The Hunger Games [Inactive]


Junior Member
HunterJumper submitted a new role play:

The Hunger Games - It's the 57th Hunger Games, May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

Tomorrow is reaping day. A day when children 12 to 18 gather at the most wealthy place of there district. There are 12 districts and the The Capitol, the top place where the president and the wealthy live. Your born wealthy or your born in a district and you stay there. That is what makes up; Panem. Each district though is in charge of something, or that is what they are known for.
Capitol- a glorious place with people dressed crazily in bright clothing and pink hair or hair of all sorts and...
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Sky: I load the long bow taking a deep breath closing my eyes. If I get this animal, I'll have money poring in tommy family. We need this. Suddenly there are two of the animals, I could get both. I know it. I switch my aim for the big buck farther away in the forest I let the arrow rip before I take another shooting at the doe. The doe scrambles to get away and she walks away. The buck is moving fast but I had hit him! I shoot another arrow and the buck falls. I take another arrow and send it to the slow moving doe ending her life. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. The butcher will give me some serious money for these guys.

Hunter: " shoulders back. " My dad said as he taught me how to get even better with my long bow training. I released the arrow and it hit just off the centre, " good enough, now to the knives. " My dad said again.

" A tribute is running at you now and is about to through a spear, your long bow just broke and your knives are over there. Go!" he said. I ran faster then ever as I grabbed the knives and through them and they hit the targets that we used for knife throwing. " nicely done, that's enough for now, Hunter. Break time. " my dad said again. I sighed.
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