The Human Soul

Sorry, moving this to OOC.

If you'd like to do a one-on-one rp, I can be flexible in the character I make to make it more interesting. I had an angel in mind, or I can be human or fallen or demon? Im not fussed, I just wanna rp.
Well we could also have multipule characters each even, its a maybe on that one

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I'll admit im not brilliant at playing multiple characters within one rp, but I guess I can give it a go?
Hmmm well if yout not too comfortable with it we can do just single characters. We will just have to have a kind of plot going. Well what do you think? What kind of plot should we more or less have?

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What did you originally intend for this rp? If it's about demons, angels, banished, humans, fighting for souls. Something along the lines of a deal made between Angel and banished/demon to who can get the most souls? Corrupt or save? Something like 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus'?
Not so mucha deal between the two to save or corrupt, but a war to kill the other side, faught just under the surface.

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My computer crashed so I can't post until it's cooled down and fixed. Lost my profile. Well get one posted by tonight. Sorry e.e

Name: Colopatiron aka; Angel of Liberation.

Preferred name: Lopa (“Low-pah”)

Type: Third Triad Angel (Lowest Triad).

Sex: Female.

Appearance: 5’8, dark brown eyes, long hair in various tones of blonde.

Personality: Blunt, friendly, curious, temperamental,

History: Created before the fall, Lopa was always a strange one, taking far too much delight in the activities of the ‘human’s she was assigned to watch over. Her name was infamous, only by the number of times she was cautioned for getting too involved in the human’s ways of living.

Lopa is one of the lowest ranking angels of the Archangels choir 2. Her rank of angels are said to be angels of fire that enjoy human contact and can belong to various levels in the hierarch angel. Guidance within the third Trias varies; Lopa’s guide is the angel of liberation, deliverance and freedom. She guides those in struggle whilst inspiring them to relay on their inner knowing.

Though now roaming the earth she is not a fallen or banished angel, but more like a stubborn teenager sneaking out to go on adventures. Lopa is a rather lazy angel, enjoying human contact so much she prefers their way of life, indulging herself sinfully in drinking, smoking and eating human food. Above all she loves raw vegetables and fancy-looking cakes, coffee and Malibu.

Other: Wings are slightly bigger than in proportion for her body, resulting in powerful beats and the need to keep her wings tied down in a harness when out, but not in use. 
Done! It's done! It's here! YAY!

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