The Human Soul


The First Iron Warrior


Type: (Arch, Guardian, Seraphim)




History: (things such as being created before or after the fall)




Type: (based but not limited to the seven sins)








Type: (Angel type)




History: (may include why they were banished)














Lust (But not sexual, Surprising)




Lilleen has an apocalyptic style. She keeps her appearance hidden (like avatar photo) and wears a cloak but does not conceal her wings. Black shimmer eyes and blonde hair sweeping over face are visible.

Personality: She has a very mischievous personality. Shes mysterious when it comes to new people but a trickster with people who are close. She can be violent at times and does not trust easily.


Lilleen has roamed the world of humans for some time, choosing she enjoyed their world over hers. She recently started hearing about this commotion going on between worlds


I'm new and don't know to must about this stuff yet and would like to hear input and how this works. :)

type: Shape Shifter

Rank: Banished

name: Akira

sex : male

Origin: Akira was once the right hand of the leader Demon slayers. in order to protect his allys he sold his soul for the power to destroy his enemies. Because of this choice he was excommunicated with his order and roams from place to place as a mercinery.

Appearance : Tall and moderately muscled to the naked h

eye. beneath his flesh is dense muscle. he wears bright crimson hair down as to cover his face. his attire consists of a long black cloak, Black leather armor that has a bright red V stitched in the right breast. he has little to no control over his power thus when he gets too excited he loses control and attacks friend and foe alike.

Name: Lyssanna (Lysa) Gray

Age: 20

Sex: female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IMG_28827760620132.jpeg.2cb1efae8fe4923d5666176c8635142b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IMG_28827760620132.jpeg.2cb1efae8fe4923d5666176c8635142b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Lysa's generally a quiet person who has a pretty serious attitude. She is hard working and doesn't do anything without a purpose, especially when it comes to spending money. Everything in life should be like a well-oiled machine to her as wasting time means less money which means less food on the table or opportunities for the future.

History: Lysa had bounced around the foster care system for eighteen years. In her last year of high school she received a very impressive scholarship to Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. Since then, she has been working various part time jobs to keep herself afloat because although the scholarship pays for the college classes, it doesn't feed her stomach or do much else.

Other: She usually gets a maximum of 4 hours of sleep.



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Name: Rory Archer

Age: 25

Sex: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pilot01.png.98bd6db3dfa6c1a2ad71076bd68b459d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pilot01.png.98bd6db3dfa6c1a2ad71076bd68b459d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's not a bad guy, putting his personality in a nutshell. He's pretty kind and laid-back, but he's stubborn and a bit too sick of the world for his own good. Sure, he'll help someone in need, but he won't stick around unless he has some reason to stay. He's a wanderer. A lone, prideful bastard who's trying to find some reason to keep kicking. He's not some straight-up serious nut, but that's not to say his humor's not a little bit on the dry side. But he tries, and that counts for something, right?

History: The best place to start his story would be when he wormed his way into the US Air Force at the stupid age of 15. He wasn't legal age to get in, but he wasn't going to let anyone else know that! So he got in by some kind of dumb luck. He trained, he fought, and he clawed his way up to the nice, comfy position of Brigadier General within five years. And then he made the genius mistake of committing treason and selling out some important information to the Russians. Good job, Rory. When the big guys caught wind of this act, they freaked out, and devised a plan to get rid of him, because, hey, treason doesn't go over that well with the government, apparently. So they set up this whole scenario. Sent Rory out on a jet to some terrorist base to take care of him. He was supposed to crash and die and it'd be called an accident. Yeah, he crashed, but he survived. But they didn't know that. They thought he died, and he's been considered legally dead for the past three years.

Other: He's got a scar on his left cheek, and the entire right side of his body (from his shoulder and down) is completely covered in a burn mark. He also carries a Von Herder air rifle wherever he goes.

(Also: I apologize for the spam of text/history.)



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Name: Lorgar

Type: Seraphim

Sex: Male



Personality: Nice and caring towards most other Demons, and Angels (unless they attack him). Tries to save humans where he can. fights against angels because they believe and fight for a god that would banish those that dont follow him, condem his greatest creations, banish his favorite son, and let the world destroy itself just so he can watch.

History: Fought on the side of Lucifer in the rebellion and was cast down to the mortal realm rather then Hell. Believes that Lucifer was right to want mankind to be aware of the Fathers plan, and to guide them to salvation so none would suffer. Believes what he did was right and still fights to save humanity from a god he believes would condemn innocent people just for what seems like his own twisted glory. Fights demons as well because of their now corrupted views and goals when dealing with humans.

Other: Has black wings 
Name: Alavander

Race: Banished Angel, Previously Angel of Death



Persona: doesn't like that he was banished from heaven, doesn't like demons much, most of them he fought against so yeah, has some friends down under but not more then he can count on one hand, is on the fence in what side he wants to take, those who want to kill him, or those that banished him. has a distrust towards both sides. more of a protector of humans, seeing as he got banished for them, and loves to see peace and tranquility

History: fought on the side with God although had friends on Lucifer side, watched Lucifer fall and became the Angel of death, as time went on he was in charge of dispensing Gods judgement on man kind, when he refused to do it anymore he was banished to earth never to see paradise again. 
You mat all have two characters if you want. If you really want a third PM me

Name: Malachi

Type: Guardian

Sex: Male



Personality: He is strong, brave, and shows no fear in the face of evil. He hates the demons for defying the creator and endangering the people of earth. He fights to keep them safe doing whatever it takes. He trusts the creator and believes that he has the best intentions, even if he may not understand. He can be stubborn and quick to judge, sometimes acts on impulse.

History: Created before Lucifer's fall he was shocked like many to hear that Lucifer was betraying the creator. He quickly joined the fight against him and assisted in banishing many other angels that chose to side with Lucifer.

Other: Because of his loyalty to the creator and his will to banish the demons and all who oppose the creator, he spends most of his time on earth's surface hunting demons that prey on humans.


Name: Scarlett

Type: Lust

Sex: Female



Personality: She is mysterious and sultry. Every move she makes has a seductive hint to it. She is capable of making both men and women swoon over her. Her voice is like velvet and her looks are that of a goddess. The moment anyone sees her they can't help but want her. She is passionate and fierce, her presence gives off a seductively dangerous feel. She is powerful and strong, but can have the most innocent charm. A black widow through and through. She hates the creator with a passion and wants nothing more than to assist in over throwing heaven and break the hearts of men in the process. She find lustful men and takes their souls.

History: She was Angel before Lucifer's fall, and would often admire the love of couples in the mortal realm. She secretly wanted to feel something like this herself and began to hate her creator for prohibiting it thinking it cruel. So she did not hesitate to join in the fight against the creator. In the battle her wings were ripped off and she fell as she was condemned to hell. Eventually she made her way to the surface, now twisted by damnation she sought to wreak havoc on the creator's 'finest creations'

Other: Secretly deep down she still wishes to fall in love.
XxRoseAlchemistxX said:
Name: Malachi

Type: Guardian

Sex: Male



Personality: He is strong, brave, and shows no fear in the face of evil. He hates the demons for defying the creator and endangering the people of earth. He fights to keep them safe doing whatever it takes. He trusts the creator and believes that he has the best intentions, even if he may not understand. He can be stubborn and quick to judge, sometimes acts on impulse.

History: Created before Lucifer's fall he was shocked like many to hear that Lucifer was betraying the creator. He quickly joined the fight against him and assisted in banishing many other angels that chose to side with Lucifer.

Other: Because of his loyalty to the creator and his will to banish the demons and all who oppose the creator, he spends most of his time on earth's surface hunting demons that prey on humans.


Name: Scarlett

Type: Lust

Sex: Female



Personality: She is mysterious and sultry. Every move she makes has a seductive hint to it. She is capable of making both men and women swoon over her. Her voice is like velvet and her looks are that of a goddess. The moment anyone sees her they can't help but want her. She is passionate and fierce, her presence gives off a seductively dangerous feel. She is powerful and strong, but can have the most innocent charm. A black widow through and through. She hates the creator with a passion and wants nothing more than to assist in over throwing heaven and break the hearts of men in the process. She find lustful men and takes their souls.

History: She was Angel before Lucifer's fall, and would often admire the love of couples in the mortal realm. She secretly wanted to feel something like this herself and began to hate her creator for prohibiting it thinking it cruel. So she did not hesitate to join in the fight against the creator. In the battle her wings were ripped off and she fell as she was condemned to hell. Eventually she made her way to the surface, now twisted by damnation she sought to wreak havoc on the creator's 'finest creations'

Other: Secretly deep down she still wishes to fall in love.
flowshifter said:
type: Shape Shifter

Rank: Banished

name: Akira

sex : male

Origin: Akira was once the right hand of the leader Demon slayers. in order to protect his allys he sold his soul for the power to destroy his enemies. Because of this choice he was excommunicated with his order and roams from place to place as a mercinery.

Appearance : Tall and moderately muscled to the naked h

eye. beneath his flesh is dense muscle. he wears bright crimson hair down as to cover his face. his attire consists of a long black cloak, Black leather armor that has a bright red V stitched in the right breast. he has little to no control over his power thus when he gets too excited he loses control and attacks friend and foe alike.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/uploadfromtaptalk1404076369626.jpg.ee523ece6a64140d212c69a9ce39724a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/uploadfromtaptalk1404076369626.jpg.ee523ece6a64140d212c69a9ce39724a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Corrin

Type: Unknown

Sex: Female

Appearance: Angel side- Long white/blonde hair and light green eyes. She is conservative with the way she dresses, and rarely wears make up. Demon side- Bright red(not orange) hair and dark green eyes. She wears lots of short skirts and tiny tank tops.

Personality: Angel side-Shy, sweet, caring, and loving. She doesn't want anyone to get hurt because or for her. She only wants the best for everyone. Demon side- Sh can be a total bitch. She's mischievous and sneaky, and she'll lie to get her way.

History: Corrin was banished from the Heavens at a young age, although she has the appearance and personality of an angel, sometimes her demonic side got out of control. She suffers from depression and bipolar. She has been living on the streets for most of her life.

Her parents were also banished from their residing homes. The reason? One was an angel, the other? A demon.

Other: Her personality changes with the moment. So she can be one way for a few days and then the other way for 3 hours and then back. Also I will post pictures when my computer wants to work.
well this looks like its going to be it so everyone post start in the OCC section and once we get a majority of us then I will make the opening post
it is one of the tabs up top, that and we have already started if you want to head over to the Roleplay tab.
I think it kinda died, people didn't start so it turned into a one on one and then she left. So I may just try it as a one on one.

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A one-on-one would be great actually. People post so fast here it's hard for me to keep up with work and the time difference.
I'm so sorry! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from this in while and now I know it's because of my own derp move...

again.... sorry this is why I stay away from 1x1 rps

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