[The Hundred Worlds] Ryn'den C'ran


New Member

-Original Artist-:http://inubiko.deviantart.com/

Name: Ryn'den C'ran

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Appearance: Pale green skin, and a beige abdomen. His eyes are a vivd blue, and he is of middle height and weight for a Nagaji (7' 2", 257 lbs.)

Race: Nagaji

Homeworld: The Dragon Empire

Character Level: 3

Classes: Dragon Rider


Pyhsical: 1

Social: 1

Backstory: Ryn'den was pretty average for a Nagaji. Despite trying to prove his prowess over his fellow hatch-lings, adventure always called to him. Once he was old enough (and competent enough not to be killed by the first obstacle outside of Nagajor. In his travels, he stumbled upon a deep cave. While tentative at first, he nonetheless entered, and happened upon a dying Gold Dragon, which bequeathed to him the last of her eggs. Curious at first, he intended to eat it since the trip through the cave had forced him through a majority of his rations, but fate intervened as the egg hatched once the mother died. Sensing a connection to this hatching, Ryn'den decided against serving up the egg and allowed himself to be flown out of the cave, where the dragon proceeded to torch a small herd of cattle in celebration of its new found freedom. Deciding not to object, Ryn'den and the dragon, Ceabur, partook a meal together, the first of many as Ryn'den searches the world for his true calling.








Adjustments (Str Orig.= 15 (7 pts) +2 Racial, Int Orig= 14 (5 pts) -2 Racial, Cha Orig= 13(3 pts)+2 racial)


Hit points: 30

Base Attack Bonus: 3

Armor Class: 14 [10+2( Leather Armor)+1(dex)+1(Armored Scales)]

Main Attack weapons:

Great Sword {+6 (3-str, 3-BA) (1d8+4 [2-handed weapon]) 19-20/x2}

Quarterstaff {+6 (3-Str, 3-BA)[1d14/1d4 (S) 1d6/1d6 (M)] x2}

Long Bow {+4 (1-Dex, 3-BA) [1d6 (S) 1d8 (M) x2}

Special Defenses:

Fort Save: 5 [3(base)+2(Con)]

Ref Save: 4 [3(base)+1(Dex)]

Will Save: 4[3(base)+1(Wis)]

Init bonus: 1(Dex)

CMB: 6 [3(BAB)+3(Str)]

CMD: 17 [10+3(BAB)+3(Str)+1(Dex)]

Speed: 30 ft

Climb: 7 (3=Str, 1=rank, 3=Trn.)

Craft (Traps): 5 (1=Int, 1=rank, 3=Trn)

Diplomacy: 2 (2=Cha)

Fly: 5 (1=Int, 1=rank, 3=Trn)

Handle Animal: 10 (2=Cha, 3=rank, 3=Trn, 2=Racial)

Intimidate: 2 (2=Cha)

Knowledge (Arcana): 1 (1=Int)

Knowledge (Geography): 6 (1=Int, 2=rank, 3=Trn.)

Knowledge (Nobility): 5 (1=Int, 1=rank, 3=Trn.)

Perception: 3 (1=Wis, 2=racial)

Profession (Cook): 5 (1=Wis, 1=rank, 3=Trn.)

Ride: 6 (1=Dex, 2=rank, 3=Trn)

Spellcraft: 1 (1=Int)


Armored Scales: Nagaji have a +1 natural armor bonus from their scaly flesh.

Resistant: Nagaji receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against mind-affecting effects and poison.

Serpent's Sense: Nagaji receive a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks against reptiles, and a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.


Bonded Dragon Steed:

A bonded dragon can carry it’s rider as soon as it is the same size category as its rider, assuming it’s strength is great enough to bear the rider and his gear. Dragons’ carrying capacity is modified for their size as normal creatures, and as bonded dragon steeds they can fly (at full speed) even if heavily encumbered. A dragon can carry two creatures on size smaller than it, four creatures two sizes smaller, and sixteen creatures three or more sizes smaller (all assuming it has the Strength to do so).

The link between dragonrider and dragon grows in strength as the Dragonrider gains levels, allowing them to communicate more easily, feel each other’s location, and even transfer life essence to one another.


A dragonrider and his bonded dragon steed always know the direction to each other, and are aware of any conditions the other is suffering.

Low-Light Vision:

As the bond between dragonrider and dragon strengthens, it eventually grants the dragonrider some of his steeds amazing senses. At 2nd level, the dragonrider gains low-light vision. If the dragonrider already has natural low-light vision, the range of his low-light vision is doubled (allowing him to see four times as far as normal in dim or shadowy conditions).

Share Spells:

Starting at 2nd level, the dragonrider may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his dragon steed (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A dragonrider may cast spells on his dragon steed even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the steed’s type (dragon). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants a dragon steed. This ability does not allow the steed to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

Resist Energy:

Beginning at 3rd level, a dragonrider gains a natural resistance to damage of the same energy type as the damage of his bonded dragon steed’s breath weapon. This begins at energy resistance 5, and increase by 5 every 5 levels, to a maximum of energy resistance 20 at 18th level. The energy resistance is tied to the dragonrider’s current steed—should he change bonded dragons steed to one with a new type of breath weapon damage, his resistance also changes to the new type.

Quick Draw:

You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.


Normal: You move four times your speed while running (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load), and you lose yourdexterity bonus to AC.

Leather Armor

Great Sword



Ring of Arcane Signets

Heavy Mace

Masterwork Backpack

Traveler's Clothing

Hat (http://www.russianoptics.com/008.gif)


Map Case



Invisible Ink


Grappling Hook

Spider silk rope (50 ft.)





500 gp
Stats are slightly too high. drop Con to 14 and it adds up without affecting anything. You also get one more feat and should replace the bracers of armor with something else, since they don't stack with the actual armor.
Okay, I just swapped out bracers of Armor with Ring of Arcane Signets (Same Price), and Run as a feat.

Also, I was not made aware of Stats having a limit for character generation. but thanks for letting me know.
you spent 27 points, but characters are limited to 25 point buy. Still, everything checks out now. Good hunting, dragonrider.

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