the small bits of wood one by one. "You know what day it is..."

"Yeah , yeah I know." the teen moaned Dex gripped his shoulders for a minute,

"Denzel listen if they pick you today...Its your chioce what you do..just remember...what I have taught you."

"Aw come on Dex stop getting all sentamental its gonna be fine." he huffed "Guess I gotta go change anyway" he walked passed Dex and into the room they shared.
District One

Nikki quickly dressed in the pale silver and green dress her mother had bought her. Her little sister brushed her long blonde hair and she smiled as they walked to the square.
Denzel grumbled as he put on his best dress shirt, slacks and tie. The tie was the worse Dezel gave up and tied it around his forhead instead, he made faces at himself in the mirror laughing at each one, the stupid capital wanted this to be a sad day well not sir not for him, Denzel grinned rebelence in his light gray-blue eyes. He walked out back into the main room.

"Denzel..." came the known sigh of Dex as he untied the tight knot and retied the tie in the rightful place, "Please not today." He almost begged

"And why not? today is like any other ole day." Denzel argued back hotly and brushed back his strawberry-blonde bangs that hung low across his forhead he peeked at his watch . "Well I guess we should get going don't want to be late do we? all citzens must attend or die after you." He flagged out his arms in a gentlemans mannar. With that same sigh Dex walked passed shaking his head, but a surpressed grin was just beneath the disaproving frown. They walked to the square together.
Katniss finished and sadly departed from gale and when she got to the town square she was herded into a little roped off area like a sheep, she sighed and kept quiet.
District 11

Ziora was in the square already, in a fine white dress with her hair pulled up in what would be considered a "Formal" hairdo for the reaping. She looked around at the kids she had known all her life and shuddered that she may be seeing one of them die here soon....In person, or on live television. She locked her eyes onto the pool with the paper names, knowing the odds were greatly against her. Her name made up a large percentage, and she shifted from foot to foot anxiously.
Nikki blinked in surprise as her name was drawn and she was called. She walked up to the platform and stood there, motionless, until she was taken to District One's Justice Building. Her family came and said goodbye before she was loaded on the train. She watsched the rerun of the reapings and smiled at the face of Denzel. He was cute to her, too bad she would have to kill him in a matter of days.

It had all happened in a nightmarish blaze, his name being called, his feet walking up to the stand , grieving faces, but no-one coming forward to take his place. The saddness tears in Dex's eyes, in al thier eyes, the tone in their voices as they uttered what it seemed like their final goodbyes. Then everything went numb and silent. Somehow he ended up on a train. He sat stiffly for awhile not noticing anything, he was unaware that he was even brething. "Just remember all that I taught you....son" Those were his last words, he had called me....son well this son is not going to die under the capital's twisted games. A slow smirked formed on his face, no he would not die he would live. He streched his stiff arms and legs and another sickening thought struck him. I...I can't kill anyone.... Denzel shudered at the thought " Let the battle field take care of them, let them kill eachother, keep your enemies close and be mindful" came Dex's words again. The smirk returned, I will do just that and make it back to the old guy and tell him Denzel saw the rerun he looked so pale and frightened as his name was called , but now he focused on the others an took mental notes of each one. Wow alot of cute girls, to bad they would all die...
Katniss was shocked and devastated when little Prims name was called so much that before they could get her name out she volunteered "NO! Please NO! I volunteer!"
Nikki waved to the crowds from the window as her train pulled into the Capitol. Her pale blode hair blew in the light breeze as she stepped onto the platform. Her smile as she saw the pale face of her younger sister in the crowd screaming "NO!!!" Nikki blinked and Rachel was gone. A trick of my mind Nikki told herself.
Katniss ran to the stage and went through the process and got on her train as soon as possible shutting out the world she went to her room on the train and slept.

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