[The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
The Merchant Prince Phobos is seeking a group of bodyguards, to protect him during an upcoming negotiation and to protect the merchandise while awaiting shipment. While nothing is expected to go wrong, added security never hurt. The job will take two days. If an attempt is made to either attack the Prince or on the merchandise, an additional 200 Numans will be rewarded if the identity of the one or ones responsible is discovered.

Reward: 800 Numans (worth 4,000gp)

Required Reputations:

Physical 1
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Only one person in the group requires Physical 1

Ah. Are still allowed to try and take the job anyway?
Lupus said:
more like the right ones and then you found out you couldn't take any jobs :P
Nah, I thought Physical meant physically strong. I am definitely a violence problem-solver.
*makes a silent beckoning motion with his tail at the party leader* ((Kodiak?)) "I'd like to join you, if I'm able. Still getting registered with the officials in Siddrew ((so I can join when/if my character is approved, I'm not trying to ignore the Storytellers. Just wanted to express interest), but I'd appreciate some coin. The name is Jorir and I place myself at your service. I'm damn good with a bow and with staying hidden. This seems like the perfect job for me. I can keep the flank secure from a better vantage and be an invisible member of the guard to keep suspicions lower."
*Shuffles up to Kodiak*

Greetings!....Or hello if you prefer. Ryn'den C'ran at your service...you can call me Ryn for short. I here you're looking for an able-bodied guard detail? I happen to know my way over terrain, I can create traps if we need to catch some food, and I can cook said food. Need help with managing animals? I can offer my services. And if we get into a fight, I'll be able to hold my own. My cut, should you accept me for this job, will be up to you. I look forward to an honest and successful partnership!
*Rogar looks up with a slightly annoyed look*

By the forgotten...*sees the two requesting to join the job* I just get my drink after taking interest and I'm being hounded. Look you two, from what I can tell of this job, there won't BE any traveling that would require food. Its just making sure a numistian and his merchandise is protected. For this, its not as important to be hidden as much as it is to see the hidden things trying to kill your job. I suppose that I could use you to make sure that the shipment is protected, but we should only need one man in the negotiations. So in the meantime, would you kindly back off so I can finish my drink?
*looks confused at Rogar* ((I was making the gesture at whoever is the party leader)) "Well, alright then, I suppose you're in charge."
*Chugs down half of his ale, then looks back over his shoulder* Still here? I thought I told you to back...*he stops as he notices Jorir* A ranger, huh...you might be useful after all. You look like you got good eyes; good chance of seeing an assassin before he strikes. You any good at catching someone alive? *he asks as he motions for the ranger to sit*
KodiakDug said:
*Chugs down half of his ale, then looks back over his shoulder* Still here? I thought I told you to back...*he stops as he notices Jorir* A ranger, huh...you might be useful after all. You look like you got good eyes; good chance of seeing an assassin before he strikes. You any good at catching someone alive? *he asks as he motions for the ranger to sit*
*sits down next to Rogar* "About as good a chance as I have catching any other animal alive. Which is pretty good. I can get some bolas or a net while we're in Siddrew, too. I have plenty of time though." *picks up a mug of mead with his tail and takes a long draw* "No rush", he smiles.
*sits down in a chair next to Rogar, the chair creaking from the sizable bulk placed on it* "Well, it looks like we're in this again old friend," Lavvis sighs, flashing a faint shadow of a smile at Rogar. "Why do we do it to ourselves anyway? The money? The fame? The adventure itself? Who knows?" he said with a shrug. "At any rate, this job is as good as any that we've taken in the past, and better than some, to be honest. Let's round up the kids and get the show underway."

*stands up and walks around Rogar toward Jorir* "My name's Lavvis, Lavvis Gatelocke by the way Mr...Jorir, was it? Looking forward to seeing what you can do in a life-or-death situation," Lavvis says, extending his hand to the simian sitting next to Rogar. "I hope I can count on you to cover my back, son, since this old pile of dwarf and steel cannot cover but half of it," he says chuckling, while clapping the dwarf on the shoulder.
*Turns to look at the creaking and is surprised to find a huge, nearly hairless man coming towards him.* "You should learn to respect your elders, pinky."
Lavvis, my good friend, I was just thinking of trying to find your half-rotten corpse to see if you'd want some work. With you on the job, the only ones who need to fear for their lives will be any thieves or assassins who try to get away with the merchant prince or his merchandise. Oh, by the way, Jorir, meet my old friend Lavvis. We've been through a few scrapes together. Lavvis, this is Jorir; I was hoping to have him as a set of eyes for this job. That, and possibly trying to capture anyone who tries to do anything stupid towards us.
*Puffs up, making himself appear larger (which works rather well, since his fur is thick)*

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